Catch Tweets with JSON and sort by likes? - php

I am currently running a wordpress backend and want to display some tweets based on hastags on my website. For the general API request and database storage, I use this function:
private function parseRequest($json) {
$tmp = $json;
$result = array();
if (isset($json['statuses'])) {
$tmp = $json['statuses'];
if (isset($tmp) && is_array($tmp)){
foreach ($tmp as $t) {
$this->image = null;
$this->media = null;
$tc = new \stdClass();
$tc->feed_id = $this->id();
$tc->id = $t['id_str'];
$tc->type = $this->getType();
$tc->nickname = '#'.$t['user']['screen_name'];
$tc->screenname = (string)$t['user']['name'];
$tc->userpic = str_replace('.jpg', '_200x200.jpg', str_replace('_normal', '', (string)$t['user']['profile_image_url']));
$tc->system_timestamp = strtotime($t['created_at']);
$tc->text = $this->getText($t);
$tc->userlink = ''.$t['user']['screen_name'];
$tc->permalink = $tc->userlink . '/status/' . $tc->id;
$tc->media = $this->getMedia($t);
#$tc->additional = array('shares' => (string)$t['retweet_count'], 'likes' => (string)$t['favorite_count'], 'comments' => (string)$t['reply_count']);
if ($this->isSuitablePost($tc)) $result[$tc->id] = $tc;
return $result;
Now I am looking for a function that counts all the variable in the "additional array together e.g. shares + likes + comments and sorts all posts based on the resulting number.
I am using the standard wordpress sql database. I cannot find a solution or I am just blind.
Thanks in regards

You could use a simple usort function:
usort($tc, function($a, $b) {
$a_sum = array_sum($a->additional);
$b_sum = array_sum($b->additional);
if ($a_sum == $b_sum) {
return 0;
return ($a_sum < $b_sum) ? -1 : 1;


PHP add unique User array to newly created array while iterating over Episode authors object

Hi i am iterating over Episodes getting array of authors and inside this loop i want to gather information about each author. But there is problem, i just need the information about each author once.
This is my approatch, but wrong. and the code i am trying to make. Please help. I tried also in_array, and array_filter but without success.
$presentUsers = [];
$pUi = 0;
if ($isAuthor == true){
if ($project->getType() == 1) {
$episodes = $project->getComic()->getComicEpisodes();
foreach ($episodes as $comicEpisode) {
foreach ($comicEpisode->getProject()->getAccount() as $author) {
if ($author->getUser()->getId() == $this->getUser()->getId()) {
if (empty($presentUsers)){
$presentUsers[$pUi]['Id'] = $author->getUser()->getId();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['Username'] = $author->getUser()->getUsername();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['FirstName'] = $author->getUser()->getFirstName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['LastName'] = $author->getUser()->getLastName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['VisibleName'] = $author->getUser()->getVisibleName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['AvatarFileName'] = $author->getUser()->getAvatarFileName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['Occupation'] = $author->getUser()->getOccupation();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['LastOnline'] = $author->getUser()->getLastOnline();
if (!in_array($presentUsers, ['Id'=>$author->getUser()->getId()]))
$presentUsers[$pUi]['Id'] = $author->getUser()->getId();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['Username'] = $author->getUser()->getUsername();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['FirstName'] = $author->getUser()->getFirstName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['LastName'] = $author->getUser()->getLastName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['VisibleName'] = $author->getUser()->getVisibleName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['AvatarFileName'] = $author->getUser()->getAvatarFileName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['Occupation'] = $author->getUser()->getOccupation();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['LastOnline'] = $author->getUser()->getLastOnline();
die('You are not the author of this project.');
Okay i done it like this
if (empty($presentUsers)){
$presentUsers[$pUi]['Id'] = $author->getUser()->getId();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['Username'] = $author->getUser()->getUsername();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['FirstName'] = $author->getUser()->getFirstName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['LastName'] = $author->getUser()->getLastName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['VisibleName'] = $author->getUser()->getVisibleName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['AvatarFileName'] = $author->getUser()->getAvatarFileName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['Occupation'] = $author->getUser()->getOccupation();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['LastOnline'] = $author->getUser()->getLastOnline();
$found = 0;
foreach ($presentUsers as $presentUser){
if ($presentUser['Id'] == $author->getUser()->getId()){
$found = 1;
if ($found != 1)
$presentUsers[$pUi]['Id'] = $author->getUser()->getId();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['Username'] = $author->getUser()->getUsername();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['FirstName'] = $author->getUser()->getFirstName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['LastName'] = $author->getUser()->getLastName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['VisibleName'] = $author->getUser()->getVisibleName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['AvatarFileName'] = $author->getUser()->getAvatarFileName();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['Occupation'] = $author->getUser()->getOccupation();
$presentUsers[$pUi]['LastOnline'] = $author->getUser()->getLastOnline();

