add Number after the variable and echo it - php

I want to echo the html inside The variables $p1 $p2 $p3 etc
So when i click the button next it goes to next page
when i click button previous it goes 1 page back.
This is my working code:
if ($pageShow == 0) {
echo "<center>".$p1."</center>";
} elseif ($pageShow == 1) {
echo "<center>".$p1."</center>";
}elseif ($pageShow == 2) {
echo "<center>".$p2."</center>";
}elseif ($pageShow == 3) {
echo "<center>".$p3."</center>";
}elseif ($pageShow == 4) {
echo "<center>".$p4."</center>";
}elseif ($pageShow == 5) {
echo "<center>".$p5."</center>";
}elseif ($pageShow == 6) {
echo "<center>".$p6."</center>";
}elseif ($pageShow == 7) {
echo "<center>".$p7."</center>";
}elseif ($pageShow == 8) {
echo "<center>".$p8."</center>";
}elseif ($pageShow == 9) {
echo "<center>".$p9."</center>";
but i wanted to do it like this so it doesnt have that much lines of code:
echo '$p'.$_SESSION['hits'];
So when session is equal to 1 i tought the code would be echo $p1; and when Session is equal to 5 the code would do this echo $p5;

Use single quotes ' for echoing a variable name. eg
echo '$p';
Then do what you did before:
echo '$p'.$_SESSION['hits'];
If $_SESSION['hits'] is 5, then it will read $p5.

echo "\$p".$_SESSION['hits'];
this returns as $p5
By using the ", PHP is parsing the string and echoing the value of $p. Instead use ' or escape the dollar sign. Like:
echo '$p' . $_SESSION['hits'];
echo "\$p" . $_SESSION['hits'];

If I am understating that you are about to refer a dynamic variable try this
$sessionHits = 'p'.$_SESSION['hits'];
$finalOp = $$sessionHits; // this will output if you have stored something in $p5 , as in this case $_SESSION['hits'] = 5


Following code is not reaching the else statement

Disclaimer: I'm new to programming, this is a simple exercise I'm doing so go easy on me.
The following code is not reaching (printing) the else statement. Any insight is much appreciated.
$number = '1120011';
// Decimal check
if($number[0] == '+' && $number[1] == '0'){
echo "Error: Can't assign a plus sign on a leading zero!";
// Leading zero check
} elseif($number[0] == '+' || $number[0] == '-'){
echo "Number is decimal";
// Binary check
} elseif (preg_match('~^[01]+$~', $number)) {
echo "Number is binary";
// Code not executing here. For e.g. $number = 1120011
} else {
"Number is non binary";
Another question:
Why is the following 'if' not working properly (if I replace it in the code above). I guess it has something to do with bad usage of operators.
if($number[0] == '+' || $number[0] == '-' && $number[1] == '0')
Thanks in advance! :)
For the second question:
if($number[0] == '+' || $number[0] == '-' && $number[1] == '0')
if(($number[0] == '+')||(($number[0] == '-')&&($number[1] == '0')))

PHP: Can somebody simplify this IF statement for me?

if($object_type == 'regular') {
if($u_login == $object_user || $u_access >= 3 || $object_access >= 4) {
echo '<p> </p>';
echo '<p><span class="r_button">'.ex_lang('str_btn_delete').'</span></p>';
} else
if($object_type == 'comment') {
if($u_login == $object_user || $u_access >= 2 || $object_access >= 4) {
echo '<p> </p>';
echo '<p><span class="r_button">'.ex_lang('str_btn_delete').'</span></p>';
So the thing that if object is different type user need to have diff access level. How this statement can be simplified for don't having duplicates in it?
I generally forgot about groups in if's, thank you for reminding me it!
if($u_login == $object_user || $object_access >= 4 || ($object_type == 'regular' && $u_access >= 3) || ($object_type == 'comment' && $u_access >= 2)) {
echo '<p> </p>';
echo '<p><span class="r_button">'.ex_lang('str_btn_delete').'</span></p>';
Both conditions check for $u_login == $object_user and $object_access >= 4, with only the $object_type and $u_access differing. As such, you can bring these two checks up a level, and check against $object_type and $u_access >= 3 inside the outer condition.
As such, the statement can be re-written like this, shrinking one line of code:
if($u_login == $object_user || $object_access >= 4) {
if($object_type == 'regular' && $u_access >= 3) {
echo '<p> </p>';
echo '<p><span class="r_button">'.ex_lang('str_btn_delete').'</span></p>';
else if($object_type == 'comment' && $u_access >= 2) {
echo '<p> </p>';
echo '<p><span class="r_button">'.ex_lang('str_btn_delete').'</span></p>';
Although depending on your definition of 'simplify', you could also cut out the outer conditional entirely by making use of some brackets:
if(($u_login == $object_user || $object_access >= 4) && ($object_type == 'regular' && $u_access >= 3)) {
echo '<p> </p>';
echo '<p><span class="r_button">'.ex_lang('str_btn_delete').'</span></p>';
else if(($u_login == $object_user || $object_access >= 4) && ($object_type == 'comment' && $u_access >= 2)) {
echo '<p> </p>';
echo '<p><span class="r_button">'.ex_lang('str_btn_delete').'</span></p>';
However, it's worth nothing that both of your conditionals currently do the exact same thing, so the code could even be simplified to:
echo '<p> </p>';
echo '<p><span class="r_button">'.ex_lang('str_btn_delete').'</span></p>';
Hope this helps! :)
This probably isn't the best place to ask for help refactoring your code, but what the heck. Notice that you have two conditions that are exactly the same and being checked in both if conditions. Why not pull those up to the root level?
if($u_login == $object_user || $object_access >= 4) {
if($object_type == 'regular' && $u_access >= 3) {
echo '<p> </p>';
echo '<p><span class="r_button">'.ex_lang('str_btn_delete').'</span></p>';
if($object_type == 'comment' && $u_access >= 2) {
echo '<p> </p>';
echo '<p><span class="r_button">'.ex_lang('str_btn_delete').'</span></p>';
Notice that we don't need an else anywhere in here because the conditions provided are, by nature, mutually exclusive. This can make readability a bit simpler.

