Highlight keyword on search results php - php

I am trying to make any keyword bold when the user types the current keyword.
I have this code and it is working fine.
for($k=$no_words; $k>0 ;$k--) {
$result[$i]['title'] = preg_replace('/(' . preg_quote($search_array[$k-1], '/') . ')/siU', '<b>\\1</b>', $result[$i]['title']);
$result[$i]['description'] = preg_replace('/(' . preg_quote($search_array[$k-1], '/') . ')/siU', '<b>\\1</b>', $result[$i]['description']);
My problem is as follows:
I have this keyword: this is my keyword
When I type: " this is my keyword " I get this result: "this is my keyword"
But when I type: " This is keyword " I get this result: "this is my keyword" without the words in the result being bolded.
What I doing wrong?

I suppose you need following:
$search_array = array_unique(explode(' ', $search));
foreach ($search_array as $k => $v)
$w = trim($v);
if ($w)
$result[$i]['title'] = preg_replace('/(' . preg_quote($w, '/') . ')/siU', '<b>\\1</b>', $result[$i]['title']);
$result[$i]['description'] = preg_replace('/(' . preg_quote($w, '/') . ')/siU', '<b>\\1</b>', $result[$i]['description']);


ignore url in PHP regex

I've got a utility where I'm trying to enforce brand standards in an application where the function will wrap brand words in a span with a class.
public function filterBrandWords($text)
// look up the brand words from the config settings
$filter_terms = ['brandword1', 'brandword2', 'brandword3'];
$filtered_text = $text;
foreach ($filter_terms as $word) {
$match_count = preg_match_all('/' . $word . '/i', $text, $matches);
for ($i = 0; $i < $match_count; $i++) {
$brand_string = trim($matches[0][$i]);
$lower = strtolower($brand_string);
$new = '<span class="font-semibold">' . substr($lower, 0, 3) . '</span>' . substr($lower, 3);
$filtered_text = preg_replace('/\b' . $brand_string . '\b/', $new, $filtered_text);
return $filtered_text;
This works but noticed that it's also filtering text that contains the brand URL when applied.
I tried amending $match_count = preg_match_all('/' . $word . '/i', $text, $matches); to $match_count = preg_match_all('/' . $word . 'com$' . '/i', $text, $matches); in the hope it would ignore matches with com in them.
What have I gotten wrong here the regex?
If I do
echo filterBrandWords('brandword1');
the output is
<span class="font-semibold">bra</span>ndword1
with a URL, the output is
<span class="font-semibold">bra</span>ndword1.com
In those instances, I want to ignore the filter and just give it straight.
If you want to ignore anything like a URL you can use something like this as your regex:
which is a Negative Lookahead assertion that matches URL's (broadly). Insert that into your function as I have done here:
function filterBrandWords($text)
// look up the brand words from the config settings
$filter_terms = ['brandword1', 'brandword2', 'brandword3'];
$filtered_text = $text;
if(!preg_match('/(?|.*\.(com|net|org))/', $filtered_text)) { // if it resembles a URL, skip it
foreach ($filter_terms as $word) {
$match_count = preg_match_all('/' . $word . '/i', $text, $matches);
for ($i = 0; $i < $match_count; $i++) {
$brand_string = trim($matches[0][$i]);
$lower = strtolower($brand_string);
$new = '<span class="font-semibold">' . substr($lower, 0, 3) . '</span>' . substr($lower, 3);
$filtered_text = preg_replace('/\b' . $brand_string . '\b/', $new, $filtered_text);
return $filtered_text;
Now call the function with something resembling a URL:
echo filterBrandWords('brandword1.com');
And the entire URL is just returned:

