phpMyAdmin trying to input database, file too big - php

I am trying to import a database that is 9,451 KB and 1,933 KB zipped up. When I try to import this database I get this error: You probably tried to upload too large file. Please refer to documentation for ways to workaround this limit.
I have tried setting the following settings and restarted my local machine and I still get the same error:
upload_max_filesize = 100000000000000000000000000000M
memory_limit = 10000000000000000000000000000000000000M
post_max_size = 1000000000000000000000000000000000000M
max_execution_time = 5000000000000
max_input_time = 500000000000
What Am I doing wrong :(

First thing, there are lot of 0s in your settings!!
You don't require such high allocations. Keep the default settings.
Just change upload_max_filesize = 64M and post_max_size = 64M
Now, getting to the point. Why you problem still persists.
You modified the wrong php.ini file. Check if there's another php.ini file in the system.
You don't require to restart your whole machine. Simply restarting the server would be enough.
Try these and see if it works out!

The phpMyAdmin documentation also has some additional hints, solutions, and workarounds.


Script timeout passed error on MAMP phpmyadmin

I'm trying to upload this sql file that's 225MB to phpmyadmin with MAMP.
However, I keep getting this error
Script timeout passed, if you want to finish import, please resubmit the same file and import will resume.
I've changed the php.ini file in MAMP like so:
max_execution_time = 6000
max_input_time = 6000
memory_limit = 1000M
post_max_size = 750M
upload_max_filesize = 750M
I've also changed the setting in \phpmyadmin\libraries\config.default.php, like this:
$cfg['ExecTimeLimit'] = 0;
Is there any other solution that works for this issue?
Thank you.
I think You need to change the execution time limit in config.default.php as following:
$cfg['ExecTimeLimit'] = 3600; // whatever time you want to put as execution time
As the script is running out of time so you should have to increase its execution time in MAMP and restart.
I just ran into this problem myself and here is my fix.
I am using Mamp Pro, so I searched for phpmyadmin on my mac using Finder search bar.
It found a file called The file was living under /Library/Application Support/appsolute/MAMP PRO/phpMyAdmin
I then found the line for $cfg['ExecTimeLimit'] and changed the value to 3600.
Save the file. Restart Mamp Pro. Database imported successfully.

Import file in MAMP(file size exceeded the maximum size permitted)

I want to import a file(85 MB) at my local server.
I changed in the php.ini the following values of the three variables (upload_max_filesize, memory_limit and post_max_size) exactly as I saw at same problems, with the right order, I restarted my MAMP server and my laptop but it didn't change anything and I can't import files more than 2 MB.
Can you give any advise to fix it ?
You need to edit the php.ini file for the php version you are using. i.e. v7.2.1.
First check which version you're using by going to
MAMP-> Preferences -> PHP -> Select/Specify PHP Version
Then go to /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php7.2.10/conf/php.ini and input the new settings there.
Stop your server and restart MAMP. Import should now run as expected.
Once you find out which version of PHP your MAMP is running, find the php.ini file at C:\MAMP\conf\php7.2.10\php.ini.
You'll need to change BOTH upload_max_filesize and post_max_size. If you only update the first, it'll default to the post_max_size.
Restart the MAMP and you should be good to go.
First check your PHP version
then according to your php version you have to go this php version file (php.ini)
and the change like below... :)
post_max_size = 256M
; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 256M
; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
max_execution_time = 600
; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data
max_input_time = 600
; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB)
memory_limit = 512M
I did all these things but nothing happened.I have two files with the name "php.ini",the first is "php.ini-development" and the second is "php.ini-production".Because i don't know which is the correct file to change the values,i changed the values and at the two because my phpinfo have like a Loaded Configuration File this:"C:\MAMP\conf\php7.0.13\php.ini" and not one of the two.
If you are seeing timeouts, you can increase max_execution_time and max_input_time.

PHP file upload size limits

I know this question has been asked before, but I've gone through all previously described options and I'm wondering if I'm missing an option. I'm trying upload a file through Apache/PHP that is greater than 2.000GB in size. Files smaller than that work fine.
The following php.ini variables are set, and I have restarted Apache to make sure they are in effect:
max_input_vars = 10000
post_max_size = 5000M
upload_max_filesize = 5000M
max_file_uploads = 1000
max_execution_time = 600
max_input_time = 600
memory_limit = 10000M
I am using a javascript uploader, with no filesize limits in the script, and a PHP page to receive the uploaded files, also with no limits in the script. When it fails, it only gives this error message in the javascript console in Chrome and IE: Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET. There are file size limit checks in the javascript and PHP pages, but those errors are never displayed... so I'm thinking it is not even getting the chance to check the file size in either place.
In case anyone hits this 2.0GB limit, the fix for me was that PHP 5.4 did not support uploads greater than 2.0GB. This limit was changed in PHP 5.6:
Upgrading to PHP 7.0 worked for me!

How to Fix Script Timeout Error in phpMyAdmin?

I am getting script timeout issue while importing a database from a zip. The error shows as-
Script timeout passed, if you want to finish import, please resubmit
same file and import will resume.
I tried setting $cfg['ExecTimeLimit'] = 0; inside phpmyadmin4.1.14/libraries/config.default.php.
Also inside my php.ini I set both max_input_time and max_execution_time to 0.
The zip size is around 33 MB and I'm using WAMP server.
What could be the other cases for which I'm getting this error?
Since you get script time out, shouldn't you increase the max_execution_time in php.ini instead of reducing it?
Try with the following values:
post_max_size = 500M
upload_max_filesize = 500M
max_execution_time = 300
max_input_time = 540
memory_limit = 1000M
EDIT: just noticed that max_execution_time is hardcoded to 0, still you can try the above settings.
Please be aware that apache also has an execution time.
Apache Wait Time for Input/Output
Edit file C:\WampDeveloper\Config\Apache\extra\httpd-default.conf
Timeout = 300
This issue commonly arise when we working on heavy load php application. This error comes when you are getting bulk of data from database. Then this type of issue come. You should check the following things in you code.
Check you database queries properly.
With Select statement you should use the Limit offset.
Check each table should have the primary key.
This issue also come when we are upload images or some thing like wise. Some time we did get solution for the heavy load image's then we try to change the logic and try to solve the issue. One more thing that you should check you php.ini configuration setting Increase these values in MB.As follows.
post_max_size = 500M
upload_max_filesize = 500M
max_execution_time = 300
max_input_time = 540
memory_limit = 1000M

upload_max_filesize from php.ini doesn't work

I want to import a database which size is 11 MB. I installed xampp local server. it was set in php.ini to 2M.
I set it to upload_max_filesize=128M and also max_file_uploads=128. After that i used the phpinfo() function, which show me that is set to 128 MB, BUT in phpmyadmin it shows me 8MB and i got this message after import: You probably tried to upload a file that is too large. Please refer to documentation for a workaround for this limit.
YES, I restarted the server many times!
I tried to find and answer from another posts but with no results. Can anyone help me with this ? thx
Also set post max size to desired value.
Click on the MySQL config button (see image below) then click my.ini and change: myisam_sort_buffer_size = 8M to myisam_sort_buffer_size = 1888M.
Increase your M size according to your own then click apply.
