Good Day,
I am trying to create a recurring date system that has the following:
nth day of nth month (2nd day of every 3rd month)
$this_months_friday = strtotime('+3 days +4 months');
the output of that will always be current day + 3 days of the 4th month.
how do I get it to display the nth day of the nth month?
since i also tried
$this_months_friday = strtotime('every 3 days +4 months');
and it did not return any result. Should i stick with strtotime on this one or move to DateTime function of php. though i wont still be able to formulate the proper argument for that kind of date sequence.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You.
Probably better off using DateTime with a couple intervals:
$d = new DateTime();
$d->add(new DateInterVal('P' . $days . 'D'))->add('new DateInterVal('P' . $months . 'M'));
not sure what youre two example intervals are wanting.
You want an internval to start in 4 months, which then repeats every 3 days?
That'd be something more like
$d = new DateTime();
$d->add(new DateInterval('P4M')); // jump ahead 4 months immediately
$day3 = new DateInterval('P3D');
for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) {
$d->add($day3); // jump ahead 3 days
... do something with this new date
for a basic recurring event, +4 months + 3 days, you'd simply have one interval:
$interval = new DateInteval('P4M3D'); // +4 months +3 days
$date = new DateTime();
while($some_condition) {
You can do this by saving the values in variables like that :
echo date("d-m-y",strtotime('+'.$day .'days' .'+'.$month.'months'));
7(july)+4 months = 11 month(November)
8 july+ 3 days = 11 july
NOTE: just for the example I have put the values hard coded, You can make them dynamic.
I've just discovered a problem with the usually used method to sum months to a PHP Date. If you search on google or this forum, you usually find somethings like these:
$date = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime($date)) . " +1 month");
$months = DateInterval::createFromDateString('1 month');
Both approach are not correct, in my opinion.
For example in my code I have to increment 3 times the month of a starting date beginning with last day of April and return the last day of that months.
So my code generates this results:
The second time the script add +1 month to date, goes from 2017-05-31 to 2017-07-01 because 31-05 + 30 days is over the last day of JUNE.
What Im expecting is 06-30 because you are summing MONTHS not DAYS and if you have an overflow, the code has to correct it, not me.
This is a common error that explode when you manage February or December (due to change of year).
Im expecting a script that increment month. So if I have 2017-03-23 and sum +1 month, I get 2017-04-23 and if I sum +1 month to 2017-03-31 I got 2017-04-30.
So. Pay attention when using this functions.
I think you are trying something dangerous.
What s going on for february? if you want all the time to change only month number it will break for latest days of this month, same for months with 30 days instead of 31...
You have to think about your approach in another way, because changing the month alone won't make an existing date sometimes.
+30 days seems to be the best thing to do
What Im expecting is 06-30 because you are summing MONTHS not DAYS and if you have an overflow, the code has to correct it, not me.
PHP corrects it, indeed. It never returns 31st of June as such a date doesn't exist. It corrects it to 1st of July.
What you apparently expect is that when you add 1 month to the last day of a month to get the last day of the next month. But this doesn't make any sense.
What should strtotime('2017-06-30 +1 month') return?
2017-07-31, because you are adding 1 month to the last day of June or 2017-07-30 because you are adding 1 month to the 30th day of June?
The times runs forward, counting the days from the end of the month is not natural. Sometimes it's useful but not that many times. And there always is a better solution: subtract 1 day from the first day of the next month. This way you don't have to do any correction or care about months with different number of days or even about leap years.
