I want to count the frequency of occurrences of all the letters in a string. Say I have
$str = "cdcdcdcdeeeef";
I can use str_split and array_count_values to achieve this.
Wondering if there is another way to do this without converting the string to an array? Thanks
You don't have to convert that into an array() you can use substr_count() to achieve the same.
substr_count — Count the number of substring occurrences
$str = "cdcdcdcdeeeef";
echo substr_count($str, 'c');
PHP Manual
substr_count() returns the number of times the needle substring occurs in the haystack string. Please note that needle is case sensitive.
Sorry for the misconception, you can use count_chars to have a counted value of each character in a string. An example:
$str = "cdcdcdcdeeeef";
foreach (count_chars($str, 1) as $strr => $value) {
echo chr($strr) . " occurred a number of $value times in the string." . "<br>";
PHP Manual: count_chars
count_chars — Return information about characters used in a string
There is a php function that returns information about characters used in a string: count_chars
Well it might not be what you are looking for, because according to http://php.net/manual/en/function.count-chars.php it
Counts the number of occurrences of every byte-value (0..255) in
string and returns it in various ways
Example from same link (http://php.net/manual/en/function.count-chars.php):
$data = "Two Ts and one F.";
foreach (count_chars($data, 1) as $i => $val) {
echo "There were $val instance(s) of \"" , chr($i) , "\" in the string.\n";
class Strings
public function count_of_each_letter($string){
$string_chars = array();
$length_ = mb_strlen($string,'UTF-8');
if($length_== 0){return null;}
for ($i=0; $i < $length_; $i++) {
$each_letter = mb_substr($string,0,1,'UTF-8');
$string_chars[$each_letter] = mb_substr_count($string, $each_letter);
$string = str_replace($each_letter,"", $string);
$length_ = mb_strlen($string,'UTF-8');
$string = '';
foreach ($string_chars as $key => $value) {
$string .= $key.'-'.$value.'<br>';
return $string;
$new_counter = new Strings();
echo $new_counter::count_of_each_letter('ختواجرایآهنگبهصورتتکنفرهنمود.اوازسال۱۹۷۲تا۱۹۷۵،۴آلبوماستودیوییتکنفرهمنتشرکردوحتینامزدیکجایزهاسکارهمشد.درهمینسالهاگروهاقدامبهبرگزاریتورکنسرتدراروپاونیزیکتورجهانیکردند.جکسونفایودرسال۱۹۷۵ازشرکتنشرموسیقیموتاونرکوردزبهسیبیاسرکوردزنقلمکانکردند.گروههمچنانبهاجراهایبینالمللیخودادامهمیدادواز۱۹۷۶تا۱۹۸۴(از۱۵تا۲۴سالگیمایکل)ششآلبوماستودیوییدیگرمنتشرکرد.درهمینمدت،مایکلترانهسرایاصلیگروهجکسونزبود.Cantional,oderGesangbuchAugsburgischerKonfessionin1627.ohannSebastianBachcomposedafour-partsetting,BWV285,whichiswithouttext.twaspublishedasNo.196inthecollectionofchoralesbyJohannPhilippKirnbergerundCarlPhilippEmanufread');
you can do it by following way as well:
$str = 'aabbbccccdddeeedfff';
$arr = str_split($str);
$result = array_count_values($arr);
$string = http_build_query($result,'','');
echo str_replace('=','',$string);
I have the following string...
$string = "True is True (5-7 years)";
what I want is to get - TiT(5-7 years)
I have tried the following code but no luck...
$string = "True is True (5-7 years)";
$explodedString = explode(" ",$string);
for($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++){
$tempString = substr($explodedString[$i], 0, 1);
$finalString .= $tempString;
In short, I need the first three words of its initials and the remaining in bracket is as it is like this.... TiT(5-7 years). how?
This a good case for using regular expressions:
$str = 'True is True (5-7 years)';
preg_match_all('~\([^()]*\)|\b\w~', $str, $matches);
echo implode("", $matches[0]); // TiT(5-7 years)
Regex breakdown:
\([^()]*\) Match anything inside parentheses including themselves
| Or
\b\w Match first word character from a word
Your loop is going one element too far. If you want the first letter of the first 3 words, it should be $i < 3.
Then you should use array_slice() and implode() to concatenate the rest of the array.
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
$finalString .= $explodedString[$i][0];
$finalString .= implode(' ', array_slice($explodedString, 3));
$string = "True is True (5-7 years)";
$new_string = preg_replace('/^([a-z])[a-z]+ ([a-z])[a-z]+ ([a-z])[a-z]+ (\(.+\))$/i', '$1$2$3$4', $string);
First of all.
Create an empty variable. That will be your final result
Then youse foreach to loop your explode string.
