I'm trying to write a query to check which column to update. The user sends an action which they performed (a like or a comment) and I'm trying to update a table. Is it possible to check inside the query which column to update? For example:
DB structure:
id imageName imageLikesCount imageCommentsCount
$actionPerformed = "like";
mysqli_query($link, "UPDATE table (if $actionPerformed=like SET imageLikesCount+1
else imageCommentsCount+1)
WHERE imageName='$image'");
I'm not sure how to phrase that, if it's possible at all. Any advice? Thanks in advance!
though meverhart913 has a way to do it, the better way to do the same thing is to instantiate your variable based on the if condition, then just plug that variable into your string. This keeps you from having to repeat your string over and over as well as allows you to easily add additional conditions.
$col = imageLikesCount;
$col = imageCommentsCount;
mysqli_query($link, "Update table SET '$col' = '$col + 1' where imageName = '$image'");
mysqli_query($link, "Update table SET imageLikesCount = imageLikesCount + 1 where imageName = '$image'");
else {
mysqli_query($link, "Update table SET imageCommentsCount = imageCommentsCount + 1 where imageName = '$image'");
I'm not a php programmer so my syntax won't be correct, but here are two ways to do it:
if ($actionPerformed == "like")
query for updating imageLikesCount
else if ($actionPerformed == "comment")
query for updating imageCommentsCount
if ($actionPerformed == "like")
$column = "imageLikesCount";
else ($actionPerformed == "comment")
$column = "imageCommentsCount";
$sql = "update table set $column = $column + 1";
Then execute it.
I have one drop down and lists are aMan, bMan, cMan.I am selecting any one of them from drop down. So whatever I am selecting from drop down I want to update that records according to list. Below update query is updating all my records because i added '$action_points' for each.
For example. If I selected bMan from the drop down then in update table will update only bMan records according to user_id.If I select aMan then update table it will update only aMan with 10.It will not effect on other.
I am getting the issue on update query.Would you help me with update query?
$result = $conn->query($sql_user);
if (isset($result->num_rows) > 0) {
// output data of each row
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$action_type=$row['action_type'];// Value will be aMan,bMan, cMan
$action_points=$row['action_points']; //10, 20, 30
$sql = "UPDATE man SET aMan='$action_points',bMan='$action_points', cMan='$action_points' where user_id='$user_id'";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
Update table
You are selecting from select drop down it means it will pass the value, that you have either aMan, bMan or cMan.
so you can do it like this,
$action_type = $_GET['action_type'];
$sql = "update man set `$action_type` = '$action_value' where id = $user_id";
Above is an example.
Firstly, you should replace if (isset($result -> num_rows) >0 ) with if(isset($result)) && ($result->num_rows>0)) .The first condition returns the number of rows (which at the least is 0) and then checks if it is set. Thus, isset will always return true, even when $result is not set. The second condition solves this problem
You have the type of list to update, why don't you use it?
For eg:
$result = $conn->query($sql_user);
if(isset($result)) && ($result->num_rows>0)) {
// output data of each row
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$action_type=$row['action_type'];// Value will be aMan,bMan, cMan
$action_points=$row['action_points']; //10, 20, 30
$sql = "UPDATE man SET $action_type = $action_points WHERE user_id='$user_id'";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
This shall automatically update the required column
U should use AND in your query
UPDATE man SET aMan='$action_points' AND bMan='$action_points' AND cMan='$action_points' where user_id='$user_id'"
Or use several update query it means once update aMan row then a query for bMan row and so on.
The issue is because you are updating the three column at a time, you have to make it conditional like:
$action_type=$row['action_type'];// Value will be aMan,bMan, cMan
$action_points=$row['action_points']; //10, 20, 30
$column = '';
if($action_type == 'aMan'){
$column = 'aMan';
else if($action_type == 'bMan'){
$column = 'bMan';
else if($action_type == 'cMan'){
$column = 'cMan';
$sql = "UPDATE man SET ".$column." = '".$action_points."' where user_id='$user_id'";
I want to ask about inserting a record into db like if we give the id in url throught $Getn and check if the data of id n is present in table then it must update else it must insert the data ?
how can we do it in PHP plz help me
you could do something like
$n = $_GET["n"];
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS numberOfRecords FROM table WHERE id = '$n'";
if ($numberOfRecords == 0)
mysql_query("INSERT INTO [...]");
mysql_query("UPDATE [...]");
This may help you. Simply check id is set or not
if(isset($_GET['n']) && !empty($_GET['n'])){
//your update query is here
//your insert query is here
I'm working on a database with 3 tables, some with overlapping information. A few columns from each table can be updated by the user via the web app that I am creating. But... There is an issue. Not sure what it is, but my updates aren't happening. I am wondering if something is wrong with my query. (Actually, after debugging, I am quite certain there is).
if (empty($errors)) {
$query1 = "UPDATE owner SET
name = '{$name}'
WHERE ownerId= '{$ownerId}'";
$query1_result = mysql_query($query1);
if (mysql_affected_rows()==1) {
$query2 = "UPDATE queue_acl SET
date_expires = '{$date_expires}'
WHERE user_id='{$ownerId}'";
$query2_result = mysql_query($query2);
if (mysql_affected_rows()==2) {
$query3 = "UPDATE ownerOrganization SET
orgId = {$orgId}
WHERE ownerId = '{$ownerId}'";
$query3_result = mysql_query($query3);
if (mysql_affected_rows()==3) {
$_SESSION['name'] = $name;
$_SESSION['updates_occurred'] = true;
Sorry if it is trivial; I have never worked with multiple tables before.
