Adding query clause to cakephp find operation - php

I have a standard find query on my user model that looks as followed:
$user = $this->User->find( 'all', array( 'conditions' => array( '' => $user_id ) ) );
I also have some extensions I would like to make to the where clause of this function call like so:
$query_extension = 'AND IN ( complex join between a few tables )';
I want to add this complex WHERE clause on to the end of that user find condition, but I'm not sure how to do this. I'm looking into the ConnectionManager class, but I'm still not sure how to append this extra clause:

Check sample code I used, you can also set dynamic content like joins Will have array What you built Or
will have blank array.
$courseNames = $this->UsersCourse->Course->find('list',
array('fields'=> array('Course.course_name'),
'order'=> array('Course.course_name'),
'conditions'=>array('Course.is_active'=>1 ,
"joins" => array(
"table" => "course_categories",
"alias" => "CourseCategory",
"type" => "INNER",
"conditions" => array(
" = Course.course_category_id"

This is how this operation can be preformed. Notice that the clause being added to the main query includes an AND This means that it is actually part of the where clause and can be added as a string to a find as followed.
// Note here that including the $complex_subselect_string as an un-keyed term in the conditions automatically ANDs this extra query clause
$complete_user_list = $this->find( 'all', array( 'conditions' => array( $complex_subselect_string ), 'limit' => $limit, 'contain' => array() ) );


CakePHP ignores condition

I have the following problem with CakePHP:
Two tables are joined (filters and accounts). Then I am building conditions and only the second condition =>1 gets executed. If I print the result, there are still showing filters that are having another mode_id than 3.
$joins= array(
array('table' => 'filters',
'alias' => 'Filter',
'type' => 'right',
'conditions' => array(
'Filter.account_id =',
Then I execute the request including joins and conditions
$activeAccounts = $this->Account->find('all',array(
The models were checked and no problems identified. Filter belongs to Account. Account has many Filter.
Below the query that is generated. The results are still showing filters with Filter.mode_id other than 3
Here is the query that is generated. The results are still containing rows with Filter.mode_id other than 3 despite the fact that one condition is 'Filter.mode_id'=>3
SELECT `Account`.`id`, `Account`.`user_id`, `Account`.`name`,
`Account`.`api_key`, `Account`.`account_number`, `Account`.`remaining_balance`,
`Account`.`investment_size`, `Account`.`active`
FROM `baseline_db`.`accounts` AS `Account`
right JOIN `baseline_db`.`filters` AS `Filter`
ON (`Filter`.`account_id` = `Account`.`id`)
WHERE ((`Filter`.`mode_id` = 3) AND
(`Account`.`active` = '1'))
Like say Oldskool, use the Model associations
and for your condition, The "AND" is not necessary,
you cant put :
$activeAccounts = $this->Account->find('all',array(
'conditions' => array(
the request you want to make with the type of relation you have, seem to me weird.
If i understand, perhaps with something like that :
$filters =$this->Filter->find("list", array(
'conditions' => array('Filter.mode_id' => 3),
'fields' => array('Filter.account_id')
$activeAccounts = $this->Account->find('all',array(
'conditions' => array(

