Sessions not starting? + weird error message - php

So I found/made an "online users" page that shows the users online as well as the visitors, when I log in it shows me as a visitor. I think my sessions aren't working correctly, I've had a lot of problems with database selections too (I'm supposed to get results according to the username, but it doesn't work). I also can't access pages that are set to only allow logged in users.
Here's the code that creates the session name that I call up later
Here's the code that prevents users from accessing the page if they aren't logged in, but I get the "You must be logged in" even when I am logged in!!
echo "You must be logged in to view this page!";
echo "Success, figured it out eh?";
And here's the entire users online code
if(isset($_SESSION)) session_start(); // start Session, if not already started
$filetxt = 'userson.txt'; // the file in which the online users /visitors are stored
$timeon = 120; // number of secconds to keep a user online
$sep = '^^'; // characters used to separate the user name and date-time
$vst_id = '-vst-'; // an identifier to know that it is a visitor, not logged user
If you have an user registration script,
replace $_SESSION['nume'] with the variable in which the user name is stored.
// get the user name if it is logged, or the visitors IP (and add the identifier)
$uvon = isset($_SESSION['userlogin']) ? $_SESSION['userlogin'] : $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']. $vst_id;
$rgxvst = '/^([0-9\.]*)'. $vst_id. '/i'; // regexp to recognize the line with visitors
$nrvst = 0; // to store the number of visitors
// sets the row with the current user /visitor that must be added in $filetxt (and current timestamp)
$addrow[] = $uvon. $sep. time();
// check if the file from $filetxt exists and is writable
if(is_writable($filetxt)) {
// get into an array the lines added in $filetxt
$ar_rows = file($filetxt, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
$nrrows = count($ar_rows); // number of rows
// if there is at least one line, parse the $ar_rows array
if($nrrows>0) {
for($i=0; $i<$nrrows; $i++) {
// get each line and separate the user /visitor and the timestamp
$ar_line = explode($sep, $ar_rows[$i]);
// add in $addrow array the records in last $timeon seconds
if($ar_line[0]!=$uvon && (intval($ar_line[1])+$timeon)>=time()) {
$addrow[] = $ar_rows[$i];
$nruvon = count($addrow); // total online
$usron = ''; // to store the name of logged users
// traverse $addrow to get the number of visitors and users
for($i=0; $i<$nruvon; $i++) {
if(preg_match($rgxvst, $addrow[$i])) $nrvst++; // increment the visitors
else {
// gets and stores the user's name
$ar_usron = explode($sep, $addrow[$i]);
$usron .= '<br/> - <i>'. $ar_usron[0]. '</i>';
$nrusr = $nruvon - $nrvst; // gets the users (total - visitors)
// the HTML code with data to be displayed
$reout = '<div id="uvon"><h4>Online: '. $nruvon. '</h4>Visitors: '. $nrvst. '<br/>Users: '. $nrusr. $usron. '</div>';
// write data in $filetxt
if(!file_put_contents($filetxt, implode("\n", $addrow))) $reout = 'Error: Recording file not exists, or is not writable';
// if access from <script>, with GET 'uvon=showon', adds the string to return into a JS statement
// in this way the script can also be included in .html files
if(isset($_GET['uvon']) && $_GET['uvon']=='showon') $reout = "document.write('$reout');";
echo $reout; // output /display the result
Here's the weird error I get on the users online page too - "^^1411198259"
Any ideas? You can test this out yourself as well as my website is up (, try to ignore all the other errors too :P

Start the session in first row...


My code keeps on returning 'notrunning' even though I already started the game on the teachers side what could be wrong?

Even though I already started the game on the teacher's side, the code keeps on returning 'notrunning' so does this just mean that is_null($result[0])?
// If $_SESSION['time'] is set, the user has not ended the previous game
if (isset($_SESSION['time'])) exit('started');
// If all 3 rounds are filled, the game has already been finished
if (isset($_SESSION['round']))
if (isset($_SESSION['words'][0]) && isset($_SESSION['words'][1]) && isset($_SESSION['words'][2]))
require '../dbconn.php';
// Get the characters from the database
$get_grid = $dbh->prepare('SELECT started, grid FROM games WHERE password = ?');
if (empty($_SESSION['password'])) exit('notloggedin');
if ($get_grid->execute([$_SESSION['password']])) {
$result = $get_grid->fetch();
// If "started" is null, the teacher has not started the game
if (is_null($result[0]))
// If "round" has not changed, the teacher has not moved on
if (isset($_SESSION['round']))
if ($_SESSION['round'] == $result[0])
// If all checks pass, send the characters
echo json_encode(json_decode($result[1])[($result[0])]);
$_SESSION['time'] = microtime(true);
$_SESSION['round'] = $result[0];
else exit('mysql');

