PHP date how to check the day of the week - php

I need to create an scheduler task, so say I create a task due at
`6/24/2014` which is Tuesday the 4th week.
and I have today's date
`7/27/2014` which is Tuesday the 4th week also
How can I check in PHP so that if I check today is Tuesday the 4th week, create a new task based on previous task (I have a copy function, so the main question really is just the date part).
$date1 = new DateTime($fromdatabasetheoriginaltaskdate);
$date2 = new DateTime($todaysdate);
Also, let's assume if the original task is on the 5th week, then it will count as the last week of the month which means, next month the task will be created on the last week of the month (regardless it's the 4th or 5th week).

If I understood your problem correctly, you want if a task is created 1st, 2nd, 3rd week of this month it should be replicated 1st, 2nd, 3rd week of next month. But if it was created Last week of this month it should be created last week of next month irrespective if this month it was 4th or 5th.
If so Try this :-
$date = "6/24/2014";
$strtotime = strtotime($date);
$array = array(1=>"first",2=>"second",3=>"third",4=>"fourth",5=>"fifth");
$current_month = date('n',$strtotime);
$day_num = date('d',$strtotime);
$day_word = date('l',$strtotime);
$next_month = date('F',strtotime('next month',$strtotime));
$next_week_month = date('n',strtotime('next '.$day_word, $strtotime));
$num_of_days = date('t',$strtotime);
$week = ceil($day_num/7);
$word = $array[$week];
if($next_week_month > $current_month){
$word = 'last';
echo date('m/d/Y', strtotime($word.' '.$day_word.' of '.$next_month.' 2014')); //Outputs 2014-07-29
Also this script checks if the current day is the last of this month. For example:-
6/24/2014 is the Last Tuesday but is 4th Week and there are 5 Weeks in June.

Assuming you are just having trouble figuring out N in "this date is the Nth Tuesday of the month"...
If you do DateTime::format("d"); you get back the number, in this case 24. Then you can divide by 7 and round up.
$date1 = new DateTime($a);
$date2 = new DateTime($b);
$days_in_a_week = 7;
$day1 = $date1->format("d");
$day2= $date2->format("d");
$which_week1 = ceil($day1/$days_in_a_week); //4
$which_week2 = ceil($day2/$days_in_a_week); //4
if ($date1->format("D") == $date2->format("D") && $which_week1 == $which_week2) {
//do stuff


PHP, repeating events check next one with unix timestamps

I have a problem with php that i don't really know how to solve. I have an array full of unix timestamps coming from a mysql query.
These timestamps are events that repeat every week ( For example, every Tuesday and Thursday ). They can repeat various days or just one.
Knowing the days that repeat, which day will be the next one.
For example:
In the Array I have :
1595289600 --> 2020/07/21 (Tuesday)
1595116800 --> 2020/07/19 (Sunday)
Today we are at 1595376000 (Wednesday) , so it should return 1595116800 + 604800 (Sunday).
In 5 days ( next monday) it should return 1595289600 + 604800 = 1595721600 (First tuesday + one week )
in one week (next Wednesday) , it should return the next Sunday (2020/08/02 ): 1596326400
And so on...
Thank you!
For every timestamp you have - calculate next timestamp (add a week) until it is after current timestamp. Then return lowest from those as that one will be the closest to now (but also in the future).
So lets say it is 2020-07-22 Wednesday.
Your 2020-07-21 Tuesday is in the past, so add a week: 2020-07-28 Tuesday - its in the future, so its our candidate.
Your 2020-07-19 Sunday is also in the past, so add a week: 2020-07-26 Sunday - its in the future so its out second candidate.
Now pick lower from 2 candidates: 2020-07-26 Sunday.
If the dates are more in the past then you will need more a week to them more times.
Something like this:
// those are your timestamps: $timestamps = [1595289600, 1595116800];
// $time is optional int for when you want to perform the calculation. defaults to current timestamp
function nextOccurence(array $timestamps, $time = null) {
$now = $time ?? time();
$nextTimestamps = [];
foreach ($timestamps as $timestamp) {
while ($timestamp < $now) {
$timestamp += 604800;
$nextTimestamps[] = $timestamp;
return min($nextTimestamps);