CakePHP findList doesn't return aggregated values

The following query returns an array containing the proper ids, but null for all values.
If I remove the aggregation function (AVG()), it returns values (not the averaged ones of course), if I choose e.g. find('all') it returns the average, but not in the list format I want (I could work with that, but I want to try to do it with 'list' first).
$progress = $this->Trial->find('list', array(
'fields' => array(
'AVG(Trial.first_reaction_time_since_probe_shown) AS average_reaction_time'
'group' => 'Trial.session_id',
'conditions' => array(
'Trial.first_valid_response = Trial.probe_on_top',
'TrainingSession.user_id IS NOT NULL'
'contain' => array(
'TrainingSession' => array(
'conditions' => array(
'TrainingSession.user_id' => $this->Auth->user('id')
'recursive' => 1,
The generated SQL query returns exactly the result I want, when I send it to the DB via PhpMyAdmin.
AVG(`Trial`.`first_reaction_time_since_probe_shown`) AS average_reaction_time
`zwang`.`trials` AS `Trial`
`zwang`.`training_sessions` AS `TrainingSession` ON (
`Trial`.`session_id` = `TrainingSession`.`id` AND
`TrainingSession`.`user_id` = 1
`Trial`.`first_valid_response` = `Trial`.`probe_on_top`
I've examined the source for find('list'). I think it's due to the "array path" for accessing the list getting screwed up when using functions in the query, but I couldn't fix it yet (or recognise my abuse of CakePHP logic).
Once I posted the question, Stackoverflow started relating the correct answers to me.
Apparently, it can't be done with 'list' without virtualFields.
I didn't expect that because it worked using the other find-types.
$this->Trial->virtualFields = array(
'average_reaction_time' => 'AVG(Trial.first_reaction_time_since_probe_shown)'
$progress = $this->Trial->find('list', array(
'fields' => array('Trial.session_id','average_reaction_time')
/* etc... */

CakePHP nesting two select queries

I have two tables in cakePHP.
I need a way to write the following query in the cake way:
SELECT * FROM competencies WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT competence_id FROM competence_ratings WHERE employee_id = $userId)
Someone please help me!!
What i did before going to this subquery method:
I tried competencies->hasMany->competenceRatings, competenceRatings->belongsTo->competencies relations.
$competencies = $this->Competence->CompetenceRating->find('all',array('CompetenceRating.user_id' => $userId,'CompetenceRating.competence_id !=' => ''));
I want to be able to get the names of competencies for which a user have NOT made any ratings into competenceRatings table. i.e., I need list of names from competencies table for which there are no entries in comptenceRatings table(for given user_id).
I tried table join also:
$options['joins'] = array(
'table' => 'competence_ratings',
'alias' => 'CompetenceRating',
'type' => 'LEFT OUTER',
'conditions' => array(
' = CompetenceRating.competence_id'
$options['conditions'] = array( 'CompetenceRating.employee_id' => $employee['Employee']['id'] );
$competencies = $this->Competence->find('all',$options);
you would probably have to use a subquery():
$subqueryOptions = array('fields' => array('competence_id'), 'conditions' => array('employee_id'=>$user_id));
$subquery = $this->Competence->CompetenceRating->subquery('all', $subqueryOptions);
$res = $this->Competence->CompetenceRating->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array('id NOT IN '. $subquery)
the source for subquery is here:
you need to put this in your AppModel.php
BUT I think the subquery is not necessary. You can probably make a single and easy query out of it:
$this->Competence->CompetenceRating->find('all', array(
'group' => 'competence_id',
'conditions' => array('NOT' => 'employee_id'=>$user_id)),
'contain' => array('Competence')
dont forget to include Competence via "contain" if you have recursive set to -1.

cant get count of the data properly

I have a model template which hasmany themes.I want to show the list of templates with count of themes.I am using this
'hasMany' => array(
'TemplateTheme' => array(
'className' => 'TemplateTheme',
'fields' => 'count( AS themes'
), false ...
it gives me 2 templates.But it gives me all the 3 themes count in the first template whereas 2 themes belongs to template 1 and the third theme belongs to template 2
in the query it is using id IN(template_id1,template_id2)
Any idea how to do this?
You are doing a common mistake, you are counting everyrow each time since you are not using group by, you should do is group by when you do your search. Butttttttt.... has many wont do a join :( so you have to force it a littleor use something like linkable component
$join = array(
array('table' => 'templateThemes',
'alias' => 'TemplateTheme',
'type' => 'LEFT',
'conditions' => array(
' = TemplateTheme.Template_id',
$fields = array('','count( AS themes');
$this->Template->find('all', array('fields'=>$fields, 'joins'=>$join', $group =>array('')));
You may also do it in reverse since belongsTo does the join something like this
in your model (it is always recommended to put it static in your model unless is not a normal association)
var belongsTo = array(
'Template'=> array(
'classname' => 'Template',
'foreign_key' => 'template_id'
and in controller
$fields = array('','count( AS themes');
$this->Template->find('all', array('fields'=>$fields, $group =>array('')));
Hope this helps you, if not just comment

