I'm trying to echo out multiple rows from a sql database, but I get the error Warning. Illegal string offset 'Date' In....
$channel_check = mysql_query("SELECT content, Date FROM wgo WHERE Posted_By='$user' ORDER by `id` DESC;");
$numrows_cc = mysql_num_rows($channel_check);
if ($numrows_cc == 0) {
echo '';
// They don't have any channels so they need to create one?><h4>                                                                                                             You haven't posted anything yet. You can post what's going on in your life, how you're feeling, or anything else that matters to you.</h4>
<div id="recentc">
echo"<h2 id='lp'> Latest Posts</h2>";
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($channel_check)) {
$channel_name = $row['content']['Date'];
<div style="margin-top:60px;">
<hr style="margin-right:340px;width:600px; opacity:0;">
<?php echo "<div id='rpc'><h6> $channel_name</h6></div>";?>
DATE is a datatype in SQL, you need to escape it with back ticks
SELECT content, `Date` FROM wgo WHERE Posted_By='$user' ORDER by `id` DESC
Also, you're accessing your row incorrectly. Rows are typically represented by a uni-dimensional array, so $row['content'] and $row['Date']
$row is 1-dimensional array with 2 fields: content and Date.
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($channel_check)) {
//$channel_name = $row['content']['Date'];
I am trying to combine two things which are already know how to do, but can't figure out how to combine them. Here is what I want to achieve:
I have a database with locations and events. There are several events in each location. I will be using PHP to query the database and output the code needed to display search results. I want something similar to the below:
<div id="location">
<div id="event">Event1</div>
<div id="event">Event2</div>
<div id="event">Event3</div>
<div id="location">
<div id="event">Event4</div>
<div id="event">Event5</div>
<div id="event">Event6</div>
I know that I can use select distinct to get the unique value of each location, and know that I can use a normal select statement to get all the events, however how do add all the events inside the location div?
My current PHP looks like this:
$sql ="SELECT location, event from events";
$res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)){
$location = $row['location'];
$event = $row['event'];
echo "<div id="location">
<div id="event">$event</div>
My current code adds duplicates of the same location with 1 unique event in each. Even if I use select distinct I get the same results. How do I group the events have have the same location?
I think you should write something like:
$sql ="SELECT location, event from events";
$res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$prevlocation = "";
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res))
$location = $row['location'];
$event = $row['event'];
if ( $prevlocation != "" ) // Close previous div if needed
echo "</div>";
if ( $location != $prevlocation )
echo "<div id='location'><p>$location</p>";
$prevlocation = $location;
echo "<div id='event'>$event</div>";
echo "</div>"; // Close last div
If you have join of two tables, let's assume that your query looks like this:
$sql ="SELECT * FROM events
JOIN locations ON
And then, within one loop, get events and location arrays:
$res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$locations = array();
$events= array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res))
$location = $row['location'];
$event = $row['event'];
if(!in_array($id.'%'.$location,$locations)) { // avoid duplicate entries
And, another loop (+loop inside loop):
for($i=0;$i<count($locations);$i++) {
echo "<div class='location'>\n
for($j=0;$j<count($events);$j++) {
if($event[0]==$locations[$i][0]) {
echo "<div class='event'>".$event[1]."</div>";
echo "</div>";
Not so elegant, but it is working, and produces valid HTML. :)
First, i wanted to make two associative arrays, and to compare keys, but i couldn't, because i couldn't convert ID keys to strings, so i made it with explode (% is separator between key and value).
I want to do a a query to a mysql database that returns multiple rows and columns. I then want to assign the results to a variable and echo them out later in the page. However, the method I am using is long, tedious, and for this project impractical. here is what I am doing.
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM people WHERE open_or_closed !='Closed' ORDER BY
number",$c) or die("two");
$data= mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC);
$full_name1=mysql_result($result,0, 'full_name');
$phone_number1=mysql_result($result,0, 'phone_number');
$full_name2=mysql_result($result,1, 'full_name');
$phone_number2=mysql_result($result,1, 'phone_number');
Later when I want to echo it, I will not know if there is a record there or not, so I will have to
<?php if($one==1){echo '<div id="blackline"></div>';}?>
<div id="titletext"><?php echo $full_name1; ?></div><br />
<div id="datetext"><?php echo $phone_number1; ?></div>
Try this
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM people WHERE open_or_closed !='Closed' ORDER BY
number",$c) or die("two");
while($row_result = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$full_name[$i][] = $row_result['full_name'];
$phone_number[$i][] = $row_result['phone_number'];
I need some help with some PHP and MySQL code. At the moment I have a php file which displays the contents of a table in my database. I would like it to omit results that match "Not Booked". So the file only shows me slots which are booked. Here is my code:
<link href="../css/pagestyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
if($logged["level"] == "HDJ" OR $logged["level"] == "SA") {
echo "<div class=\"head\">View Booked Slots</div>
<img src=\"../images/spacer.png\" width=\"5\" height=\"5\">
<div class=\"board\">Here you can view booked slots.</div>
<img src=\"../images/spacer.png\" width=\"5\" height=\"5\">
<table width=\"580px\" class=\"board\" border=\>";
$order = "SELECT * FROM timetable";
$result = mysql_query($order);
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){
echo ("<tr><td>$row[username]</td>");
echo "
} else {
echo ("<div class=\"caution\">Access is denied.</div>");
Modify the query not to pull them in the first place.