Adding custom masks to phone numbers

So i'm creating a simple function to mask phone numbers. My phone numbers have a 9 digits and i want preg_replace them with a given mask like 2-2-2-1-2 or 3-2-2-2 and etc.
I tried this:
$mask = explode('-', '3-2-2-2');
$pattern = '';
$replace = '';
foreach ($mask as $key => $value) {
if ($key == 0) {
$pattern = '/\(?(\d{' . $value . '})\)?[- ]';
$replace = '$' . ++$key . '-';
if ($key == count($mask) - 1) {
$pattern .= '?(\d{' . $value . '})/';
$replace .= '$' . ++$key;
$pattern .= '?(\d{' . $value . '})[- ]';
$replace .= '$' . ++$key . '-';
return preg_replace($pattern, $replace, '902000810');
and the result is 902-00-08-10. Sometimes getting error preg_replace(): No ending delimiter '/' found. How can i refactor this to not getting errors?
$num = '902000810';
$mask = explode('-', '3-2-2-2');
There're other ways than using regex to format a phone number from the mask.
using formatted strings:
$maskPH = array_map(fn($i) => "%{$i}s", $mask);
$formatI = implode('', $maskPH);
$formatO = implode('-', $maskPH);
$result = vsprintf($formatO, sscanf($num, $formatI));
using unpack:
$format = array_reduce($mask, function ($c, $i) {
static $j = 0;
return "{$c}A{$i}_" . $j++ . "/";
$result = implode('-', unpack($format, $num));
preg_replace(): No ending delimiter '/' found
means that your pattern does not terminate with a / as last character.
But all three patterns lack proper formatting:
You should modify them accordingly.
$pattern = '/\(?(\d{' . $value . '})\)?[- ]';
$pattern .= '?(\d{' . $value . '})/';
$pattern .= '?(\d{' . $value . '})[- ]';
$pattern = '/\(?(\d{' . $value . '})\)?[- ]/';
$pattern .= '/?(\d{' . $value . '})/';
$pattern .= '/?(\d{' . $value . '})[- ]/';

Wrap Output in Properly Nested Lists - PHP Directory Listing

Okay, I've been searching for a way to list directories and files, which I've figured out and am utilizing code I found here on StackOverflow (Listing all the folders subfolders and files in a directory using php).
So far I've altered code found in one of the answers. I've been able to remove file extensions from both the path and the file name using preg_replace, capitalize the file names using ucwords, and switch out dashes for spaces using str_replace.
What I'm having trouble with now is wrapping the whole thing in a properly nested HTML list. I've managed to set it up so it's wrapped in a list, but it doesn't use nested lists where needed and I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to capitalize the directory names or replace any dashes within the directory name.
So, the questions are, if anyone would be so kind:
How do I wrap the output in properly nested lists?
How do I capitalize directory names while removing the preceding slash and replace dashes or underscores with spaces?
I've left the | within the $ss variable intentionally. I use it as a marker of sorts when I want to throw in characters that will identify where it shows up during trial and error (example $ss = $ss . "<li>workingOrNot").
I'm using:
$pathLen = 0;
function prePad($level) {
$ss = "";
for ($ii = 0; $ii < $level; $ii++) {
$ss = $ss . "| ";
return $ss;
function dirScanner($dir, $level, $rootLen) {
global $pathLen;
$filesHidden = array(".", "..", '.htaccess', 'resources', 'browserconfig.xml', 'scripts', 'articles');
if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
$fileList = array();
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
if ($entry != "." && $entry != ".." && !in_array($entry, $filesHidden)) {
if (is_dir($dir . "/" . $entry)) {
$fileList[] = "F: " . $dir . "/" . $entry;
else {
$fileList[] = "D: " . $dir . "/" . $entry;
foreach($fileList as $value) {
$displayName = ucwords ( str_replace("-", " ", substr(preg_replace('/\\.[^.\\s]{3,5}$/', '', $value), $rootLen + 4)));
$filePath = substr($value, 3);
$linkPath = str_replace(" ", "%20", substr(preg_replace('/\\.[^.\\s]{3,5}$/', '', $value), $pathLen + 3));
if (is_dir($filePath)) {
echo prePad($level) . "<li>" . $linkPath . "</li>\n";
dirScanner($filePath, $level + 1, strlen($filePath));
} else {
echo "<li>" . prePad($level) . "" . $displayName . "</li>\n";
I feel like these answers should be simple, so maybe I've been staring at it too much the last two days or maybe it has become Frankenstein code.
I'm about out of trial and error and I need help.
foreach($fileList as $value) {
$displayName = ucwords ( str_replace("-", " ", substr(preg_replace('/\\.[^.\\s]{3,5}$/', '', $value), $rootLen + 4)));
$filePath = substr($value, 3);
$linkPath = str_replace(" ", "%20", substr(preg_replace('/\\.[^.\\s]{3,5}$/', '', $value), $pathLen + 3));
if (is_dir($filePath)) {
// Do not close <li> yet, instead, open an <ul>
echo prePad($level) . "<li>" . $linkPath; . "<ul>\n";
dirScanner($filePath, $level + 1, strlen($filePath));
// Close <li> and <ul>
echo "</li></ul>\n";
} else {
echo "<li>" . prePad($level) . "" . $displayName . "</li>\n";
I guess you're opening the main before call the function and closing it at the end.

