I know this is a stupid question but after messing around, I am confused what is the right way of doing.
Below are my code :
View registration_form.php :
$input_data = array(
'name' => 'user_name',
'id' => 'user_name',
'value' => set_value('user_name'),
'maxlength' => MAX_CHARS_4_USERNAME
Controller register.php:
$this->user_model->create_user( 'customer', array() );
Form Validation Config :
$config['customer_creation_rules'] = array(
'field' => 'user_name',
'label' => 'USERNAME',
'rules' => 'trim|required|alpha|strtolower'
Model user_model.php :
public function create_user( $role, $insert_array = array() )
// The form validation class doesn't allow for multiple config files, so we do it the old fashion way
$this->config->load( 'form_validation/administration/create_user/create_' . $role, TRUE );
$this->validation_rules = config_item( $role . '_creation_rules' );
$form_username = $this->config->item($role . '_creation_rules', 'field');
echo $form_username;
What I want to do right now is to check the username that the user input and auto add a number to the input username before inserting into database.
Initially I thought of getting the inputted username from the Form Validation, after messing around, I can't get the value no matter what I have tried.
Am I doing it wrongly? Do I just get from $_POST instead?
Hope you guys can help me out on this. Thanks in advance!
This shows the full list (waaaay at the bottom): http://ellislab.com/codeigniter/user-guide/libraries/form_validation.html
I don't see that one there, but it says you can use any PHP function that requires only one parameter so that should work, but you'll have to look deeper into the docs to figure out why it isn't.
I don't think you can set rules for a form, you have to set them per variable, as the docs show:
$this->form_validation->set_rules('username', 'Username', 'required|min_length[5]|max_length[12]|is_unique[users.username]');
After abusing Google for over an hour, I've found no answers to this question :
When using form_validation.php to your validation rules, Is it possible to pass a dynamic value to the callbacks?
'field' => 'passwordrepeat',
'label' => 'סיסמא חוזרת',
'rules' => 'passwordsMatch['myDynamicValue']'
This clearly doesn't work as it passes "myDynamicValue" as a string.
Now, because this config file is loaded so early, this only available resource in it is CI_Loader, which doesn't help much, So I can't access the input class.
So my question:
Can a dynamic value pass to the config file, Or should that rule be written inline in the controller itself?
$this->form_validation->set_rules('password1', 'Password', 'trim|required|matches[password2]');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('password2', 'Verify Password', 'trim|required');
This is what I have for setting form validation on two passwords. This is what is what comes after you set all of your rules
if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE)
//Validation failed
//Validation suceeded carry on
Here is a link to some documentation
The answer to this question is a bit embarrassing.
The solution to this is that you can pass other field names to your callbacks.
However, remember that what you're passing is the field and not the actual value.
To get the actual value you'll need to access it through $_POST['field'].
For example the built in Matches function
public function matches($str, $field)
if ( ! isset($_POST[$field]))
return FALSE;
$field = $_POST[$field];
return ($str !== $field) ? FALSE : TRUE;
I feel a bit silly :)
The answer to the question is little tricky but it's easy to understand.
The solution for the asked question is here.
Create a form_validation.php file under the application/config/folder.
and past the code as bellow.
$config = array(
'field' => 'passwordrepeat',
'label' => 'סיסמא חוזרת',
'rules' => 'passwordsMatch['myDynamicValue']'
the rules will loaded automatically available to the $this->form_validation->run(); this method.
Also you can append more array, I mean more rules for the different controller.
Hope this will help you.
Im back to professional programming after 5 year late, so i have learn from beginning ;)
So i chose Kohana framework for my first framework i try to bulid first application now and i have a small problem, lets begin.
I use Kohana ORM and Auth module, as you know default Auth module user table have default fields (username, password, lastlogin) i try to extend User by:
Creating new table (user_additionals)
Creating new model (User_Additional)
Model look like this: http://pastie.org/private/412jflfoifyqs46uaxmga - Nothing special. Everything will be okay, i like easy reference like this: $user->additional->firstname etc.
At the moment i have bulid admin panel (admin can edit every user) and... every field. I have 10 fields like firstname, lastname, birthdate presented as form (filled form - placeholder loaded by template assign) and here is my small problem:
I want to give admin possibility to edit one from much fields, if admin need to edit user signature or something else - he edit one field from a lot fields available and click "Submit" it's easy - one form have been updated.
But, if i try use something like this:
$edit = ORM::Factory('User_Additional')->values($_POST); I get validation Exception (which be catched but, here are validation error - model required all fields to be !empty... (By validation rules)
I use temporary solution, but im a perfectionist and i want to create good code from begining, so here you can find my code: http://pastie.org/private/axtwxbt66gtvcwiv97hvlq
My solution start at line 29 (link above).
So my question is:
*How to make exceptions from Validation in cases like this?? *
*How make exceptions from validation for example for action /admin/edituser/ is it possible? *
*How do i can do my model code better? Thanks for any suggestions which can help me *
Validation will only run on "non-empty" fields, unless you specify the "not_empty" rule.
