If we just create a 404.blade.php page in resources/views/error it will work fine, but Auth() won't work on 404 page, to solve that if we follow the solution available on stackoverflow the Laravel auth errors will stop working. I use the following solution to do the work.
Create custom view
in route.php
Route::any('{catchall}', 'PageController#notfound')->where('catchall', '.*');
create PageController and add this function
public function notfound()
return view('errors.404');
For Laravel 5.6 and later, you can use fallback in your routes\web.php:
It works as an "catch all"-route.
See docs here.
Write below code in your Exceptions/Handler.php
$code = array('status'=>$exception->getStatusCode());
return response()->view('errors.404',compact('code'));
Now create a new file in your view i.e errors/404;
Now in code array you can pass dynamic values
Not sure if this will help. Laravel has a PHP artisan command to publish error pages. Laravel Custom HTTP Error Pages
After you run this artisan command use Route:fallback() method as #KFoobar suggested. If you use a closure function, no need to use a controller. Make sure to add the below route at the ends of your routes file.
//Fallback/Catchall Route
Route::fallback(function () {
return view('errors.layout');
Shameless plug for my BLOG
I am newbie to laravel and i am working on a project and i have a following situation
lets assume my base url is https://example.com
Now i want to pass a slug(argument) after a base url which means https://example.com/xyz something like that, and i need to do this on multiple times in my project
This is what i'd tried but it is not working it says that route is not defined.
Route::get('{slug?}', [App\Http\Controllers\UiviewsController::class, 'method1'])->name('method1');
Route::get('/method2/{slug?}', function($slug){
return redirect()->route('method1', ['slug'=>$slug]);
And also how can i achieve that on which argument which particular method should be called? for example if i have several other routes similar to above one.
how can i achieve this?
Thank you in advance for your help. :)
You should use the fallback system.
Route::fallback(function () {
Laravel Route fallback official docs
also, beware:
The fallback route should always be the last route registered by your
Other Option:
Also, you can define a parameter as below example
Route::any('{any}', function(){
})->where('any', '.*');
Please Try php artisan route:cache in your terminal then check it again.
I just installed Laravel 8 and created new controller and route. when i try to use new route that i created which is working fine but route('/') is not working. giving me error
The GET method is not supported for this route. Supported methods: HEAD.
Route::get('/', function () {
return view('welcome');
Route::get('login', [LoginController::class,'loginShow'])->name('login');
class LoginController extends Controller
function loginShow(){
return view('Login.login');
Route List
Problem Detail :
here i have 2 routes 1) mydomin or mydomin/ 2) myDomian/login
here myDomian/login is working as i want but when i try to use mydomin then i am getting
many time i face thing problem but sometime i fix anyway. But i want to know its real reason why it happen? so next time i will take case self. here mydomin is GET method route and i delcleared in web.php as GET. so why it is telling it is HEAD not get? Also note that before create a new route it was working in same way. so why now not? please tell me reason of this.
i got my solution using php artisan serve . so after that it is start working. but i a could not understand why it is not working without php artisan serve .... if any one has any reason please tell us.
I have just created one of about view in view/about.blade.php, and I am accessing this from localhost/myproject/public/about, but it's not working.
However, localhost/myprojects/public/ is working fine; about view has been created on same parameters as welcome by default in Laravel.
Firstly the information is not sufficient to say anything.Please provide your route.Also its important how you are running your project ,is it via Xampp(or Lampp whatever is there) or "php artisan serve"
but looking from your working directory "localhost/myprojects/public" I guess its not by the command . Try localhost/myprojects/public/about.blade.php or run it by php artisan serve and try route localhost:8000/about
Have you added particular routing to web.php file?
Route::get('about', function () {
return view('about');
Which error are you getting?
404 - Not found
Route::get('/about', function () {
return view('about');
Check routes
php artisan route:list
Laravel is a MVC Framework, Which means You Have a Controller which procede some logic when some request come in and interact with the model if need, after that the controller return some view.
And because you whan to acccess your view file, you must past through controller, and that controller will render the view. Because the views folder is not in the \public dicretory as subdirectory you can't access to It with url like localhost/myproject/public/about even if you get access to it, you will not get HTML, you'll get some plain text with Blade tags. It's a must to return view in you controller by rendering it, somewhere in the background Laravel procede all Blade Tag and return HTML that correspond to that tags.
What I can suggest you Is to create some route in your route file like this
Route::get('/about', function(Request $request){
// Automatically Laravel will look this file in the view directory
return view('about');
Or you can go with the controller like procedure by creating some controller, go in your terminal and execute
php artisan make:controller AboutController
this will generate a file name AboutController.php in app\Http\Controllers diretory within witch you will found
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
class HomeController extends Controller
after that add
public function index()
return View::make('about');
Don't forget to include use the Illuminale\Supports\Facades\View on top of your file
And one more important thing which left is to configure the Route, for that go in routes directory in the web.php file add
Route::get('/about', 'AboutController#index')->name('about');
I have route:
Route::resource('admin/question', 'QuestionsController');
and function index:
public function index() {
return "Hello";
But when I try used index Laravel returned me the error:
Method [show] does not exist.
I'm using the link:
The server is WampServer program.
I can only use index function when I change route file:
Route::get('admin/question/index', 'QuestionsController#index');
Route::resource('admin/question', 'QuestionsController');
In Laravel version 5.3 I did not have to do it, it was enough to use:
Route::resource('.../...', '...Controller');
Actually, the URL is going to the correct function. admin/question should go to index. admin/question/{question} is the route that goes to show.
Take a look here and check how Laravel create Resource routes:
Since that you didn't provide your full routes. I am guessing that the link you were accessing is going to the wrong controller. You should check the ordering of the routes. Maybe you are accessing something like this on your route,
And the AdminController doesn't have a method show(). Thats why laravel return that error.
Here's you can do
Comment out the rest of routes except route that you are accessing.
Try to reorder the affected routes. Maybe Laravel is confused with your route.
I have a website in laravel framework and I am trying to add a simple new static page to the admin panel. I have done the following three steps:
Add a template to the views:
Add the make view code in the controller.
public function MessageToAll(){
return View::make('admin.MessageToAll');
Added a route in app/routes.php
But when I go to to domain.com/admin/MessageToAll
it gives me a 404 page not found error. Does anyone know what have I missed as I think I have completed all steps for adding this view.
Just put your new route before the /admin/ route (to test it, you want to temporarily make it the very first route in routes.php). The problem is /admin/ or some other similar route executed before your new route.
Also, if you need to just execute static view, you can use something like this (works without using a controller):
Route::get('/admin/MessageToAll', function (){
return View::make('admin.MessageToAll');
in routes add: