community framework in PHP [closed] - php

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am looking for a framework in php that can give me out of the box implementation of features like:
Adding users to main site.
The users can create individual groups.
Other users can send invitation to join groups. (like linkedin has it)
Group with notice board, pubic and private announcements etc
groups can have different themes etc...
Most of the frameworks that i have seen revolves around blogging (CMS) or stores.
Is there a open source framework that is designed for such use or atleast has these features? (even if it has some features and is opensource i can think of customizing it)

Try Drupal

You can use Joomla as framework and JomSocial for community solution.

Joomla + community builder could be an option too.


Modules in MVC project [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I understand how MVC works with models, repositories and services in PHP.
Could anyone explain to me what is the role of Modules and are they related to MVC in any way?
I would even appreciate any links relating to this topic. Cannot find anything interesting myself
Module definition:
each of a set of standardized parts or independent units that can be
used to construct a more complex structure, such as an item of
furniture or a building.
A module is typically a portion of code that provides a specific functionality in a project or framework.
You could think of a plugin in Wordpress as a module.
MVC itself stands for
M - Model
V - View
C - Controller
As far as I am concerned modules don't really have anything to do with the MVC structure/design pattern... although they are a good way of creating self-contained bits of functionality that can be used across projects, just like plugins and Wordpress.

PHP site - as service - how to separate it as modules or addins with easy integration [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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i am creating a php website as a service. My customers pay me annual fee and they will use this service during this time.
My question: I want to provide several features. And some customers needs only certain features. Some needs custom made features. So how to separate it as modules or addins when coding, keeping it simple for integration to the site.
Please guide me.
Example site:
Check their gpt sites admin panel.
You can have a look at, a very good framework for PHP development. It has a nice routing feature that can fit your needs. And you will gain unit test framework and a lot of other things.
before decide about developing such complex application, have a look at existing ones like WordPress Multisite/Network

PHP solution for Epaper [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am working on a news paper website which has epaper facility. I am developing it in php.
Is there any script or something else where I can learn how to make an epaper site.
I want solution like this
Please help me out..
ePaper in your context is a web app developed by Pressmart, and it appears to be proprietary, or at the very least not developer-friendly. So I highly doubt there have been advances in PHP libraries for it.
I'm sure as a partner, they have internal documentation and tech support that you can request more information from. They may even have a web API with PHP examples (I've seen worse companies that knew they had to keep up).
This is all info I've gathered in the last 7 minutes, so there may be more out there. But you should always reach out to the developer support of the product if they don't have easy access to documentation, as this is a sure-sign that there is not a large population of developers in the general community that will know what you're talking about, let along give insight.

Replacing my current CMS [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm currently using a very simple CMS which I coded myself in PHP and mysql. It's main purpose is to add news articles and reviews. I've had some issues with security at times and uploading images. Would it be fairly simple to implement something like Joomla to my static existing html pages which are coding linking to my database?
Any help or nudges in the right direction would be appreciated.
Depending on exactly how complex your site is, what your plans for the future are, and whether you'll ever have any collaborators, you might want to avoid Joomla. It's a very big, complex piece of code, with a lot of features. Joomla assumes a lot about your site, adding weight which may be unnecessary. For example, Joomla will always create a session, using its own database storage, whether you require sessions on your site or not [*].
If you want something a bit more lightweight, take a look at Perch or Kirby. Both are excellent, simple applications for web content management.
[*] Caveat: I am not a very experienced Joomla user (have been using 1.5 for about 6 months), so take the details of what I say with a pinch of salt, but bear the general point in mind.

Creating articles on Joomla [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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I don't know if it has been asked before...
Anyways, I want to create a site for an online magazine in which editors can write and post articles, e.g. BBC, CNN, The Guardian, etc. Is that possible with Joomla? Or do I need a plugin for that. I really don't want wordpress as it is for blogging.
I'm very new with Joomla...
Also if there are alternatives to Joomla for writing articles then let me know as well, please.
Many Thanks
Joomla has a workflow so that you can create an article but needs to be approved by Editor etc. Is that what you mean?