At every part chech the first character.
If it's not ( add the first char onto the result variable.
else add the whole array element onto the result variable
foreach(explodedString as $t){
If($t[0] !="("){$result.=$t[0];} else{$result.=$t;}
At the end of the loop you will get what you wanted
echo $result;
I want to find the position of multiple words in a string.
Forexample :
$str="Learning php is fun!";
I want to get the posion of php and fun .
And my expected output would be :-
1) The word Php was found on 9th position
2) The word fun was found on 16th position.
Here is the code that I tried, but it doesn't work for multiple words.
$str="Learning php is fun!";
echo The word $words[1] was found on $x[1] position";
echo The word $words[2] was found on $x[2] position";
Does someone know what's wrong with it and how to fix it?
Any help is greatly appriciated.
To supplement the other answers, you can also use regular expressions:
$str="Learning php is fun!";
if (preg_match_all('/php|fun/', $str, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
echo "The word {$match[0]} found on {$match[1]} position\n";
See also: preg_match_all
Since you can't load an array of string words inside strpos, you could just invoke strpos twice, one for fun and one for php:
$arr_words = array("fun","php");
$str = "Learning php is fun!";
$x[1] = strpos($str,$arr_words[0]);
$x[2] = strpos($str,$arr_words[1]);
echo "The word $arr_words[0] was found on $x[1] position <br/>";
echo "The word $arr_words[1] was found on $x[2] position";
Sample Output
Or loop the word array:
$arr_words = array("fun","php");
$str = "Learning php is fun!";
foreach ($arr_words as $word) {
if(($pos = strpos($str, $word)) !== false) {
echo "The word {$word} was found on {$pos} position <br/>";
Sample Output
$str="Learning php is fun!";
$data[]= explode(" ",$str);
print_r($data);//that will show you index
foreach($data as $key => $value){
if($value==="fun") echo $key;
if($value==="php") echo $key;
Key is the exact position but index start with 0 so keep in mind to modify your code accordingly, may be echo $key+1 (a number of ways, depends on you).
You were doing it in a wrong way check the function
strpos ( string $haystack , mixed $needle [, int $offset = 0 ] )
The string to search in.
If needle is not a string, it is converted to an integer and applied as the ordinal value of a character.
If specified, search will start this number of characters counted from the beginning of the string.
Refer Docs
Here within your example
$str="Learning php is fun!";
$arr_words is an array not a string or not an integer
so you need to loop it or need to manually pass the key as
$x[1] = strpos($str,$arr_words[0]);
$x[2] = strpos($str,$arr_words[1]);
foreach($arr_words as $key => $value){
$position = strpos($str,$value);
echo "The word {$value} was found on {$position}th position"
Just another answer:
$str="Learning php is fun!";
foreach($arr_words as $needle) {
$x = strpos($str, $needle);
echo "The word '$needle' was found on {$x}th position.<br />";
You can not use function strpos if the second params is an array.
This is easiest way:
$words = array("php","fun");
$str = "Learning php is fun!";
foreach ($words as $word) {
$pos = strpos($str, $word);
// Found this word in that string
if($pos) {
// Show you message here
I have an array with strings like:
209#ext-local : SIP/209 State:Idle Watchers 2
208#ext-local : SIP/208 State:Unavailable Watchers 1
How can I echo the state for example Idle or Unavailable?
Using regex it will match any string containing letters and numbers.
$string = '209#ext-local : SIP/209 State:Idle Watchers 2';
preg_match("/State\:([A-Za-z0-9]+)/", $string, $results);
echo $results[1]; // Idle
strpos will search the string to see if it is contains the characters in that exact order.
strpos will not always work if the word idle or unavailable has the possibility to show up in any other way in the string.
You can use the php explode and parse the sting into an array of strings.
$string = "209#ext-local : SIP/209 State:Idle Watchers 2";
$string = explode(':', $string);
will give you ['209#ext-local ',' SIP/209 State','Idle Watchers 2']. Then if you explode the 3rd entry my ' ' you would get your answer.
$answer = explide(' ', $string[2]);
echo $answer[0];
Assuming your strings are all the same format, you can try splitting the string down using explode(), which returns an array of string, separated by a provided delimiter, like
foreach ($yourStrings as $s) {
$colonSplit = explode(":", $stringToSplit);
$nextStringToSplit = $colonSplit[2];
$spaceSplit = explode(" ", $nextStringToSplit);
$status = $spaceSplit[0];
echo $status;
May not be elegant but it should work.
Quick (and dirty) way. Assuming your array contains the full elements you listed above, the array element values do NOT contain 'idle' or 'unavailable' in any other capacity other than what you listed, and you just want to echo out the value and "is idle" or "is unavailable":
//$a being your array containing the values you listed above
foreach ($a as $status) {
if (strpos($status, "Idle") == true)
echo $status . " is idle";
elseif (strpos($status, "Unavailable") == true)
echo "$status" . " is unavailable";
Is there a php function that counts the number of similar characters in a string?
