Zend Framework - New module or just a controller [closed] - php

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm new in Zend Framework. I know this may seem like a stupid question, but i would like to clarify. Creating an application along with a website with ZF, when it's best to create a new module, or just a controller inside a module? Thanks in advance!

You should create a new module or not is totally based on your requirement.There are few common examples explained below:
1) Generally CMS websites having front end and administrator area, so for that we would prefer to create two modules. Default module for the front end (used by end user) and admin module used by site administrator only.
2) Another example: if we would like to create a Job Portal website then there will be three type of users be available on the site. Job seeker, Employer and Administrator. So we would prefer to create three modules applicant, employer and admin
Hence when to create a module is depend upon requirement of your application. Also when we require segregation between the features provided to different users, there we generally use modules.
Also refer: When to use Modules in Zend Framework?


How do I approach typo3 in general? I mean basic CRUD operations like Laravel [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am a Laravel developer and now we're shifting to typo3 development. We are using version 9. I am struggling in the middle because of the lack of resources, except official documentation.
Where I stand:
I installed the bootstrap extension which is a package from Benjamin Knott. I successfully designed forms in the front-end and it's working fine. That's it with my progress.
My requirement is to create a front-end signup and login page for users. If the user logged in, I need to show their personal details in the front-end page. For example, his bio.
Questions I need answers
Just assume I have created tables using uid and pid.
How could I access the name arrays in the POST?
Now how/where should I create custom model/controllers?
Is it ok to create my controllers in bootstrap package itself?
Do I need to create my own extension for user registration?
How could I render views like in Laravel?
For e.g., return view('', Array);
How could I manage routes using pid and uid?
I would recommend to read https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/book-extbasefluid/master/en-us/. That tutorial guides you through the creation of own extensions with custom controllers. This "book" focues on the developer part and how concepts like MVC, Repositories and Domain Model Design work within TYPO3 context.
https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/reference-coreapi/master/en-us/ contains further resources about PHP API and other stuff in general. E.g. plain queries, sending mails, logging, etc.

Modules in MVC project [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I understand how MVC works with models, repositories and services in PHP.
Could anyone explain to me what is the role of Modules and are they related to MVC in any way?
I would even appreciate any links relating to this topic. Cannot find anything interesting myself
Module definition:
each of a set of standardized parts or independent units that can be
used to construct a more complex structure, such as an item of
furniture or a building.
A module is typically a portion of code that provides a specific functionality in a project or framework.
You could think of a plugin in Wordpress as a module.
MVC itself stands for
M - Model
V - View
C - Controller
As far as I am concerned modules don't really have anything to do with the MVC structure/design pattern... although they are a good way of creating self-contained bits of functionality that can be used across projects, just like plugins and Wordpress.

ACL for Web API in Laravel 5.1 that works like a Tree data structure [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am a beginner who is working on a web API, Web API must have:
User management
Acl (access control list)
Etc ...
and I do use laravel 5.1 so the question is how do I implement the ACL into the web API using the library or whether I have to make it yourself?
Thank :)
I want ACL library that could work like a tree, for example if there is a role `` rootwho have children admin then what can be done by admin can also be done byroot without the need to assign permissions to root enough to adminonly.
Based on my own experience the best lib i ever used for Laravel ACL is kodeine/laravel-acl.
Simple installation, flexible and easy to implement in laravel projects an it's well documented find Documentation HERE.
Hope this helps.

Administration area in PHP (MVC) [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I was wondered what is the best way (and maybe the more secure) to organize the admin area.
First, what I mean by administration area, it is to manage the site itself (manage user, manage the cache, manage news, ...).
Currently, I have a User table, so that users can log into their member's area.
So is it better to use the same table, and add a user with special rights (administrator) or create another table only for administrators?
It also means having to manage multiple identities on the site (Member, Administrator).
What is the best way to proceed in Zend?
Imo... It would be better to use the same user table for authentication with a column to specify a role (ie user, admin etc).
Zend Framework has a built in authorization to log users in and built in ACL (access controll list) to allow users access to modules, controllers and actions based on their role.
There are lots of working examples on the web including the Zend framework docs.

community framework in PHP [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am looking for a framework in php that can give me out of the box implementation of features like:
Adding users to main site.
The users can create individual groups.
Other users can send invitation to join groups. (like linkedin has it)
Group with notice board, pubic and private announcements etc
groups can have different themes etc...
Most of the frameworks that i have seen revolves around blogging (CMS) or stores.
Is there a open source framework that is designed for such use or atleast has these features? (even if it has some features and is opensource i can think of customizing it)
Try Drupal
You can use Joomla as framework and JomSocial for community solution.
Joomla + community builder could be an option too.
