I need to find a (the next) fibonacci number given a integer N. So let's say I have n = 13 and I need to output the next fibonacci number which is 21 but how do I do this? How can I find the previous number that summed up to form it?
I mean I could easily come up with a for/while loop that returns the fibonacci sequence but how can I find the next number by being given the previous one.
$n = 13;
while($n < 1000) {
$n = $x + $y;
echo($n."<br />");
$x = $y;
$y = $n;
You can use Binet's Formula:
n -n
F(n) = phi - (-phi)
where phi is the golden ratio (( 1 + sqrt(5) ) / 2) ~= 1.61803...
This lets you determine exactly the n-th term of the sequence.
Using a loop you could store the values in an array that could stop immediately one key after finding the selected number in the previous keys value.
function getFib($n) {
$fib = array($n+1); // array to num + 1
$fib[0] = 0; $fib[1] = 1; // set initial array keys
for ($i=2;$i<=$n+1;$i++) {
$fib[$i] = $fib[$i-1]+$fib[$i-2];
if ($fib[$i] > $n) { // check if key > num
return $fib[$i];
if ($fib[$i-1] < $n) { // check if key < num
return $fib[$i-1] + $n;
if ($fib[$i] = $n-1) { // check if key = num
return $fib[$i-1] + $fib[$i-2];
if ($fib[$i-1] = 1) { // check if num = 1
return $n + $n;
$num = 13;
echo "next fibonacci number = " . getFib($num);
Please note that I haven't tested this out and the code could be optimized, so before downvoting consider this serves only as a concept to the question asked.
You can do it in 1 step:
phi = (1+sqrt(5))/2
next = round(current*phi)
(Where round is a function that returns the closest integer; basically equivalent to floor(x+0.5))
For example, if your current number is 13: 13 * phi = 21.034441853748632, which rounds to 21.
For an endless number such as Pi, how would one go about finding the first occurrence of an exact sum of digits for a given number n.
For example. If n=20
then the first occurrence is from digit 1 to digit 5 since:
if n=30, then the first occurrence is from digit 5 to digit 11
since 9+2+6+5+3+5=30
answer should have a working php demo
The answer to this is using sliding window that will maintain the sum. so maintain two pointers say i and j. Keep increasing j and adding the elements inside. when it crosses the desired sum increase i and decrease the element at i. Then keep increasing j until the sum is reached or the sum overflows so you repeat the above process.
Example sum = 30
141592653589793238 >> i=j=0 current_sum = 1
141592653589793238 >> i=0 j=6 current_sum=28
in the next iteration adding 5 will result in current_sum>30 so hence you increment i
141592653589793238 >> i=1 j=6 current_sum=27
141592653589793238 >> i=2 j=6 current_sum=23
141592653589793238 >> i=2 j=7 current_sum=28
Keep going in this manner and it will finally reach the window that is equal to the sum =30 . That should break you out of the loop and help you find the answer.
Method 1 (suggested by Ashwin Bhat)
This implementation uses two pivots. The sum of digits between $pivot_a and $pivot_b is computed. Depending on the value of the sum, we increment $pivot_b (if the sum is less) or $pivot_a (if the sum is greater). If the sum is equal to $n, break. The values of the pivots give the appropriate digit indices.
$pi = "314159265358979323846264338327950288419716939";
$n = 30;
$pivot_a = $pivot_b = 0;
$sum = 0;
for( ; $pivot_b < strlen($pi); ) {
if($sum < $n) {
$sum += $pi[$pivot_b++];
} elseif ($sum > $n) {
$sum -= $pi[$pivot_a++];
} else {
print('Solution found from digit '.$pivot_a.' to '.$pivot_b.'.');
print('No match was found.');
Method 2
This implementation uses one pivot only, from which it starts summing up the digits. If the sum happens to be greater than the desired value, it resets the sum to zero, shifts the pivot one position and starts the summing again.
$pi = "314159265358979323846264338327950288419716939";
$n = 30;
// Let's sum up all the elements from $pivot until we get the exact sum or a
// number greater than that. In the latter case, shift the $pivot one place.
$pivot = 0;
$sum = 0;
for($k=0 ; $sum != $n && $k < strlen($pi) ; $k++) {
$sum += $pi[$k];
if($sum > $n) {
print(' = '.$sum.' fail, k='.($pivot+1).PHP_EOL);
$sum = 0;
$k = $pivot++;
} elseif($sum < $n) {
print(' = '.$n.' found from digit '.$pivot.' to '.$k.'.');
The implementation is not very effective but tries to explain the steps. It prints
3+1+4+1+5+9+2+6 = 31 fail, k=1
1+4+1+5+9+2+6+5 = 33 fail, k=2
4+1+5+9+2+6+5 = 32 fail, k=3
1+5+9+2+6+5+3 = 31 fail, k=4
5+9+2+6+5+3 = 30 found from digit 4 to 10.
