I am using the following code to enter submitted names into the database. The code, when working correctly, should capture the names and other information submitted in the form and create three unique entries in the database. This is not happening. Instead the code is capturing the last name in the three pack and entering its information into the database. You can view the form here beta website. The payment processing script is disabled on the form. What do I need to change in the for loop code to fix this issue? Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you. I have added all of the code that is used in the script below. Hopefully this will give you a better understanding of what is going on in the script.
class DreamModelDream extends JModel {
function getDetails()
$session = JFactory::getSession();
return $session->get('dreamticket');
$data = new stdClass();
$data->tickets = -1;
$data->fiftytickets = '';
$data->qty = 0;
$data->fiftyqty = 0;
$data->firstname = '';
$data->firstname2 = '';
$data->firstname3 = '';
$data->lastname = '';
$data->lastname2 = '';
$data->lastname3 = '';
$data->address = '';
$data->address2 = '';
$data->address3 = '';
$data->city = '';
$data->city2 = '';
$data->city3 = '';
$data->postal = '';
$data->postal2 = '';
$data->postal3 = '';
$data->phone = '';
$data->phone2 = '';
$data->phone3 = '';
$data->altphone = '';
$data->altphone2 = '';
$data->altphone3 = '';
$data->email = '';
$data->email2 = '';
$data->email3 = '';
$data->giftname = '';
$data->giftaddress = '';
$data->giftcity = '';
$data->giftpostal = '';
$data->sec_firstname = '';
$data->sec_firstname2 = '';
$data->sec_firstname3 = '';
$data->sec_lastname = '';
$data->sec_lastname2 = '';
$data->sec_lastname3 = '';
$data->agegroup = 0;
$data->expm = 0;
$data->expy = 0;
$data->nameoncard = '';
$data->cctype = '';
$data->ccnum = '';
$data->Media_Radio = false;
$data->Media_TV = false;
$data->Media_Newspaper = false;
$data->Media_Mail = false;
$data->Media_Web = false;
$data->Media_Kinsmen_Member = false;
$data->Media_Other = false;
$data->Radio_CJCY = false;
$data->Radio_MY96 = false;
$data->Radio_ROCK = false;
$data->Radio_CHAT = false;
$data->Radio_POWER = false;
$data->Radio_Other = false;
$data->total = false;
$data->billingphone = '';
$data->agree = 0;
$data->ord_type = 0;
$data->creditcard = '';
$data->user_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
return $data;
function getConfirmDetails()
$post = JRequest::get('post');
$ticket = new stdClass();
foreach($post as $key => $value)
$ticket->$key = $value;
$session = JFactory::getSession();
$session->set('dreamticket', $ticket);
return "Your first name is missing<br>";
return "Your last name is missing<br>";
return "Your address is missing<br>";
return "Your city is missing<br>";
return "Your postal code is missing<br>";
if (!preg_match("/^T\d\w\d\w\d$/i", $post['postal'])) {
//return "Your postal code is invalid for this province<br>";
return "Your phone number is missing<br>";
return "Your email is missing<br>";
if($post['tickets'] == '-1'){
////////// TICKET 2
return "Your first2 name is missing<br>";
return "Your last2 name is missing<br>";
return "Your address2 is missing<br>";
return "Your city2 is missing<br>";
return "Your postal2 code is missing<br>";
if (!preg_match("/^T\d\w\d\w\d$/i", $post['postal2'])) {
//return "Your postal2 code is invalid for this province<br>";
return "Your phone number2 is missing<br>";
/////////////Ticket 3
return "Your first name3 is missing<br>";
return "Your last name3 is missing<br>";
return "Your address3 is missing<br>";
return "Your city3 is missing<br>";
return "Your postal code3 is missing<br>";
if (!preg_match("/^T\d\w\d\w\d$/i", $post['postal3'])) {
//return "Your postal code3 is invalid for this province<br>";
return "Your phone number3 is missing<br>";
return "Your Name on Credit Card is missing<br>";
if($post['cctype'] == "Please select one"){
return "Your Credit Card Type is missing<br>";
return "Your Credit Card Number is missing<br>";
return "Your billing phone number is missing<br>";
return "Your must agree to the Lottery rules in order to proceed<br>";
return $ticket;
function process()
$user = JFactory::getUser();
$params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_dream');
