Remove left string after found specific word - PHP regular expression - php

I have a problem regarding regular expression. Let say I have a string like this:
I need to remove all the string before word sola and take the string from sola onwards. Meaning, the output it will be like this:
So how I'm gonna do that. Please help me. Thank you in advance.

echo substr($string,strpos($string,"sola")+4); // -asda

use string explode
$string1 = "your string" //url
$string2 = "the part you need"; //Sola
$string3 = ""; //string with the result;
$strings = explode($string2, $string1);
$c = count($strings);
if($c < 2){
echo "not found";
$i = 1;
while($i < $c){
$string3 .= $string2.$strings[$i];


replace every other character in a string with php

In php is there a quick way of replacing every other character (non spaces) in a string with something else ? I searched around and haven't found a solution.
Take something like this:
$str = "This is my example string!"
And end up with something like this:
$result = "T*i* i* m* e*a*p*e s*r*n*!
Simple preg_replace() solution:
$str = "This is my example string!";
$result = preg_replace('/(\S)\S/', '$1*', $str);
The output:
T*i* i* m* e*a*p*e s*r*n*!
\S - stands for non-whitespace character
You can treat the string as an array, loop through it and change the character using modulo to check for parity:
$string = "This is my test string";
$length = strlen($string);
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
$string[$i] = $i % 2 === 0 ? $string[$i] : "*";
echo $string;
T*i* *s*m* *e*t*s*r*n*

Formatting string according to pattern without regex in php

How can I format an arbitrary string according to a flexible pattern? The only solution I came up with is using regular expressions, but then I need 2 "patterns" (one for the search and one for the output).
$str = '123ABC5678";
Desired output: 12.3AB-C5-67.8
I would like to use a pattern in a variable (one that a user can easily define without knowledge of regular expressions) It could look like this:
$pattern = '%%.%%%-%%-%%.%';
So the user would just have to use 2 different characters (% and .)
A solution with regex would look like this:
$str = '123ABC5678';
$pattern_src = '#(.{2})(.{3})(.{2})(.{2})(.{1})#';
$pattern_rpl = "$1.$2-$3-$4.$5";
$res = preg_replace($pattern_src, $pattern_rpl, $str);
//$res eq 12.3AB-C5-67.8
Way too complicated since the user would need to define $pattern_src and $pattern_rpl. If the string could vary in length, it would be even more complex to explain.
Yes, I could write a function/parser that builds the required regular expressions based on a simple user pattern like %%.%%%-%%-%%.%. But I wonder if there is any "built in" way to achieve this with php? I was thinking about sprintf etc., but that doesn't seem to do the trick. Any ideas?
I was thinking about sprintf etc., but that doesn't seem to do the trick.
You're on the right track. You can accomplish this with vsprintf as follows:
$str = '123ABC5678';
$pattern = '%%.%%%-%%-%%.%';
echo vsprintf(str_replace('%', '%s', $pattern), str_split($str));
This is assuming the number of % characters in $pattern match the length of $str.
Why not write a simple parser that works as follows:
For each character of pattern:
if you match percent character, output next character from input
if you match any other character, output it
$str = '123ABC5678';
$pattern = '%%.%%%-%%-%%.%';
if (strlen($str) < substr_count($pattern, '%'))
Die('The length of input string is lower than number number of placeholders');
$len = strlen($pattern);
$stringIndex = 0;
$output = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
if ($pattern[$i] === '%') {
$output .= $str[$stringIndex];
} else {
$output .= $pattern[$i];
echo $output;
I have a similar solution that looks like this.
$format = '%%.%%%-%%-%%.%';
$string = '123ABC5678';
$new_string = '';
$c = 0;
for( $i = 0; $i < strlen( $format ); $i++ )
if( $format[ $i ] == '%' )
$new_string .= $string[ $c ];
$new_string .= $format[ $i ];
echo $new_string;
How about this pattern from the user?
Where the pattern is a number means n chars, a dot or dash means add a dot or dash.
Now you make a regex to parse the user input:
preg_match_all("/(.)/", $User_input, $pattern);
Now you will have an array with either numbers or dots and dashes.
So loop through the array and build the string:
$string = '123ABC5678';
$User_input = "2.3-2-2.1";
preg_match_all("/(.)/", $User_input, $pattern);
foreach($pattern[1] as $val){
$str .= substr($string,$i,$val);
$str .= $val;
echo $str;

PHP hide part of string

I'm searching for the most elegant way in PHP to hide a string (for example an username).
For example, usernames should be shown as:
tim will be shown as: t*m
So the username itself is not completely "cryptically", but no one can guess their login name or at least not for sure.
You can use preg_replace:
$string = 'usernameTest';
echo preg_replace("/(?!^).(?!$)/", "*", $string); // u**********t
(?!^) Checks if the character is not the first character in the string.
. matches any character
(?!$) Checks if the character is not the last character in the string.
Hope this helps.
You can use the following regex along with preg_replace function like as
$your_string = "Narendra";
echo preg_replace("/(^.|.$)(*SKIP)(*F)|(.)/","*",$your_string);
Output :
Explanation of Regex:
(^.|.$) This'll capture the first and last alphabet of the word
(*SKIP)(*F) This'll skip the above captured words
|(.) Over here rest of the alphabets'll be captured and can be replaced further with your character i.e. * over here
function get_starred($str) {
$len = strlen($str);
return substr($str, 0, 1).str_repeat('*', $len - 2).substr($str, $len - 1, 1);
$myStr = 'YourName';
echo get_starred($myStr); //should show Y******e
You can do something like this for example:
function HideUN($username = "") {
$replaced = "";
# Count the characters in username and remove an extra asterik (*)
# Substring, remove all characters and leave the first one and add the last one
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($username) -1; $i++) $replaced .= "*";
return substr($username, 0, 1)."".$replaced."".substr($username, -1, 1);
# Call this function
$string = "John";
echo HideUN($string);
The substr() removes all characters after the first one, then the for() loop, counts the characters from $string and then we gonna add the asterik (*) to an other variable called $replaced.
Then at the end we put them together in an echo. Output: J***n
function Split_Hide_Name($name) {
$name = trim($name);
$split_name = explode(' ',$name);
foreach($split_name as $v) {
$string []= strlen($v);
$number_of_letters_to_show = 3;
$first_name_length = $string[0];
$last_name_length = $string[count($string)-1];
$first_name1 = $split_name[0];
$last_name1 = $split_name[count($string)-1];
$fname_cover = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $first_name_length - $number_of_letters_to_show; $i++){
$fname_cover .="*";
$lname_cover = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $last_name_length - $number_of_letters_to_show; $i++){
$lname_cover .="*";
$first_name = substr_replace($first_name1,$fname_cover,$number_of_letters_to_show);
$last_name = substr_replace($last_name1,$lname_cover,$number_of_letters_to_show);
return $first_name.' '.$last_name;}

