I am currently building an API, I want to be able to search the API via the query string. So for example http://api.dev/?q=12
I can get the value entered but how do I then use this to search the database?
if ($q = Input::get('q'))
return( ModelName::where('id', '=', $q));
This doesn't seem to change the search and the same data is just returned.
ID's are unique so it doesn't surprise me you're getting the same result.
For Laravel I find the query builder to be better at handling search queries instead of Eloquent.
$users = DB::table('users')
->where('votes', '>', 100)
->orWhere('name', 'John')
Hope this helps.
To search from the db with Eloquent you can use both this ways:
ModelName::where('id', '=', $q)->get();
In the second example Laravel assumes that your Primary Key is id, so in case you have another field as your primary you have to overwrite it, by setting the property in the model.
class ModelName
...your props
private $primaryKey = 'yourPrimaryKey'
its there's a way to optimize this code. I already google it but I don't know what the exact keyword to search, so I always failed to find the answer.
At this code I get the Approver List of ID 512 (requestor)
$approver_list = DB::table('users')
->leftjoin('approver_group_list', 'approver_group_list.user_id', '=', 'users.id')
->leftjoin('approval_roles', 'approval_roles.as_id', '=', 'approver_group_list.as_id')
->leftjoin('approver_requestor_list', 'approver_requestor_list.at_id', '=', 'approval_roles.at_id')
->where('approver_requestor_list.user_id', 512)
Then I use array_push to extract the data of approver_list, then I use the value of $result to get value in LeaveMain table.
$result = array();
foreach($approver_list as $al)
array_push($result , $al->user_id);
$leave_list = LeaveMain::whereIn('requestor_id', $result)->get();
My problem is, it is always need to use array_push to to extract data, or laravel have a way to optimize this code.
$approver_list = DB::table('users')
->leftjoin('approver_group_list', 'approver_group_list.user_id', '=', 'users.id')
->leftjoin('approval_roles', 'approval_roles.as_id', '=', 'approver_group_list.as_id')
->leftjoin('approver_requestor_list', 'approver_requestor_list.at_id', '=', 'approval_roles.at_id')
->where('approver_requestor_list.user_id', 512)
$leave_list = LeaveMain::whereIn('requestor_id', $approver_list)->get();
Basically you can pluck the id from the table itself, rather than fetching all the data and then taking the id later, and whereIn accepts collection as the second argument. so no need to cast to an array
The whereIn method filters the collection by a given key / value
contained within the given array: Link
You don't need to loop the approver_list values, you can use pluck method to retrieves all of the values for user_id.
$result = $approver_list->pluck('user_id')->toArray();
$leave_list = LeaveMain::whereIn('requestor_id', $result)->get();
I have collection that created with complicated laravel query and this query's result is too big. So i think i must use algolia. As i know, algolia gets the model table data to itself as json and serve from there.
$result = User::search("UserName")->get();
It needs to some model configurations like searchAs etc.. all are related with existing model and you can make search from model with search method (above example). What i want to ask is, i have complicated query and result has too many attributes that come from another tables (joined). I want to make search on my custom query result. Is it possible ?
My example query :
$friendShips = Friend::
join("vp_users as users","users.id","=","friendships.friendID")
->leftJoin("vp_friendships as friendshipsForFriend",function($join) use ($request)
->leftJoin("vp_videos_friends as videosFromFriendMedias",function($join)
$join->on("videosFromFriendMedias.friendID", "=" ,"friendships.userID");
$join->on("videosFromFriendMedias.isCalled", "=" , DB::raw(self::CALLED));
->leftJoin("vp_videos_friends as videosToFriendMedias",function($join)
$join->on("videosToFriendMedias.userID", '=', "friendships.userID");
$join->on("videosToFriendMedias.friendID", '=', "friendships.friendID");
$join->on("videosToFriendMedias.isCalled", '=', DB::raw(self::CALLED));
$join->orOn("videosToFriendMedias.isActive", '=', DB::raw(self::ACTIVE));
->leftJoin("vp_videos_friends as
//some join rules too
I believe the best way would be to use this request and chain the searchable() method. It will index the collection returned by the query to Algolia.
$friendShips = Friend::
join("vp_users as users","users.id","=","friendships.friendID")
->leftJoin("vp_friendships as friendshipsForFriend",function($join) use ($request) {
I have a table called List which i planned to be displayed into view with this command : $lists= List::with('user', 'product.photodb', 'tagCloud.tagDetail')->get();. But, i want the data displayed is only those that has TagID equal to the one user inputted. Those data can be retrieved from TagCloud table.
