Query in MySql from PHP, and JSON response for Highcharts - php

I have a issue whith a query on MySql table. I need a JSON response like this:
...but i recibe like this (all dates/int on "data:" identics):
...but only recibe the same "data:" (dates, int) for all names. I thing i have a malformed JSON estructure.
Thank you for help!
PHP File:
header('Content-type: application/json');
///recupero nombre de Usuario de la sesion, fecha y idGrupo
$sesionUser = $_SESSION['MM_Username'];
$sesionIdGrupo = $_GET['idGrupo'];
$sesionFechaActual = $_GET['fechaActual'];
$SesionFechaActualMes = explode("-", $sesionFechaActual);
mysql_select_db($database_conexion, $conexion);
$arr = array();
$items2 = array();
do {
$idDispositivoWhile = $row_RecordsetTabla3['idDispositivo'];
while ($dia < 31) {
$query_RecordsetTabla = "SELECT fecha, count(estado) FROM registros WHERE estado = '2' AND idUsuario = 'xavi' AND idGrupo = '393' AND YEAR(fecha) = '$SesionFechaActualMes[1]' AND MONTH(fecha) = '$SesionFechaActualMes[0]' AND DAY(fecha) = '$dia' AND idDispositivo='$contador'";
$RecordsetTabla = mysql_query($query_RecordsetTabla, $conexion) or die(mysql_error());
$row_RecordsetTabla = mysql_fetch_assoc($RecordsetTabla);
$totalRows_RecordsetTabla = mysql_num_rows($RecordsetTabla);
$fecha = $row_RecordsetTabla['fecha'];
$estadoCount = $row_RecordsetTabla['count(estado)'];
$arregloFecha = date_format(new DateTime($fecha),"Y-m-d");
$arregloFecha2 = strtotime($arregloFecha) * 1000;
$arr = array($arregloFecha2, floatval($estadoCount));
$items['data'][] = $arr;
}/////while que busca 31 fechas
$items['name'] = $contador;
array_push($items2, $items);
} while ($contador < 3); /////while contador hasta 3
echo json_encode($items2);
Note: The results is for fill a Highcharts chart.
I put a screen capture of table in Mysql...


PHP: Update value start from 0 and not 1

I have a table where I drag and drop, when I drop the row I want to update order values, it works but start updating from value 0 and I want start from 1.
Example before drag and drop:
My code looks like here:
public function updateOrder(Request $request)
$queryParams = [];
$ids = $request->ids;
//el query será definido en su totalidad de forma manual
$query = 'UPDATE projects SET `order` = CASE id ';
//agregamos cada parámetro de orden y de id al array para respetar las convenciones de PDO
foreach ($ids as $order => $id) {
$query .= 'WHEN ? THEN ? ';
$queryParams[] = (int) $id;
$queryParams[] = (int) $order;
//por último agregamos los ids implicados en el update
$queryParams = array_merge($queryParams, $ids);
//generamos los ? necesarios para el array de ids en el query PDO
$whereInArray = array_fill(0, count($ids), '?');
$whereInString = implode(", ", $whereInArray);
//agregamos dicho string generado al query final
$query .= "END WHERE id IN ($whereInString)";
//realizamos el update
DB::update($query, $queryParams);
¿What I need to update in code?
Please try $queryParams[] = (int) $order+1;

Modify an array with values from mysql table in php

I've this json call that is working fine: (just look at the $categorias array)
$query_tienda = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM tiendas");
$resultado_tienda = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query_tienda);
$nombre_tienda= $resultado_tienda['nombre'];
$action = (isset($_REQUEST['action'])&& $_REQUEST['action'] !=NULL)?$_REQUEST['action']:'';
if($action == 'ajax'){
include("conexion_all.php");//Contiene los datos de conexion a la base de datos
$txt_mes=array( "1"=>"Ene","2"=>"Feb","3"=>"Mar","4"=>"Abr","5"=>"May","6"=>"Jun",
"7"=>"Jul", "8"=>"Ago","9"=>"Sep","10"=>"Oct","11"=>"Nov", "12"=>"Dic"
);//Arreglo que contiene las abreviaturas de los meses del año
$categorias []= array('Mes','Name1','Name2','Name3','Name4');
for ($inicio = 1; $inicio <= 12; $inicio++) {
$mes=$txt_mes[$inicio];//Obtengo la abreviatura del mes
$tienda_1=monto('1',$inicio,$periodo);//Obtengo ingresos de la tienda
$categorias []= array($mes,$tienda_1,$tienda_2,$tienda_3,$tienda_4);//Agrego elementos al arreglo
echo json_encode( ($categorias) );//Convierto el arreglo a formato json
And need to change that part with something like this:
$categorias = array('Mes');
while ($contador = mysqli_fetch_array($query_tienda)) {
$categorias [] = $contador['name'];
To achieve the same result. I've trie diferent ways with no result, like:
$categorias = array('Mes');
while($r = mysqli_fetch_array($query_tienda) {
$row = array();
$row = array($r['nombre']);
Thanks for your help.
UPDATED: Finally find a solution:
$query_tienda = $mysqli->query("SELECT nombre FROM tiendas");
$cat = "Mes";
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query_tienda)){
$cat .= ','.$row['nombre'];
$categorias []= explode(',', $cat);
Thanks for all!!!
Updated and solved.
$query_tienda = $mysqli->query("SELECT nombre FROM tiendas");
$cat = "Mes";
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query_tienda)){
$cat .= ','.$row['nombre'];
$categorias []= explode(',', $cat);