So basically, you could do the following: (when you need to enforce the "non emptiness" of a field)
class Model_User_Additional extends ORM
protected $foreign_key_suffix = 'user_id';
protected $_primary_key = 'user_id';
public function enforce_rules(array $fields)
$validation = Validation::factory($this->_object);
foreach ($fields as $field)
$validation->rule($field, 'not_empty');
return $validation;
public function rules()
/* Removed all not_empty */
return array(
/* 'user_id' => array(
), */
'firstname' => array(
'lastname' => array(
'birthdate' => array(
'postprice' => array(
'articleprice' => array(
'phonenumber' => array(
/* 'active' => array(
), */
/* 'lastupdate' => array(
), */
'info' => array(
public function edit_user($values, $expected, $extra_validation = NULL)
return $this->values($values, $expected)->update($extra_validation);
the usage would be:
$user = ORM::factory('User_Additional');
$user->values(array('field' => 'value'))->create($user->enforce_rules(array('user_id')));
/* and the same for updating */
$user->set('info', $_POST['info'])->update($user->enforce_rules(array('info')));
I am editing a website which someone has made in CakePHP, but I don't have any previous experience in Cake. I'm reading the manual but finding it quite hard to understand so thought I would post a question on here to see if I can get any quick answers.
I think that this code is being used to display a login box, and you can only log in with username test and password 123123
var $components = array("Auth", "Acl");
function beforeFilter(){
$this->Security->loginOptions = array(
'type' => 'basic',
'realm' => 'Authenticate Emergency Response Center'
$this->Security->loginCredentials = array(
'test' => '123123'
I want the log in box to appear still, but I want to fill the loginCredentials array automatically with information from the database. I have a table called 'operators' which contains the fields 'user_id' and 'password'.
Could someone tell me how I would alter the code above to allow any of the usernames/passwords stored in the operators table to log in?
Thanks for any help
Build an array from the database and set $this->Security->loginCredentials equal to your array.
You can leave most of the hard work up to CakePHP's Auth component, but if you want to use a model other than the default 'User', you'll just need to set this in beforeFilter(). The best place to do this is probably app_controller.php in your app\ directory.
function beforeFilter(){
$this->Auth->userModel = 'Operator';
$this->Auth->fields = array(
'username' => 'user_id',
'password' => 'password'
So the framework is CodeIgniter 2.0.2. I have a form that has groups of fields that correspond to rows in a database. The names of the fields are in the format:
The index (1,2,etc...) does not correspond to row IDs in the database, it is simply a way to split up the groups of fields. There may be gaps in the index as users are able to add and remove an arbitrary number of the field groups. All groups are identical, that is, they contain exactly the same set of fields with the same second level names.
I want to be able to use CodeIgniter's validation library to validate the form and (p)re-populate as necessary. I've found plenty of posts (in addition to the excellent CI user guide) on the pre-populating and I know how to get the working with the re-populating in general. However, this is the first time I've had to try it with the indexed field names as above. I've tried the below and it doesn't work:
'field' => 'opt[][foo]',
'label' => 'Foo',
'rules' => 'required'
I'm guessing I was just hoping for too much and CodeIgniter doesn't support what I need it to do. Extending the existing form validation library is an option so if anyone has been in the same situation and can provide some tips that would be very welcome.
Just a little extra info, I've also tried validating a specifically indexed field (see below) and that also didn't work... As I understand it multidimensional validation should work in the specific case:
'field' => 'opt[0][foo]',
'label' => 'Foo',
'rules' => 'required'
The following controller code works for me on CI 2.0.2
public function test() {
$this->form_validation->set_rules('test[test1][test2]', 'Test', 'required|valid_email');
echo validation_errors();
echo form_open($this->uri->uri_string());
echo form_input('test[test1][test2]', set_value('test[test1][test2]'));
echo form_submit();
echo form_close();
You can use this to loop through the opt variable and set validation rules for each input.
foreach($opt as $id => $value)
$this->form_validation->set_rules('opt[' . $id . '][foo]', 'Foo', 'required');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('opt[' . $id . '][bar]', 'Bar', 'required');
You should take a look at the callback functions for the validating class - this should help you accomplish what you need for validation.
I have a little checkbox on a signup form im creating which 'must' be checked before the user is allowed to continue ... Im finding it difficult to figure out how to do this with the form_validation functions as well, basically the 'agree to terms and conditions' checkbox MUST be checked in order for the user to continue, if not, an error message displayed, the code i have at the moment is below, if someone could give me a bit of a helping hand that would be great.
Ok, in my view i have the following
$agreeCheck = array( 'name' => 'agreeCheck', 'id' => 'agreeCheck', 'value' => 'agree', 'checked' => set_checkbox('agreeCheck', 'agree', FALSE));
<?php echo form_checkbox($agreeCheck); ?>
and then in my controller i have the following
$this->form_validation->set_rules('agreeCheck', 'Agree to the Terms and Conditions', 'required');
At the moment, it only remembers the value that was clicked if there is a submission, except if its not checked, it doesnt return anything.
Try this out:
$this->form_validation->set_rules('agreeCheck', 'Agree to the Terms and Conditions', 'required|isset');
Try this out:
$this->form_validation->set_rules('agreeCheck', '...', 'callback_terms_check');
And then set up this method in the controller:
function terms_check() {
if (isset($_POST['agreeCheck'])) return true;
$this->form_validation->set_message('terms_check', 'THIS IS SOOOOO REQUIRED, DUDE!');
return false;