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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've made an android app that let you save some data locally (for example: photos). Now i would like to create a web service that will automatically backup the data and later let the user to check them on a web application (eventually coded with PHP).
I know PHP for server side, and some python. Should i create a Rest-full api with php using a cms like described here or should i use Google Cloud Platform? Which is more convenient?
The application should:
Authenticate the user,
Automatically backup the data,
Let the user
access the data on a web application
Personally I find Parse to be really useful, powerful and affordable. In the scope of developing apps for local businesses we still haven't paid a dime and it has saved us a ton of development time.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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There's a way to know if some website has some public or private API to consume their services without asking their developers? My question here involves about security and developing an API for an website built with any framework or hardcoded. In this case my doubt is because I'm developing some Android client app and I would like to access the same things that appears on website but in Android without using WebView like Netflix do. There's a tool that can be used in this case? Thanks
I don't think that any exist. Feel free and don't be afraid of creating your API. No one should be able to find it and use up your resources. You just have to configure your .htaccess and your API so unauthorized users won't be able to use your API and so search engines won't be able to find it.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have already created a website with a mysql database. Now, I am attempting to create an IOS app that will connect to the same database that my website "talks to". All of the tutorials I have seen have relied exclusively upon PHP and have walked through the process of creating the database. My website was not written with PHP, so I am completely lost on how I get PHP to help me in this case. I'm new to all this, so I am not sure what information is helpful, but so you know:
The website templates were written in HTML and CSS,
views page (functionality) written in python,
Flask is the microframework, and
pymysql is the ORM
Any pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated.
If you are using Flask then this is how you need to go through - there are other ways, but I would go for this -
Install Flask REST API to expose rest api from your site. You can get the documentation here -
Expose required API's from your website using flash rest api
Consume those API's with your mobile application.
NOTE: Don't ever expose your database directly to client side. BAD IDEA. Always use a middleware, could be php, python, .net - does not matter what it is.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I would like to know if it's possible to run a executable file (through any technology; PHP, JS, HTML...) on the web server, and render the image on the client.
I would like to do that to not share the exe file, but just let the client see what how the programm looks like without having him to download it. Also, using that way it won't affect the client PC.
It is possible to run application on server side and display result of application to client [1]. However, if your application uses GUI it might be difficult and required complex solution.
What if you:
Display screenshots of application
Let user book some online meeting where you would present the application through skype with shared desktop
Have public server where application would be installed and user could request username/password to server and try it itself (think about security!)
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am new to android and I have some questions related to the data storage technique for my app. I am creating an app (like splitwise) where multiple users can insert and update their data and can see others data as well.
I read about the techniques that android provides like :
Shared Preferences
Internal Storage
External Storage
SQLite Databases
Network Connection
After researching I came to a conclusion that I have to create a database on web server and use php scripts to access that data.
Questions :
- Is this the only way to save data on-line using web server and php
scripts ?
- Do I need to create local database using SqlLite also to store data
when the app is running to avoid multiple calls to web ?
You must be searching for REST API. Please take a look # Andoid-PHP Samples/ tutorial
You can use services like Firebase or Google's Clouds Endpoints to simplify the creation of your backend
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a project in PHP and it works as a REStFull service, an android application constantly request some functions, I want to know, from the server side, How could I see all the petitions?
the PHP project is in a hosting.
If you are after activity log, your web server can provide that (Apache or Nginx) for example, otherwise, you will have to implement your own logging strategy in PHP ( can help you)
If you want to go further, you can use logstash alongside Kibana and Elastic to get you a nice representation of your service's behaviour.
If logging your Rest service is very costly in term of performance, is a very good option to easily bring some asynchronousity in your application.