Laravel/Eloquent query going wrong - php

I have two tables, one with users, one with the name of their document. The first table consists of two columns: id and username. The second one consists of three columns: id, userid and document_name.
Now, I'm trying to create a query in the controller. What should happen, ideally, is that if someone visits{documentname}, it displays the username of the owner. Also, this should only happen if the current logged in user is the owner of the document. However, this is proving more difficult than I imagined. As in, I can't see what I'm doing wrong.
Here's the query:
$user = DB::table('documents')
->join('users', function($join)
$join->on('', '=', 'documents.userid')
->where('documents.userid', '=', Auth::id())
->where('documents.document_name', '=', $document_name);

**Try this query :**
$user = DB::table('documents')
->leftJoin('users', '', '=', 'documents.userid')
->where('documents.userid', '=', Auth::id())
->where('documents.document_name', '=', $document_name);

$document_name isn't in scope for the join function: you need to pass it through to the closure via use
$user = DB::table('documents')
->join('users', function($join) use ($document_name)
$join->on('', '=', 'documents.userid')
->where('documents.userid', '=', Auth::id())
->where('documents.document_name', '=', $document_name);
Because the WHERE conditions apply to the base table, and not to the JOIN:
$user = DB::table('documents')
->join('users', function($join) {
$join->on('', '=', 'documents.userid')
->where('userid', '=', Auth::id())
->where('document_name', '=', $document_name);


How can I select data rows by id in a database query?

I have a database query that needs filtering further. The id needs to match a number in an array I have. For some reason, I can select where using every column except id. Even something as simple as $query->where('', 1); doesn't work. How can I perform a database query by id?
$portfolio_query_array = UserPortfolio::all()->pluck('user_id')
$query = DB::table('users');
$query->select(' as user_id','users.user_slug', 'users.social_id', 'users.social_img_update_status', 'users.avatar', 'users.first_name', 'users.last_name', '', 'comments.rating', 'user_portfolios.title', 'user_portfolios.description', 'user_portfolios.filepath');
$query->leftjoin('comments', 'comments.comment_to', '=', '');
$query->leftjoin('user_portfolios', 'user_portfolios.user_id', '=', '');
$query->leftjoin('user_profile_category_selects', 'user_profile_category_selects.user_id', '=', '');
$query->where('users.status', 1);
$query->where('users.user_type', 3);
// The below simple query line doesn't work
$query->where('', 1);
// The lines I do want to work also fail.
foreach ($portfolio_query_array as $user_id){
$query = $query + $query->where('', $user_id);
Thank you for your help!
First of all, you should take advantage of Eloquent ORM, there is no need to use raw queries unless you have some performance issues or really complex queries.
Assuming you have 3 models User, UserPortfolio, Comment, and all relationships defined, you could do something as simple as this:
$users = User::with('comments', 'portfolio')
->where('status', 1)
->where('user_type', 3)
In this way, you are getting all users with portfolios which is what I assume you want.
Anyway, if you insist to use a raw query, there whereIn() method is what you need
$portfolio_query_array = UserPortfolio::pluck('user_id')->toArray();
$query = DB::table('users')
' as user_id',
->leftjoin('comments', 'comments.comment_to', '')
->leftjoin('user_portfolios', 'user_portfolios.user_id', '')
->leftjoin('user_profile_category_selects', 'user_profile_category_selects.user_id', '')
->where('users.status', 1)
->where('users.user_type', 3)
->whereIn('', $portfolio_query_array)
BTW, why are you doing a leftJoin to user_profile_category_selects if no fields are selected from that table?
In addition, if you are looking for all users that have a portfolio, starting from the whole list of portfolios, wouldn't be better to do a join to portfolios and get only those users having portfolios?
$query = DB::table('users')
' as user_id',
->leftjoin('comments', 'comments.comment_to', '')
->join('user_portfolios', 'user_portfolios.user_id', '')
->leftjoin('user_profile_category_selects', 'user_profile_category_selects.user_id', '')
->where('users.status', 1)
->where('users.user_type', 3)

How to get data from another table from database?

I want to get data from table role_users , column role_id . For the moment, I have this in my controller :
$data['contact_users'] = DB::table('contacts')
->join('users' , '', '=', 'contacts.contact_id')
->join('industries' , '', '=', 'users.industry_id')
->join('countries' , '', '=', 'users.country_id')
->join('organization_types' , '', '=', 'users.organization_type_id')
->whereIn('contacts.user_id', $contact_id)
->whereNotIn('contacts.contact_id', $contact_id)
->whereNotIn('contacts.contact_id', $inviter_id)
I'm using it in view with this code :
{{$contact->industry_id}} or {{$contact->country_id}}
I need to use something like this.
which is working for every user.But I need to get data from role_users,column role_id.I don't know how to use ->join() and I need it so much.Thank you.
I added one extra join and one select field at the end,
$data['contact_users'] = DB::table('contacts')
->join('users', '', '=', 'contacts.contact_id')
->join('industries', '', '=', 'users.industry_id')
->join('countries', '', '=', 'users.country_id')
->join('organization_types', '', '=', 'users.organization_type_id')
->join("role_users", "role_users.user_id","=","")
->select('users.*', 'industries.industry', '', 'organization_types.organization_type', "role_users.role_id")
->where('contacts.contact_id', '!=', $id)
->where('users.deleted_at', '=', null)
->whereIn('contacts.user_id', $contact_id)
->whereNotIn('contacts.contact_id', $contact_id)
->whereNotIn('contacts.contact_id', $inviter_id)