$session = JFactory::getSession();
$data = $session->get('dreamticket');
return false;
$dif = strtotime("-1 hour");
$timestamp = date("F j, Y, g:i a",$dif);
$ord_id = date('ymdHis') . rand(1000,9999);
$ticket_total = (int) (($data->tickets == '-1') ? '250' : (int) $data->tickets * 100);
$fiftyticket_total = (int) (($data->fiftytickets == '0') ? '' : (int) $data->fiftytickets * 10);
$ordertotal = $ticket_total + $fiftyticket_total;
if(strlen($data->expm) == 1)
$data->expm = '0'.$data->expm;
if(strlen($data->expy) != 2)
$data->expy = substr($data->expy, 2, 2);
$data->total = $ordertotal;
$table = JTable::getInstance('Tickets', 'Table');
$table->auth = $auth;
$table->billingphone = $data->billingphone;
$table->Media_Radio = isset($data->Media_Radio) ? 1 : 0;
$table->Media_TV = isset($data->Media_TV) ? 1 : 0;
$table->Media_Newspaper = isset($data->Media_Newspaper) ? 1 : 0;
$table->Media_Mail = isset($data->Media_Mail) ? 1 : 0;
$table->Media_Web = isset($data->Media_Web) ? 1 : 0;
$table->Media_Kinsmen_Member = isset($data->Media_Kinsmen_Member) ? 1 : 0;
$table->Media_Other = isset($data->Media_Other) ? 1 : 0;
$table->Radio_CJCY = isset($data->Radio_CJCY) ? 1 : 0;
$table->Radio_MY96 = isset($data->Radio_MY96) ? 1 : 0;
$table->Radio_ROCK = isset($data->Radio_ROCK) ? 1 : 0;
$table->Radio_CHAT = isset($data->Radio_CHAT) ? 1 : 0;
$table->Radio_POWER = isset($data->Radio_POWER) ? 1 : 0;
$table->Radio_Other = isset($data->Radio_Other) ? 1 : 0;
$table->agegroup = $data->agegroup;
$table->orderdate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$table->ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$table->ord_type = ($user->get('id') > 0) ? 'CallCentre' : 'online';
$table->ord_id = $ord_id;
if($data->tickets == '0') {
$table->ticket_type = 'None';
} elseif($data->tickets == '-1') {
$table->ticket_type = '3Pack';
} elseif($data->tickets == '1') {
$table->ticket_type = '1ticket';
} elseif($data->tickets == '5') {
$table->ticket_type = '8tickets';
if($data->fiftytickets == '0') {
$table->fiftyticket_type = 'None';
} elseif($data->fiftytickets == '1') {
$table->fiftyticket_type = '1ticket';
} elseif($data->fiftytickets == '2') {
$table->fiftyticket_type = '3tickets';
$table->province = 'AB';
$table->creditcard = $data->cctype;
if(isset($data->giftpurchase)) {
$table->giftname = $data->giftname;
$table->giftadress = $data->giftadress;
$table->giftcity = $data->giftcity;
$table->giftpostal = $data->giftpostal;
$data->ord_id = $ord_id;
$tickets = 1;
$table->qty = $data->tickets;
if($data->tickets === '-1')
$tickets = 3;
$table->qty = 3;
} elseif($data->tickets === '1')
$tickets = 1;
$table->qty = 1;
} elseif($data->tickets === '5')
$tickets = 8;
$table->qty = 8;
$threepack = '';
$i = '';
for($i = 0; $i < $tickets; $i++)
$firstname = 'firstname'.$threepack;
$lastname = 'lastname'.$threepack;
$address = 'address'.$threepack;
$city = 'city'.$threepack;
$postal = 'postal'.$threepack;
$phone = 'phone'.$threepack;
$altphone = 'altphone'.$threepack;
$sec_firstname = 'sec_firstname'.$threepack;
$sec_lastname = 'sec_lastname'.$threepack;
$email = 'email'.$threepack;
$table->firstname = $data->$firstname;
$table->lastname = $data->$lastname;
$table->address = $data->$address;
$table->city = $data->$city;
$table->postal = $data->$postal;
$table->phone = $data->$phone;
$table->altphone = $data->$altphone;
$table->sec_firstname = $data->$sec_firstname;
$table->sec_lastname = $data->$sec_lastname;
$table->email = $data->$email;
$table->id = 0;
if($data->tickets === '-1' || $data->tickets === '5')
if($threepack == 2)
$threepack = 3;
} else {
$threepack = 2;
$fiftytickets = 1;
$table->fiftyqty = $data->fiftytickets;
if($data->fiftytickets === '1')
$fiftytickets = 1;
$table->fiftyqty = 1;
} elseif($data->fiftytickets === '2')
$fiftytickets = 3;
$table->fiftyqty = 3;
$table->order_total = $data->total;
//sending confirmation mail
$mailcontent = '';
for($i = 0; $i < $data->tickets; $i++)
I have figured out the issues with the for loop. The fiftytickets code needed to be moved above the for loop and the $table->store() function needed to be moved into the for loop and placed after the $table->id line. Now when a ticket or tickets are purchased, three entries with the same name or unique names are inserted into the database.
