Calling a function from highcharts upon clicking the piechart - php

I would like to call a function when someone clicks on the pie-chart which I built using Highchart.
My pie chart code is:
function open_risk_level_pie()
$chart = new Highchart();
$chart->chart->renderTo = "open_risk_level_pie";
$chart->chart->plotBackgroundColor = lightblue;
$chart->chart->plotBorderWidth = null;
$chart->chart->plotShadow = false;
$chart->title->text = "Risk Level";
$chart->tooltip->formatter = new HighchartJsExpr("function() {
return '<b>'+ +'</b>: '+ this.point.y; }");
$chart->plotOptions->pie->allowPointSelect = 1;
$chart->plotOptions->pie->cursor = "pointer";
$chart->plotOptions->pie->dataLabels->enabled = false;
$chart->plotOptions->pie->showInLegend = 1;
$chart->plotOptions->pie->colors = array('red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'black');
$chart->credits->enabled = false;
$array = //some db access code
$high = $array[0][0];
$medium = $array[1][0];
$low = $array[2][0];
// If the array is empty
if (empty($array))
$data[] = array("No Data Available", 0);
// Otherwise
// Create the data array
foreach ($array as $row)
$data[] = array($row['level'], (int)$row['num']);
$chart->series[] = array('type' => "pie",
'name' => "Level",
'data' => $data);
echo "<div id=\"open_risk_level_pie\"></div>\n";
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">";
echo $chart->render("open_risk_level_pie");
echo "</script>\n";
Now I want to call a function whenever someone clicks on the pie chart. I have searched a lot, but unable to find. Some sites mentioned to use "formatter", but I failed to use it. If formatter is the solution for my question please give me steps for the above code.

Use an on click event for a slice.


Catch Tweets with JSON and sort by likes?

I am currently running a wordpress backend and want to display some tweets based on hastags on my website. For the general API request and database storage, I use this function:
private function parseRequest($json) {
$tmp = $json;
$result = array();
if (isset($json['statuses'])) {
$tmp = $json['statuses'];
if (isset($tmp) && is_array($tmp)){
foreach ($tmp as $t) {
$this->image = null;
$this->media = null;
$tc = new \stdClass();
$tc->feed_id = $this->id();
$tc->id = $t['id_str'];
$tc->type = $this->getType();
$tc->nickname = '#'.$t['user']['screen_name'];
$tc->screenname = (string)$t['user']['name'];
$tc->userpic = str_replace('.jpg', '_200x200.jpg', str_replace('_normal', '', (string)$t['user']['profile_image_url']));
$tc->system_timestamp = strtotime($t['created_at']);
$tc->text = $this->getText($t);
$tc->userlink = ''.$t['user']['screen_name'];
$tc->permalink = $tc->userlink . '/status/' . $tc->id;
$tc->media = $this->getMedia($t);
#$tc->additional = array('shares' => (string)$t['retweet_count'], 'likes' => (string)$t['favorite_count'], 'comments' => (string)$t['reply_count']);
if ($this->isSuitablePost($tc)) $result[$tc->id] = $tc;
return $result;
Now I am looking for a function that counts all the variable in the "additional array together e.g. shares + likes + comments and sorts all posts based on the resulting number.
I am using the standard wordpress sql database. I cannot find a solution or I am just blind.
Thanks in regards
You could use a simple usort function:
usort($tc, function($a, $b) {
$a_sum = array_sum($a->additional);
$b_sum = array_sum($b->additional);
if ($a_sum == $b_sum) {
return 0;
return ($a_sum < $b_sum) ? -1 : 1;

