Multiple queries using PDO - php

So here's my problem :
I have different queries on a same PHP page (SELECT queries). Each of these queries work fine separately (I have tested them).
These queries are used to make html tables and then to display graphs with a jquery plugin (the users are able to choose the graphs that they want to display on the page thanks to check-boxes).However, I can display only one graph because there's only one query that works when I refresh the page. The others return no result. I have tried using the function NextRowset() with a do-while but it doesn't work (even though there is no error)
Here is a part of my code so that you can see :
foreach($_POST['choixCourbe'] as $choixCourbe) {
if ($choixCourbe=='courantBatterie') {
$sql = 'SELECT batteryCurrent FROM data ORDER BY id'
$stmt = $bdd->prepare($sql1);
do {
$rows = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_BOTH);} while ($stmt->nextRowset());
if ($rows == false) { echo 'No result';}
else { /*create table*/ }
if ($choixCourbe=='courantSolaire') {
$sql = 'SELECT sunCurrent FROM data ORDER BY id';
$stmt = $bdd->prepare($sql);
do {
$rows = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_BOTH);} while ($stmt->nextRowset());
if ($rows == false) {echo 'No result';}
else {/*create table*/}
On the code above, the user should be able to see two graphs when he clicks on the two corresponding check-boxes (I have checked that both values of the check-boxes are correctly taken into account so that's not the problem) but there's currently one graph.
Any idea of what the problem is ?
Thanks for your answers,

As far as I can see, the problem is as silly as two contradicting conditions,
if ($choixCourbe=='courantBatterie') {
if ($choixCourbe=='courantSolaire') {
of which only one can be executed at a time, obviously.
So, the problem is rather HTML related. make your checkbox names like choixCourbe[] and then use in_array() in PHP to test if particular value were selected.


PHP and SQLite Service in Memory

I have a single page responsive HTML page. One section of the page has a product search. User can enter search criteria in a form and get back the results. The results are paged.
<form id="filterform" name="filterform" method="post" action="./loaddata.php">
The form is submitted by Ajax and the results are returned as an HTML fragment that gets dynamically inserted into the DOM to refresh the results.
That's all working OK, but sometimes the results from loaddata.php are very slow, usually the first time called from the page.
In loaddata.php I'm using a Sqlite3 database. It is read only. Something like the following:
$filename = "../datafile.sqlite3";
$db = new SQLite3($filename);
$q = "SELECT distinct productId, title, price, name FROM datatable LIMIT 16";
$results = $db->query($q);
while ($row = $results->fetchArray()) {
echo "<h1>Results</h1>";
Is there a way to make loaddata.php load and stay in memory to respond to the form submit? It seems like it will reload every submit.
Depending on the size of the datatable you can save it on SESSION, use functions like shmop_open/shmop_write/shmop_read or (better yet) use some cache service like redis, but in one way or another the data will be stored and processed every time you pass by that place. I would tere the page in pieces, create one webservice to deal with the form post and another to show the form.
The easiest (not necessary safest or best way to do) would be ...
PS: I assume you are working with PDO and (obviously) the code bellow is an elaboration, it will not actually work
if (isset($_SESSION['db_datatable'])) {
foreach ($_SESSION['db_datatable'] AS $item) {
echo "<h1>".$item['some_row']."</h1>";
} else {
$filename = "../datafile.sqlite3";
$db = new SQLite3($filename);
$q = "SELECT distinct productId, title, price, name FROM datatable LIMIT 16";
$results = $db->query($q);
while ($row = $results->fetchArray()) {
$_SESSION['db_datatable'][] = $row;
echo "<h1>Results</h1>";
Hope I have been of some help. Cheers!

update array data to database inside looping

I face a problem with update more then one value with the same name to database.
//while loop
<input name="exists[]" value='$row1[Status_Name]'></input>
bellow are how I update the data to database
if (isset($_POST["updsts"]))
$gid = $_POST["id"];
$sqlq = "SELECT * FROM orderstatus WHERE Status_Group = '$gid'";
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sqlq);
$rowcount = mysqli_num_rows($result);
if ($rowcount == 0)
echo "No records found";
$x = '0';
while( $x<$rowcount)
$stsname = $_POST["exists[$x]"];
$sqlu = "UPDATE orderstatus SET
Status_Name = '$stsname'
WHERE Status_Group = '$gid'";
My $row1[Status_Name] will show all the status_name inside a table.
You can loop over the post array key:
foreach ($_POST['exists'] as $val) {
// Do your updates here
Additionally, this code has a lot of other serious problems you should be aware of.
You're not escaping any data used in the context of HTML. Use htmlspecialchars() around any arbitrary data you're concatenating into HTML. Without this, you risk creating invalid HTML as well as potential security issues with injected scripts.
You're not escaping any data used in your queries! As it stands right now, pretty much anyone can do whatever they want with your database data. Automated bots hit these sort of scripts and exploit them all the time. Use parameterized queries, always. Never concatenate data into the context of a query!
There's no need for this select and then update loop. Just use one update.