Laravel conditional statement with each() result error

Partly confused (still) because the variable $investment_type resulting of "Creating default object from empty value" when I follow this previous question of mine Laravel list() with each() function error with deprecated function.
This is the original code.
$assetsData = ClientPropertyManagement::find($assets_id);
$investmentType = Input::get('investmenttype'.$assets_id);
$legalname = Input::get('legalname'.$assets_id);
$ownership = Input::get('ownership'.$assets_id);
$tic = Input::get('tic'.$assets_id);
$entity_id = Input::get('entity_id'.$assets_id);
foreach($investmentType as $investment_type) {
list($key,$value) = each($legalname);
list($key,$valueOwner) = each($ownership);
list($key,$valueTic) = each($tic);
list($key,$valueEntityId) = each($entity_id);
if($valueEntityId == 0) {
$assetEntity = new ClientEntityManagement;
$assetEntity->property_id = $assetsData->property_id;
$assetEntity->client_id = $id;
} else {
$assetEntity = ClientEntityManagement::find($valueEntityId);
$assetEntity->investment_type = $investment_type;
$assetEntity->entity_name = $value;
$assetEntity->ownership = $valueOwner;
$assetEntity->ticnum = $valueTic;
Here's what I did in my code.
foreach( $investmentType as $key => $investment_type ) {
$assetEntity->investment_type = $investment_type;
$assetEntity->entity_name = $legalname[$key];
$assetEntity->ownership = $ownership[$key];
$assetEntity->ticnum = $tic[$key];
if ( $entity_id[$key] == 0 ) {
$assetEntity = new ClientEntityManagement;
$assetEntity->property_id = $assetsData->property_id;
$assetEntity->client_id = $id;
} else {
$assetEntity = ClientEntityManagement::find($investment_type);
The problem is that $assetEntity isn't created yet, and you are trying to use as an object. To solve that, you need to change the position where you instantiate the object and create the variable $assetEntity:
foreach( $investmentType as $key => $investment_type ) {
if ( $entity_id[$key] == 0 ) {
$assetEntity = new ClientEntityManagement;
$assetEntity->property_id = $assetsData->property_id;
$assetEntity->client_id = $id;
} else {
$assetEntity = ClientEntityManagement::find($investment_type);
$assetEntity->investment_type = $investment_type;
$assetEntity->entity_name = $legalname[$key];
$assetEntity->ownership = $ownership[$key];
$assetEntity->ticnum = $tic[$key];
That way $assetEntity will be created, and then you populate the other attributes.
Also, you may want to use the IoC Container and replace the new ClientEntityManagement with App::make('ClientEntityManagement'). Read more at

Laravel list() with each() function error with deprecated function

I get a little confuse here on how to alternatively replace the each() function since it was deprecated and I'm aware of that and fixed some of the while( list() = each() ) error case in my project. However, what other option should I use for this case:
foreach($new_id as $new_ids) {
list($key,$valueAddress) = each($address);
list($key,$valueCity) = each($city);
list($key,$valueState) = each($state);
if(isset($_POST['publicOnly'])) {
list($key,$valuePublicOnly) = each($publicOnly);
} else {
$valuePublicOnly = 0;
$propertyAddress = PropertyAddressManagement::find($new_ids);
$propertyAddress->address = $valueAddress;
$propertyAddress->city = $valueCity;
$propertyAddress->state = $valueState;
$propertyAddress->publicOnly = $valuePublicOnly;
You're not using the keys so just get the current value and then move to the next one:
foreach($new_id as $new_ids) {
$propertyAddress = PropertyAddressManagement::find($new_ids);
$propertyAddress->address = current($address);
$propertyAddress->city = current($city);
$propertyAddress->state = current($state);
$propertyAddress->publicOnly = isset($_POST['publicOnly']) ? current($publicOnly) : 0;
next($address); next($city); next($state); next($publicOnly);
However, if the keys are the same in all of the array then I think really this should work:
foreach($new_id as $key => $new_ids) {
$propertyAddress = PropertyAddressManagement::find($new_ids);
$propertyAddress->address = $address[$key];
$propertyAddress->city = $city[$key];
$propertyAddress->state = $state[$key];
$propertyAddress->publicOnly = isset($_POST['publicOnly']) ? $publicOnly[$key] : 0;