SQL LIKE this OR that

I'm trying to do:
(i'm working with codeignitor)
$conditions = $tri." LIKE'%".$prenomNom."%' OR LIKE'%".$nomPrenom."%'";
I also tried:
$conditions = ($tri." LIKE '%".$prenomNom."%' OR ".$tri." LIKE '%".$nomPrenom."%'");
But the OR doesn't work... my request return only $tri like $nameLastname.
When i do echo of $nameLastname and $LastnameName everything is ok.
My code
public function rechercheParAuteur($selection = "*", $recherche = "", $tri = "", $champs_order = "id", $direction_ordre = "ASC", $nombre_limite = NULL, $debut_limite = NULL){
//$conditions = "titre LIKE '%".$recherche."%'"; //création de la condition personnalisée
$testrecherche = str_replace("'","\'", $recherche);
$rechercheArray = explode(" ", $testrecherche);
if (isset($rechercheArray[1]))
$nomPrenom = $rechercheArray[0]." ".$rechercheArray[1];
$prenomNom = $rechercheArray[1]." ".$rechercheArray[0];
//$conditions = $tri." LIKE'%".$prenomNom."%' OR LIKE'%".$nomPrenom."%'";
$conditions = ($tri." LIKE '%".$prenomNom."%' OR ".$tri." LIKE '%".$nomPrenom."%'");
//echo $nomPrenom; OK
//echo $prenomNom; OK
$resultat = $rechercheArray[0];
$conditions = $tri." LIKE '%".$resultat."%'";
$retour= $this->db->select($selection)
/*à partir de quelle table*/
/*déterminer des conditions spécifiques*/
/*déterminer un ordre précis*/
->order_by($champs_order, $direction_ordre)
/*déterminer une limite*/
->limit($nombre_limite, $debut_limite)
/*obtenir les résultats (va de pair avec result()*/
/*retourner les résultats sous forme de tableau*/
return $retour;
You probably want to put the condition in perens.
$conditions = "($tri LIKE '%$prenomNom%' OR $tri LIKE '%$nomPrenom%')";

Calling a php variable that is within an if

Can someone explain me why I cannot call a var that is set inside an if? And how to call it? I don't understand why this come empty.
I need the vars $workshop_manha and $workshop_tarde bring the values that comes from the DB.
$id = implode(",", $id);
$sql_consulta = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pessoa WHERE id IN($id)")
or die (mysql_error());
$linha = mysql_fetch_array($sql_consulta);
$id = $linha['id'];
$nome = $linha['nome'];
$opcoes = $linha['opcoes'];
$opcoes2 = explode(":", $opcoes);
$opcoes3 = explode("+", $opcoes2[1]);
$opcao_congresso = $opcoes3[0]; // Option Congress
$opcoes4 = explode("+", $opcoes2[2]);
$pre_workshop_manha = $opcoes4[0]; // Workshop Morning Option
if($pre_workshop_manha == 'Paul Gilbert'){
$workshop_manha = "Paul Gilbert: Introdução à Terapia Focada na Compaixão e Técnicas";
if($pre_workshop_manha == 'Daniel Rijo'){
$workshop_manha = "Daniel Rijo: Os Esquemas do terapeuta e a relação terapêutica com doentes com patologia de personalidade";
if($pre_workshop_manha == 'Maria Salvador'){
$workshop_manha = "Maria do Céu Salvador: Os Esquemas do terapeuta e a relação terapêutica com doentes com patologia de personalidade";
$opcoes5 = explode("+", $opcoes2[3]);
$pre_workshop_tarde = $opcoes5[0]; // Worhshop Afternoon Option
if($pre_workshop_tarde == 'Donna Sudak'){
$workshop_tarde = "Donna Sudak: Quando as coisas ficam difíceis: Aplicações práticas da Terapia Comportamental Dialética";
if($pre_workshop_tarde == 'Philipp Kendall'){
$workshop_tarde = "Philipp Kendall: Estratégias dentro de tratamentos empiricamente baseados em evidências para jovens com ansiedade";
echo "Work manhã: ".$workshop_manha; //is coming empty :(
echo "Work tarde: ".$workshop_tarde; //is coming empty :(
That's because $workshop_manha and $workshop_tarde are not defined before the if statement.
Put this before the if statement:
$workshop_manha = '';
$workshop_tarde = '';
You can use them as an array().
Empty the values at the beginning :
Than use the values as :
$workshop_manha[] = "Paul Gilbert: Introdução à Terapia Focada na Compaixão e Técnicas";
Display them as below :
if(!empty($workshop_manha)) {
foreach ($workshop_manha as $manha) {
echo "$manha <br />";
if(!empty($workshop_tarde)) {
foreach ($workshop_tarde as $tarde) {
echo "$tarde <br />";