This is the function I wrote:
//it accept negative month value
public static function realAddMonthsToDate($month,$dateToModify,
$dateFormatInput = DEFAULT_SQL_DATE_FORMAT, $dateFormatOutput = DEFAULT_SQL_DATE_FORMAT)
$currentDate = DateTime::createFromFormat($dateFormatInput, $dateToModify);
$cDay = $currentDate->format('d');
$cMonth = $currentDate->format('m');
$cYear = $currentDate->format('Y');
$monthRest = $month;
$yearOffset = 0;
if ($month > 12)
$yearOffset = floor($month / 12);
$monthRest = $month - ($yearOffset * 12);
$cMonth += $monthRest;
if ($cMonth > 12) {
$cMonth = $cMonth - 12;
$cYear += 1;
if ($cMonth <= 0)
$cMonth = 12 + $cMonth;
$cYear -= 1;
$cYear += $yearOffset;
$arrivalMonthDays = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $cMonth, $cYear);
if ($cDay >= $arrivalMonthDays) $cDay = $arrivalMonthDays;
$newDate = new DateTime($cYear.'-'.$cMonth.'-'.$cDay);
return $newDate->format($dateFormatOutput);
How to manipulate the date and exclude saturday and sunday?. The objective is, I need to create a cron job that will run and execute on datas that were created 5 days ago,"BUT", saturday and sunday shouldn't be included in that 5 days period.
here's what I have so far
$numdays = 5;
$today = strtotime('now');
$start = date('Y-m-d',strtotime('-'.$numdays.' day',$today));
echo $start;
if you try to run my code snippet above, it will show you the exact date 5 days ago 2016-02-10. But that one doesn't "exclude" saturday and sunday in the computation. it should be be 2016-02-08. So how to do that?
You can use PHP's date week of day, there are several versions, here is one using N:
$current = new DateTime();
$interval = new DateInterval('P1D');
$x = 5;
while ($x > 1) {
// Check if day of week is not saturday/sunday (1 => Monday ... 7 -> Sunday)
if ($current->format('N') >= 6) {
echo $current->format('Y-m-d') . PHP_EOL;
Example Run.
You can get a whole week and discard the weekends, keeping the furthest element in the array as a result.
$days = array_filter(array_map(function ($daysBack) {
$date = new \DateTimeImmutable("$daysBack days ago", new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
return (!in_array($date->format('N'), [6, 7])) ? $date : null;
}, Range(1, 7)));
$fiveWorkingDaysAgo = end($days);
i am trying to get dates of current month or any other month from a date range.
Let Suppose I have a Date Range as Below.
$startDate = "2014-12-10";
$endDate = "2015-2-3";
I want to count only days/dates of current month "February"
which would result in 3 if start date and end date is above one.
but how can i make it work in a programming manner??
I think i could not explain my question,
Lets Take the same date range..
if i want to programmatically take out days of December Month
it would be like
21 days, as start date is 2014-12-10;
Dates Are in Range Coming Programmatically from database..
An other simple example
Lets Suppose If Leaves Have Been Approved For an Employee from 28-1-2015 to 6-2-2015
so Here Employees Leaves Taken Start Date Would Be
$sartDate = '28-1-2015';
$endDate = '6-2-2015';
So Total Leaves Employee would be taking is
$totalleaves = $endDate - $startDate //It is not right way to take out the differece only For sake of Example shown it
which would give me total leaves 9 or 10 days
But If We See, These Leaves Are Divided in Two Different Months.
And i want to generate a Report and i want to see how many leaves employee has taken for specific month which is lets suppose last month January
it would be 4 days i suppose for below dates as below dates comes in date range and they belong to January.
so if i would like to have a result of array of every month leaves it would
be like
'January' => array(
'TotalLeavesTaken' => 4
'February' => array(
'TotalLeavesTaken' => 6
I think thats the best i could explain..
Adjusted after update in question
Ok, now I have adjusted after your last update. Hope it is what you're looking for:
function getLeavesInPeriod($start, $end) {
$date = new DateTime($start);
$endDate = new DateTime($end);
$leaves = array();
while($date <= $endDate ) {
$year = $date->format('Y');
$month = $date->format('M');
if(!array_key_exists($year, $leaves))
$leaves[$year] = array();
if(!array_key_exists($month, $leaves[$year]))
$leaves[$year][$month] = 0;
$date->modify("+1 day");
return $leaves;
$leaves = getLeavesInPeriod("2015-1-5", "2015-2-3");
print $leaves[2015]["Jan"]; //27
Not sure if understood your question correctly,
date('d', strtotime($endDate));
Lets try this
$month = strtotime(date('Y-m-01', time()));
$daysCount = (int)(time() - $month) / (24 * 3600);
It will help you: i m using this to get days
$date_diff = $end_date - $start_date;
//difference of two dates
This will return you number of days.Is just you want this or something else.Please confirm if it will help you.