Change JSON output "format" - PHP

(i'm a bit new in PHP / JSON) i have a PHP page that send me an array of informations to an Android application and i need to change the Json "format" so i can manage it in my Android application.
I tried adding the array to a PHP class but i only get errors.
From this (this is just an example):
"updated_at":"2012-03-02 21:06:01",
"fetched_at":"2012-03-02 21:28:37.728840",
"modified":"2012-03-02 23:28:58.840076"
"updated_at":"2012-03-02 14:07:44",
"fetched_at":"2012-03-02 21:28:37.033108",
"modified":"2012-03-02 23:28:57.928001"
To this (other example):
"updated_at":"2012-03-02 21:06:01",
"fetched_at":"2012-03-02 21:28:37.728840",
"modified":"2012-03-02 23:28:58.840076"
"updated_at":"2012-03-02 14:07:44",
"fetched_at":"2012-03-02 21:28:37.033108",
"modified":"2012-03-02 23:28:57.928001"
My PHP page that create the JSON array:
class card{
public $id = 0;
public $name = "";
public $value = 0;
public $imgpath = "";
public $rarity = "";
public $litness = 0;
public $dankness = 0;
public $expansion = "";
$b= array();
$connessione = mysqli_connect("", "", "", "");
$query = "insert_query_here";
$risultato = mysqli_query($connessione, $query);
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($risultato)){
$card = new card();
$card->id = $row['id_card'];
$card->name = $row['name'];
$card->value = $row['value'];
$card->imgpath = $row['imgpath'];
$card->rarity = $row['name_rarity'];
$card->litness = $row['litness'];
$card->dankness = $row['dankness'];
$card->expansion = $row['expansion_name'];
$b[] = $card;
$out = array_values($b);
print json_encode($out);
Try the following:
$out = ['master' => array_values($b)];
print json_encode($out);
This will add the key master in the main array, and the rest will be nested in it.

how to remove the array to string conversion error in php

i am working on php i have dynamic array i need to get the array result store in some variable i encounter the error :array to string conversion
class H
var $Voltage;
var $Number;
var $Duration;
function H($Voltage=0,$Number=0,$Duration=0)
$this->Voltage = $Voltage;
$this->Number = $Number;
$this->Duration = $Duration;
//This will be the crossover function. Is just the average of all properties.
function avg($a,$b) {
return round(($a*2+$b*2)/2);
//This will be the mutation function. Just increments the property.
function inc($x)
return $x+1*2;
//This will be the fitness function. Is just the sum of all properties.
function debug($x)
echo "<pre style='border: 1px solid black'>";
echo '</pre>';
//This will be the fitness function. Is just the sum of all properties.
function total($obj)
return $obj->Voltage*(-2) + $obj->Number*2 + $obj->Duration*1;
$adam = new H($fa1[$i],$fb1[$i],$fcc1[$i]);
$eve = new H($fe1[$i],$ff1[$i],$fg1[$i]);
$eve1 = new H($fi1[$i],$fj1[$i],$fk1[$i]);
$ga = new GA();
echo "Input";
$ga->population = array($adam,$eve,$eve1);
$ga->fitness_function = 'total'; //Uses the 'total' function as fitness function
$ga->num_couples = 5; //4 couples per generation (when possible)
$ga->death_rate = 0; //No kills per generation
$ga->generations = 10; //Executes 100 generations
$ga->crossover_functions = 'avg'; //Uses the 'avg' function as crossover function
$ga->mutation_function = 'inc'; //Uses the 'inc' function as mutation function
$ga->mutation_rate = 20; //10% mutation rate
$ga->evolve(); //Run
debug(GA::select($ga->population,'total',3)); //The best
$array=array((GA::select($ga->population,'total',3))); //The best }
$comma_separated = implode(",", $array);
echo $comma_separated; // lastname,email,phone
i apply implode function but its not working
it display the error of : Array to string conversion in C:\wamp\www\EMS3\ge.php on line 146 at line $r=implode($rt,",");
if ( ($textboxB.val)==31.41)
<?php echo "as,dll;g;h;'islamabad"; ?>
<script>} </script>
You are running your java script code in PHP, I havent implemented your code just checked and found this bug.You can get the value by submitting the form also
---------------------------- Answer For your Second updated question------------------------
$array = array(
"name" => "John",
"surname" => "Doe",
"email" => ""
$comma_separated = implode(",", $array); // You can implode them with any character like i did with ,
echo $comma_separated; // lastname,email,phone

PHP: How to use the Twitter API's data to convert URLs, mentions, and hastags in tweets to links?

