Can't setup Highchart - php

I am trying to use highchart in cakephp and have followed the below tutorial and also the stackoverflow post on the subject.
I still get a highchart not found.
I downloaded highchartPHP and placed all the 4 files in Vendor/HighchartsPHP
In the layout, I add the lines with the actual js files in webroot/js
echo $this->Html->script('jquery-1.9.1.min'); // Include jQuery library
echo $this->Html->script('highcharts'); // Include jQuery library
This is my code
App::import('Vendor', 'HighchartsPHP/Highchart');
class ChartsController extends AppController
public function index() {
$chart = new Highchart(); /////////////////Error: Class 'Highchart' not found
$chart->chart = array(
'renderTo' => 'container', // div ID where to render chart
'type' => 'line'
$chart->series[0]->name = 'Tokyo';
$chart->series[0]->data = array(7.0, 6.9, 9.5);
$this->set( compact( 'chart' ) );
In view file
<?php $chart->printScripts(); ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
<?php echo $chart->render("chart");?>
Using HighchartsPHP library in CakePHP
I can't find any more instructions about cakePHP setup with highcharts so I am stuck and I get a highchart not found error.
I still have something missing. What has confused me is that highchartPHP doesn't explain how you install it for a MVC version with cakephp.
How to setup highchart so it works in cakephp ?
I got from the download zip button link so it must be v3
also Error: Class 'Highchart' not found from the controller as I outlined above

That's what happens when people don't mention version numbers...
...a year later nobody knows what they were talking about anymore. The tutorial and the question are most probably about version 1.x.
So a quick fix would be to use v1, but I'm not sure if that's a very good idea as it's probably not maintained anymore.
Namespaces and Composer
Look at the source code of version 2.x and 3.x, they are now using namespaces, and so the class cannot be found when not pointing into that namespace properly.
As mentioned on the projects homepage the library should be installed via composer, and with pretty much all those libraries using composer the generated autoloader needs to be used, but this isn't really the place here to explain how to use composer, this is already extensively covered all over the net.
Be sure to check out the CakePHP docs on how to use the composer autoloader with CakePHP too:
If you’re installing any other libraries with Composer, you’ll need to setup the autoloader, and work around an issue in Composer’s autoloader. In your Config/bootstrap.php file add the following:
// Load Composer autoload.
require APP . 'Vendor/autoload.php';
// Remove and re-prepend CakePHP's autoloader as Composer thinks it is the
// most important.
// See:
spl_autoload_unregister(array('App', 'load'));
spl_autoload_register(array('App', 'load'), true, true);


Implementing asinfotrack\yii2-wiki Module not found

I'm implementing this package following the instructions found here.
In my config, as instructed, I have
'processContentCallback'=>function($content) {
//example if you want to use markdown in your wiki
return Parsedown::instance()->parse($content);
I am getting an error on wiki/content/view?id=index: Class 'app\modules\wiki\Module' not found - what have I missed?
It looks like there is wrong class namespace used in the package by the developer i.e app\modules\wiki\Module instead of asinfotrack\yii2\wiki\Module
to fix this issue without changing the code in the vendor you can set the classmap on top of the project config file( common.php or main.php ) like this
Yii::$classMap['app\modules\wiki\Module'] = VENDOR_PATH.'/toasinfotrack/yii2-wiki/Module.php';
More details about classmapping in Yii2 can be found here

Can I use the Blade templating engine outside of Laravel?