It's not a good habit to update tables the way you do it. If the updates are relating somehow you might want to think about creating a transaction. Transactions make sure that all updates are executed (and if not, a rollback is done (which means no update will be executed)):
// disable autocommit
mysqli_autocommit($dblink, FALSE);
// queries
$query1 = mysqli_query($dblink, "UPDATE owner SET name = '{$name}' WHERE ownerId= {$ownerId}'");
$query2 = mysqli_query($dblink, "UPDATE queue_acl SET date_expires = '{$date_expires}' WHERE user_id='{$ownerId}'");
$query3 = mysqli_query($dblink, "UPDATE ownerOrganization SET orgId = {$orgId} WHERE ownerId = '{$ownerId}'");
if($query1 && $query2 && $query3)
$_SESSION['name'] = $name;
$_SESSION['updates_occurred'] = true;
I haven't tested it but it guess it should work. Also you should take a look at mysqli or prepared statements since mysql_ is deprecated.
The first issue might be scope related. Your if conditionals are wrong?
If (result ==1)
if(result == 2)
Thus if your first result is more than 1 then all the internal conditionals will be skipped.
If I understand it should be:
if(result ==1)
elseif(result ==2)
...(other conditions)...
I would recommend a base case to catch if you have more results than you expect.
The second issue might be that you quote around all data except orgId = {$orgId}. This should probably be orgId = '{$orgId}' if the id is some random string then not quoting will cause issues.
One last concern is to check ownerId. If that is blank for some reason then your query will fail because where id=0 (assuming you have auto increment on) will never be true. Put a if(!empty(ownerId) conditional.
I am trying to update status onclick. In display function i have given like this
echo "<td> <a href='managecategories.php?IsActive=0&CategoryID=" .$row['CategoryID']. "'>Active</a></td>";
echo "<td> <a href='managecategories.php?IsActive=1&CategoryID=" .$row['CategoryID']. "'>Deactive</a></td>";
and on loading the page it should get the database status, for that i have written code like this
if (isset($_GET['IsActive']))
$status = $_GET['IsActive'];
$id = $_GET['CategoryID'];
if($status =="0")
$sql = "update Categories set IsActive= 0 where CategoryID='$id'";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die("Could not insert data into DB: " . mysql_error());
if($status =="1")
$sql = "update Categories set IsActive= 1 where CategoryID='$id'";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die("Could not insert data into DB: " . mysql_error());
But i am not getting any result not errors... please hel me where i am wrong
I would assume that you are using an integer type in the database. I know I would use TINYINT for any boolean, because MySQL does not have a type boolean.
Your display function if($row['IsActive']=="1") supports that. However, your update query $sql = "update Categories set IsActive= 'false' where CategoryID='$id'"; does not. Here you try to save a string value.
So you should first make sure that the boolean value is stored as a TINYINT in the database. (Strings are harder to work with on the PHP side.) Then you need to make sure that the values you insert into the database are actually of the correct type. You should use 0 for false and 1 for true. That will also work in PHP:
$isActive = 1;
$if($isActive) {
// This code is run
Also note that you should validate the category id. You're now inserting user input without prior validation, which is dangerous. It is quite easy for a user to activate or deactive all categories in a single command.
In MySQL you don't have true and false, but only 0 and 1 (INT). So change your queries to something like this:
$sql = "update Categories set IsActive= 0 where CategoryID='$id'"; // FALSE
$sql = "update Categories set IsActive= 1 where CategoryID='$id'"; // TRUE
Additionally I see that in the first piece of code you correctly do this: if row is active print a link to deactivate (if 1 then print 0), and viceversa.
But in the second piece of code you get the value you have to set in the $status variable, and then you say again if 1 then store 0. This is a mistake. In fact, this way you always run an UPDATE query that set the active status to its current value, because of the double swap.
That is, try to swap the queries in the second piece of code, like this:
if ($status == "0")
$sql = "update Categories set IsActive=0 where CategoryID='$id'";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die("Could not insert data into DB: " . mysql_error());
else if($status == "1")
$sql = "update Categories set IsActive=1 where CategoryID='$id'";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die("Could not insert data into DB: " . mysql_error());
say I have a variable
$id = mt_rand();
how can I query the mysql database to see if the variable exists in the row id, if it does exist then change the variable $id, once the variable is unique to all other stored ids, then insert it into the database?
Thanks you guys.
$con = mysql_connect("<host>","<login>","<pass>");
if ($con) {
mysql_select_db('<schemata>', $con);
$found = false;
while (!$found) {
$idIamSearching = mt_rand();
$query = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) FROM <table> WHERE <idColumnName>='".$idIamSearching."'");
$result = mysql_fetch_row($query);
if ($result[0] > 0) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO <table> (<column>) VALUES ('".$idIamSearching."')");
$found = true;
Your description is hard to understand, so, this is something that could give you pointers...
'SELECT COUNT(*) as count from table where row_id="'.$variable.'" LIMIT 1'
make sure to escape the variable if it's user input or if it's going to have more than alphanumeric characters
then fetch the row and check if count is 1 or greater than 0
if one, then it exists and try again (in a loop)
although, auto increment on the id field would allow you to avoid this step
$bExists = 0;
// Randomly generate id variable
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=$id");
if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){
$bExists = 1;
} else {
// Insert into database
$bExists = 1;
1 Randomly generate id variable
2 Query database for it
2.1 Result? exit
2.2 No result? Insert