I have a problem with this
I have un list of articles, and each element has a button to edit, how the next code:
<p>modifier l'article</p>
and I'm sending to the file route:
Route::get('/edit', 'ArticleController#edit');
to the file ArticleController method edit:
public function edit($idarticle)
if(is_null ($artic))
$form_data = array('route' => array('article.update', $artic->idarticle), 'method' => 'PATCH');
$action = 'modifier';
return View::make('article.create')->with('artic', $artic);
then I don't understand my error
Probably change Route::get('/edit', 'ArticleController#edit'); to Route::get('/edit/{idarticle}', 'ArticleController#edit');
<p>modifier l'article</p>
needs to be
<p>modifier l'article</p>
The parameter in the router is not passed as an html parameter, but rather a part of the URL. So combines these two changes, it should be working.
This line of code in the frontend was the culprit:
<inertia-link v-if="options.edit" :href="'/admin/gallery/edit/1'">
I had to change it to:
<inertia-link v-if="options.edit" :href="'/admin/gallery/1/edit'">
to make it comply with the laravel resource format for edit, provided by #Babak.
Original Post:
How would I transform this route in web.php:
Route::get('/admin/gallery/edit/{id}', function ($id) {
$data = Gallery::find($id);
return inertia('backend/cms-gallery-edit', ['data' => $data]);
to a resource route with its resource controller function:
Route::resource('/admin/gallery', GalleryController::class);
public function edit($id)
$data = Gallery::find($id);
// assign id to end of route
return inertia('backend/cms-gallery-edit', ['data' => $data]);
I've tried both approaches of #Babak's answer, which work for index and create routes but the edit route still throws a 404. It is the only route encompassing an id.
Route::resource('/admin/gallery', GalleryController::class)->only('index', 'create', 'edit');
public function edit($gallery)
$data = Gallery::find($gallery);
return inertia('backend/cms-gallery-edit', ['data' => $data]);
Inertia passes the id from the frontend via href:
<inertia-link v-if="options.edit" :href="'/admin/gallery/edit/1'">
Browser shows:
GET 404 (Not Found)
There is a fixed structure for laravel resource route method, you can see full list here. For edit page, it will generate something like '/admin/gallery/{gallery}/edit'
You can write it like below:
In your web.php file:
Route::resource('/admin/gallery', GalleryController::class)->only('edit');
And in your controller, name of the resource must be the same as your function's parameter.
public function edit($gallery)
$data = Gallery::find($gallery);
// assign id to end of route
return inertia('backend/cms-gallery-edit', ['data' => $data]);
Or, you can customize it using parameter method. Refer to here
Route::resource('/admin/gallery', GalleryController::class)->only('edit')->parameters([
'gallery' => 'id'
And your controller
public function edit($id)
$data = Gallery::find($id);
// assign id to end of route
return inertia('backend/cms-gallery-edit', ['data' => $data]);
I have this route declared on laravel:
Route::get('pages/{page}/{slug}', 'Common\Pages\CustomPageController#show')
->middleware(['web', 'prerenderIfCrawler']);
This route works fine and works if you make requests to:
The problem is that I need a more friendly url as well as.
I want remove the suffix called pages, The numbers for the pages will never change and will be static for each one.
I've tried to make static routes for each one but can't get it to work.
Route::get('other-page', array('as' => 'other-page', function() {
return App::make('Common\Pages\CustomPageController')->show(2);
}))->middleware(['web', 'prerenderIfCrawler']);
I would appreciate a little help.
You could always get the URL segment in the Controller and use that to know what page you are on. If you don't want to do that you could pass extra information in the 'action' to specify the page:
Route::middleware(['web', 'prerenderIfCrawler'])->group(function () {
Route::get('test-page', [
'uses' => 'Common\Pages\CustomPageController#show',
'page' => 'test-page',
Then you can get this extra information in the Controller:
public function show(Request $request)
$page = $request->route()->getAction('page');
If you knew all the pages you can use a route parameter with a regex constraint to restrict it to only those page names:
Route::get('{page:slug}', ...)->where('page', 'test-page|other-page|...');
public function show(Page $page)
You could just make use of a wildcard to catch your routes like this:
Route::get('/{slug}', 'Common\Pages\CustomPageController#show')
->middleware(['web', 'prerenderIfCrawler']);
Then in your controller:
public function show($slug)
$page = Page::where('slug', $slug)->first();
// ...