What i am currently doing is :
$clouds = TagCloud::select('contentID')
->where('tagDetailID', '=', $tagID)
$lists = List::with('user', 'product.photodb', 'tagCloud.tagDetail')
->where('id', '=', $clouds->contentID)
But when i tried to run it, it only return a null value, even though when i am doing return $clouds, it does returned the desired ID.
Where did i do wrong ? Any help is appreciated !
A couple of gotchas with your current solution.
Using get() returns an Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection object. Hence you can't use $clouds->contentID directly since $clouds is a collection (or array if you prefer). See Collection Documentation.
where(...) expects the third parameter to be a string or integer, aka single value. Instead, you are passing a collection, which won't work.
The correct way is to use whereHas() which allows you to filter through an eager loaded relationship.
Final Code:
$lists = List::with('user', 'product.photodb', 'tagCloud.tagDetail')
->whereHas('tagCloud',function($query) use ($tagID) {
return $query->where('contentID','=',$tagID);
See WhereHas Documentation.
What you want is whereHas()
$list = List::with(...)
->whereHas('relation', function($q) use($id) {
return $q->where('id', $id);
Apply Where condition in you tagCloud model method tagDetail
public function tagDetail(){
return $q->where('id', $id);
Currently i am doing this to get branch table data:
$smlist = SM::where('branch_id','=',$branchid)->select('id','name','branch_id')->get();
foreach ($smlist as $sm) {
$sm->b = SM::find($sm->id)->branch;
Where branch_id is foreign key, also I set belongsTo in SM table.
This is working fine for me but I am finding way to use it with in single query.
How can i get this data using single query?
You can eager load your relationship using with():
$smlist = SM::with('branch')
You have to use a join, here you can find the documentation http://laravel.com/docs/4.2/queries#joins
I think you can use something like this:
SM::->join('branch', 'branch.id', '=', 'sm.branch_id')
Of course I can use order_by with columns in my first table but not with columns on second table because results are partial.
If I use 'join' everything works perfect but I need to achieve this in eloquent. Am I doing something wrong?
This is an example:
//with join
$data = DB::table('odt')
->join('hdt', 'odt.id', '=', 'hdt.odt_id')
->get(array('odt.odt as odt','hdt.servicio as servicio'));
foreach($data as $v){
echo $v->odt.' - '.$v->servicio.'<br>';
echo '<br><br>';
//with eloquent
$data = Odt::get();
foreach($data as $odt){
foreach($odt->hdt()->order_by('servicio')->get() as $hdt){
echo $odt->odt.' - '.$hdt->servicio.'<br>';
In your model you will need to explicitly tell the relation to sort by that field.
So in your odt model add this:
public function hdt() {
return $this->has_many('hdt')->order_by('servicio', 'ASC');
This will allow the second table to be sorted when using this relation, and you wont need the order_by line in your Fluent join statement.
I would advise against including the order by in the relational method as codivist suggested. The method you had laid is functionally identical to codivist suggestion.
The difference between the two solutions is that in the first, you are ordering odt ( all results ) by hdt.servicio. In the second you are retrieving odt in it's natural order, then ordering each odt's contained hdt by servico.
The second solution is also much less efficient because you are making one query to pull all odt, then an additional query for each odt to pull it's hdts. Check the profiler. Considering your initial query and that you are only retrieving one column, would something like this work?
HDT::where( 'odt_id', '>', 0 )->order_by( 'servico' )->get('servico');
Now I see it was something simple! I have to do the query on the second table and get contents of the first table using the function odt() witch establish the relation "belongs_to"
$data = Hdt::order_by('servicio')->get();
foreach($data as $hdt){
echo $hdt->odt->odt.' - '.$hdt->servicio.'<br>';
The simple answer is:
$data = Odt::join('hdt', 'odt.id', '=', 'hdt.odt_id')
->get(array('odt.odt as odt','hdt.servicio as servicio'));
Anything you can do with Fluent you can also do with Eloquent. If your goal is to retrieve hdts with their odts tho, I would recommend the inverse query for improved readability:
$data = Hdt::join('odt', 'odt.id', '=', 'hdt.odt_id')
->get(array('hdt.servicio as servicio', 'odt.odt as odt'));
Both of these do exactly the same.
To explain why this works:
Whenever you call static methods like Posts::where(...), Eloquent will return a Fluent query for you, exactly the same as DB::table('posts')->where(...). This gives you flexibility to build whichever queries you like. Here's an example:
// Retrieves last 10 posts by Johnny within Laravel category
$posts = Posts::join('authors', 'authors.id', '=', 'posts.author_id')
->join('categories', 'categories.id', '=', 'posts.category_id')
->where('authors.username', '=', 'johnny')
->where('categories.name', '=', 'laravel')
->order_by('posts.created_at', 'DESC')