I've looked at levenshtein, similar_text, and metaphone none seem to do this.
Example in/output would be:
Hello, Heil outputs 3 (h, e, l)
Use count_chars
$data = "Two Ts and one F.";
foreach (count_chars($data, 1) as $i => $val) {
echo "There were $val instance(s) of \"" , chr($i) , "\" in the string.\n";
You can use str_split to convert the strings into arrays, then array_unique and array_intersect to get the common letters.
For example:
$str1 = "hello";
$str2 = "hola";
$chars1 = array_unique(str_split($str1));
$chars2 = array_unique(str_split($str2));
echo "Common characters: ".count(array_intersect($chars1, $chars2));
I'm looking for a way that I can extract the first letter of each word from an input field and place it into a variable.
Example: if the input field is "Stack-Overflow Questions Tags Users" then the output for the variable should be something like "SOQTU"
$s = 'Stack-Overflow Questions Tags Users';
echo preg_replace('/\b(\w)|./', '$1', $s);
the same as codaddict's but shorter
For unicode support, add the u modifier to regex: preg_replace('...../u',
Something like:
$s = 'Stack-Overflow Questions Tags Users';
if(preg_match_all('/\b(\w)/',strtoupper($s),$m)) {
$v = implode('',$m[1]); // $v is now SOQTU
I'm using the regex \b(\w) to match the word-char immediately following the word boundary.
To ensure all your Acronym char are uppercase, you can use strtoupper as shown.
Just to be completely different:
$input = 'Stack-Overflow Questions Tags Users';
$acronym = implode('',array_diff_assoc(str_split(ucwords($input)),str_split(strtolower($input))));
echo $acronym;
$initialism = preg_replace('/\b(\w)\w*\W*/', '\1', $string);
If they are separated by only space and not other things. This is how you can do it:
function acronym($longname)
$words=explode(' ', $longname);
foreach($words as $word)
$word = (substr($word, 0, 1));
array_push($letters, $word);
$shortname = strtoupper(implode($letters));
return $shortname;
Regular expression matching as codaddict says above, or str_word_count() with 1 as the second parameter, which returns an array of found words. See the examples in the manual. Then you can get the first letter of each word any way you like, including substr($word, 0, 1)
The str_word_count() function might do what you are looking for:
$words = str_word_count ('Stack-Overflow Questions Tags Users', 1);
$result = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($words); ++$i)
$result .= $words[$i][0];
function initialism($str, $as_space = array('-'))
$str = str_replace($as_space, ' ', trim($str));
$ret = '';
foreach (explode(' ', $str) as $word) {
$ret .= strtoupper($word[0]);
return $ret;
$phrase = 'Stack-Overflow Questions IT Tags Users Meta Example';
echo initialism($phrase);
$s = "Stack-Overflow Questions IT Tags Users Meta Example";
$sArr = explode(' ', ucwords(strtolower($s)));
$sAcr = "";
foreach ($sArr as $key) {
$firstAlphabet = substr($key, 0,1);
$sAcr = $sAcr.$firstAlphabet ;
using answer from #codaddict.
i also thought in a case where you have an abbreviated word as the word to be abbreviated e.g DPR and not Development Petroleum Resources, so such word will be on D as the abbreviated version which doesn't make much sense.
function AbbrWords($str,$amt){
$pst = substr($str,0,$amt);
$length = strlen($str);
if($length > $amt){
return $pst;
return $pst;
function AbbrSent($str,$amt){
if(preg_match_all('/\b(\w)/',strtoupper($str),$m)) {
$v = implode('',$m[1]); // $v is now SOQTU
if(strlen($v) < 2){
if(strlen($str) < 5){
return $str;
return AbbrWords($str,$amt);
return AbbrWords($v,$amt);
As an alternative to #user187291's preg_replace() pattern, here is the same functionality without needing a reference in the replacement string.
It works by matching the first occurring word characters, then forgetting it with \K, then it will match zero or more word characters, then it will match zero or more non-word characters. This will consume all of the unwanted characters and only leave the first occurring word characters. This is ideal because there is no need to implode an array of matches. The u modifier ensures that accented/multibyte characters are treated as whole characters by the regex engine.
Code: (Demo)
$tests = [
'Stack-Overflow Questions Tags Users',
'Stack Overflow Close Vote Reviewers',
'Jean-Claude Vandàmme'
preg_replace('/\w\K\w*\W*/u', '', $tests)
array (
0 => 'SOQTU',
1 => 'SOCVR',
2 => 'JCV',