Return the loop at initialization of the foreach

I want to return at the init of the loop and when the count of array is 10, I need to print it out.
I am not sure if it is possible because, the return is out of the foreach loop.
Thanks in advice.
This is my current code:
//butta in un array tutti i forecast e usa print_r(array_count_values($array));
//fai un foreach che per ogni previsione fa partire una query con variabi $limit che è il parametro di ff.previsione e il LIMIT 0,$limit
$get_values = "select previsione from forecast where data='2014-05-30'";
$res_values = mysql_query($get_values,$link);
$arr_vals = array();
while( $values = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_values) ) {
array_push($arr_vals, $values['previsione']);
$new_array = array();
foreach ( $arr_vals as $key => $value ) {
$limit = $value;
$sel = "select min(op.cognome) as cogg,
operatori op
turni_preconf tp on tp.tot_ore = op.ore_giornaliere
forecast ff on tp.inizio=ff.ora
ff.data='2014-05-30' and ff.previsione=$limit
group by op.cognome
order by rand()
limit 0,$limit";
while( $er = mysql_fetch_array($res_sel) ) {
echo $er['nome'].' '.$er['cognome'].': '.remove_sec($er['ora']).'/'.sumatra($er['ora'], $er['ore_giornaliere_time']).'<br>';
$nomecognome = $er['nome'].$er['cognome'];
$orario = $er['ora'].'-'.sumatra($er['ora'], $er['ore_giornaliere_time']);
array_push($new_array, array($nomecognome => $orario));
//$new_array[$nomecognome] = $orario;
$array2 = call_user_func_array('array_merge', $new_array);
echo count($array2);
if(count($array2) == 10){
if(count($array2) != 10){
//butta nome cognome ora_inizio/ora_fine nel seguente modo [nomecognome]=>"ora_inizio-ora_fine" e rimuovi le chiavi duplicate preservando l'ordine
Im still not realy sure what you mean, but it sounds like (for me) that you try to print out the array after it has exactly a length of 10. Else you want to run the foreach loop again until there are 10 elements in the array?
If this is what you mean then i would consider to put your foreach in a do{}while() loop.
Similar to this one:
Edit: [UNTESTED not sure if it works properly]
//some code
//code that should repeat until arraylength == 10 goes in here
}while( count($array2) == 10 );
//no need for a second if statment,
//cause it only gets executet if we get out of the loop.
//some other code that gets executed
And now on your code:
//butta in un array tutti i forecast e usa print_r(array_count_values($array));
//fai un foreach che per ogni previsione fa partire una query con variabi $limit che è il parametro di ff.previsione e il LIMIT 0,$limit
$get_values = "select previsione from forecast where data='2014-05-30'";
$res_values = mysql_query($get_values,$link);
$arr_vals = array();
while( $values = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_values) ) {
array_push($arr_vals, $values['previsione']);
// START REPEAT until count($array2) == 10
$new_array = array();
foreach ( $arr_vals as $key => $value ) {
$limit = $value;
$sel = "select min(op.cognome) as cogg,
operatori op
turni_preconf tp on tp.tot_ore = op.ore_giornaliere
forecast ff on tp.inizio=ff.ora
ff.data='2014-05-30' and ff.previsione=$limit
group by op.cognome
order by rand()
limit 0,$limit";
$res_sel = mysql_query($sel,$link);
while( $er = mysql_fetch_array($res_sel) ) {
echo $er['nome'].' '.$er['cognome'].': '.remove_sec($er['ora']).'/'.sumatra($er['ora'], $er['ore_giornaliere_time']).'<br>';
$nomecognome = $er['nome'].$er['cognome'];
$orario = $er['ora'].'-'.sumatra($er['ora'], $er['ore_giornaliere_time']);
array_push($new_array, array($nomecognome => $orario));
//$new_array[$nomecognome] = $orario;
$array2 = call_user_func_array('array_merge', $new_array);
echo count($array2);
}while(count($array2) != 10) //END OF REPEAT
//butta nome cognome ora_inizio/ora_fine nel seguente modo [nomecognome]=>"ora_inizio-ora_fine" e rimuovi le chiavi duplicate preservando l'ordine
Hope this helps.