I'm really stumped on how Twitter expects users of its API to convert the plaintext tweets it sends to properly linked HTML.
Here's the deal: Twitter's JSON API sends this set of information back when you request the detailed data for a tweet:
"created_at":"Wed Jul 18 01:03:31 +0000 2012",
"text":"This is a test tweet. #boring #nbc #skronk #crux #twitter",
"user": <REDACTED>,
"name":"Z. D. Smith",
The interesting parts, for this question, are the text element and the entries in the hashtags, user_mentions, and urls arrays. Twitter is telling us where in the text element the hastags, mentions, and urls appear with the indices arrays... so here's the crux of the question:
How do you use those indices arrays?
You can't just use them straight up by looping over each link element with something like substr_replace, since replacing the first link element in the text will invalidate all the index values for subsequent link elements. You also can't use substr_replace's array functionality, since it only works when you give it an array of strings for the first arg, rather than a single string (I've tested this. The results are... strange).
Is there some function that can simultaneously replace multiple index-delimited substrings in a single string with different replacement strings?
All you have to do to use the indices twitter provides straight up with a simple replace is collect the replacements you want to make and then sort them backwards. You can probably find a more clever way to build $entities, I wanted them optional anyway, so I KISS as far as that went.
Either way, my point here was just to show that you don't need to explode the string and character count and whatnot. Regardless of how you do it, all you need to to is start at the end and work to the beginning of the string, and the index twitter has is still valid.
function json_tweet_text_to_HTML($tweet, $links=true, $users=true, $hashtags=true)
$return = $tweet->text;
$entities = array();
if($links && is_array($tweet->entities->urls))
foreach($tweet->entities->urls as $e)
$temp["start"] = $e->indices[0];
$temp["end"] = $e->indices[1];
$temp["replacement"] = "<a href='".$e->expanded_url."' target='_blank'>".$e->display_url."</a>";
$entities[] = $temp;
if($users && is_array($tweet->entities->user_mentions))
foreach($tweet->entities->user_mentions as $e)
$temp["start"] = $e->indices[0];
$temp["end"] = $e->indices[1];
$temp["replacement"] = "<a href='".$e->screen_name."' target='_blank'>#".$e->screen_name."</a>";
$entities[] = $temp;
if($hashtags && is_array($tweet->entities->hashtags))
foreach($tweet->entities->hashtags as $e)
$temp["start"] = $e->indices[0];
$temp["end"] = $e->indices[1];
$temp["replacement"] = "<a href='".$e->text."?src=hash' target='_blank'>#".$e->text."</a>";
$entities[] = $temp;
usort($entities, function($a,$b){return($b["start"]-$a["start"]);});
foreach($entities as $item)
$return = substr_replace($return, $item["replacement"], $item["start"], $item["end"] - $item["start"]);
Ok so I needed to do exactly this and I solved it. Here is the function I wrote.
function parse_message( &$tweet ) {
if ( !empty($tweet['entities']) ) {
$replace_index = array();
$append = array();
$text = $tweet['text'];
foreach ($tweet['entities'] as $area => $items) {
$prefix = false;
$display = false;
switch ( $area ) {
case 'hashtags':
$find = 'text';
$prefix = '#';
$url = '';
case 'user_mentions':
$find = 'screen_name';
$prefix = '#';
$url = '';
case 'media':
$display = 'media_url_https';
$href = 'media_url_https';
$size = 'small';
case 'urls':
$find = 'url';
$display = 'display_url';
$url = "expanded_url";
default: break;
foreach ($items as $item) {
if ( $area == 'media' ) {
// We can display images at the end of the tweet but sizing needs to added all the way to the top.
// $append[$item->$display] = "<img src=\"{$item->$href}:$size\" />";
$msg = $display ? $prefix.$item->$display : $prefix.$item->$find;
$replace = $prefix.$item->$find;
$href = isset($item->$url) ? $item->$url : $url;
if (!(strpos($href, 'http') === 0)) $href = "http://".$href;
if ( $prefix ) $href .= $item->$find;
$with = "$msg";
$replace_index[$replace] = $with;
foreach ($replace_index as $replace => $with) $tweet['text'] = str_replace($replace,$with,$tweet['text']);
foreach ($append as $add) $tweet['text'] .= $add;
It's an edge case but the use of str_replace() in Styledev's answer could cause issues if one entity is contained within another. For example, "I'm a genius! #me #mensa" could become "I'm a genius! #me #mensa" if the shorter entity is substituted first.
This solution avoids that problem:
* Hyperlinks hashtags, twitter names, and urls within the text of a tweet
* #param object $apiResponseTweetObject A json_decoded() one of these:
* #return string The tweet's text with hyperlinks added
function linkEntitiesWithinText($apiResponseTweetObject) {
// Convert tweet text to array of one-character strings
// $characters = str_split($apiResponseTweetObject->text);
$characters = preg_split('//u', $apiResponseTweetObject->text, null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
// Insert starting and closing link tags at indices...
// ... for #user_mentions
foreach ($apiResponseTweetObject->entities->user_mentions as $entity) {
$link = "" . $entity->screen_name;
$characters[$entity->indices[0]] = "<a href=\"$link\">" . $characters[$entity->indices[0]];
$characters[$entity->indices[1] - 1] .= "</a>";
// ... for #hashtags
foreach ($apiResponseTweetObject->entities->hashtags as $entity) {
$link = "" . $entity->text;
$characters[$entity->indices[0]] = "<a href=\"$link\">" . $characters[$entity->indices[0]];
$characters[$entity->indices[1] - 1] .= "</a>";
// ... for http://urls
foreach ($apiResponseTweetObject->entities->urls as $entity) {
