Route::get('(:any)',function() not working properly in laravel 4 - php

The program is a URL shortener that I am just trying out from some tutorial ( for Laravel 3 but i am using laravel 4) and it is supposed to give me the "some URL" as output when I click on the shortened URL.
Route::get('/', function()
return View::make ('home.index');
$url = Input::get('url');
// If the url is already in the table, return it
if ($record) {
//then return it
return View::make('home.result')
->with('shortened', $record->shortened);
{ echo "Everything is ok with: ".$shortened; })
->where('shortened', '.*');
Rather it is going to a error page saying
"Not Found The requested URL /asdf was not found on this server."
I think it is a very simple error on my part. I am not sure whether they have changed the syntax or the keyword. I am not able to find any solution from the laravel docs as well.

I use the following for my CMS to catch all requests with a Regex filter:
Route::get('{uri}', 'PublicController#init')
->where('uri', '.*');
In your case it would probably look like this:
Route::get('{uri}', function($uri) {
return 'Hello, world!';
})->where('uri', '.*');
You can use the first one to load a method inside of a controller. The controller being PublicController and the method init. There you can handle your errors initiate any other processes based on the request.
This works really well, you can add reserved routes before ths route so it becomes the last route catching all requests that are not catched by previous routes.

In Laravel 4, you do:
Route::get('{shortened}', function($shortened)
instead of
You can read more about route parameters in Laravel 4, here:

Lauch Laravel
go to you'r application root,run the command PHP artisan serve
Put the routing
-Comment evrything in routing.php, add these routes:
Route::get('/', function()
echo 'hello';
echo "Evrything is ok with: ".$shortened;
})->where('shortened', '.*');
Launch you application
-go to http://localhost:8000/asdf


How to call route which is not defined in laravel

I am newbie to laravel and i am working on a project and i have a following situation
lets assume my base url is
Now i want to pass a slug(argument) after a base url which means something like that, and i need to do this on multiple times in my project
This is what i'd tried but it is not working it says that route is not defined.
Route::get('{slug?}', [App\Http\Controllers\UiviewsController::class, 'method1'])->name('method1');
Route::get('/method2/{slug?}', function($slug){
return redirect()->route('method1', ['slug'=>$slug]);
And also how can i achieve that on which argument which particular method should be called? for example if i have several other routes similar to above one.
how can i achieve this?
Thank you in advance for your help. :)
You should use the fallback system.
Route::fallback(function () {
Laravel Route fallback official docs
also, beware:
The fallback route should always be the last route registered by your
Other Option:
Also, you can define a parameter as below example
Route::any('{any}', function(){
})->where('any', '.*');
Please Try php artisan route:cache in your terminal then check it again.

Custom 404 laravel

If we just create a 404.blade.php page in resources/views/error it will work fine, but Auth() won't work on 404 page, to solve that if we follow the solution available on stackoverflow the Laravel auth errors will stop working. I use the following solution to do the work.
Create custom view
in route.php
Route::any('{catchall}', 'PageController#notfound')->where('catchall', '.*');
create PageController and add this function
public function notfound()
return view('errors.404');
For Laravel 5.6 and later, you can use fallback in your routes\web.php:
It works as an "catch all"-route.
See docs here.
Write below code in your Exceptions/Handler.php
$code = array('status'=>$exception->getStatusCode());
return response()->view('errors.404',compact('code'));
Now create a new file in your view i.e errors/404;
Now in code array you can pass dynamic values
Not sure if this will help. Laravel has a PHP artisan command to publish error pages. Laravel Custom HTTP Error Pages
After you run this artisan command use Route:fallback() method as #KFoobar suggested. If you use a closure function, no need to use a controller. Make sure to add the below route at the ends of your routes file.
//Fallback/Catchall Route
Route::fallback(function () {
return view('errors.layout');
Shameless plug for my BLOG

