Which android data technique to use for my app? [closed] - php

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am new to android and I have some questions related to the data storage technique for my app. I am creating an app (like splitwise) where multiple users can insert and update their data and can see others data as well.
I read about the techniques that android provides like :
Shared Preferences
Internal Storage
External Storage
SQLite Databases
Network Connection
After researching I came to a conclusion that I have to create a database on web server and use php scripts to access that data.
Questions :
- Is this the only way to save data on-line using web server and php
scripts ?
- Do I need to create local database using SqlLite also to store data
when the app is running to avoid multiple calls to web ?

You must be searching for REST API. Please take a look # Andoid-PHP Samples/ tutorial

You can use services like Firebase or Google's Clouds Endpoints to simplify the creation of your backend


I want to find a best approach to using Firebase as a back-end for Android, IOS & Web Application [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I need to build a application for ios, android & web with some of live data updations (Only one screen) from a calculation functions along with basic Login/Register/Profile/Contact Us/About Us/Blogs.
So I want to know best approach from following three:
Can we use Firebase real-time database as a secondary database for that particular live data which required to sync in real time?
Can we use only Firebase real-time database as a main database for all data with our traditional  approach like restful APIs with php?
Is it possible to use Firebase tools only as full backend development instead traditional php & Mysql/Mongo DB combination if yes what are the steps?
Tools like:
Authentication, Realtime Database, Cloud Storage, Cloud Functions & Firebase Hosting.
There are many things to consider, which is beyond the scope of what we can reasonably answer in a Stack Overflow post. I highly recommend reading NoSQL data modeling, watching Firebase for SQL developers, and also Getting to know Cloud Firestore. While the last one of for Firebase's other NoSQL database, many of the principles explained in it apply equally to both (and many non-Firebase) NoSQL databases.
For your concrete questions:
Yes. See for an example of this Where does Firebase fit in your app? and Build an Android App Using Firebase and the App Engine Flexible Environment.
The Firebase Realtime Database can be used as your primary database. Just keep in mind that Firebase is not meant to be an offline-only database. If you have an app that never connects to the server, you should consider other options.
Yes. I'd recommend checking out the Firebase documentation, and looking for a few tutorials.

Connecting iOS app to a mysql database connected to a website that is currently online [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have already created a website with a mysql database. Now, I am attempting to create an IOS app that will connect to the same database that my website "talks to". All of the tutorials I have seen have relied exclusively upon PHP and have walked through the process of creating the database. My website was not written with PHP, so I am completely lost on how I get PHP to help me in this case. I'm new to all this, so I am not sure what information is helpful, but so you know:
The website templates were written in HTML and CSS,
views page (functionality) written in python,
Flask is the microframework, and
pymysql is the ORM
Any pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated.
If you are using Flask then this is how you need to go through - there are other ways, but I would go for this -
Install Flask REST API to expose rest api from your site. You can get the documentation here - http://www.flaskapi.org/
Expose required API's from your website using flash rest api
Consume those API's with your mobile application.
NOTE: Don't ever expose your database directly to client side. BAD IDEA. Always use a middleware, could be php, python, .net - does not matter what it is.

Can I use server running on PHP to communicate with my Android application? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm planning to make a website in PHP. At some point in future I might need to create an Android application for my website. Now I know that Android is Java based, so my question is will I be able to communicate with my application i.e. sending and receiving data from my server on which my PHP website is running and how?
The best way is to generate JSON objects using your php scripts then using JSON parser in your android app to use those objects.
Using this you easily send and receive data without having to change php scripts. You can also follow this link :

What to use to make a cloud-powered app [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've made an android app that let you save some data locally (for example: photos). Now i would like to create a web service that will automatically backup the data and later let the user to check them on a web application (eventually coded with PHP).
I know PHP for server side, and some python. Should i create a Rest-full api with php using a cms like described here or should i use Google Cloud Platform? Which is more convenient?
The application should:
Authenticate the user,
Automatically backup the data,
Let the user
access the data on a web application
Personally I find Parse to be really useful, powerful and affordable. In the scope of developing apps for local businesses we still haven't paid a dime and it has saved us a ton of development time. www.parse.com

Need some initial guidance for Android and iOS app using MySQL [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm about to start the development of an app where I'll need to make use of queries to retrieve information from a database and print it on my app. I have a lot of experience doing this using PHP/MySQL coding but I have never done it on a mobile app. How would you recommend I begin my coding? Are there any tips you can share to help me develop this app?
I also need to develop this app in both android and iOS. What should I be aware of when doing this? Is there any builder (other than Flash builder) to export both versions of my app?
Thanks, and any information helps!
Are you storing database locally or accessing remote database.
I am a IOS developer so I can give u tips about IOS only. But concept must be similar to Android as well.
If you are storing database locally in the app, there is Sqlite and coredata for that. And different wrapper framework such as FMDB for sqlite makes things easy for this.
If you are accessing remote database you could do that with the help of APIS that consumes JSON/XML formatted data from the server database. Apple has provided inbuilt XML and JSON parser for this. But framework like AFNetworking could be really handy.
