Laravel Passing Additional Parameter To Controller - php

I need to pass an additional parameter($uid) from my index.blade.php to my edit.blade.php by clicking on a button.
My index.blade.php:
My FlyersController:
public function edit($id, $uid)
return view('backend.flyers.edit')->withUid($uid);
With the code above I get an error: "Missing argument 2 for App\Http\Controllers\FlyersController::edit()"
What am I doing wrong here?

The error is not throwing from the action method. It is coming from route for that URL.
Check the URL for passing argument to the the controller.
If this is the your desire URL localhost:8000/backend/flyers/10/edit?%24uid=1 then the second argument is in $request variable not in controller function argument.

You should pass an array into action() helper:
action('FlyersController#edit', ['id' => Auth::user()->id, 'uid' => 1])

the only way I can solve this is by using the following in My FlyersController:
public function edit(Request $request, $id)
return view('backend.flyers.edit')->withRequest($request);
and access then the uid with {{request->uid}} in my view.
If anybody has a better solution for this, let me know.

Use this code
return view('backend.flyers.edit', ['var1' => $var1, 'var2' => $var2]);
That will pass two or more variables to your view


Laravel, how to pass object through redirect() route()?

My goal is to pass object from current function to other function. As you can see the codes below, I have provided a multiple return approach I've done in the controller section. I have commented each of its error. I am not sure why that is happened although some of the approaches are from the voted answer in some other questions.
Array Content [ dump($data = $request->all()); ]
public function supply_status(Request $request, $data)
public function supply_redirect(Request $request)
$data = $request->all();
//option 1
return redirect()->route('supply_status', compact('data')); // "Array to string conversion" error
//option 2
return redirect()->route('supply_status', ['data' => $data]); // "Array to string conversion" error
//option 3
return redirect()->route('supply_status')->with('data', $data); // Missing required parameters for [Route: supply_status] [URI: supply_status/{data}].
//option 4
return redirect()->action('TestController#supply_status')->with('data', $data); // Missing required parameters for [Route: supply_status] [URI: supply_status/{data}].
Route::get('supply_status/{data}', 'TestController#supply_status')->name('supply_status');
For this situation you really should use the Session class
Session::put('customer_data', $request->all());
in foobar
if($data = Session::get('customer_data')) {
You could alternatively also do: redirect()->with(['customer_data' => $request->all()]) and then fetch it the same way with Session::get('customer_data') or session()->get('customer_data')
You can use the PHP function serialize and put the result in a GET or POST parameter:
Then you have to unserialize your data :
But this will not be safe as the user can modify that data. You should persist its on session or something else, depending of your needs to do this operation.
return redirect()->route('supply_status', ['data' => serialize($data)]);

How to pass variables needed in view through redirect route in laravel?

I have modified default auth method in controller which redirects user after custom login to set_password page. The problem is I can redirect it well to the desired page but I need to simultaneously pass two dynamic variables which are returned through querying database, which I am unable to pass with redirect.
My modified controller method is as follows:-
protected function authenticated(Request $request, $user)
$activated_up = User::where('id_user',Auth::user()->id_user)
->where(function($query) {
$query->where('activated_up', '=', '1')
->orWhere('activated_up', '=','0');
$showuser = UserProfile::where('id_user',Auth::user()->id_user)->first();
return redirect()->route('set_password',['activated_up' => $activated_up, 'showuser' => $showuser]);
I know that to pass a variable to an view, I need to use the compact method like follows:-
return view('set_password', compact('activated_up', 'showuser'); but it cant be done with redirect.
The way I have redirected means I am passing parameters to route in the controller method, but I need to pass variables to the redirected view instead of parameters. How to achieve that?
protected function authenticated(Request $request, $user)
$activated_up = User::where('id_user',Auth::user()->id_user)
->where(function($query) {
$query->where('activated_up', '=', '1')
->orWhere('activated_up', '=','0');
$showuser = UserProfile::where('id_user',Auth::user()->id_user)->first();
return redirect()->route('set_password',['activated_up' => $activated_up, 'showuser' => $showuser]);
you can use With
return redirect()->route('set_password')->with('data', ['some kind of
in your view
#if (session::has('data'))
The data is {{ session::get('data') }}
Tried as described in the answer by Kuldeep Mishra but could not achieve it though, anyways I found a workaround to achieve my desired output. What I did is changed my authenticated method to this:-
protected function authenticated(Request $request, $user)
return redirect()->route('set_password');
I only redirected to the set_password route from the above method and made new method in the controller to show the view with the compacted variables like this:-
public function setPasswordForm(Request $request)
$activated_up = User::where('id_user',Auth::user()->id_user)
->where(function($query) {
$query->where('activated_up', '=', '1')
->orWhere('activated_up', '=','0');
$showuser = UserProfile::where('id_user',Auth::user()->id_user)->first();
return view('set_password', compact('activated_up', 'showuser'));
And a small change in route web.php file:-
Route::get('/set_password', 'Controller#setPasswordForm')->name('set_password');
So finally I was able to redirect to desired page with the desired view loaded with dynamic variables.