Query for multiple SQLite tables with PHP

Forgive me if my question sounds stupid as I'm a begginer with SQLite, but I'm looking for the simplest SQLite query PHP solution that will give me full text results from at least three separate SQLite databases.
Google seems to give me links to articles without examples and I have to start from somewhere.
I have three databases:
domains.db (url_table, title_table, date_added_table)
extras.db (same tables as the first db)
admin.db (url_table, admin_notes_table)
Now I need a PHP query script that will execute a query and give me results from domains.db but if there are matches also from extras.db and admin.db.
I'm trying to just grasp the basics of it and looking for a starting point where I can at least study and learn the first code.
First, you connect to 'domains.db', query what you need, save however you want, than if there were a result in the first query, you connect to the others and query them.
$db1 = new SQLite3('domains.db');
$results1 = $db1->query('SELECT bar FROM foo');
if ($results1->numColumns() && $results1->columnType(0) != SQLITE3_NULL) {
// have rows
// so, again, $result2 = $db2->query('query');
// ....
} else {
// zero rows
// You can work with the data like this
//while ($row = $results1->fetchArray()) {
// var_dump($row);
Edit.: A better approach would be to use PDO, you can find a lot of tutorials and help to use it.
$db = new PDO('sqlite:mydatabase.db');
$result = $db->query('SELECT * FROM MyTable');
foreach ($result as $row) {
echo 'Example content: ' . $row['column1'];
You can also check the row count:
$row_count = sqlite_num_rows($result);

PDO : What´s the best method to get the result after insert data to database

I´m very new to PDO. I just wonder what´s the best way to get the result when the data insert to the database comletely. I´m looking around in googl. seems like it´s flexible. That makes me wonder what is correct and what is incorrrect way.
Let see example:
$sql = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO tb_user(user_name, user_email) VALUES(:user_name,:user_email);
$sql->execute(array(':user_name'=>$user_name, ':user_email'=>$user_email));
$affected_rows = $sql->rowCount();
From this script I want to get result if the data is finish to be insert in database.
If it done-->I will echo it like "complete" and send it back to ajax or etc...
I have tried :
echo"YEZZ!! complete";
$all = $slq->fetchAll();
if(count($all)) {
echo"YEZZ!! complete";
if ($sql->execute){
echo"YEZZ!! complete";
//this one i know it will double insert data to database because I called it twice//
But I still want to know when can I use this method
And maybe more ways out there which make me crazy and want to know what is the best way to get result if the thing is done:
AFter insert, after delete, after update these 3 statements is the most important to know each.
Any suggestions could be wonderful !
you could do:
$id = $conn->lastInsertId('IDCOLUMN');
and then execute a query and search for the id
$stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM tb_user WHERE IDCOLUMN = :id");
$stmt->execute(array("id", $id);
if($stmt->rowCount() > 0) {
$result = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
the result variable will contain your last inserted record
Yes, your approach with rowCount() is a right one. Stick with it.

PDO best way to check if 300+ values exist in database

I have a time dependent script I am working on and used microtime() to find the bottle neck. I determined the time increase is caused by doing a check on 300+ values to see if they exist in a database one at a time at 0.04 seconds a query.
The background of the script is it is a caching script. I need to see if it exists in the DB so I need a true/false (obtained by a rowCount) but i also need a way to relate a false to a value so I can update it. I know using a WHERE tag IN (:ARRAY) would work faster than the individual calls, but I cant think of a way to apply an association of true/false to value in this method.
My current code is below:
//loop through all our values!
//prepare out reusuable statement
$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * from cache WHERE value=?");
foreach($values as $tempVal)
//find if its in the database
$valCount = $stmt->rowCount();
} catch(PDOException $ex) {
echo "PDO error send this to us: " . $ex->getMessage();
//update flag
$addToUpdate = 1;
//if its in the database
if($valCount > 0)
//get the tag data
$valRes= $stmt->fetch();
//check if cache expired
$addToUpdate = 0;
//add to update list
//needs updating
$updateList[] = $tempVal;
//add to not in DB list to minimize queries
if($tagTCount == 0)
$notInDB[$tempVal] = $tempVal;
Any suggestions? I can explain more if anything is not clear.
Thank you,
So you just issue your query with the complete array, using the IN (?,?,?,?,?...) list:
// abstract, use a PDO wrapper of your choosing
$query = db("SELECT * FROM cache WHERE value IN (??)", $values);
Then iterate over the result list. Only matched $values will return. So build your first list from that:
foreach ($query as $row) {
$updateList[] = $row["value"];
To get the list of absent entries, just diff that against your original array:
$notInDB = array_diff($values, $updateList);
You could of course use a second NOT IN query. But doing that differentiation in PHP is simpler.