i'm want to creating a design pattern and use the "Blade templating engine".
Can I use the Blade templating engine outside of Laravel and use it in my new pattern ?
For the record:
I tested many libraries to run blade outside Laravel (that i don't use) and most are poor hacks of the original library that simply copied and pasted the code and removed some dependencies yet it retains a lot of dependencies of Laravel.
So I created (for a project) an alternative for blade that its free (MIT license, i.e. close source/private code is OK) in a single file and without a single dependency of an external library. You could download the class and start using it, or you could install via composer.
It's 100% compatible without the Laravel's own features (extensions).
How it works:
include "lib/BladeOne/BladeOne.php";
use eftec\bladeone;
$views = __DIR__ . '/views'; // folder where is located the templates
$compiledFolder = __DIR__ . '/compiled';
$blade=new bladeone\BladeOne($views,$compiledFolder);
echo $blade->run("Test.hello", ["name" => "hola mundo"]);
Another alternative is to use twig but I tested it and I don't like it. I like the syntax of Laravel that its close to ASP.NET MVC Razor.
Edit: To this date (July 2018), it's practically the only template system that supports the new features of Blade 5.6 without Laravel. ;-)
You certainly can, there are lots of standalone blade options on packagist, as long as you are comfortable with composer then there should be no issue, this one looks pretty interesting due to having a really high percentage of stars compared to downloads.
Be warned though i have not tried it myself, like you i was looking for a standalone option for my own project and came across it, i will be giving it a real good workout though at sometime in the near future,
Matt Stauffer has created a whole repository showing you how you can use various Illuminate components directly outside of Laravel. I would recommend following his example and looking at his source code.
Here is the index.php of using Laravel Views outside of Laravel
You can write a custom wrapper around it so that you can call it like Laravel
use Illuminate\Container\Container;
use Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher;
use Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use Illuminate\View\Compilers\BladeCompiler;
use Illuminate\View\Engines\CompilerEngine;
use Illuminate\View\Engines\EngineResolver;
use Illuminate\View\Engines\PhpEngine;
use Illuminate\View\Factory;
use Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder;
function view($viewName, $templateData)
// Configuration
// Note that you can set several directories where your templates are located
$pathsToTemplates = [__DIR__ . '/templates'];
$pathToCompiledTemplates = __DIR__ . '/compiled';
// Dependencies
$filesystem = new Filesystem;
$eventDispatcher = new Dispatcher(new Container);
// Create View Factory capable of rendering PHP and Blade templates
$viewResolver = new EngineResolver;
$bladeCompiler = new BladeCompiler($filesystem, $pathToCompiledTemplates);
$viewResolver->register('blade', function () use ($bladeCompiler) {
return new CompilerEngine($bladeCompiler);
$viewResolver->register('php', function () {
return new PhpEngine;
$viewFinder = new FileViewFinder($filesystem, $pathsToTemplates);
$viewFactory = new Factory($viewResolver, $viewFinder, $eventDispatcher);
// Render template
return $viewFactory->make($viewName, $templateData)->render();
You can then call this using the following
view('', ['title' => 'Title', 'text' => 'This is text']);
Yes you can use it where ever you like. Just install one of the the many packages available on composer for it.
If you're interested in integrating it with codeigniter I have a blog post here outlining the process.
Following the above steps should make it obvious how to include it into any framework.

Using angelleye paypal with simplemvc framework

I have used composer to download the Angell EYE PayPal library into my vendor directory. Now I'm trying to call the class within a controller.
I've tried various methods:
Use \angelleye\PayPal;
at the top of page. I've tried using the require() method.
Within the controller I have used
$paypal = PayPal::PayPal($payment);
And a few other ways, but I just get the error Class not found at line 179 and I'm not sure why.
You just need to load a config file (depending on your framework) and the autoloader.
Of course, adjust the paths to suit where you have those saved, but the autoloader is what makes the classes available to you.
If you want more direct help you can submit a ticket here.
Thanks for response.
I actually managed to get it working on the framework.
I did nt have to load anything or require the class as the composer autoload must do it for me in the framework.
I simply added :
$PayPal = new \angelleye\PayPal\PayPal($PayPalConfig);
and it started to work.
Im guessing if i want to use the PayFlow i would call using:
$PayPal = new \angelleye\PayPal\PayFlow($PayPalConfig);
I will definately post back if the rest of the proccess fails to work.