PHP variable as hyperlink

I'm trying to set the php variables linked to one of my page in the folder, index.html. However, I am getting an error of Name&lang=en"> Any help?
if (isset($result_array)) {
foreach ($result_array as $result) {
$name = preg_replace("/" . $search . "/i", "<b class='high'>" . $search . "</b>", $result['Name']);
$url = '<a href="index.html">' . urlencode($result['Name']) . '&lang=en';
$out = str_replace('nameS', $name, $html);
$out = str_replace('urlS', $url, $out);
$_SESSION[$search] = $result['Name'];

Convert anonymous function in PHP 5.3 into PHP 5.2 equivalent

I have error in line 2 and 13 in PHP 5.2, I have no idea to make the correction, I tried using create_function but not working, can anyone help with this?
function _process_special_keyword($str){
$callback = function($match){
$ret = $match[1] . '[' . $match[2] . ']';
$ret .= '.[' . $match[3] . ']';
$ret .= $match[4];
return $ret;
$strSQL = preg_replace_callback('/([\s\(\.,])(' . SPECIAL_KEYWORDS . ')(?:\.(' . SPECIAL_KEYWORDS . '))?([\s\)\.,])/i', $callback, $str);
$callback = function($match){
return 'CASE WHEN ' . $match[1] . ' THEN ' . $match[2] . ' ELSE ' . $match[3] . ' END';
$strSQL = preg_replace_callback('/if\s*\((.+),(.+),(.+)\)/i', $callback, $strSQL);
return $strSQL;
Error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION
When using create_function(), the contents of the first argument should be a string representation of the PHP code that would fill the parentheses for the function declaration. The second argument should contain only the code inside the curly braces {} of the function declaration, the actual declaration itself should be omitted.
Try this code:
function _process_special_keyword($str){
$callback = create_function(
$ret = $match[1] . "[" . $match[2] . "]";
$ret .= ".[" . $match[3] . "]";
$ret .= $match[4];
return $ret;
$strSQL = preg_replace_callback('/([\s\(\.,])(' . SPECIAL_KEYWORDS . ')(?:\.(' . SPECIAL_KEYWORDS . '))?([\s\)\.,])/i', $callback, $str);
$callback = create_function(
'return "CASE WHEN " . $match[1] . " THEN " . $match[2] . " ELSE " . $match[3] . " END";'
$strSQL = preg_replace_callback('/if\s*\((.+),(.+),(.+)\)/i', $callback, $strSQL);
return $strSQL;
You can declare the callbacks outside of this function. Like this:
function _callback_one($match){
$ret = $match[1] . '[' . $match[2] . ']';
$ret .= '.[' . $match[3] . ']';
$ret .= $match[4];
return $ret;
function _callback_two($match){
return 'CASE WHEN ' . $match[1] . ' THEN ' . $match[2] . ' ELSE ' . $match[3] . ' END';
function _process_special_keyword($str){
$strSQL = preg_replace_callback('/([\s\(\.,])(' . SPECIAL_KEYWORDS . ')(?:\.(' . SPECIAL_KEYWORDS . '))?([\s\)\.,])/i', '_callback_one', $str);
$strSQL = preg_replace_callback('/if\s*\((.+),(.+),(.+)\)/i', '_callback_two', $strSQL);
return $strSQL;
Note: If these functions are in a class (meaning the function would be need to called like $this->_callback_one), pass an array as the "callback" parameter.
function _process_special_keyword($str){
$strSQL = preg_replace_callback('/([\s\(\.,])(' . SPECIAL_KEYWORDS . ')(?:\.(' . SPECIAL_KEYWORDS . '))?([\s\)\.,])/i', array($this, '_callback_one'), $str);
$strSQL = preg_replace_callback('/if\s*\((.+),(.+),(.+)\)/i', array($this, '_callback_two'), $strSQL);
return $strSQL;
according with object question, the faster way I think is something like so,
$f = <<<myfunc
\$ret = \$match[1] . '[' . \$match[2] . ']';
\$ret .= '.[' . \$match[3] . ']';
\$ret .= \$match[4];
return \$ret;
$callback = create_function('$match',$f);
note backslashes before $ and <<< FLAG FLAG; construct. In practice the answer of Rocket is more simple.