count the occurrences of all the letters in a string PHP

I want to count the frequency of occurrences of all the letters in a string. Say I have
$str = "cdcdcdcdeeeef";
I can use str_split and array_count_values to achieve this.
Wondering if there is another way to do this without converting the string to an array? Thanks
You don't have to convert that into an array() you can use substr_count() to achieve the same.
substr_count — Count the number of substring occurrences
$str = "cdcdcdcdeeeef";
echo substr_count($str, 'c');
PHP Manual
substr_count() returns the number of times the needle substring occurs in the haystack string. Please note that needle is case sensitive.
Sorry for the misconception, you can use count_chars to have a counted value of each character in a string. An example:
$str = "cdcdcdcdeeeef";
foreach (count_chars($str, 1) as $strr => $value) {
echo chr($strr) . " occurred a number of $value times in the string." . "<br>";
PHP Manual: count_chars
count_chars — Return information about characters used in a string
There is a php function that returns information about characters used in a string: count_chars
Well it might not be what you are looking for, because according to it
Counts the number of occurrences of every byte-value (0..255) in
string and returns it in various ways
Example from same link (
$data = "Two Ts and one F.";
foreach (count_chars($data, 1) as $i => $val) {
echo "There were $val instance(s) of \"" , chr($i) , "\" in the string.\n";
class Strings
public function count_of_each_letter($string){
$string_chars = array();
$length_ = mb_strlen($string,'UTF-8');
if($length_== 0){return null;}
for ($i=0; $i < $length_; $i++) {
$each_letter = mb_substr($string,0,1,'UTF-8');
$string_chars[$each_letter] = mb_substr_count($string, $each_letter);
$string = str_replace($each_letter,"", $string);
$length_ = mb_strlen($string,'UTF-8');
$string = '';
foreach ($string_chars as $key => $value) {
$string .= $key.'-'.$value.'<br>';
return $string;
$new_counter = new Strings();
echo $new_counter::count_of_each_letter('ختواجرایآهنگبهصورتتکنفرهنمود.اوازسال۱۹۷۲تا۱۹۷۵،۴آلبوماستودیوییتک‌نفرهمنتشرکردوحتینامزدیکجایزهاسکارهمشد.درهمینسال‌هاگروهاقدامبهبرگزاریتورکنسرتدراروپاونیزیکتورجهانیکردند.جکسونفایودرسال۱۹۷۵ازشرکتنشرموسیقیموتاونرکوردزبهسی‌بی‌اسرکوردزنقلمکانکردند.گروههمچنانبهاجراهایبین‌المللیخودادامهمی‌دادواز۱۹۷۶تا۱۹۸۴(از۱۵تا۲۴سالگیمایکل)ششآلبوماستودیوییدیگرمنتشرکرد.درهمینمدت،مایکلترانه‌سرایاصلیگروهجکسونزبود.Cantional,oderGesangbuchAugsburgischerKonfessionin1627.ohannSebastianBachcomposedafour-partsetting,BWV285,whichiswithouttext.twaspublishedasNo.196inthecollectionofchoralesbyJohannPhilippKirnbergerundCarlPhilippEmanufread');
you can do it by following way as well:
$str = 'aabbbccccdddeeedfff';
$arr = str_split($str);
$result = array_count_values($arr);
$string = http_build_query($result,'','');
echo str_replace('=','',$string);

trying to cut off at the last character that's a space

I need to find out where the last character in the string is where the charachter is a space, and cut it off there. This is the function I'm using, but there seems to be something wrong with the if statement, but I can't figure out what. There is certainly a space in the $text-string.
Let's say I have a string "Hey, my name is Joh". Then it has to be shortened to "Hey, my name is ".
$checkLastChar = false;
$text = $line[2];
while($checkLastChar != true){
for($i = 1; $i <= strlen($text); $i++)
if($text[strlen($tekst) - $i] == " ") {
$checkLastChar = true;
$text = substr($text, 1, strlen($text) - $i);
substr($string, 0, strrpos($string, ' '));
Why don't you use rtrim()?
Based on the clarification a solution like Nate's seems to be more appropriate.
Have you ever considered using trim()? It strips the spaces from beginning AND end.
echo trim(' Hello my name is Matt. ');
Try this:
$str = "dsajhc \tsjdtgsd "; // string with whitespaces
$str = preg_replace( '/(\s+.*)/i', '', $str ); // remove everything after whitespace
Hope it helps.
