Using angelleye paypal with simplemvc framework - php

I have used composer to download the Angell EYE PayPal library into my vendor directory. Now I'm trying to call the class within a controller.
I've tried various methods:
Use \angelleye\PayPal;
at the top of page. I've tried using the require() method.
Within the controller I have used
$paypal = PayPal::PayPal($payment);
And a few other ways, but I just get the error Class not found at line 179 and I'm not sure why.

You just need to load a config file (depending on your framework) and the autoloader.
Of course, adjust the paths to suit where you have those saved, but the autoloader is what makes the classes available to you.
If you want more direct help you can submit a ticket here.

Thanks for response.
I actually managed to get it working on the framework.
I did nt have to load anything or require the class as the composer autoload must do it for me in the framework.
I simply added :
$PayPal = new \angelleye\PayPal\PayPal($PayPalConfig);
and it started to work.
Im guessing if i want to use the PayFlow i would call using:
$PayPal = new \angelleye\PayPal\PayFlow($PayPalConfig);
I will definately post back if the rest of the proccess fails to work.


How can i send Mails within my Typo3 extension

I get results from a jQuery Survey in JSON within my Typo3 Extension. Now I want to send these results with the Typo3 Mail API to my Inbox. According to the documentations following shoud do the work
$mail = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Mail\MailMessage::class);
$mail->from(new \Symfony\Component\Mime\Address('', 'John Doe'));
new \Symfony\Component\Mime\Address('', 'Max Mustermann'),
new \Symfony\Component\Mime\Address('')
$mail->subject('Your subject');
$mail->text('Here is the message itself');
$mail->html('<p>Here is the message itself</p>');
so my code looks like this:
namespace TYPO3\CMS\Core\Mail;
if (!file_exists( dirname(__DIR__, 2).'/vendor/autoload.php' )) {
throw new \RuntimeException(
'Could not find vendor/autoload.php, make sure you ran composer.'
} else {
require dirname(__DIR__, 2).'/vendor/autoload.php';
use Symfony\Component\Mime\Address;
use Symfony\Component\Mime\Email;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\MailUtility;
$mail = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Mail\MailMessage::class);
$mail->from(new \Symfony\Component\Mime\Address('', 'John Doe'));
new \Symfony\Component\Mime\Address('', 'Max Mustermann'),
new \Symfony\Component\Mime\Address('')
$mail->subject('Your subject');
$mail->text('Here is the message itself');
$mail->html('<p>Here is the message itself</p>');
I just getting errors. Does anyone know how i can achieve this?
Following error i get
Notice: Undefined index: TYPO3_CONF_VARS in /var/www/html/local_packages/ext_sitepackage/public/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Mail/Mailer.php on line 170
Apparently this is the same question as you already posted here.
This will never work like this. You need to either build a fully fledged TYPO3 extension or a standalone application using symfony/mailer directly.
Your script is missing $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['MAIL'].
You stumble over the fact that you're programming past the conventions and requirements of TYPO3, but then you're surprised that the framework's functions don't work...
Create a middleware in your sitepackage, and register it correctly. Check for a special route and let the rest run. If handling, use the code there.
You need to run the mailing code in a (full) bootstrapped Typo3 context:
in a middleware
extbase plugin registered with pageNum directly
Your pasted code looks weired in a lot of ways. Just putting a file in a extension folder do not mean that is correctly a typo3 extension.
Maybe you want to start and have a proper extension setup first, with the corresponding readings:
ext_emconf.php / composer.json as a minimum
code files in 'Classes/' subfolders
then decide with which way you want to handle the "ajax" call and send the email, there are several possibilities (as already mentioned above) .. than read and implement that solution the proper and correct way.
Just having a php file directly referenced/called and just bootstpping the composer autoloader do not and never will be bootstrapping Typo3 with all needed configuration bootstrapping (gathering confings from extensions, Local/AdditionalConfiguration, siteconfig and and and).
And generally a package/extension should have a namespace something like following (as a convention):
an thus registered as psr-4 autoloading in your extension composer.json ..
Starting to implement the peaces to simulate a Typo3 bootstpraping in that file is not good and will make a lot of headache ... it's easier to have a proper sitepacke/extension structure.