$order = "SELECT * FROM timetable WHERE <the column> <> 'Not Booked';
Replace <the column> with the correct column name in your table where Not Booked appears.
It is often not advisable to intermix database logic and display logic as you have done here. Instead, you ought to do the query before outputting your table, and store its results in an array. Then loop over the array to display your table.
$order = "SELECT * FROM timetable WHERE somecolumn <> 'Not Booked'";
$result = mysql_query($order);
// Error checking
if (!$result) {
// output error, take other action
else {
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){
// Append all results onto an array
$rowset[] = $row;
Later, loop over the array to output your values. Dont' forget to escape it for HTML output with htmlspecialchars().
foreach ($rowset as $row) {
echo "<tr><td>" . htmlspecialchars($row['username']) . "</td></tr>";
In your mySQL code:
SELECT * FROM timetable WHERE myvariable <> 'Not Booked'
Michael's answer will only pull out results that MATCH 'Not Booked' rather than omit them. Tweak the code to:
$order = "SELECT * FROM timetable WHERE <the column> <> 'Not Booked';
And you'll get all the booked ones (assuming there are only two states)
Code first, explanation after:
$result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages (...) VALUES (...)") or die(mysql_error());
$rowID = mysql_insert_id();
if($result) {
$query = mysql_query("
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) :
$message_id = stripslashes($row["m_id"]);
$message_postedby = stripslashes($row["u_name"]);
$message_text = stripslashes($row["m_text"]);
$date = date('F d, Y \a\t g:iA', strtotime($row["m_date"]));
<div class="wall_message" id="<?= $message_id ?>">
<div class="author"><?= $message_postedby ?></div>
<div class="message"><?= $message_text ?></div>
<div class="date"><?= $date ?></div>
} ?>
What I'm doing:
Insert new row into database
Store ID of inserted row in variable $rowID
If insert was successful, query the database to retrieve that row along with any other related information from other tables
Store values from the row in variables
Print the divs containing that info
All of this is being called from a jQuery function, so I'm expecting that all of my HTML will be returned, but nothing is being returned inside the WHILE loop. I can echo text before and after it, and I see it just fine, but nothing inside the loop will print, and I just can't see my mistake. Not getting any errors either.
mysql_fetch_array() doesn't take a query, it takes a resource (result).
$result = mysql_query($query);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
Also worth nothing that if you are only accessing the associative keys from the result, you should use mysql_fetch_assoc() instead.
I have a code that I have used over and over again before and now it's messing up. All I want to do is list information from the database into the table on the page, but now it will only show one result, instead of all the results it has found.
<tr><td style="background-color:#009745; color:#FFFFFF"><center><strong>Address Book</strong></center></td></tr>
$getids = mysql_query("SELECT id, first_name, last_name FROM accounts WHERE s1='$id' ORDER BY id DESC", $db);
if (mysql_num_rows($getids) > 0) {
while ($gids = mysql_fetch_array($getids)) {
$ab_id = $gids['id'];
$ab_fn = $gids['first_name'];
$ab_ln = $gids['last_name'];
<td><?= $ab_id ?> - <?= $ab_fn . " " . $ab_ln ?></td>
} else {
<td><center>No Contacts</center></td>
please help me with this.
Thank You for your help :)
I love this site!! I can always get answers when I need them.
I saw two thing wrong
you are using mysql_fetch_array and later you are using string indexes to print the result
print the things in loop it is overriding values and just storing last row
if (mysql_num_rows($getids) > 0) {
while ($gids = mysql_fetch_assoc($getids)) {
$ab_id = $gids['id'];
$ab_fn = $gids['first_name'];
$ab_ln = $gids['last_name'];
echo '<td>'.$ab_id.' -'. $ab_fn.''.$ab_ln.' </td>';
In this messy code you're closing the while loop too early:
while ($gids = mysql_fetch_array($getids)) {
$ab_id = $gids['id'];
$ab_fn = $gids['first_name'];
$ab_ln = $gids['last_name'];
Only the last retrieved row is used later on. Also, don't use mysql_fetch_array if you're not accessing the numeric indeces of your result. Use mysql_fetch_assoc instead.