Apache - The requested URL /erp was not found on this server - php

I am using apache as my web server running on ubuntu 14.04 and I have some web apps inside /var/www/html. Problem is, the default index.html page, which is in the same directory, gets displayed OK if I hit the server. However, when I try to access the applications in the same directory, I get the error - The requested URL /erp/ was not found on this server.

Try run:
sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo service apache2 restart

Have you tried to set correct permissions on the directories of your web apps?
like so
chmod 755 erp -R


Plesk Onyx & Nextcloud PHP Errors

I tried to install Nextcloud 13 in Plesk, but if I try to open the link I get a HTTP 500 error.
PHP version: 7.0.27
PHP modules: click here
php_error.log: too long (I can send the pastebin link)
Please tell me if you need more info. I would really appreciate any help.
You might have set the wrong file permission on your Nextcloud installation.
If you created the Nextcloud directory with root permission, you need to change the ownership of the directory to a user or a group, that Plesk has permissions for.
Use these commands to change the ownership (replace myPleskUser with the username you specified during the Plesk installation)
cd /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.tld/
chown -R myPleskUser ./nextcloud
chgrp -R psaserv ./nextcloud

"localhost" always shows "welcome to Nginx" Ubuntu?

I am running Ubuntu 16. I am fairly new to web design but I have set up a LAMP server on my Ubuntu machine and installed WordPress site. I wanted to try to mess around with PHP so I tried to install myphp.
I managed to do this and I realized that I had to install nginx also.
I did this, but my local host always diverts to a message "welcome to Nginx"
I tried to edit the configuration files but could not get it to work?
Is there a guide for installing Nginx and myphp to see phpMyAdmin, after you have already set up a WordPress site?
Like I said I am running Ubuntu 16.04.
You may need to delete the index.html file from the web root. The index.php file should remain.
On Ubuntu+nginx go to html directory using following command
cd /var/www/html/
then find out following index.nginx-debian.html and delete it or edit it as you want
To edit these file open into you editor or use Ubuntu default editor nano.
sudo nano /var/www/html/index.nginx-debian.html
To delete these file run following command.
sudo rm -rf /var/www/html/index.nginx-debian.html
these is the defautl nginx welcome page that why it appear after install, for more information check nginx default configuration file using following command.
sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/default

localhost does not work after installing macports

I have installed macports and updated my path:
via docs:
but now if I test any of the sites in my Sites folder, I get a 404.
so for instance if I go to localhost/~carey/test.php which is just a php_info, I get a 404
If I go to:
I get the It Works! page
Am I missing a step to configure Macports to run apache from my Sites directory?
If I run $env from the command line I get:
and I can run any macport install, but I cannot configure the terminal to connect to my localhost in the browser.
So I think I have macports installed correctly, but I dont know how to make it run out of the /opt directory.
I also think this is relative to establishing the env variables, so apache knows to look to the /opt dir, but I don't know how to change it.
I am running Mavericks.
Following the docs recommended by eborisch here:
I have been able to setup the localhost directory, but still an issue.
Since I have multiple users on the machine, I had to comment out this line in httpd.conf:
Include conf/extra/httpd-userdir.conf
and added this to the httpd-userdir.conf file:
# Include user configurations
Include /private/etc/apache2/users/*.conf
which connects my Sites folder to the localhost.
I also needed to add this to the httpd.conf file to parse php files as php:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
Now, I have a file in my Sites dir called test.php, which has <?php phpinfo() ?>
and if I run localhost/~carey/test.php in the browser it works. phpinfo() returns that I am running php5.5.10 out of the /opt/ dir. So, all seems well. The problem is if I try to run any sites from folders in this directory. It just displays the directory tree, rather than treating it like a site.
For instance if I run,
it just returns:
Index of /~carey/mysite
Parent Directory
If I run
it runs that file correctly (ie looks correct in the browser)
Seems like an .htaccess issue, but not sure how I would resolve that globally for each folder in the Sites directory
any suggestions?
Probably better served on https://lists.macosforge.org/mailman/listinfo/macports-users/ the macports mailing list. But some basics:
Is the osx web server running? (Web sharing under the sharing control panel?) If so, turn it off, or configure the two to use different ports.
Is the macports apache2 installed? (sudo port install apache2)
Is it running? (sudo port load apache2)
Have you edited its configuration (/opt/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf)?
See https://trac.macports.org/wiki/howto/MAMP for instructions on getting things up and running.

How to open HTML file in browser in centos?

I am accessing one system with ipaddress as a server. In this system has one HTML file which is located at path opt/openerp/apache/htdocs/index.html. Now how can I access the html file in my local system browser ?
I tried with but it does not work.
Can anyone help me how to access the file in my local browser
Put index.html in /var/www/ and try opening with the browser First check apache2 is installed
Steps -
1. sudo cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/default /etc/apache2/sites-available/site_name
2. Change the default document root and directory directive in the new file to new location.
3. sudo a2dissite default && sudo a2ensite mysite [deactivate old site and activate new site]
4. sudo service apache2 restart

Lamp Server 403 Forbidden

Hi I just installed ubuntu alongside my Win 7 and I have been using xampp and am very familiar with it, but I just installed lamp and am using the apache2, php, and mysql from terminal and I copied a web folder over from my xampp side and it is saying that I do not have permission to access that file.
I know that on my pc I had some htaccess files but on Ubuntu I am yet to figure out how to view those. Is this a product of those .htaccess files or something else?
That happens if you install WAMP/XAMMP on system partition.
so you copied the files form windows to linux?
sounds like a classic file permissions problem.
per default the www folder is in /var/www, so you can simply set the owner of this folder to the apache user which is called www-data, run this in terminal:
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www
but now you will no longer be able to write to those files yourself, because they are owned by www-data. checkout this answer for more details and how to get write access: https://askubuntu.com/a/51337
or you make it writeable for everyone (which is a bad idea): sudo chmod -R 777 /var/www
about editing .htaccess files:
I don't use linux with a graphical user interface, but you can edit them with the terminal editor of your choice, on ubuntu you have nano installed by default:
nano /var/www/.htaccess
or if you want a more advanced editor, I suggest vim https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VimHowto
vim /var/www/.htaccess