Drupal 7 xautoload composer

So I have the Paypal REST API installed ( ) with Composer in my_drupal_module/lib/Drupal/ and now I want to use the namespaces in a function in my module. I understood that I need something like xautoload ( ) to do that so I tried something like:
$payer = new \Drupal\vendor\PayPal\Api\Payer;
with and without the first slash, and with and without parentheses at the end but it didn't work. I added:
require DIR . '/lib/Drupal/vendor/autoload.php';
but still nothing so I commented it. Meanwhile I found this: that explains this issue but it is unclear to me what exactly to write in hook_xautoload() or direct registration for the setup that I have. Can someone please help?
Nevermind. I solved it. Thanks to proloy03 who gave me the idea:
You don't need xautoload to load the classes and namespace just implement hook_init to require it like so:
function my_module_init() {
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
and then in your function write:
$payer = new PayPal\Api\Payer();
and it all works.
With xautload you can do something like this...
In mymodule.module
function mymodule_libraries_info() {
'paypal' => array(
'name' => 'PayPal SDK',
'xautoload' => function($adapter) {
Declaring this allow you to use the namespace. Like
use PayPal\Api\Amount;
Check xautoload.api.php
Your assumption that you need XAutoload to use the Paypal API installed by Composer is wrong.
The only thing you need to make any code installed by Composer available is to include the Composer autoloader in your code execution path when you need any of the provided classes. The easiest form of this is to simply require the Composer autoloader in the very first index.php (or whatever Drupal uses) file that answers every request (possibly instantiating more Drupal classes, modules and stuff).
Once the code execution comes to your own code, the autoloading allows your code to include all the classes you included with Composer.
How to use the code? Don't invent your own namespace for the existing code, it will not work. "\Drupal\vendor\PayPal\Api\Payer" sounds pretty wrong to me, I suspect the correct namespace is "\PayPal\Api\Payer". And yes, that file does indeed exist. So you have to use that.
If it still does not work, complaining the class could not be loaded, then the Composer autoloader file is not included in your scripts code path.

Stripe Payments in PHP With Namespaces

I built a PHP application that uses namespaces and PSR-0 autoloading. In trying to implement the Stripe library, I've found that it can't seem to load the classes because they aren't namespaced. Is there a way to not autoload if I have manually included the files?
// Get Stripe Library
require_once(App\App::$APP_PATH . "/Extensions/Stripe.php");
// Set Key
Setting the key in the example fails with a fatal error because it thinks a Stripe class exists in my namespace of the current file.
I found that if I add a use Stripe; line below my namespace declaration, it will work, but then fails on the next class in the Stripe library.
Am I really going to have to add a Use Stripe, Stripe_Customer, Stripe_xyz...; line to let it load the files correctly (which there are over 25 files) or is there a better way?
Until I hear whether there is a better way, I've done this:
// Import Non-Namespaced Stripe Library
use Stripe, Stripe_Account, Stripe_ApiConnectionError, Stripe_ApiError, Stripe_ApiRequestor, Stripe_ApiResource, Stripe_AuthenticationError;
use Stripe_Card, Stripe_CardError, Stripe_Charge, Stripe_Coupon, Stripe_Customer, Stripe_Error, Stripe_Event, Stripe_InvalidRequestError;
use Stripe_Invoice, Stripe_InvoiceItem, Stripe_List, Stripe_Object, Stripe_Plan, Stripe_Recipient, Stripe_SingletonApiResource;
use Stripe_Stripe, Stripe_Token, Stripe_Transfer, Stripe_Util;
Using composer is the easiest way (I promise!)
Just install composer and then install stripe. Once you have those installed just browse to your project's folder and run composer install. This will install the needed dependencies and will put composer in a folder called vendor.
Then you simple require the autoload.php file which will load up stripe, without bothering to use a namespace. Here's a full example block that I grabbed from here.
$stripe = array(
"secret_key" => "sk_test_BQokikJOvBiI2HlWgH4olfQ2",
"publishable_key" => "pk_test_6pRNASCoBOKtIshFeQd4XMUh"
You can use \ to specify that the class name you're specifying is a fully qualified namespace (FQNS), for example:
use \Stripe, \Stripe_Account;
$stripe = new Stripe();
$stripe_account = new Stripe_Account();
or without use statements:
$stripe = new \Stripe();
$stripe_account = new \Stripe_Account();