How To Add An RSS Feed To My Search.php file?

I'm running a social network and right now my search.php shows results for people, and tags. How can I add an RSS Feed? I own a blog and I wanted to add my RSS Feed to the search so whenever someone searches for a topic it will show up on the search page.
Here's the search.php code:
$feed = new feed();
$feed->db = $db;
$feed->url = $CONF['url'];
if(isset($_SESSION['username']) && isset($_SESSION['password']) || isset($_COOKIE['username']) && isset($_COOKIE['password'])) {
$verify = $loggedIn->verify();
if($verify['username']) {
$feed->user = $verify;
$feed->username = $verify['username'];
$feed->id = $verify['idu'];
if(isset($_GET['tag'])) {
$skin = new skin('shared/top'); $top = '';
$TMPL['theme_url'] = $CONF['theme_url'];
$TMPL['private_message'] = $verify['privacy'];
$TMPL['avatar'] = $verify['image'];
$TMPL['url'] = $CONF['url'];
$top = $skin->make();
$feed->per_page = $settings['perpage'];
$feed->time = $settings['time'];
$feed->censor = $settings['censor'];
$feed->smiles = $settings['smiles'];
$feed->c_per_page = $settings['cperpage'];
$feed->c_start = 0;
$feed->l_per_post = $settings['lperpost'];
$TMPL_old = $TMPL; $TMPL = array();
$skin = new skin('shared/rows'); $rows = '';
if(empty($_GET['filter'])) {
$_GET['filter'] = '';
// Allowed types
if(isset($_GET['tag'])) {
// If the $_GET keyword is empty [hashtag]
if($_GET['tag'] == '') {
header("Location: ".$CONF['url']."/index.php?a=welcome");
$hashtags = $feed->getHashtags(0, $settings['qperpage'], $_GET['tag'], null);
$TMPL['messages'] = $hashtags[0];
} else {
// If the $_GET keyword is empty [user]
if($_GET['q'] == '') {
header("Location: ".$CONF['url']."/index.php?a=welcome");
$TMPL['messages'] = $feed->getSearch(0, $settings['qperpage'], $_GET['q'], $_GET['filter']);
$rows = $skin->make();
$skin = new skin('search/sidebar'); $sidebar = '';
if(isset($_GET['tag'])) {
$TMPL['trending'] = $feed->sidebarTrending($_GET['tag'], 10);
} else {
$TMPL['genre'] = $feed->sidebarGender($_GET['filter'], $_GET['q']);
$TMPL['ad'] = generateAd($settings['ad6']);
$sidebar = $skin->make();
$TMPL = $TMPL_old; unset($TMPL_old);
$TMPL['top'] = $top;
$TMPL['rows'] = $rows;
$TMPL['sidebar'] = $sidebar;
if(isset($_GET['logout']) == 1) {
header("Location: ".$CONF['url']."/index.php?a=welcome");
$TMPL['url'] = $CONF['url'];
if(isset($_GET['tag'])) {
$TMPL['title'] = '#'.$_GET['tag'].' - '.$settings['title'];
} else {
$TMPL['title'] = $LNG['title_search'].' - '.$_GET['q'].' - '.$settings['title'];
$skin = new skin('shared/timeline_x');
return $skin->make();
Please help :)
Try this example
$articles = $pages->find('blog')->children()->visible()->flip()->limit(10);
snippet('feed', array(
'link' => url('blog'),
'items' => $articles,
'descriptionField' => 'text',
'descriptionLength' => 300
This is the main link in our feed, which takes the visitor back to our site. In this case we want them to get back to our blog, so we build an url to our blog with the url() helper function.
As items for our feed, we pass the set of $articles we found in the first line. The feed snippet will automatically take care of getting the right info out of those $articles (like title, url, etc.)
If you want to show a description for each item in your feed, you need to specify a field, which is available in any item and should be used for the description.
This is maximum number of characters the description will have. An excerpt is automatically generated by the feed snippet.