Here's another approach. It builds an array of sums along the way and, on every iteration, attempts to add the current digit to the previous sums, and so on, while always only keeping the sums that are still relevant (< target).
The function either returns:
an array of 2 values representing the 0-based index interval within the digits,
or null if it couldn't find the target sum
function findFirstSumOccurrenceIndexes(string $digits, int $targetSum): ?array
$sums = [];
for ($pos = 0, $length = strlen($digits); $pos < $length; $pos++) {
$digit = (int)$digits[$pos];
if ($digit === $targetSum) {
return [$pos, $pos];
foreach ($sums as $startPos => $sum) {
if ($sum + $digit === $targetSum) {
return [$startPos, $pos];
if ($sum + $digit < $targetSum) {
$sums[$startPos] += $digit;
else {
$sums[] = $digit;
return null;
Demo: https://3v4l.org/9t3vf
I have this math assignment that I should make into code.
I've tried all I thought of but I couldn't find a solution.
All this should be done without using php functions, only math operations.
You can use while, for, and such...
So I have number for example 9
Now I should create number of the length 9 which would be 999999999
If I had, for example, number 3, then the result should be 333.
Any ideas?
$gen = -1;
while($highest > 0) {
$gen = $highest + ($highest * 10);
$highest = $highest - 1;
echo $gen;
Here is a method that does not build a string; it uses pure math. (There will be many, many ways to do this task)
for($i=$x; $i; --$i){ // this looping expression can be structured however you wish potato-potatoe
$result+=$x*(10**($i-1)); // x times (10 to the power of (i-1))
echo $result;
// 999999999
*note: ** acts like pow() if you want to look it up.
Late edit: here is a clever, little loopless method (quietly proud). I am only calling range() and foreach() to demo; it is not an integral component of my method.
Demo: https://3v4l.org/GIjfG
foreach(range(0,9) as $n){
// echo "$n -> ",(integer)(1/9*$n*(10**$n)-($n/10)),"\n";
// echo "$n -> ",(1/9*$n*(10**$n)-(1/9*$n)),"\n";
// echo "$n -> ",(int)(1/9*10**$n)*$n,"\n";
// echo "$n -> ",(int)(10**$n/9)*$n,"\n";
echo "$n -> ",(10**$n-1)/9*$n,"\n";
0 -> 0
1 -> 1
2 -> 22
3 -> 333
4 -> 4444
5 -> 55555
6 -> 666666
7 -> 7777777
8 -> 88888888
9 -> 999999999
1/9 is the hero of this method because it generates .111111111(repeating). From this float number, I am using 10**$n to "shift" just enough 1s to the left side of the decimal point, then multiplying this float number by $n, then the float must be converted to an integer to complete.
Per #axiac's comment, the new hero is 10**$n-1 which generates a series of nines to the desired length (no float numbers). Next divide the nines by nine to generate a series of ones which becomes the perfect multiplier. Finally, multiply the series of ones and the input number to arrive at the desired output.
There are two operations you need to accomplish:
given a number $number, append the digit $n to it;
repeat operation #1 some number of times ($n times).
Operation #1 is easy:
$number = $number * 10 + $n;
Operation #2 is even easier:
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i ++)
What else do you need?
Initialization of the variable used to store the computed number:
$number = 0;
Put them in order and you get:
// The input digit
// It gives the length of the computed number
// and also its digits
$n = 8;
// The number we compute
$number = 0;
// Put the digit $n at the end of $number, $n times
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i ++) {
$number = $number * 10 + $n;
// That's all
If intval() is accepted:
$result = '';
$input = 9;
for($i=0; $i < $input; $i++){
$result .= $input;
$result = intval($result);
$result = 0;
$input = 9;
for($i=0; $i < $input; $i++){
$factor = 1;
for($j = 0; $j < $i; $j++){
$factor *= 10;
$result += $input * $factor;
9 + 90 + 900 + 9000 + 90000...
I've searched through a number of similar questions, but unfortunately I haven't been able to find an answer to this problem. I hope someone can point me in the right direction.
I need to come up with a PHP function which will produce a random number within a set range and mean. The range, in my case, will always be 1 to 100. The mean could be anything within the range.