Laravel routing strange behavior

I have a single domain/subdomain project. In order to see the event by slug, I made this route:
Route::prefix('events')->namespace('Content\Controller')->group(function () {
Route::get('/', 'EventController#getIndex')->name('event.index');
Route::get('{slug}', 'EventController#getView')->name('');
Route::get('{slug}/edit', 'EventController#getEdit')->name('event.edit');
Route::post('load-more-ajax/{region?}', 'EventController#postLoadMoreAjax');
Route::any('sorted-ajax/{region?}', 'EventController#anySortedAjax');
Route::get('category/{category_slug}/{subcategory_slug?}', 'EventController#getCategory');
After my page didn't load correctly, I did a dump in the controller:
public function getView($slug)
return $slug;
To get to the route I am using this URL:
The problem is that the route is being hit as I see the response when I change it, but I am not getting the slug, instead I am getting Region object back.
If I do this:
public function getView($region, $slug)
return $slug;
Then I get the slug back. But I have no idea how is this possible, and how could I do it (I came as another dev on the existing project).
I tried commenting out all the middleware and it is still the same. How can I even make something fill the method if I didn't explicitly say it?
I noticed there is binding going on in routes file:
Route::bind('region', function ($value) {
Now if I dd($value) I get the variable back. How is this value filled? From where could it be forwarded?
Looking quickly it should work, but maybe you was verifying other url.
Make sure you put:
Route::get('{slug}', 'EventController#getView')->name('');
Route::get('{slug}/edit', 'EventController#getEdit')->name('event.edit');
routes at the end of routes you showed.
If you think that's not the case and you don't have your routes cached you should run:
php artisan route:list
to verify your routes.
After explaining by OPs in comment, domain used for accessing site is:
So having $region in controller as 1st parameter is correct behaviour because of route model binding and other route parameters will be 2nd, 3rd and so on.
Instead of
Route::prefix('events')->namespace('Content\Controller')->group(function () {
Route::get('/', 'EventController#getIndex')->name('event.index');
Route::get('{slug}', 'EventController#getView')->name('');
Route::get('{slug}/edit', 'EventController#getEdit')->name('event.edit');
Route::post('load-more-ajax/{region?}', 'EventController#postLoadMoreAjax');
Route::any('sorted-ajax/{region?}', 'EventController#anySortedAjax');
Route::get('category/{category_slug}/{subcategory_slug?}', 'EventController#getCategory');
Route::prefix('events')->namespace('Content\Controller')->group(function () {
Route::get('/', 'EventController#getIndex')->name('event.index');
Route::post('load-more-ajax/{region?}', 'EventController#postLoadMoreAjax');
Route::any('sorted-ajax/{region?}', 'EventController#anySortedAjax');
Route::get('category/{category_slug}/{subcategory_slug?}', 'EventController#getCategory');
Route::get('{slug}', 'EventController#getView')->name('');
Route::get('{slug}/edit', 'EventController#getEdit')->name('event.edit');

Laravel: 404 error instead of usual exceptions

I have two routes.
The second stopped working so I added the first one (which works perfectly).
Routes file
Route::get('/cms/index', function () {
return view('cms-templates/index');
Route::get('/cms', function () {
return view('cms-templates/index');
// tried return redirect('/cms/index')
// tried return hello world
The problem is it doesn't matter what I try to return in the second route, it always throws a page with error 404 Not Found ------ nginx/ver instead of the NotFoundHttpException or InvalidArgumentException that usually come when not finding route or file (which still happens with which other route)
Try this:
Route::get('/cms/index', function () {
return view('cms-templates.index'); //cms-templates should be a folder with a blade called index
Anyway you're trying to return the same view for two differents Routes?.
Also you can call to a controller and her function using this:
Feel free to ask if have any doubt.

Missing some more adjustments to make routing work in Laravel

Following this
I add this:
Route::get('users', function()
return 'Users!';
to the bottom of /app/routes.php and GET it from my browser http://localhost/users. But the returned result is users Not Found.
I've also tried a route of /users too, and this does the same.
Oh no, the route should be:
That should work.