PHP how to remove item from session when not in use

On my website, I allow users to view a users information by simply clicking their name. Once they click the persons name, they can schedule the person to come to an event. When the user clicks "schedule me" I take the them full name from the "user_id" and send it as a "$_SESSION['speaker']" to the next file that pretty much checks if the user came from the last file and takes the name and uses it as the input value for the calendar. The problem I am having is that when the user didn't "click schedule" from the other file and goes to the calendar website alone, the name from the previous person they clicked stays there and I want it to be blank in case they want to put a different name. So pretty much i would access the calendar website just by typing the URL and the name would still be in the session. I want to clear the session without logging the user out so they don't see the name of the previous person they clicked. Here is some of my code
First file
$_GET['speaker'] = $_SESSION['speaker_id'];
$speaker_id = $_GET['speaker'];
$stmtSpeaker = $handler->prepare("SELECT * FROM formdata WHERE user_id= :speaker_id");
$stmtSpeaker->bindParam(':speaker_id', $speaker_id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$formData = $stmtSpeaker->fetch();
$_SESSION['admin'] = $adminBoolean;
$_SESSION['speaker'] = $formData['fullname'];
$_SESSION['speaker_came'] = true;
header("Location: admincalendar.php");
Second file
$adminBoolean = $resultChecker['admin'];
if($_SESSION['speaker_came'] = true){
$speaker = $_SESSION['speaker'];
$speaker = "";
Unset will destroy a particular session variable whereas session_destroy() will destroy all the session data for that user.
It really depends on your application as to which one you should use. Just keep the above in mind.
unset($_SESSION['name']); // will delete just the name data
session_destroy(); // will delete ALL data associated with that user.
You can unset session variable
$adminBoolean = $resultChecker['admin'];
if($_SESSION['speaker_came'] = true){
$speaker = $_SESSION['speaker'];
$speaker = '';
You need to first get the tempkey of the element and then unset it. Try this:
if(($tempkey = array_search($speaker_id, $_SESSION['speaker'])) !== FALSE)

How to use a variable in 2 different Php files?

I have am creating a Website that showes Visitors Info. Users are able to visit the page and use Textarea to pick a name for their URL, and the name will be saved as a table in mysql database..
I am using the $name variable in my first php file which is a replacement for the text "visitor_tracking". But today I noticed that there is also another php file and more sql codes, and once again I can see that this file also has the "visitor_tracking" text used in the sql code.
But I think I failed big time, because I simply dont know how to replace the "visitor_tracking" text with my the variable name called $name.
//define our "maximum idle period" to be 30 minutes
$mins = 30;
//set the time limit before a session expires
ini_set ("session.gc_maxlifetime", $mins * 60);
$ip_address = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
$page_name = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"];
$query_string = $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"];
$current_page = $page_name."?".$query_string;
//connect to the database using your database settings
//update the visitor log in the database, based on the current visitor
//id held in $_SESSION["visitor_id"]
$visitor_id = isset($_SESSION["visitor_id"])?$_SESSION["visitor_id"]:0;
if($_SESSION["current_page"] != $current_page)
$sql = "INSERT INTO visitor_tracking
(ip_address, page_name, query_string, visitor_id)
VALUES ('$ip_address', '$page_name', '$query_string', '$visitor_id')";
echo "Failed to update visitor log";
$_SESSION["current_page"] = $current_page;
} else {
//set a session variable so we know that this visitor is being tracked
//insert a new row into the database for this person
$sql = "INSERT INTO visitor_tracking
(ip_address, page_name, query_string)
VALUES ('$ip_address', '$page_name', '$query_string')";
echo "Failed to add new visitor into tracking log";
$_SESSION["tracking"] = false;
} else {
//find the next available visitor_id for the database
//to assign to this person
$_SESSION["tracking"] = true;
$entry_id = mysql_insert_id();
$lowest_sql = mysql_query("SELECT MAX(visitor_id) as next FROM visitor_tracking");
$lowest_row = mysql_fetch_array($lowest_sql);
$lowest = $lowest_row["next"];
$lowest = 1;
//update the visitor entry with the new visitor id
//Note, that we do it in this way to prevent a "race condition"
mysql_query("UPDATE visitor_tracking SET visitor_id = '$lowest' WHERE entry_id = '$entry_id'");
//place the current visitor_id into the session so we can use it on
//subsequent visits to track this person
$_SESSION["visitor_id"] = $lowest;
//save the current page to session so we don't track if someone just refreshes the page
$_SESSION["current_page"] = $current_page;
Here is a very short part of the script:
I really hope I can get some help to replace the "visitor_tracking" text with the Variable $name...I tried to replace the text with '$name' and used also different qoutes, but didnt work for me...
And this is the call that I used in my 2nd php file that reads from my first php file:
include 'myfile1.php';
echo $var;
But dont know if thats correct too. I cant wait to hear what I am doing wrong.
Thank you very much in advance
PS Many thanks to Prix for helping me with the first php file!
first you need to start session in both pages. it should be the first thing you do in page before writing anything to page output buffer.
In first page you need to assign the value to a session variable. if you don't start session with session_start you don't have a session and value in $_SESSION will not be available.
session_start(); // first thing in page
<form action="" method="post" >
<td><input type="text" name="gname" id="text" value=""></td>
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$name = $_POST['gname'];
//Connect to database and create table
$_SESSION['gname'] = $name;
// REMOVE THIS Duplicate -> mysql_query($sql,$conn);
in second page again you need to start session first. Before reading a $_SESSION variable you need to check if it has a value (avoid errors or warnings). next read the value and do whatever you want to do with it.
session_start(); // first thing in page
// Read the variable from session
$SomeVar = $_SESSION['gname'];
// Do whatever you want with this value
By the way,
In your second page, I couldn't find the variable $name.
The way you are creating your table has serious security issue and least of your problems will be a bad table name which cannot be created. read about SQL injection if you are interested to know why.
in your first page you are running $SQL command twice and it will try to create table again which will fail.
Your if statement is finishing before creating table. What if the form wasn't submitted or it $_POST['gname'] was emptY?
there are so many errors in your second page too.