For example...
r = f(x)
r = the resulting random number
x = the mean
...running this function in a loop should produce random values where the average of the resulting values should be very close to x. (The more times we loop the closer we get to x)
Running the function in a loop, assuming x = 10, should produce a curve similar to this:
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
Where the curve starts at 1, peeks at 10, and ends at 100.
Unfortunately, I'm not well versed in statistics. Perhaps someone can help me word this problem correctly to find a solution?
interesting question. I'll sum it up:
We need a funcion f(x)
f returns an integer
if we run f a million times the average of the integer is x(or very close at least)
I am sure there are several approaches, but this uses the binomial distribution: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binomial_distribution
Here is the code:
function f($x){
$min = 0;
$max = 100;
$curve = 1.1;
$mean = $x;
$precision = 5; //higher is more precise but slower
$dist = array();
$lastval = $precision;
$belowsize = $mean-$min;
$abovesize = $max-$mean;
$belowfactor = pow(pow($curve,50),1/$belowsize);
$left = 0;
for($i = $min; $i< $mean; $i++){
$dist[$i] = round($lastval*$belowfactor);
$lastval = $lastval*$belowfactor;
$left += $dist[$i];
$dist[$mean] = round($lastval*$belowfactor);
$abovefactor = pow($left,1/$abovesize);
for($i = $mean+1; $i <= $max; $i++){
$dist[$i] = round($left-$left/$abovefactor);
$left = $left/$abovefactor;
$map = array();
foreach ($dist as $int => $quantity) {
for ($x = 0; $x < $quantity; $x++) {
$map[] = $int;
return current($map);
You can test it out like this(worked for me):
$results = array();
for($i = 0;$i<100;$i++){
$results[] = f(20);
$average = array_sum($results) / count($results);
echo $average;
It gives a distribution curve that looks like this:
I'm not sure if I got what you mean, even if I didn't this is still a pretty neat snippet:
function array_avg($array) { // Returns the average (mean) of the numbers in an array
return array_sum($array)/count($array);
function randomFromMean($x, $min = 1, $max = 100, $leniency = 3) {
$x The number that you want to get close to
$min The minimum number in the range
$max Self-explanatory
$leniency How far off of $x can the result be
$res = [mt_rand($min,$max)];
while (true) {
$res_avg = array_avg($res);
if ($res_avg >= ($x - $leniency) && $res_avg <= ($x + $leniency)) {
return $res;
else if ($res_avg > $x && $res_avg < $max) {
array_push($res,mt_rand($min, $x));
else if ($res_avg > $min && $res_avg < $x) {
array_push($res, mt_rand($x,$max));
$res = randomFromMean(22); // This function returns an array of random numbers that have a mean close to the first param.
If you then var_dump($res), You get something like this:
array (size=4)
0 => int 18
1 => int 54
2 => int 22
3 => int 4
EDIT: Using a low value for $leniency (like 1 or 2) will result in huge arrays, since testing, I recommend a leniency of around 3.
i had applied for a job recently and the requirement was to complete a test and then interview
2 questions were given for test which was very simple and i did it successfully but still i was told that i have failed the test because the script took more than 18 seconds to complete execution. here is the program i dont understand what else i could do to make it fast. although i have failed the test but still wants to know else i could do?
Program language is PHP and i had to do it using command line input
here is the question:
K Difference
Given N numbers , [N<=10^5] we need to count the total pairs of numbers that have a difference of K. [K>0 and K<1e9]
Input Format:
1st line contains N & K (integers).
2nd line contains N numbers of the set. All the N numbers are assured to be distinct.
Output Format:
One integer saying the no of pairs of numbers that have a diff K.
Sample Input #00:
5 2
1 5 3 4 2
Sample Output #00:3
Sample Input #01:
10 1
363374326 364147530 61825163 1073065718 1281246024 1399469912 428047635 491595254 879792181 1069262793
Sample Output #01:
Note: Java/C# code should be in a class named "Solution"
Read input from STDIN and write output to STDOUT.
and this is the solution
$fr = fopen("php://stdin", "r");
$fw = fopen("php://stdout", "w");
fscanf($fr, "%d", $total_nums);
fscanf($fr, "%d", $diff);
$ary_nums = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $total_nums; $i++) {
fscanf($fr, "%d", $ary_nums[$i]);
$count = 0;
for ($i = $total_nums - 1; $i > 0; $i--) {
for ($j = $i - 1; $j >= 0; $j--) {
if ($ary_nums[$i] - $ary_nums[$j] == $diff) {
$j = 0;
fprintf($fw, "%d", $count);
Your algorithm's runtime is O(N^2) that is approximately 10^5 * 10^5 = 10^10. With some basic observation it can be reduced to O(NlgN) which is approximately 10^5*16 = 1.6*10^6 only.