Laravel: Query with where clause gone wrong

What I am trying to achieve is to allow teachers to import a student into different classes.
Note: A student can be multiple classes.
The problem is that when I show the list of students in a select dropdown it should return all students except for students that are not in this class (the class being the page that I am on, for example).
$students = User::join('group_user', '', '=', 'group_user.user_id')
->where('group_user.group_id', '!=', $id)
->orderBy('', 'asc')
This works and shows all students that are not in this specific class BUT if a student that's in this class and another class their name appears in the list and as duplicate names.
What can I do?
When MySQL's only_full_group_by mode is turned on, it means that strict ANSI SQL rules will apply when using GROUP BY
You should try to select fields from schema on which you can apply group by instead of select *.
$students = User::join('group_user', '', '=', 'group_user.user_id')
->where('group_user.group_id', '!=', $id)
->select('', 'other fields you used')
->orderBy('', 'ASC')
Not IN is also useful in your case
User::select('fields you used')
->whereNotIn('id', DB::table('group_user')->where('group_id', $id)->pluck('user_id')) // $id = 5
->orderBy('name', 'ASC')
Modify your query to use distinct() like so;
$students = User::join('group_user', '', '=', 'group_user.user_id')
->where('group_user.group_id', '!=', $id)
->orderBy('', 'ASC')
You could also groupBy('')
$students = User::join('group_user', '', '=', 'group_user.user_id')
->where('group_user.group_id', '!=', $id)
->orderBy('', 'ASC')

Why SoftDelete won't fake the deleted row?

Can somebody tell me why using delete() method won't delete the selected row in table? SoftDelete works well but the row that has been soft delete is still exist in the table. I'm expecting my table row will be hide or deleted but it can't. Any tips or help would appreciated! :) I SoftDelete my table like this.
public function hideApprovalsDocument(Request $request, Document $id)
//Getting the request in the View.
$id = $request->get('softDelete');
$hide = Document::findOrFail($id)->where('id', '=', $id);
return redirect()->back();
public function documentsSentForApproval()
$pendingDocuments = DB::table('approvals_document')
->select('documents.title', 'documents.content', ' as documentId',
'users.username', 'approvals_document.created_at',
'', 'approvals_document.approver_id', 'approvals_document.requestedBy')
->join('documents', '', '=', 'approvals_document.document_id')
->join('categories', '', '=', 'documents.category_id')
->join('users', '', '=', 'approvals_document.approver_id')
->where('approver_id', '=', Auth::id())
->where('documents.deleted_at', '=', null)
->orWhere('requestedBy', '=', Auth::id())
->orderBy('', '=', 'desc')
return view ('document.pending')
->with('pendingDocuments', $pendingDocuments);
Can you please change the join query to below
->join('documents', function ($join) `{ $join->on('', '=','approvals_document.document_id')
->whereNull('documents.deleted_at'); })`
Soft delete won't delete the row. It'll set a timestamp for the deleted_at field and eloquent will ignore any rows which have a value set for the field deleted_at. If you implemented soft delete and want to permanently delete a row, try using 'forceDelete()'
You can't do any comparison to NULL value in Laravel SQL via where method. You may use whereRaw method:
public function documentsSentForApproval()
$pendingDocuments = DB::table('approvals_document')
->select('documents.title', 'documents.content', ' as documentId',
'users.username', 'approvals_document.created_at',
'', 'approvals_document.approver_id', 'approvals_document.requestedBy')
->join('documents', function ($join) {
$join->on('', '=', 'approvals_document.document_id')
->whereRaw('documents.deleted_at IS NULL');
->join('categories', '', '=', 'documents.category_id')
->join('users', '', '=', 'approvals_document.approver_id')
->where('approver_id', '=', Auth::id())
->orWhere('requestedBy', '=', Auth::id())
->orderBy('', '=', 'desc')
return view ('document.pending')
->with('pendingDocuments', $pendingDocuments);
Joining soft-deleted records must be modified

Perform JOIN on three or four different tables in Laravel syntax

I want to retrieve the value of D table using laravel syntax on basis of X table Id and perform a JOIN with other tables.
Please post answers only in laravel syntax. In other format I can do. I am new to it so.
->join('a', 'X.a_id', '=', '')
->join('b', 'a.b_id', '=', '')
->join('c', 'b.c_id', '=', '')
->join('d', 'c.d_id', '=', '')
->where('', '=', $val)
But it is not working. please provide me proper solution. Right now I am using PHP logic to get the value, rather than optimise the query.
There are many ways, but this is the basic:
$rows = DB::table('shares')
->join('users', '', '=', 'shares.user_id')
->join('follows', 'follows.user_id', '=', '')
->where('follows.follower_id', '=', 3)
Try this:
->join('a', 'X.a_id', '=', '')
->join('b', 'a.b_id', '=', '')
->join('c', 'b.c_id', '=', '')
->join('d', 'c.d_id', '=', '')
->where('', '=', $val)
$result = X::select('a.value', 'd.*')
->join('a', 'x.a_id', '=', '')
->join('b', 'a.b_id', '=', '')
->join('c', 'b.c_id', '=', '')
->join('d', 'c.d_id', '=', '')
->where('', '=', $val)
foreach ($result as $row) {
# code...