I am unable to enter multiple data, it enter only single data. I have tried using for loop and then entering data, using 3 user and 2 task, there is an error previously offset.
public function add($postData)
// dd($postData);
$c = count($postData['user_name']);
$t = count($postData['task_name']);
for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
$user_name = $postData['user_name'][$i];
$user_email = $postData['user_email'][$i];
$data['insert']['user_name'] = $user_name;
$data['insert']['user_email'] = $user_email;
for ($j = 0; $j < $t; $j++) {
$task_name = $postData['task_name'][$j];
$data['insert']['task_name'] = $task_name;
$data['insert']['name'] = $postData['name'];
$data['insert']['description'] = $postData['description'];
$data['insert']['customer_name'] = $postData['customer_name'];
$data['insert']['billing_method'] = $postData['billing_method'];
$data['insert']['dt_created'] = DT;
$data['table'] = PROJECT;
$result = $this->insertRecord($data);
if ($result == true) {
$response['status'] = 'success';
$response['message'] = 'Project created';
} else {
$response['status'] = 'danger';
$response['message'] = DEFAULT_MESSAGE;
return $response;
As Per lack of question details attached, I am supposing that you want to insert multiple task entry with project name, description etc.
Here is updated code:
// dd($postData);
$username = $postData['username'];
$user_email = $postData['user_email'];
$task_name = $postData['task_name'];
foreach ($username as $key => $value) {
$data['insert']['name'] = $postData['name'];
$data['insert']['description'] = $postData['description'];
$data['insert']['customer_name'] = $postData['customer_name'];
$data['insert']['billing_method'] = $postData['billing_method'];
$data['insert']['username'] = $value;
$data['insert']['user_email'] = $user_email[$key];
$data['insert']['task_name'] = $task_name[$key];
$data['insert']['dt_created'] = DT;
$data['table'] = PROJECT;
$result = $this->insertRecord($data);
<input type="checkbox" name="f[]"value="sport">
<input type="checkbox" name="f[]"value="reading">
<input type="checkbox" name="f[]"value="arguments">
<input type="checkbox" name="f[]"value="tv">
and this is the php:
$sport = $_POST['f'];
$sport = 1;}
$reading = $_POST['f'];
$reading = 1;}
$argument = $_POST['f'];
$argument = 1;}
$tv = $_POST['tv'];
$tv = 1;}
$problem = false;
} else{
$e = false;
$sport = 0;
$reading = 0;
$argument = 0;
$tv = 0;
so what is wrong? what should i do?problem comes when i won`t select any of those checkboxes! plus it dose not send to mysql it set record but does not show that! even the code says that if none of them were checked get them value of 0! and it must get the 0 in mysql but it refuse to do that....