PHP Variable Value Change Using IF

I am having an issue with my variables value after the IF function. I am looking to change the value of the variable depending on the outcome value of $answer1 on the sender page. However, when I print $answer1 after the IF process, the value has not changed. Before IF it is 5, after the IF process, the Print still produces a 5.
Please can someone advise me how I can increment/decrement using the IF function and affect the value of $answer1 afterwards.
Thank you.
if ($answer1=="1"){$finalvalue+2;}
elseif ($answer1=="2"){$finalvalue+1;}
elseif ($answer1=="3"){$finalvalue-1;}
elseif ($answer1=="4"){$finalvalue-2;};
print "$finalvalue"
You need to increment on the variable. Have a look here and try the following:
$finalvalue = 5;
$answer1 = $_GET['answer1'];
if ($answer1 == "1") {
$finalvalue += 2;
} elseif ($answer1 == "2") {
} elseif ($answer1 == "3") {
} elseif ($answer1 == "4") {
$finalvalue -= 2;
echo $finalvalue;
You are not properly updating the $finalvalue. It should be as follows -
if ($answer1=="1"){ $finalvalue = $finalvalue+2;}
elseif ($answer1=="2"){ $finalvalue = $finalvalue+1;}
elseif ($answer1=="3"){$finalvalue = $finalvalue-1;}
elseif ($answer1=="4"){$finalvalue = $finalvalue-2;};
echo $finalvalue;