$link = $entity->expanded_url;
$characters[$entity->indices[0]] = "<a href=\"$link\">" . $characters[$entity->indices[0]];
$characters[$entity->indices[1] - 1] .= "</a>";
// ... for media
foreach ($apiResponseTweetObject->entities->media as $entity) {
$link = $entity->expanded_url;
$characters[$entity->indices[0]] = "<a href=\"$link\">" . $characters[$entity->indices[0]];
$characters[$entity->indices[1] - 1] .= "</a>";
// Convert array back to string
return implode('', $characters);
Jeff's solution worked well with English text but it got broken when the tweet contained non-ASCII characters. This solution avoids that problem:
// Return hyperlinked tweet text from json_decoded status object:
function MakeStatusLinks($status)
{$TextLength=mb_strlen($status['text']); // Number of UTF-8 characters in plain tweet.
for ($i=0;$i<$TextLength;$i++)
{$ch=mb_substr($status['text'],$i,1); if ($ch<>"\n") $ChAr[]=$ch; else $ChAr[]="\n<br/>"; // Keep new lines in HTML tweet.
if (isset($status['entities']['user_mentions']))
foreach ($status['entities']['user_mentions'] as $entity)
{$ChAr[$entity['indices'][0]] = "<a href='".$entity['screen_name']."'>".$ChAr[$entity['indices'][0]];
if (isset($status['entities']['hashtags']))
foreach ($status['entities']['hashtags'] as $entity)
{$ChAr[$entity['indices'][0]] = "<a href='".$entity['text']."'>".$ChAr[$entity['indices'][0]];
$ChAr[$entity['indices'][1]-1] .= "</a>";
if (isset($status['entities']['urls']))
foreach ($status['entities']['urls'] as $entity)
{$ChAr[$entity['indices'][0]] = "<a href='".$entity['expanded_url']."'>".$entity['display_url']."</a>";
for ($i=$entity['indices'][0]+1;$i<$entity['indices'][1];$i++) $ChAr[$i]='';
if (isset($status['entities']['media']))
foreach ($status['entities']['media'] as $entity)
{$ChAr[$entity['indices'][0]] = "<a href='".$entity['expanded_url']."'>".$entity['display_url']."</a>";
for ($i=$entity['indices'][0]+1;$i<$entity['indices'][1];$i++) $ChAr[$i]='';
return implode('', $ChAr); // HTML tweet.
Here is an updated answer that works with Twitter's new Extended Mode. It combines the answer by #vita10gy and the comment by #Hugo (to make it utf8 compatible), with a few minor tweaks to work with the new api values.
function utf8_substr_replace($original, $replacement, $position, $length) {
$startString = mb_substr($original, 0, $position, "UTF-8");
$endString = mb_substr($original, $position + $length, mb_strlen($original), "UTF-8");
$out = $startString . $replacement . $endString;
return $out;
function json_tweet_text_to_HTML($tweet, $links=true, $users=true, $hashtags=true) {
// Media urls can show up on the end of the full_text tweet, but twitter doesn't index that url.
// The display_text_range indexes show the actual tweet text length.
// Cut the string off at the end to get rid of this unindexed url.
$return = mb_substr($tweet->full_text, $tweet->display_text_range[0],$tweet->display_text_range[1]);
$entities = array();
if($links && is_array($tweet->entities->urls))
foreach($tweet->entities->urls as $e)
$temp["start"] = $e->indices[0];
$temp["end"] = $e->indices[1];
$temp["replacement"] = " <a href='".$e->expanded_url."' target='_blank'>".$e->display_url."</a>";
$entities[] = $temp;
if($users && is_array($tweet->entities->user_mentions))
foreach($tweet->entities->user_mentions as $e)
$temp["start"] = $e->indices[0];
$temp["end"] = $e->indices[1];
$temp["replacement"] = " <a href='".$e->screen_name."' target='_blank'>#".$e->screen_name."</a>";
$entities[] = $temp;
if($hashtags && is_array($tweet->entities->hashtags))
foreach($tweet->entities->hashtags as $e)
$temp["start"] = $e->indices[0];
$temp["end"] = $e->indices[1];
$temp["replacement"] = " <a href='".$e->text."?src=hash' target='_blank'>#".$e->text."</a>";
$entities[] = $temp;
usort($entities, function($a,$b){return($b["start"]-$a["start"]);});
foreach($entities as $item)
$return = utf8_substr_replace($return, $item["replacement"], $item["start"], $item["end"] - $item["start"]);
Here is a JavaScript version (using jQuery) of vita10gy's solution
function tweetTextToHtml(tweet, links, users, hashtags) {
if (typeof(links)==='undefined') { links = true; }
if (typeof(users)==='undefined') { users = true; }
if (typeof(hashtags)==='undefined') { hashtags = true; }
var returnStr = tweet.text;
var entitiesArray = [];
if(links && tweet.entities.urls.length > 0) {
jQuery.each(tweet.entities.urls, function() {
var temp1 = {};
temp1.start = this.indices[0];
temp1.end = this.indices[1];
temp1.replacement = '' + this.display_url + '';
if(users && tweet.entities.user_mentions.length > 0) {
jQuery.each(tweet.entities.user_mentions, function() {
var temp2 = {};
temp2.start = this.indices[0];
temp2.end = this.indices[1];
temp2.replacement = '#' + this.screen_name + '';
if(hashtags && tweet.entities.hashtags.length > 0) {
jQuery.each(tweet.entities.hashtags, function() {
var temp3 = {};
temp3.start = this.indices[0];
temp3.end = this.indices[1];
temp3.replacement = '#' + this.text + '';
entitiesArray.sort(function(a, b) {return b.start - a.start;});
jQuery.each(entitiesArray, function() {
returnStr = substrReplace(returnStr, this.replacement, this.start, this.end - this.start);
return returnStr;
You can then use this function like so ...
for(var i in tweetsJsonObj) {
var tweet = tweetsJsonObj[i];
var htmlTweetText = tweetTextToHtml(tweet);
// Do something with the formatted tweet here ...
Regarding vita10gy's helpful json_tweet_text_to_HTML(), I found a tweet that it could not format correctly: 626125868247552000.
This tweet has a nonbreaking space in it. My solution was to replace the first line of the function with the following:
$return = str_replace("\xC2\xA0", ' ', $tweet->text);
Performing a str_replace() on is covered here.