How to use variables in routes in laravel?

I'm trying to build a application in laravel 5.3 in which I get the variable from request method and then trying to pass that variable in a redirect to the routes. I want to use this variable in my view so that I can be able to display the value of variable. I'm currently doing this:
In my controller I'm getting the request like this:
public function register(Request $request)
$data = request->only('xyz','abc');
// Do some coding
$member['xyz'] = $data['xyz'];
$member['abc'] = $data['abc'];
return redirect('member/memberinfo')->with('member' => $member);
Now I've following in my routes:
Route::get('/member/memberinfo', 'MemberController#memberinfo')->with('member', $member);
Now in MemberController I want to use $member variable and display this into my view:
public function memberinfo()
return view('member.memberinfo', ['member' => $member]);
But I'm getting an error in the routes files
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Routing\Route::with()
Help me out, how can I achieve this.
When you're using redirect()->with(), you're saving data to the session. So to get data from the session in controller or even view you can use session() helper:
$member = session('member'); // In controller.
{{ session('member')['xyz'] }} // In view.
Alternatively, you could pass variables as string parameters.
return redirect('member/memberinfo/xyz/abc')
Route::get('/member/memberinfo/{xyz}/{abc}', 'MemberController#memberinfo');
public function memberinfo($xyz, $abc)
return view('member.memberinfo', compact('xyz', 'abc'));
You can use like this:
Route::get('/member/memberinfo', 'MemberController#memberinfo')
and the redirect:
return redirect('member/memberinfo')->with('member', $member);
You need to replace => with ,
public function register(Request $request)
$data = request->only('xyz','abc');
// Do some coding
$member['xyz'] = $data['xyz'];
$member['abc'] = $data['abc'];
return redirect('member/memberinfo')->with('member', $member); // => needs to be replaced with ,
Hope this works!
Replace line
return redirect('member/memberinfo')->with('member' => $member);
return redirect('member/memberinfo')->with('member', $member);

Passing parameter to controller via Route::controller

How can I pass a parameter via Route::controller to a controller?
I want to pass a parameter user_id to getCreate method in my controller
Route::controller('account', 'ReportController', array(
'getCreate' => 'client.account.create',
'postStore' => '',
public function getCreate($user_id = null)
// need to do something here with $user_id
You just call your url with the user id

Missing argument Laravel controller function edit

I have a problem with this
I have un list of articles, and each element has a button to edit, how the next code:
<p>modifier l'article</p>
and I'm sending to the file route:
Route::get('/edit', 'ArticleController#edit');
to the file ArticleController method edit:
public function edit($idarticle)
if(is_null ($artic))
$form_data = array('route' => array('article.update', $artic->idarticle), 'method' => 'PATCH');
$action = 'modifier';
return View::make('article.create')->with('artic', $artic);
then I don't understand my error
Probably change Route::get('/edit', 'ArticleController#edit'); to Route::get('/edit/{idarticle}', 'ArticleController#edit');
<p>modifier l'article</p>
needs to be
<p>modifier l'article</p>
The parameter in the router is not passed as an html parameter, but rather a part of the URL. So combines these two changes, it should be working.