Installing Uploader Plugin for CakePHP 2.x

So I'm new at this whole CakePHP thing, but I'm looking to get the Uploader plugin installed. I'm stuck at the first installation step, after download/placing the files in the correct place: I see this is the code I need to add somewhere:
// CakePHP 2
App::import('Vendor', 'Uploader.Uploader');
$this->Uploader = new Uploader();
But I don't know where to put it! I'm using the basic "Blog tutorial", but I changed the name from "Posts" to "Media". Where would I put this code to get the plugin included? I'm not sure on the rest of the steps either, so if anyone could help me with that in terms of the default "Blog tutorial" setup, that'd be awesome. Thanks!
EDIT: I have the CakePlugin part working. I'm just unsure about the App:import line. I keep trying to add it inside my MediaController class, but it's just throwing errors. Where would this line go?
EDIT: App:import line is working, now I just need the new Uploader() part
I havn't used this specific plugin, but I have used one similar (MeioUpload).
The CakePlugin::load('Uploader') goes in your bootstrap configuration file (app/config/bootstrap.php)
App::import and the creation are likely to be handled within your "Media" controller.
For example. My Cake App uses App::uses('Sanitize', 'Utility'); in its PostController.
I assume it would be something like this.
App::import('Vendor', 'Uploader.Uploader');
class MediaController extends AppController {
$this->Uploader = new Uploader();
/* The rest of the controller */
But I could be wrong. The explanation for that plugin is weird.

Developing/using a custom Resource Plugin in Zend Framework

We have used Zend_Log, which is configured in application.ini differently for different circumstances. We initialize it/get it in the bootstrap and store it in the registry:
$r = $this->getPluginResource('log');
$logger = $r->getLog();
But we've subclassed Zend_Log (say, Our_Log) to add customized features, and want to get it the same way. So then we have to make a new Resource Plugin. That seems quite easy - just copy Application/Resource/Log.php, rename the file to Ourlog.php, rename the class to class Zend_Application_Resource_Ourlog. For now, let's not worry about "Our_Log", the class -- just use the new Resource Plugin to get a Zend_Log, to reduce the variables.
So then, our new code in the bootstrap is:
$r = $this->getPluginResource('ourlog');
$logger = $r->getLog();
but of course this doesn't work, error applying method to non-object "r". According to the documentation,
"As long as you register the prefix path for this resource plugin, you
can then use it in your application."
but how do you register a prefix path? That would have been helpful. But that shouldn't matter, I used the same prefix path as the default, and I know the file is being read because I "require" it.
Anyway, any guidance on what simple step I'm missing would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the pointers -- so close, so close (I think). I thought I was getting it...
Okay, so I renamed the class Xyz_Resource_Xyzlog, I put it in library/Xyz/Resource/Xyzlog.php
Then, because I don't love ini files, in the bootstrap I put:
$r = $this->getPluginResource('xyzlog');
if (!is_object($r)) die ('Not an object!!');
Sudden Death. So, okay, do the ini:
The same. No help. I believed that the basepaths of the plugin paths would include the PHP "include" paths. Am I mistaken in that? Any other ideas? I'll happily write up what finally works for me to help some other poor soul in this circumstance. Something to do with Name Spaces, maybe?
Plugin classes are resolved using the plugin loader, which works slightly differently to the autoloader; so just requiring the class in doesn't help you here. Instead, add this to your application.ini:
pluginPaths.Application_Resource = "Application/Resource"
you should then be able to use the class as normal. Since your path above will be checked before the default Zend one, you can also name your class 'Log' and still extend the Logger resource to override the standard functionality.