PHP - Intelligent Adding Months to Date

I've just discovered a problem with the usually used method to sum months to a PHP Date. If you search on google or this forum, you usually find somethings like these:
$date = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime($date)) . " +1 month");
$months = DateInterval::createFromDateString('1 month');
Both approach are not correct, in my opinion.
For example in my code I have to increment 3 times the month of a starting date beginning with last day of April and return the last day of that months.
So my code generates this results:
The second time the script add +1 month to date, goes from 2017-05-31 to 2017-07-01 because 31-05 + 30 days is over the last day of JUNE.
What Im expecting is 06-30 because you are summing MONTHS not DAYS and if you have an overflow, the code has to correct it, not me.
This is a common error that explode when you manage February or December (due to change of year).
Im expecting a script that increment month. So if I have 2017-03-23 and sum +1 month, I get 2017-04-23 and if I sum +1 month to 2017-03-31 I got 2017-04-30.
So. Pay attention when using this functions.
I think you are trying something dangerous.
What s going on for february? if you want all the time to change only month number it will break for latest days of this month, same for months with 30 days instead of 31...
You have to think about your approach in another way, because changing the month alone won't make an existing date sometimes.
+30 days seems to be the best thing to do
What Im expecting is 06-30 because you are summing MONTHS not DAYS and if you have an overflow, the code has to correct it, not me.
PHP corrects it, indeed. It never returns 31st of June as such a date doesn't exist. It corrects it to 1st of July.
What you apparently expect is that when you add 1 month to the last day of a month to get the last day of the next month. But this doesn't make any sense.
What should strtotime('2017-06-30 +1 month') return?
2017-07-31, because you are adding 1 month to the last day of June or 2017-07-30 because you are adding 1 month to the 30th day of June?
The times runs forward, counting the days from the end of the month is not natural. Sometimes it's useful but not that many times. And there always is a better solution: subtract 1 day from the first day of the next month. This way you don't have to do any correction or care about months with different number of days or even about leap years.
This is the function I wrote:
//it accept negative month value
public static function realAddMonthsToDate($month,$dateToModify,
$dateFormatInput = DEFAULT_SQL_DATE_FORMAT, $dateFormatOutput = DEFAULT_SQL_DATE_FORMAT)
$currentDate = DateTime::createFromFormat($dateFormatInput, $dateToModify);
$cDay = $currentDate->format('d');
$cMonth = $currentDate->format('m');
$cYear = $currentDate->format('Y');
$monthRest = $month;
$yearOffset = 0;
if ($month > 12)
$yearOffset = floor($month / 12);
$monthRest = $month - ($yearOffset * 12);
$cMonth += $monthRest;
if ($cMonth > 12) {
$cMonth = $cMonth - 12;
$cYear += 1;
if ($cMonth <= 0)
$cMonth = 12 + $cMonth;
$cYear -= 1;
$cYear += $yearOffset;
$arrivalMonthDays = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $cMonth, $cYear);
if ($cDay >= $arrivalMonthDays) $cDay = $arrivalMonthDays;
$newDate = new DateTime($cYear.'-'.$cMonth.'-'.$cDay);
return $newDate->format($dateFormatOutput);

DateTime class create a function to add hours onto a deadline taking into account working hours and on hold time

Basically I am trying to create a basic case logging system and when somebody opens a new case, the case is assigned a priority with a given number of hours. For example priority 1 is 4 hours, 2 is 9 hours, 3 is 36hours and 4 is 63 hours.
Now adding hours onto a time stamp is easy but the catch is I need to take into account working hours which are 08:30 to 17:30 Monday to Friday. So if a case is given a 4 hour priority and the deadline for this falls after 17:30 on a week day then the deadline is extended to the next working day. Basically the deadline is 4 working hours.
Case created on: 19/05/2014 16:55 - with Priority 1 (4 Hours)
Deadline is now: 20/05/2014 11:55
Make sense?
Another catch is I need to take into account hours On Hold and these two have to be only within working hours. But ill worry about that later.
I am trying to use the modern DateTime class for this as far as possible.
Here is what I have so far, I am struggling with the logic. It works if the deadline is within a day but if I add something like 63 hours it returns back on a Sunday.
Where am I going wrong here? Brain is fried with this :(
function addRollover($givenDate, $addtime) {
$datetime = new DateTime($givenDate);
if (in_array($datetime->format('l'), array('Sunday','Saturday')) ||
17 < $datetime->format('G') ||
(17 === $datetime->format('G') && 30 < $datetime->format('G'))
) {
$endofday = clone $datetime;
$interval = $endofday->diff($datetime);
$datetime->add(new DateInterval('P1D'));
if (in_array($datetime->format('l'), array('Saturday', 'Sunday'))) {
$datetime->modify('next Monday');
return $datetime;
//this is returning back 2014-06-29 17:41:00 which is a sunday.
$future = addRollover('2014-06-26 11:41:00', '+63 hours');
echo $future->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
See it in action:
Here's an explanation of what's supposed to be going on in the function:
First we create a DateTime object representing our starting date/time
We then add the specified amount of time to it (see Supported Date and Time Formats)
We check to see if it is a weekend, after 6PM, or in the 5PM hour with more than 30
minutes passed (e.g. after 5:30PM)
If so we clone our datetime object and set it to 5:30PM
We then get the difference between the end time (5:30PM) and the modified time as a DateInterval object
We then progress to the next day
If the next day is a Saturday we progress to the next day
If the next day is a Sunday we progress to the next day
We then set our time to 8:30AM
We then add our difference between the end time (5:30PM) and the modified time to our datetime object
We return the object from the function
Updated the code as per based on suggestions provided
function addRollover($givenDate, $addtime, $dayStart, $dayEnd, $weekDaysOnly) {
//Break the working day start and end times into hours, minuets
$dayStart = explode(',', $dayStart);
$dayEnd = explode(',', $dayEnd);
//Create required datetime objects and hours interval
$datetime = new DateTime($givenDate);
$endofday = clone $datetime;
$endofday->setTime($dayEnd[0], $dayEnd[1]); //set end of working day time
$interval = 'PT'.$addtime.'H';
//Add hours onto initial given date
$datetime->add(new DateInterval($interval));
//if initial date + hours is after the end of working day
if($datetime > $endofday)
//get the difference between the initial date + interval and the end of working day in seconds
$seconds = $datetime->getTimestamp()- $endofday->getTimestamp();
//Loop to next day
$endofday->add(new DateInterval('PT24H'));//Loop to next day by adding 24hrs
$nextDay = $endofday->setTime($dayStart[0], $dayStart[1]);//Set day to working day start time
//If the next day is on a weekend and the week day only param is true continue to add days
if(in_array($nextDay->format('l'), array('Sunday','Saturday')) && $weekDaysOnly)
else //If not a weekend
$tmpDate = clone $nextDay;
$tmpDate->setTime($dayEnd[0], $dayEnd[1]);//clone the next day and set time to working day end time
$nextDay->add(new DateInterval('PT'.$seconds.'S')); //add the seconds onto the next day
//if the next day time is later than the end of the working day continue loop
if($nextDay > $tmpDate)
$seconds = $nextDay->getTimestamp()-$tmpDate->getTimestamp();
$endofday = clone $tmpDate;
$endofday->setTime($dayStart[0], $dayStart[1]);
else //else return the new date.
return $endofday;
return $datetime;
$currentTime = '2014-06-27 08:30:00';
$dayStart = '8,30';
$dayEnd = '17,30';
$future = addRollover($currentTime, 65, $dayStart, $dayEnd, true);
echo "Results: </br>";
echo $future->format('Y-m-d H:i:s').'</br>';