delete if/else statement in php

I am trying to learn PHP, and I am playing around with if loops, just to learn how to use them. I have made 8 variables containing a letter. After this I have made 8 if/else sentences that is writing these letters out.
$letter1 = 'N';
$letter2 = 'E';
$letter3 = 'K';
$letter4 = 'T';
$letter5 = 'A';
$letter6 = 'R';
$letter7 = 'I';
$letter8 = 'A';
if($letter1 == 'N') {
echo $letter1;
else {
echo 'FALSE';
if($letter1 == 'N' && $letter2 == 'E') {
echo $letter1.$letter2;
else {
echo FALSE;
if($letter1 == 'N' && $letter2 == 'E' && $letter3 == 'K') {
echo $letter1.$letter2.$letter3;
else {
echo FALSE;
if($letter1 == 'N' && $letter2 == 'E' && $letter3 == 'K' && $letter4 == 'T') {
echo $letter1.$letter2.$letter3.$letter4;
else {
echo FALSE;
if($letter1 == 'N' && $letter2 == 'E' && $letter3 == 'K' && $letter4 == 'T' && $letter5 == 'A') {
echo $letter1.$letter2.$letter3.$letter4.$letter5;
else {
echo FALSE;
if($letter1 == 'N' && $letter2 == 'E' && $letter3 == 'K' && $letter4 == 'T' && $letter5 == 'A' && $letter6 == 'R') {
echo $letter1.$letter2.$letter3.$letter4.$letter5.$letter6;
else {
echo FALSE;
if($letter1 == 'N' && $letter2 == 'E' && $letter3 == 'K' && $letter4 == 'T' && $letter5 == 'A' && $letter6 == 'R' && $letter7 == 'I') {
echo $letter1.$letter2.$letter3.$letter4.$letter5.$letter6.$letter7;
else {
echo FALSE;
if($letter1 == 'N' && $letter2 == 'E' && $letter3 == 'K' && $letter4 == 'T' && $letter5 == 'A' && $letter6 == 'R' && $letter7 == 'I' && $letter8 == 'A') {
echo $letter1.$letter2.$letter3.$letter4.$letter5.$letter6.$letter7.$letter8;
else {
echo FALSE;
So the output of this is:
I have to questions I hope you can help me with.
1: If I want the output to be:
NEKT etc etc. How do I make the space between then lines. Fx like html
2: can I do anything to ignore my if/else statements afterwords? Fx if I only wants to write out "Nektaria" and not N, NE, NEK, NEKT etc. I could of course just delete them, but it is just to make some small assignments for myself.
Best Regards
To answer your first question about spaces, then you would have to add those in your echo
echo $letter1.$letter2. ' ';
For you second question, you could use switch and sort of make a menu with numbers. Example if 4 was pressed then print out whatever letters.
switch ($i) {
case 0:
echo "i equals 0";
case 1:
echo "i equals 1";
case 2:
echo "i equals 2";
echo "i is not equal to 0, 1 or 2";
From this answer
PHP (typically) generates HTML output for a web-site.
When displaying HTML, the browser (typically) collapses all whitespace in text into a single space. Sometimes, between tags, it even collapses whitespace to nothing.
So you would just want to add a <br/> at the end of your echo statements like so:
echo $letter1.$letter2.$letter3.'<br/>'; //And so on for all the other echo statements
Now to answer the second part of your question, the if-else statements get executed sequentially. That is the whole reason why you see the output in that order. If you want to check for all the letters first (which outputs "NEKTARIA"), you'll just have to perform that check first and re-order your if-else statements. To ignore the if-else statements, you could use a simple $FLAG variable and set it to TRUE or FALSE depending on if it has performed the first check or not. So once you have performed the check you need, just do:
$FLAG = true;
And in all the if-else statements just check if $FLAG == false and only then proceed.
The switch statement as many have already pointed out, resolves these two issues directly and allows you to encapsulate multiple conditions and selectively check them.
switch (n) {
case label1:
code to be executed if n=label1;
case label2:
code to be executed if n=label2;
case label3:
code to be executed if n=label3;
code to be executed if n is different from all labels;
The code is pretty intuitive and self explanatory. Here is the link of the official W3 Schools tutorial on it which could be a great starting point for you. Hope this gets you started in the right direction.
1) For making your output like this: N NE NEK NEKT
Make this change in the echo statement :
echo $letter1." ";
echo $letter1$letter2.$letter3." ";
and so on for printing a space between two variables all you need to do is add this part after the variable you want to have a space: ." "
2) And for making your out put like this: Nektaria
don't echo out multiple variables in each and every if else statement. just one variable in each if-else loop.

Is there any way something like this possible?

if($division>=80 && $pass==include "result.php")// Result.php has two value: one is `Pass` and the other is `Fail`.
echo "Letter";
elseif($division>=70 && $pass==include "result.php")
echo "First";
echo "Fail";
What I want to output here is: if $division is equal to 80 and at the same time if $pass is equal to Passed, echo Letter. But if $division is less than 70, echo Fail; also $pass here equals to fail which is taken from result.php. I have been trying to output it with following code, but it does not work. It outputs FailFailFailFail when $division is less than 70.
Code for Result.php
if ($eng>=40 && $mizo>=40 && $hindi>=40 && $maths>=40 && $ss>=40 && $science>=40)
echo "<font color=green>Passed</font>";
echo "<font color=red>Failed</font>";
You are going about this all the wrong way. You can't compare the results of an include like that, not to mention they don't match properly anyway as you're comparing a single word string against a string with a whole bunch of HTML in it.
A better way to do it is to include results.php and store your answer in a variable. I have written an example below.
First off you need to change result.php to:
if ($eng>=40 && $mizo>=40 && $hindi>=40 && $maths>=40 && $ss>=40 && $science>=40)
$test = "Passed";
$test = "Failed";
Then you put the following in the first file:
include("result.php");// Result.php has two value: one is `Pass` and the other is `Fail`, store in $test.
if($division>=80 && $pass==$test)
echo "Letter";
elseif($division>=70 && $pass==$test)
echo "First";
echo "Fail";
Something like this will do. For your result.php, use the following:
$eng= 40;
$mizo= 40;
$hindi= 40;
$maths= 40;
$ss= 40;
$science= 40;
// first group your variable into one array = $all
$all = array($eng, $mizo, $hindi, $maths, $ss, $science);
// second, just iterate over them till you find one value -40
for($i=0; $i < count($all); $i++){
if($all[$i] < 40) $sum = 1;
For output:
<?php include "result.php";?>
$test = (!empty($sum)) ? 'Failed' : 'Passed';
if($division>=80 && $pass==$test)
echo "Letter";
elseif($division>=70 && $pass==$test)
echo "First";
echo "Passed";
You need to include the file first:
include "result.php"; //include the file
$division =$ row['mark'];
$pass = "Passed";
if($division == 80 && $pass == "Passed") {
echo "Letter";
elseif($division < 70) {
echo "Fail";