Sort the array ary_nums.
for every i'th integer of the array, make a binary search to find if ary_nums[i]-K, is present in the array or not. If present increase result, skip i'th integer otherwise.
for ($i = $total_nums - 1; $i > 0; $i--) {
$hi = $i-1;
$low = 0;
$mid = ($hi+$low)/2;
$low = $mid+1;
$hi = $mid-1;
I got the same question for my technical interview. I wonder if we are interviewing for the same company. :)
Anyway, here is my answer I came up with (after the interview):
// Insert code to get the input here
$count = 0;
sort ($arr);
for ($i = 0, $max = $N - 1; $i < $max; $i++)
$lower_limit = $i + 1;
$upper_limit = $max;
while ($lower_limit <= $upper_limit)
$midpoint = ceil (($lower_limit + $upper_limit) / 2);
$diff = $arr[$midpoint] - $arr[$i];
if ($diff == $K)
// Found it. Increment the count and break the inner loop.
$lower_limit = $upper_limit + 1;
elseif ($diff < $K)
// Search to the right of midpoint
$lower_limit = $midpoint + 1;
// Search to the left of midpoint
$upper_limit = $midpoint - 1;
#Fallen: Your code failed for the following inputs:
Enter the numbers N and K: 10 3
Enter numbers for the set: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Result: 6
I think it has to do with your calculation of $mid (not accounting for odd number)
I need to generate x amount of random odd numbers, within a given range.
I know this can be achieved with simple looping, but I'm unsure which approach would be the best, and is there a better mathematical way of solving this.
EDIT: Also I cannot have the same number more than once.
Generate x integer values over half the range, and for each value double it and add 1.
ANSWERING REVISED QUESTION: 1) Generate a list of candidates in range, shuffle them, and then take the first x. Or 2) generate values as per my original recommendation, and reject and retry if the generated value is in the list of already generated values.
The first will work better if x is a substantial fraction of the range, the latter if x is small relative to the range.
ADDENDUM: Should have thought of this approach earlier, it's based on conditional probability. I don't know php (I came at this from the "random" tag), so I'll express it as pseudo-code:
generate(x, upper_limit)
loop with index i from upper_limit downto 1 by 2
p_value = x / floor((i + 1) / 2)
if rand <= p_value
include i in selected set
decrement x
return/exit if x <= 0
end if
end loop
end generate
x is the desired number of values to generate, upper_limit is the largest odd number in the range, and rand generates a uniformly distributed random number between zero and one. Basically, it steps through the candidate set of odd numbers and accepts or rejects each one based how many values you still need and how many candidates still remain.
I've tested this and it really works. It requires less intermediate storage than shuffling and fewer iterations than the original acceptance/rejection.
Generate a list of elements in the range, remove the element you want in your random series. Repeat x times.
Or you can generate an array with the odd numbers in the range, then do a shuffle
Generation is easy:
$range_array = array();
for( $i = 0; $i < $max_value; $i++){
$range_array[] .= $i*2 + 1;
shuffle( $range_array );
splice out the x first elements.
$result = array_slice( $range_array, 0, $x );
This is a complete solution.
function mt_rands($min_rand, $max_rand, $num_rand){
if(!is_integer($min_rand) or !is_integer($max_rand)){
return false;
if($min_rand >= $max_rand){
return false;
if(!is_integer($num_rand) or ($num_rand < 1)){
return false;
if($num_rand <= ($max_rand - $min_rand)){
return false;
$rands = array();
while(count($rands) < $num_rand){
$loops = 0;
++$loops; // loop limiter, use it if you want to
$rand = mt_rand($min_rand, $max_rand);
}while(in_array($rand, $rands, true));
$rands[] = $rand;
return $rands;
// let's see how it went
var_export($rands = mt_rands(0, 50, 5));
Code is not tested. Just wrote it. Can be improved a bit but it's up to you.
This code generates 5 odd unique numbers in the interval [1, 20]. Change $min, $max and $n = 5 according to your needs.
function odd_filter($x)
if (($x % 2) == 1)
return true;
return false;
// seed with microseconds
function make_seed()
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
return (float) $sec + ((float) $usec * 100000);
$min = 1;
$max = 20;
//number of random numbers
$n = 5;
if (($max - $min + 1)/2 < $n)
print "iterval [$min, $max] is too short to generate $n odd numbers!\n";
$result = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i)
$x = rand($min, $max);
//not exists in the hash and is odd
if(!isset($result{$x}) && odd_filter($x))
$result[$x] = 1;
else//new iteration needed
$result = array_keys($result);