Try this instead of your code,
if (isset($_POST['f'])) {
if (in_array("sport", $_POST['f'])) {
$sport = 1;
} else {
$sport = 0;
if (in_array("reading", $_POST['f'])) {
$reading = 1;
} else {
$reading = 0;
if (in_array("arguments", $_POST['f'])) {
$argument = 1;
} else {
$argument = 0;
if (in_array("tv", $_POST['f'])) {
$tv = 1;
} else {
$tv = 0;
$problem = false;
In my project I have a product add page and it has an edit option.
Added product details will goto the product table in mysql database.
I want to log all the editings which includes the time and user it edits.
I done it by creating a copy of table product as product_updated.
Whenever the product is edited, the product table value of that product is stored in the product_updated table with time and user updated.
Then product table is updated with new values.
I'm done it in php mvc framework. My model has the following function.
This is worked,but it shows some error when product name contains ' symbol.
What is the correct way to do this?
function product_edit_save($id = 0,$user_id) {
$query= $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM product WHERE product_id = $id");
$result = $this->db->fetch_object($query);
foreach ($result as $row) {
$this->db->query("INSERT INTO product_updated SET product_id=$row->product_id,product_code = '$row->product_code', product_name =' $row->product_name', product_category = $row->product_category,
product_subcategory = $row->product_subcategory, product_supplier = ' $row->product_supplier', product_generic = $row->product_generic,
product_manufacturer =$row->product_manufacturer,product_image = '$row->product_image', product_combination = $row->product_combination, product_package =$row->product_package,
product_desc = '$row->product_desc', product_type = '$row->product_type', product_division = '$row->product_division',
product_chemical_name='$row->product_chemical_name',product_updatetime=now(),product_update_user=$user_id,product_banned=$row->product_banned", true);
$validate_form = true;
$validate_error = array();
$return['status'] = false;
$return['message'] = '';
if ($_POST) {
$code = isset($_POST['code']) ? $_POST['code'] : '';
$name = isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : '';
$category = isset($_POST['category']) ? $_POST['category'] : '';
$sub_category = isset($_POST['sub_category']) ? $_POST['sub_category'] : '';
$generic = isset($_POST['generic']) ? $_POST['generic'] : '';
$manufacturer = isset($_POST['manufacturer']) ? $_POST['manufacturer'] : '';
$combination = isset($_POST['combination']) ? $_POST['combination'] : '';
$package = isset($_POST['package']) ? $_POST['package'] : '';
$desc = isset($_POST['desc']) ? $_POST['desc'] : '';
$type = isset($_POST['type']) ? $_POST['type'] : '';
$division = isset($_POST['division']) ? $_POST['division'] : '';
$chemicalname = isset($_POST['chemicalname']) ? $_POST['chemicalname'] : '';
$ban = isset($_POST['ban']) ? $_POST['ban'] : 0;
if (isset($_POST['supplier'])) {
$supplier = $_POST['supplier'];
} else {
$supplier = array();
if ($code == "") {
$validate_error[] = "Code";
$validate_form = false;
} else {
$esc_id = $this->db->escape($id);
$esc_code = $this->db->escape($code);
if ($this->db->num_rows($this->db->query("SELECT product_code FROM product WHERE product_code = $esc_code AND product_id != $esc_id")) != 0) {
$validate_error[] = "Code Duplication";
$validate_form = false;
if ($name == "") {
$validate_error[] = "Name";
$validate_form = false;
if ($category == "-1") {
$validate_error[] = "Category";
$validate_form = false;
if ($manufacturer == "-1") {
$validate_error[] = "Manufacturer";
$validate_form = false;
if ($validate_form) {
$esc_filename = $this->db->escape('');
$isimage = "";
if (isset($_FILES['image']['name'])) {
$image = $this->library['upload']->image($_FILES['image'], UPLOAD, '180');