Just be careful with where you place the route. It should be at the end of your routes otherwise it will catch all the request of your app.
// ...
// my other routes
// ...
Route::get('/{slug}', ...);
By the way, if you want to bind your page models using the slug attribute do this:
Route::get('/{page:slug}', 'Common\Pages\CustomPageController#show')->//...
Then in your controller:
public function show(Page $page)
{ ^^^^^^^^^^
// ...
Check this section of the docs.
I need to pass an additional parameter($uid) from my index.blade.php to my edit.blade.php by clicking on a button.
My index.blade.php:
My FlyersController:
public function edit($id, $uid)
return view('backend.flyers.edit')->withUid($uid);
With the code above I get an error: "Missing argument 2 for App\Http\Controllers\FlyersController::edit()"
What am I doing wrong here?
The error is not throwing from the action method. It is coming from route for that URL.
Check the URL for passing argument to the the controller.
If this is the your desire URL localhost:8000/backend/flyers/10/edit?%24uid=1 then the second argument is in $request variable not in controller function argument.
You should pass an array into action() helper:
action('FlyersController#edit', ['id' => Auth::user()->id, 'uid' => 1])
the only way I can solve this is by using the following in My FlyersController:
public function edit(Request $request, $id)
return view('backend.flyers.edit')->withRequest($request);
and access then the uid with {{request->uid}} in my view.
If anybody has a better solution for this, let me know.
Use this code
return view('backend.flyers.edit', ['var1' => $var1, 'var2' => $var2]);
That will pass two or more variables to your view
Is it possible to call a function in the controller without using a route or should I make a new route with two parameters as below that redirects to the specific page after the session has been added?
route::get('addsesion/{session-name}/{session slug};
If it's possible with ajax, can someone please point me in the right direction?
Basically what I would like to do is call the function addSession($session_name, $slug) from a controller with ajax on link <a href/> click , where it stores my specific session name and current page's slug.
It should call this addSession function on a click, store session data and then redirect to a different url. e.g. /seeparts, where it displays all saved session data.
Do I have to make a new route route::get('addsesion/{param1 - session-name}/{param2 - session slug}', currentController#addSession ); and then use that route as an ajax url? Or is there any other way how to use the controller's function?
My current Controller:
public function showAll() {
$parts = \DB::table() - > all();
$data = [
'parts' => $parts,
return view('partlist', $data);
public function showCpu($slug) {
// Specification query
$specs = \DB::table() - > select($select_columns) - > where('slug', $slug) - > first();
$data = [
'specs' => $specs,
'slug' => $slug
return view('part', $data);
//Add session - call this function
public function addSession($session_name, $slug) {\
Session::put($session_name, $slug);
//on .add-to-partlist click adds session name that is specified in html and the current slug of the page
<a class="add-to-partlist" href="/seeparts" >Add to partlist</a>
I think you can use Service Injection binding controller function in your view.
Maybe you can reference it, https://laravel.com/docs/master/blade#service-injection.
For example:
#inject('currentController', 'App\Http\Controllers\currentController')
//on .add-to-partlist click adds session name that is specified in html and the current slug of the page
<a class="add-to-partlist" href="/seeparts" onClick="{{ $currentController->addSession($session_name, $slug) }}">HERE</a>
I want to pass multiple parameters from route to controller in laravel5.
ie,My route is ,
Route::get('quotations/pdf/{id}/{is_print}', 'QuotationController#generatePDF');
and My controller is,
public function generatePDF($id, $is_print = false) {
$data = array(
'invoice' => Invoice::findOrFail($id),
'company' => Company::firstOrFail()
$html = view('pdf_view.invoice', $data)->render();
if ($is_print) {
return $this->pdf->load($html)->show();
$this->pdf->filename($data['invoice']->invoice_number . ".pdf");
return $this->pdf->load($html)->download();
If user want to download PDF, the URL will be like this,
If user want to print the PDF,the URL will be like this,
/invoices/pdf/26/print or /invoices/print/26
How it is possibly in laravel5?
First, the url in your route or in your example is invalid, in one place you use quotations and in the other invoices
Usually you don't want to duplicate urls to the same action but if you really need it, you need to create extra route:
Route::get('invoices/print/{id}', 'QuotationController#generatePDF2');
and add new method in your controller
public function generatePDF2($id) {
return $this->generatePDF($id, true);