$days_left = floor($date_diff / (60*60*24));// No. of days
So, uh, ok. This might get mathematical, so hope you brought your scientific calculator with you ;)
This is my problem:
Given an initial date (timestamp), time period period (seconds) and today's date (timestamp), I need to find the nearest date which coincides with the period*n plus the original/initial date.
So far, I got some stuff working nicely, such as the amount of "periods" between the initial and final(today's) date, which would be "2" in the demo above:
$initial=strtotime('2 April 1991');
$period=strtotime('+10 years',0);
The next thing I did was:
And finally:
echo date('d M Y',$initial+$range);
Which wrote '03 April 2011'. How did it get to 3? (I suspect it's a leap year issue?)
You know that feeling when you're missing something small? I'm feeling it all over me right now....
Ok so if I understood what you are asking, you want to know the next date that will occurs in a given period of time (in your case, every 10 years starting from 2 April 1991, when will be the next date : 2 april 2011).
So, you should take a deeper look at the DateTime class in PHP that is wayyyy better to use for the dates because it is more accurate. You mix it with DateInterval that match exactly what you need :
$interval = new DateInterval('P10Y'); // 10 years
$initial = new DateTime('1991-04-02');
$now = new DateTime('now');
while ($now->getTimestamp() > $initial->getTimestamp()) {
$initial = $initial->add($interval);
echo $initial->format('d M Y'); // should return April 2, 2011 !
Try this out:
$current = $initial = strtotime('2 April 1991');
$time_span = '+10 years';
while ($current < time())
$current = strtotime($time_span, $current);
echo date('d M Y', $current);
What happened:
+10 years from Year 0 (1970) will include 3 leap years '72, '76 and '80, but from '91 till '11 there are only five leap years '92, '96, '00, '04 and '08. You added that period twice, so because there weren't 6 leap years you got one extra day.
What you need to do:
Ad the period with strtotime one step at a time.
$period = "+10 years";
$newTime = $startingTime;
$newTime = strtotime($period, $newTime);
As a fix to cx42net's answer:
$initial = new DateTime('2 April 1991');
$now = new DateTime('now');
$interval = new DateInterval('P10Y');
$curDate = $initial;
while (true) {
$curDate = $curDate->add($interval);
$curDiff = $curDate->diff($now)->days;
if (isset($lastDiff) && ($curDiff > $lastDiff)) {
echo $lastDate->format('d M Y');
} else {
$lastDate = clone $curDate;
$lastDiff = $curDiff;
I need a bit of help using symfony to calculate an end date. The user will select a start date, a frequency (Ex. Every 7 Days, Every 14 Days, Every Month, Semi-Annually - Every 6 Months, etc), and the number of occurrences.
Start date: 08/01/2010
Frequency: Every 7 days
Occurrences: 4
End Date = 08/29/2010
Start date: 08/01/2010
Frequency: Every Month
Occurrences: 3
End Date = 11/01/2010
Some notes- Our server is running PHP 5.2.13 and Symfony 1.1. It's not a requirement that I use symfony to adjust the date, as long as I can get it back to a format that symfony can validate.
Thanks in advance.
You can use a strtotime for this, e.g.
echo date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+1 month", strtotime("2010-08-06")));
gives 2010-09-06.
Of course, you will have to multiply "+1 month" for the number of occurrences, so that it becomes e.g. "+7 months" for 7 occurrences.
Alternatively (more simple but less efficient), you can use a fixed interval (e.g. "+1 month") and use a for loop:
$end = $start = strtotime("2010-08-06");
for ($i = 1; $i <= $occurrences; $i++) {
$end = strtotime("+1 month", $end);