Drupal 7 xautoload composer

So I have the Paypal REST API installed ( ) with Composer in my_drupal_module/lib/Drupal/ and now I want to use the namespaces in a function in my module. I understood that I need something like xautoload ( ) to do that so I tried something like:
$payer = new \Drupal\vendor\PayPal\Api\Payer;
with and without the first slash, and with and without parentheses at the end but it didn't work. I added:
require DIR . '/lib/Drupal/vendor/autoload.php';
but still nothing so I commented it. Meanwhile I found this: that explains this issue but it is unclear to me what exactly to write in hook_xautoload() or direct registration for the setup that I have. Can someone please help?
Nevermind. I solved it. Thanks to proloy03 who gave me the idea:
You don't need xautoload to load the classes and namespace just implement hook_init to require it like so:
function my_module_init() {
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
and then in your function write:
$payer = new PayPal\Api\Payer();
and it all works.
With xautload you can do something like this...
In mymodule.module
function mymodule_libraries_info() {
'paypal' => array(
'name' => 'PayPal SDK',
'xautoload' => function($adapter) {
Declaring this allow you to use the namespace. Like
use PayPal\Api\Amount;
Check xautoload.api.php
Your assumption that you need XAutoload to use the Paypal API installed by Composer is wrong.
The only thing you need to make any code installed by Composer available is to include the Composer autoloader in your code execution path when you need any of the provided classes. The easiest form of this is to simply require the Composer autoloader in the very first index.php (or whatever Drupal uses) file that answers every request (possibly instantiating more Drupal classes, modules and stuff).
Once the code execution comes to your own code, the autoloading allows your code to include all the classes you included with Composer.
How to use the code? Don't invent your own namespace for the existing code, it will not work. "\Drupal\vendor\PayPal\Api\Payer" sounds pretty wrong to me, I suspect the correct namespace is "\PayPal\Api\Payer". And yes, that file does indeed exist. So you have to use that.
If it still does not work, complaining the class could not be loaded, then the Composer autoloader file is not included in your scripts code path.

Stripe Payments in PHP With Namespaces

I built a PHP application that uses namespaces and PSR-0 autoloading. In trying to implement the Stripe library, I've found that it can't seem to load the classes because they aren't namespaced. Is there a way to not autoload if I have manually included the files?
// Get Stripe Library
require_once(App\App::$APP_PATH . "/Extensions/Stripe.php");
// Set Key
Setting the key in the example fails with a fatal error because it thinks a Stripe class exists in my namespace of the current file.
I found that if I add a use Stripe; line below my namespace declaration, it will work, but then fails on the next class in the Stripe library.
Am I really going to have to add a Use Stripe, Stripe_Customer, Stripe_xyz...; line to let it load the files correctly (which there are over 25 files) or is there a better way?
Until I hear whether there is a better way, I've done this:
// Import Non-Namespaced Stripe Library
use Stripe, Stripe_Account, Stripe_ApiConnectionError, Stripe_ApiError, Stripe_ApiRequestor, Stripe_ApiResource, Stripe_AuthenticationError;
use Stripe_Card, Stripe_CardError, Stripe_Charge, Stripe_Coupon, Stripe_Customer, Stripe_Error, Stripe_Event, Stripe_InvalidRequestError;
use Stripe_Invoice, Stripe_InvoiceItem, Stripe_List, Stripe_Object, Stripe_Plan, Stripe_Recipient, Stripe_SingletonApiResource;
use Stripe_Stripe, Stripe_Token, Stripe_Transfer, Stripe_Util;
Using composer is the easiest way (I promise!)
Just install composer and then install stripe. Once you have those installed just browse to your project's folder and run composer install. This will install the needed dependencies and will put composer in a folder called vendor.
Then you simple require the autoload.php file which will load up stripe, without bothering to use a namespace. Here's a full example block that I grabbed from here.
$stripe = array(
"secret_key" => "sk_test_BQokikJOvBiI2HlWgH4olfQ2",
"publishable_key" => "pk_test_6pRNASCoBOKtIshFeQd4XMUh"
You can use \ to specify that the class name you're specifying is a fully qualified namespace (FQNS), for example:
use \Stripe, \Stripe_Account;
$stripe = new Stripe();
$stripe_account = new Stripe_Account();
or without use statements:
$stripe = new \Stripe();
$stripe_account = new \Stripe_Account();