if ($image['status'] == 0) {
$validate_error[] = 'image ( ' . $image['message'] . ' )';
$validate_form = false;
} else {
$esc_filename = $this->db->escape($image['filename']);
$isimage = ",product_image = $esc_filename";
} else {
$isimage = "";
if ($validate_form) {
$esc_id = $this->db->escape($id);
$sub_category = isset($_POST['sub_category']) ? $_POST['sub_category'] : '';
$generic = isset($_POST['generic']) ? $_POST['generic'] : '';
$manufacturer = isset($_POST['manufacturer']) ? $_POST['manufacturer'] : '';
$combination = isset($_POST['combination']) ? $_POST['combination'] : '';
$package = isset($_POST['package']) ? $_POST['package'] : '';
$desc = isset($_POST['desc']) ? $_POST['desc'] : '';
$type = isset($_POST['type']) ? $_POST['type'] : '';
$division = isset($_POST['division']) ? $_POST['division'] : '';
$esc_code = $this->db->escape($code);
$esc_name = $this->db->escape(strtoupper($name));
$esc_category = $this->db->escape($category);
$esc_sub_category = $this->db->escape($sub_category);
$esc_supplier = $this->db->escape(implode(",", $supplier));
$esc_generic = $this->db->escape($generic);
$esc_manufacturer = $this->db->escape($manufacturer);
$esc_combination = $this->db->escape($combination);
$esc_package = $this->db->escape($package);
$esc_desc = $this->db->escape($desc);
$esc_type = $this->db->escape(strtoupper($type));
$esc_division = $this->db->escape(strtoupper($division));
$esc_chemicalname = $this->db->escape($chemicalname);
try {
$this->db->query("UPDATE product SET product_code = $esc_code, product_name = $esc_name, product_category = $esc_category,product_chemical_name=$esc_chemicalname,
product_subcategory = $esc_sub_category, product_supplier = $esc_supplier, product_generic = $esc_generic,
product_manufacturer = $esc_manufacturer, product_combination = $esc_combination, product_package = $esc_package,
product_desc = $esc_desc $isimage,product_type = $esc_type, product_division = $esc_division,product_banned=$esc_ban WHERE product_id = $esc_id", true);
$return['status'] = true;
$return['message'] = "Successfully Updated";
return $return;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$return['message'] = "Failed to Update";
return $return;
} else {
$return['message'] = "Invalid Field " . implode(", ", $validate_error);
return $return;
mysql_real_escape_string() is deprecated.
Use stripslashes() to clean the variables and (optional) use addslashes() to add them back when reading them.
$supplier = stripslashes($_POST['supplier']);
As a sidenote, do not use isset(), use !empty().
if(!empty($your_variable)) { ... }
instead of
if(isset($your_variable)) { ... }
In order to make this or you should follow the best practices when it comes to prevention from SQL Injection http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
You could either use prepared statements (best option) or at least escape the data that you input in your SQL queries using mysqli_real_escape_string: http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli.real-escape-string.php
This way a query like this
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'test'data';
will become this
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'test\'data';
And you will stop getting errors.
Hello I have the following array that is a result form a function that is being called based on (isset)
function: list_activity_details_array() returns:
{"activity_related_to_id":"2","activity_id":"14","activity_type_icon":"fa fa-phone","activity_title":"call","activity_created_by":"User Last","activity_create_date":"03-08-2015","activity_due_date":"04-01-2015","acitvity_url_param":"contact_id","activity_details":"email and call details"})
How can I view the array element in html. for example. if the field is activity_details. How can I only view the activity_details by calling the function and the element?
