I have route:
Route::resource('admin/question', 'QuestionsController');
and function index:
public function index() {
return "Hello";
But when I try used index Laravel returned me the error:
Method [show] does not exist.
I'm using the link:
The server is WampServer program.
I can only use index function when I change route file:
Route::get('admin/question/index', 'QuestionsController#index');
Route::resource('admin/question', 'QuestionsController');
In Laravel version 5.3 I did not have to do it, it was enough to use:
Route::resource('.../...', '...Controller');
Actually, the URL is going to the correct function. admin/question should go to index. admin/question/{question} is the route that goes to show.
Take a look here and check how Laravel create Resource routes:
Since that you didn't provide your full routes. I am guessing that the link you were accessing is going to the wrong controller. You should check the ordering of the routes. Maybe you are accessing something like this on your route,
And the AdminController doesn't have a method show(). Thats why laravel return that error.
Here's you can do
Comment out the rest of routes except route that you are accessing.
Try to reorder the affected routes. Maybe Laravel is confused with your route.
Laravel version has updated and the routes is now expecting an object instead of an id from when i last used it.
My Routes:
When I try to pass over the $item object which the method in the controller wants. I get a 404 not found and my logs aren't returning... meaning the function isn't running. When the $item obj is not passed over the function realizes that a parameter is missing thus the method is recognized by the blade as being the same as the one in the controller.
Calling the edit function in Blade:
Controller Code:
I appreciate any help whatsoever.
The order of your routes is probably wrong
when you first define the show route with /item/{item} and then create with /item/create laravel will think the "create" is the id (or reference)
best way is to have
the index
Code Example correct
Route::get('/', ProductIndex::class)->name('product.index');
Route::get('/new', ProductCreate::class)->name('product.create');
Route::get('/{product}', ProductShow::class)->name('product.show');
Code Example wrong
Route::get('/', ProductIndex::class)->name('product.index');
Route::get('/{product}', ProductShow::class)->name('product.show');
Route::get('/new', ProductCreate::class)->name('product.create');
If we just create a 404.blade.php page in resources/views/error it will work fine, but Auth() won't work on 404 page, to solve that if we follow the solution available on stackoverflow the Laravel auth errors will stop working. I use the following solution to do the work.
Create custom view
in route.php
Route::any('{catchall}', 'PageController#notfound')->where('catchall', '.*');
create PageController and add this function
public function notfound()
return view('errors.404');
For Laravel 5.6 and later, you can use fallback in your routes\web.php:
It works as an "catch all"-route.
See docs here.
Write below code in your Exceptions/Handler.php
$code = array('status'=>$exception->getStatusCode());
return response()->view('errors.404',compact('code'));
Now create a new file in your view i.e errors/404;
Now in code array you can pass dynamic values
Not sure if this will help. Laravel has a PHP artisan command to publish error pages. Laravel Custom HTTP Error Pages
After you run this artisan command use Route:fallback() method as #KFoobar suggested. If you use a closure function, no need to use a controller. Make sure to add the below route at the ends of your routes file.
//Fallback/Catchall Route
Route::fallback(function () {
return view('errors.layout');
Shameless plug for my BLOG
My api.php route is
Controller function is and working with web.php Route file
public function index()
$posts= Post::all();
return PostResource::collection($posts);
my Resource is toArray function is
public function toArray($request)
return parent::toArray($request);
Postman link using GET are
both are not working
and getting Result in both Post man and browser: Sorry the page your looking for could not be found
Do you get something other than the Sorry the page you're looking for could not be found message when you do var_dump('test');die(); in your index method as the first line.
Edit: try to remove then / before /allPosts
Another edit: check in your RouteServiceProvider if the mapApiRoutes prefix is set to 'api'
If you are using the default route configuration that comes out of the box, you should place your route in routes/api.php if you want to access it in the /api namespace. Right now, the route should be accessible from http://queuetest.com/allposts.
This behavior can be configured in App\Providers\RouteServiceProviders.php. If you have a modified route configuration, there are numerous things that could cause this behaviour, and it is impossible to locate the problem without seeing more code.
I'm fairly new to Laravel. I'm having a problem with routing.
The problem is that the last route under prefix api/v1 does not work. When I call it it shows nothing, not even any error.
The code at the requestController is:
public function getLastTen(){
return $results;
Everything is alright with the code on the controller since it works when I call it from the routes.php file outside of the prefix 'api/v1' like this:
but when it is inside the prefix it does not work unless I add a variable to it like this:
Since you have a Route::resource above it, I think what's happening is that the show method on Resource Controller is getting the route instead of the one you wrote.
Try one the following:
Exclude the show method if you're not going to use it
Route::resource('results','RequestController', ['except' => 'show']);
Move your custom route above the resource route
Route::get('results/getByName/{name}', 'RequestController#getByName');
For more information, check out the show action on Laravel Docs
I got this error-->'NotFoundHttpException in RouteCollection.php line 161'..When i try to call my additional controller in laravel 5.2..Already I did php artisan serve to activate localhost:8000..can you please explain the basic layout of routing with controller in laravel?
NotFoundHttpException occurs when no given route is matched to your given request to a certain endpoint/url.
Make sure you are sending the request to the correct url which is correctly defined in your routes.php (web.php for laravel 5.3+) with it's correct verb, (GET, POST, PATCH, etc).
Basic flow goes like this:
In your routes.php, you'd define a route like:
Route::get("/users", "UsersController#show");
then in your Http folder define that given controller with it's name which you referred in above call and anything proceeding # symbol is a callback function which gets called automatically.
So in your http/UsersController.php, you'd have:
public function show(Request $request) {
//Do something with your request.
return "Something"; //could be an array or string or
//whatever since laravel automatically casts it into JSON,
//but it's strongly recommended to use transformers and compact method.
For more information try looking at laravel docs, they provide an amazing way to get started tutorial. Laravel Docs