PHP Variable Value Change Using IF - php

I am having an issue with my variables value after the IF function. I am looking to change the value of the variable depending on the outcome value of $answer1 on the sender page. However, when I print $answer1 after the IF process, the value has not changed. Before IF it is 5, after the IF process, the Print still produces a 5.
Please can someone advise me how I can increment/decrement using the IF function and affect the value of $answer1 afterwards.
Thank you.
if ($answer1=="1"){$finalvalue+2;}
elseif ($answer1=="2"){$finalvalue+1;}
elseif ($answer1=="3"){$finalvalue-1;}
elseif ($answer1=="4"){$finalvalue-2;};
print "$finalvalue"

You need to increment on the variable. Have a look here and try the following:
$finalvalue = 5;
$answer1 = $_GET['answer1'];
if ($answer1 == "1") {
$finalvalue += 2;
} elseif ($answer1 == "2") {
} elseif ($answer1 == "3") {
} elseif ($answer1 == "4") {
$finalvalue -= 2;
echo $finalvalue;

You are not properly updating the $finalvalue. It should be as follows -
if ($answer1=="1"){ $finalvalue = $finalvalue+2;}
elseif ($answer1=="2"){ $finalvalue = $finalvalue+1;}
elseif ($answer1=="3"){$finalvalue = $finalvalue-1;}
elseif ($answer1=="4"){$finalvalue = $finalvalue-2;};
echo $finalvalue;


PHP If Statement is met display Either

I am familiar with using if else statement but my problem is how to display either if the condition is met.
if ($a == 1) {
echo 'B' OR 'C'; // just for reference
I have finally figure this out using nested loop
if ($a == 1) {
choiceresult = mt_rand(1,2)
if (choiceresult == 1) {
echo 'B';
if ( choiceresult == 2) {
echo 'C';
you have to fix your condition first :
if($a == 1)
Instead pf
if($a = 1)

How to execute php if condition once time only

How to execute php if condition once time only and didn't check it again, i put if condition in for loop and i want to check it one time only:
if($x == $x){
echo "";
echo "hidden";
I need to execute first if one time only in for loop
I need to execute first if one time only in for loop. Well that's not how you do it, you need to compare with a variable and upon success just use break to come out of the loop. Something like:
$y = 0;
for($x=0; $x<3; $x++){
if($x === $y){
echo "X is Equal to Y";
else {echo "hidden";}
echo "<br>". "You're outside the loop!";
Set a flag, if flag is true don't execute if condition.
$flag = 0;
for($x=0;$x<3;$x++) {
if($x == $x && $flag == 0){
echo "";
$flag = 1;
echo "hidden";

Best way to check 3 variable values equals to zero inside if condition - PHP

I am checking 3 variables are equals to zero inside if condition , currently i am doing some thing like this
if($diff_colour_code==0 && $diff_upholstery_code==0 && $big_diff==0 )
is there any better way to do this
I am thinking a way like
if($diff_colour_code==$diff_upholstery_code==$big_diff==0 )
Please help , Thanks in advance .
This should work for you:
You can give the function as many arguments as you need!
$diff_colour_code = 0;
$big_diff = 0;
$diff_upholstery_code = 0;
function zeroCheck() {
foreach(func_get_args() as $arg)
if($arg == 0)
return false;
return true;
if (zeroCheck($diff_colour_code, $big_diff, $diff_upholstery_code))
echo "all are 0!";
you can use ! as :
if(!$diff_colour_code && !$diff_upholstery_code && !$big_diff )
You could do something like this:
$var1 = 0;
$var2 = 0;
$var3 = 0;
$array = compact("var1", "var2", "var3");
$countValues = array_count_values($array);
if($countValues[0] == count($array)){
echo "yes";
echo "no";
or this
if(($var1 == 0 && $var1 == $var2 && $var2 == $var3)){
echo "yes";
echo "no";

Is there any way something like this possible?