Here is the code that shows the array:
function list_activity_details_array(){
global $connection;
//$contact_id = $_REQUEST['contact_id'];
$activity_id = $_REQUEST['activity_id'];
$get = "SELECT * FROM activity_base WHERE activity_id = '$activity_id' "
or die("Error: ".mysqli_error($connection));
$query = mysqli_query($connection, $get);
//Get activity base information
$activity_array = array();
while ($activity = mysqli_fetch_array($query)){
$activity_related_to_id = $activity ['activity_related_to_id'];
$activity_id = $activity['activity_id'];
$activity_type_id = $activity['activity_type_id'];
$activity_entity_type_id = $activity['activity_entity_type_id'];
$activity_title = $activity['activity_title'];
$activity_created_by = $activity['activity_created_by'];
$activity_status_code_id = $activity['activity_status_code_id'];
//Reverse Date
$activity_create_date = date("m-d-Y", strtotime($activity['activity_created_on']));
$activity_due_date = date("m-d-Y", strtotime($activity['activity_due_date']));
if ($activity_type_id == "1"){
$activity_type_icon = "fa fa-envelope";
}else if ($activity_type_id == "3"){
$activity_type_icon = "fa fa-suitcase";
}else if ($activity_type_id == "2"){
$activity_type_icon = "fa fa-phone";
if ($activity_entity_type_id == "1") {
$acitvity_url_param = "acct_id";
$acitivty_is_for ="accounts_base";
//$page_url = "account-profile.php";
}else if ($activity_entity_type_id == "2") {
$acitvity_url_param = "contact_id";
$acitivty_is_for ="contacts";
//$page_url = "contact-profile.php";
}else if ($activity_entity_type_id == "3") {
$acitvity_url_param = "contact_id";
$acitivty_is_for ="contacts";
//$page_url = "contact-profile.php";
//Get detailed activity information
//If activity is Email
if ($activity_type_id == "1") {
$email_details = email_activity_details($activity_id);
while ( $email = mysqli_fetch_assoc($email_details)) {
$activity_details = nl2br($email['email_message']);
}else if ($activity_type_id == "2") {
$call_details = call_activity_details($activity_id);
while ( $call = mysqli_fetch_assoc($call_details)) {
$activity_details = $call['call_details'];
}else if ($activity_type_id == "3") {
$meeting_details = meeting_activity_details($activity_id);
while ( $meeting = mysqli_fetch_assoc($meeting_details)) {
$activity_details = $meeting['meeting_details'];
//Get creator user info
$user_query = get_user_info($activity_created_by);
while ($user = mysqli_fetch_array($user_query)) {
$activity_created_by = $user['user_full_name'];
$activity_array['activity_related_to_id'] = $activity['activity_related_to_id'];
$activity_array['activity_id'] = $activity['activity_id'];
$activity_array['activity_related_to_id'] = $activity['activity_related_to_id'];
$activity_array['activity_type_icon'] = $activity_type_icon;
$activity_array['activity_title'] = $activity['activity_title'];
$activity_array['activity_created_by'] = $activity_created_by;
$activity_array['activity_create_date'] = $activity_create_date;
$activity_array['activity_due_date'] = $activity_due_date;
$activity_array['acitvity_url_param'] = $acitvity_url_param;
$activity_array['activity_details'] = $activity_details;
$activity_array['activity_title'] = $activity['activity_title'];
$encode = json_encode($activity_array);
if (isset($_REQUEST['activity_id'])) {
Looks like JSON to me so you'll need to
$foo = json_decode($output);
Which then should allow you to refer to:
echo $foo['activity_related_to_id'];
// Outputing 2
I am trying to insert last 2 chararcters of Url into my database.When i insert everytime it takes some number like "2147483647".How to insert the correct last 2 chararcters of Url.
'$array = json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['data']));
for($i = 0, $l = sizeof($array); $i < $l; $i++){
$obj = $array[$i];
if($obj->{'leaf'} == true){
$leaf = 1;
} else{
$leaf = 0;
if($obj->{'parentId'} == null){
$parentID = 'null';
} else{
$parentID = $obj->{'parentId'};
$duration = 0;
} else{
$duration = $obj->{'Duration'};
$url = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) ? "https://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$gantt_id = substr(strrchr($url, '='), 1);
$gantt_id = 0;
} else{
$gantt_id = $obj->{'gantt_id'};
$q = 'INSERT INTO j_gantt_tasks SET Name = "'.$obj->{'Name'}.'", StartDate = "'.$obj->{'StartDate'}.'", EndDate = "'.$obj->{'EndDate'}.'",
Duration = "'.$obj->{'Duration'}.'", DurationUnit = "'.$obj->{'DurationUnit'}.'", PercentDone = "'.$obj->{'PercentDone'}.'", Cls = "'.$obj->{'Cls'}.'", gantt_id="'.$gantt_id.'",
parentId = "'.$obj->{'parentId'}.'"';
$r = mysql_query($q);
echo db_error($q);
$obj->{'id'} = mysql_insert_id();
echo json_encode($array);'
give a try to substring
$url = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) ?
$last2 = substring($url,-2);