recurring date functions in php

Good Day,
I am trying to create a recurring date system that has the following:
nth day of nth month (2nd day of every 3rd month)
$this_months_friday = strtotime('+3 days +4 months');
the output of that will always be current day + 3 days of the 4th month.
how do I get it to display the nth day of the nth month?
since i also tried
$this_months_friday = strtotime('every 3 days +4 months');
and it did not return any result. Should i stick with strtotime on this one or move to DateTime function of php. though i wont still be able to formulate the proper argument for that kind of date sequence.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You.
Probably better off using DateTime with a couple intervals:
$d = new DateTime();
$d->add(new DateInterVal('P' . $days . 'D'))->add('new DateInterVal('P' . $months . 'M'));
not sure what youre two example intervals are wanting.
You want an internval to start in 4 months, which then repeats every 3 days?
That'd be something more like
$d = new DateTime();
$d->add(new DateInterval('P4M')); // jump ahead 4 months immediately
$day3 = new DateInterval('P3D');
for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) {
$d->add($day3); // jump ahead 3 days
... do something with this new date
for a basic recurring event, +4 months + 3 days, you'd simply have one interval:
$interval = new DateInteval('P4M3D'); // +4 months +3 days
$date = new DateTime();
while($some_condition) {
You can do this by saving the values in variables like that :
echo date("d-m-y",strtotime('+'.$day .'days' .'+'.$month.'months'));
7(july)+4 months = 11 month(November)
8 july+ 3 days = 11 july
NOTE: just for the example I have put the values hard coded, You can make them dynamic.

How do I get next occurrence of a certain day of the month

I am trying to get stripe to set a end_trial date on the next occurrence of whatever day of the month the user chooses. i.e. If today is the 16th and the user chooses the 15th I need the unix timestamp for the 15th of the next month. However if today was the 14th I need the timestamp for tomorrow.
I tried the solution found on this SO question Find the date for next 15th using php .
When i ran the code suggested in that question and substituted 15 for 31
$nextnth = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n') + (date('j') >= 31), 31);
echo date('Y-m-d', $nextnth);
The result is 2013-03-03
I also tried this one Get the date of the next occurrence of the 18th .
The second one would actually give me 2013-03-31 when i ran it one 2013-1-31.
Both had unexpected results. Is february the problem? Any guidance will be much appreciated.
Here is a way to do it.
function nextDate($userDay){
$today = date('d'); // today
$target = date('Y-m-'.$userDay); // target day
if($today <= $userDay){
$return = strtotime($target);
$thisMonth = date('m') + 1;
$thisYear = date('Y');
if($userDay >= 28 && $thisMonth == 2){
$userDay = 28;
if($thisMonth == 13){
$thisMonth = 1;
$return = strtotime($thisYear.'-'.$thisMonth.'-'.$userDay);
return $return;
// usage
echo date('Y-m-d',nextDate(29));
We get the user's choice and compare it today.
If today is less than or equal to user choice, we return the timestamp for this month.
If today is greater than user choice, we loop through dates, adding a month (or a year if it's $thisMonth hits 13). Once this date does exist again, we have our answer.
We check the dates using php's checkdate function, strtotime and date.
I really don't understand the question completely. You can easily determine the date for next 30 days for example
$next_ts = time() + 30 * 86400; // add 30 days to current timestamp
$next = date('Y-m-d', $next_ts); // format string as Y-m-d
echo $next;
If that is not what you need, please explain the problem.