if($division>=80 && $pass==include "result.php")// Result.php has two value: one is `Pass` and the other is `Fail`.
echo "Letter";
elseif($division>=70 && $pass==include "result.php")
echo "First";
echo "Fail";
What I want to output here is: if $division is equal to 80 and at the same time if $pass is equal to Passed, echo Letter. But if $division is less than 70, echo Fail; also $pass here equals to fail which is taken from result.php. I have been trying to output it with following code, but it does not work. It outputs FailFailFailFail when $division is less than 70.
Code for Result.php
if ($eng>=40 && $mizo>=40 && $hindi>=40 && $maths>=40 && $ss>=40 && $science>=40)
echo "<font color=green>Passed</font>";
echo "<font color=red>Failed</font>";
You are going about this all the wrong way. You can't compare the results of an include like that, not to mention they don't match properly anyway as you're comparing a single word string against a string with a whole bunch of HTML in it.
A better way to do it is to include results.php and store your answer in a variable. I have written an example below.
First off you need to change result.php to:
if ($eng>=40 && $mizo>=40 && $hindi>=40 && $maths>=40 && $ss>=40 && $science>=40)
$test = "Passed";
$test = "Failed";
Then you put the following in the first file:
include("result.php");// Result.php has two value: one is `Pass` and the other is `Fail`, store in $test.
if($division>=80 && $pass==$test)
echo "Letter";
elseif($division>=70 && $pass==$test)
echo "First";
echo "Fail";
Something like this will do. For your result.php, use the following:
$eng= 40;
$mizo= 40;
$hindi= 40;
$maths= 40;
$ss= 40;
$science= 40;
// first group your variable into one array = $all
$all = array($eng, $mizo, $hindi, $maths, $ss, $science);
// second, just iterate over them till you find one value -40
for($i=0; $i < count($all); $i++){
if($all[$i] < 40) $sum = 1;
For output:
<?php include "result.php";?>
$test = (!empty($sum)) ? 'Failed' : 'Passed';
if($division>=80 && $pass==$test)
echo "Letter";
elseif($division>=70 && $pass==$test)
echo "First";
echo "Passed";
You need to include the file first:
include "result.php"; //include the file
$division =$ row['mark'];
$pass = "Passed";
if($division == 80 && $pass == "Passed") {
echo "Letter";
elseif($division < 70) {
echo "Fail";

Adding conditions dynamically in php if condtion

I am trying to add a condition dynamically in the if condition . But it is not working . Please help me to fix the issue.
I am trying a code like this
$day_difference = "some integer value";
if(sheduled_time == 'evening'){
$condition = '>';
$condition = '==';
if($day_difference.$condition. 0){
echo "something";
echo "h";
An alternative to gerald's solution; I would suggest that you use a function that validates the inputs using a switch-case operation:
function evaluate ($var1, $operator, $var2)
switch $operator
case: '<': return ($var1 < $var2);
case: '>': return ($var1 > $var2);
case: '==': return ($var1 == $var2);
return null;
What you need is the eval() method.
$var1 = 11;
$var2 = 110;
$cond1 = '$var1 > $var2';
$cond2 = '$var1 < $var2';
if(eval("return $cond1;")){
echo $cond1;
if(eval("return $cond2;")){
echo $cond2;
As justly noted beneath, you should exercise the necessary precautions when using this method!
This is not the way to do this.
Just define a function which returns true if the desired conditions are met.
For example, we can define the function decide which receives two arguments, $day_difference and $scheduled_time:
function decide($day_difference, $scheduled_time)
if($scheduled_time == 'evening')
return $day_difference > 0;
return $day_difference == 0;
And use it like so:
if( decide($day_difference, $scheduled_time) )
echo "something";
echo "h";
according to your requirements this can be done using the PHP eval() function which i don't recommend using it only when necessary.
you can check When is eval evil in php?
you can use the below script instead:
if( $sheduled_time == 'evening' && $diff > 0 )
echo "This is the Evening and the Difference is Positive";
else if($diff == 0)
echo "This is not evening";
Thankyou for helping me solve my question
I solved this in another way
$day_difference = "some integer value";
$var1 = false ;
if($sheduled_time == 'evening_before'){
if($day_difference > 0 ){
$var1 = true ;
if($day_difference == 0 ){
$var1 = true ;
if($var1 === true){
echo "something";
echo "h";