Looping class, for template engine kind of thing

I am updating my class Nesty so it's infinite but I'm having a little trouble.... Here is the class:
Class Nesty
// Class Variables
private $text;
private $data = array();
private $loops = 0;
private $maxLoops = 0;
public function __construct($text,$data = array(),$maxLoops = 5)
// Set the class vars
$this->text = $text;
$this->data = $data;
$this->maxLoops = $maxLoops;
// Loop function
private function loopThrough($data)
if( ($this->loops +1) > $this->maxLoops )
die("ERROR: Too many loops!");
$keys = array_keys($data);
for($x = 0; $x < count($keys); $x++)
return $data[$keys[$x]];
// Templater method
public function template()
echo $this->loopThrough($this->data);
Here is the code you would use to create an instance of the class:
// The nested array
$data = array(
"person" => array(
"name" => "Tom Arnfeld",
"age" => 15
"product" => array (
"name" => "Cakes",
"price" => array (
"single" => 59,
"double" => 99
"other" => "string"
// Retreive the template text
$file = "TestData.tpl";
$fp = fopen($file,"r");
$text = fread($fp,filesize($file));
// Create the Nesty object
$nesty = new Nesty($text,$data);
// Save the newly templated text to a variable $message
$message = $nesty->template();
// Print out $message on the page
Here is a sample template file:
Dear <!--[person][name]-->,
Thanks for contacting us regarding our <!--[product][name]-->. We will try and get back to you within the next 24 hours.
Please could you reply to this email to certify you will be charged $<!--[product][price][single]--> for the product.
The problem is that I only seem to get "string" out on the page... :(
Any ideas?
return $data[$keys[$x]];
You need to return from the first if statement.
return $this->loopThrough($data[$keys[$x]]);
return $data[$keys[$x]];
This will get you a result back when you recurse. You're only getting "string" back right now because that key is only 1 level deep in your array structure.