Escaping issue in building query dynamic function variables

I am developing a CMS which works on template page system in a different approach.
I have this object:
$structure = new stdClass;
$structure->homepage->news->method = 'get_articles_by_page_name';
$structure->homepage->news->lang_key = translate('home_news');
$structure->homepage->news->lang = $lang;
$structure->homepage->news->add_media = true;
$structure->homepage->news->media_type = 'ibs';
$structure->homepage->news->limit = '5';
$structure->homepage->news->order_by = 'a.logical_date';
$structure->homepage->news->asc_des = 'desc';
$structure->homepage->news->result_type = 'result';
This helps to get contents as following:
foreach ($structure as $page_template => $page_contents)
// Call Customized Content for Homepage
if($this->data['page_data']->page_view == $page_template) // homepage comes ok.
foreach ($page_contents as $view_var_name => $page_cdata)
$method = $page_cdata->method; // method names comes
$page_cdata = substr(implode(",",(array) $page_cdata),(strlen($method)+1)) . '\'';
//Returns as expected:
$this->data[$view_var_name] = $this->publish->$method($page_cdata);
It suppose to call them model function of:
function get_articles_by_page_name( $lang_key='',$lang='en',$add_media=true,
However, there is a problem with. When I return to last worked query it says:
SELECT * FROM (`page`) JOIN `page_lang` ON `page`.`id_page` = `page_lang`.`id_page` WHERE `page_lang`.`title` = '\'News\',\'tr\',\'1\',\'ibs\',\'5\',\'a.logical_date\',\'desc\',\'result\''
It souldn't be like this. every thing between commas are parameters of the method function. What cause this, any idea?
Content of get_articles_by_page_name:
function get_articles_by_page_name ($lang_key='',$lang='tr',$add_media=true,$media_type='ibs',$limit='0',$order_by='a.logical_date',$asc_desc='desc',$result_type='result')
// Define variables
$id_page = '';
$result = '';
// Get Page Data
$page_name = $lang_key;
$get_page = $this->vayes->getJoined('page','page_lang','id_page','','',array('page_lang.title'=>$page_name),'row');
$id_page = $get_page->id_page;
$result = $this->publish->get_articles($lang,$id_page,null,false,'',$order_by,$asc_desc,$limit,'result');
$result = array('No id_page specified');
return $result;
Content of get_articles:
function get_articles($lang='tr',$id_page,$id_article=null,$incl_media=true,$media_type='',$order_by='a.logical_date',$asc_desc='desc',$limit='0',$result_type='result')
$this->db->from('article a');
$this->db->join('article_lang b','b.id_article=a.id_article','left outer');
if($incl_media) {
$this->db->join('article_media c','c.id_article=b.id_article','left outer');
$this->db->join('media d','d.id_media=c.id_media','left outer');
if($id_article == null) { $this->db->where('a.id_page',$id_page); }
else /*------------->*/ { $this->db->where('a.id_article',$id_article); }
if(($incl_media == true) AND $media_type != '' ) $this->db->where('c.usage',$media_type);
// Order Results
// Limit Results
if ($limit) $this->db->limit($limit);
$query = $this->db->get();
if($query->num_rows() > 0)
$result = $query->$result_type();
return $result;
return false;
try stripslashes()
Attempting to use stripslashes on an array in 5.2.17 returns the string "Array", but in 5.3.6 it returns NULL. So using stripslashes() on an array you will need to do it recursively;
function stripslashes_deep($value)
$value = is_array($value) ?
array_map('stripslashes_deep', $value) :
return $value;
// Example
$array = array("f\\'oo", "b\\'ar", array("fo\\'o", "b\\'ar"));
$array = stripslashes_deep($array);
// Output