CakePHP order query results on more than 1 level

I'm using the Containable behavior to get a list of Comments (belongsTo Post, which belongs to Question; Question hasMany Post, and Post hasMany Comments; all of these belong to Users).
$data = $this->Question->find ( 'first',
array ('contain' =>
array ('User',
'Post' => array ('User', /* 'order' => 'User.created DESC'*/ )
It works, when I comment out the section in comments above. I suppose this is to be expected, but what I want is all of the Posts that are found, should be sorted in order of the 'created' field of the 'User' they belong to. How do I accomplish this deeper level sorting in CakePHP? I always get, "Warning (512): SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column 'User.created' in 'order clause'"
Thanks for your help!
Also, you might be trying to group on a related table from a find call that doesn't use joins.
Set your debug level to something greater than 1 so you can see the query log and make sure that Cake isn't doing two queries to fetch your data. If that is the case then the first query is not actually referencing the second table.
If you want to manually force a join in these situations you can use the Ad-Hoc joins method outlined by Nate at the following link.
I have found two ways to get around this.
The first is to define the second level associacion directly in the model.
Now you will have access to this data everywhere.
It should look something like this.....
var $belongsTo = array(
'Foo' => array(
'className' => 'Foo', //unique name of 1st level join ( Model Name )
'foreignKey' => 'foo_id', //key to use for join
'conditions' => '',
'fields' => '',
'order' => ''
'Bar' => array(
'className' => 'Bar', //name of 2nd level join ( Model Name )
'foreignKey' => false,
'conditions' => array(
' = Foo.bar_id' //id of 2nd lvl table = associated column in 1st level join
'fields' => '',
'order' => ''
The problem with this method is that it could make general queries more complex than they need be.
You can thus also add the second level queries directly into te find or paginate statement as follows: (Note: I found that for some reason you can't use the $belongsTo associations in the second level joins and will need to redefine them if they are already defined. eg if 'Foo' is already defined in $belongsTo, you need to create a duplicate 'Foo1' to make the association work, like the example below.)
$options['joins'] = array(
array('table' => 'foos',
'alias' => 'Foo1',
'type' => 'inner',
'conditions' => array(
'CurrentModel.foo_id ='
array('table' => 'bars',
'alias' => 'Bar',
'type' => 'inner',
'foreignKey' => false,
'conditions' => array(
' = Foo1.bar_id'
$options['conditions'] = array('Bar.column' => "value");
$this->paginate = $options;
$[modelname] = $this->paginate();
I hope this is clear enough to understand and that it helps someone.
Check your recursive value. If it's too limiting, it will ignore the containable links, IIRC. I remember bumping into this a few times. I'd try containing multiple models, but my recursive option was set to 0 and nothing would get pulled. For your example, I'd think that a value of 1 (the default) would suffice, but maybe you've explicitly set it to 0 somewhere?
You can add before your call to find() the following:
$this->Question->order = 'Question.created DESC';
Yeah, I couldn't work out how to sort based on the related/associated model, so ended up using the Set::sort() method. Checkout this article for a good explanation.
// This finds all FAQ articles sorted by:
// Category.sortorder, then, then Faq.displaying_order
$faqs = $this->Faq->find('all', array('order' => 'displaying_order'));
$faqs = Set::sort($faqs, '{n}', 'ASC');
$faqs = Set::sort($faqs, '{n}.Category.sortorder', 'ASC');
...And yes, it should probably be a Category->find() but unfortunately the original developer didn't code it that way, and I didn't wanna rework the views.