Sessions?? How can I display a the users row?

I want to display the attributes of the game character, which is under the users TABLE. So, I want it to display the specific attributes of the user who has logged in, since it should be in his row. Do I need to register my users with session, because I didn't.
This is the code I used to get the sessions for the user in when login in
if(isset($_POST['Login'])) {
if (ereg('[^A-Za-z0-9]', $_POST['name'])) {// before we fetch anything from the database we want to see if the user name is in the correct format.
echo "Invalid Username.";
$query = "SELECT password,id,login_ip FROM users WHERE name='".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Username'])."'";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result); // Search the database and get the password, id, and login ip that belongs to the name in the username field.
// check if the id exist and it isn't blank.
echo "Account doesn't exist.";
if(md5($_POST['password']) != $row['password']){
// if the account does exist this is matching the password with the password typed in the password field. notice to read the md5 hash we need to use the md5 function.
echo "Your password is incorrect.";
if(empty($row['login_ip'])){ // checks to see if the login ip has an ip already
$row['login_ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$ip_information = explode("-", $row['login_ip']); // if the ip is different from the ip that is on the database it will store it
if (in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $ip_information)) {
$row['login_ip'] = $row['login_ip'];
$row['login_ip'] = $row['login_ip']."-".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$_SESSION['user_id'] = $row['id'];// this line of code is very important. This saves the user id in the php session so we can use it in the game to display information to the user.
$result = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET userip='".mysql_real_escape_string($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])."',login_ip='".mysql_real_escape_string($row['login_ip'])."' WHERE id='".mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['user_id'])."'")
or die(mysql_error());
// to test that the session saves well we are using the sessions id update the database with the ip information we have received.
header("Location: play.php"); // this header redirects me to the Sample.php i made earlier
you need to find which user you are logged in as. How do you log in to your system? You have several options which you can try out:
use sessions (save the userID in the session, and add that to the query using something like where id = {$id}
Get your userid from your log-in code. So the same code that checks if a user is logged in, can return a userid.
Your current code shows how you log In, and this works? Then you should be able to use your session in the code you had up before.
Just as an example, you need to check this, and understand the other code. It feels A bit like you don't really understand the code you've posted, so it's hard to show everything, but it should be something like this.
$id = $_SESSION['user_id'];
//you need to do some checking of this ID! sanitize here!
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users" where id = {$id}) or die(mysql_error());
// keeps getting the next row until there are no more to get
while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) {

Trying to get a login to last 10 days

I'm using a login system, and I'm trying to keep the user logged in for 10 days unless they specifically log out. I thought by using session_set_cookie_params('864000'); that it would make the user stay logged in for 10 days. But it's not doing that, at least in Chrome. The user only seems to be logged in for the standard 20-30 minutes before being automatically logged out. When I check the cookies in Chrome, there are two PHP Session cookies listed for my URL with expiration dates 10 days into the future. But this seems to be unrelated to the login variables. Most of the relevant code should be below.
Any idea why the user is not logged in for 10 days?
Thanks in advance,
In the index file, I have the following:
require_once "header.php";
include "login.php";
In the header.php file, the following is included:
In the login.php file, the following is included:
if (checkLogin($_POST['username'], $_POST['password']))
Here is the function "checkLogin":
function checkLogin($u, $p)
global $seed; // global because $seed is declared in the header.php file
if (!valid_username($u) || !valid_password($p) || !user_exists($u))
return false; // the name was not valid, or the password, or the username did not exist
//Now let us look for the user in the database.
$query = sprintf("
SELECT loginid
FROM login
username = '%s' AND password = '%s'
AND disabled = 0 AND activated = 1
LIMIT 1;", mysql_real_escape_string($u), mysql_real_escape_string(sha1($p . $seed)));
$result = mysql_query($query);
// If the database returns a 0 as result we know the login information is incorrect.
// If the database returns a 1 as result we know the login was correct and we proceed.
// If the database returns a result > 1 there are multple users
// with the same username and password, so the login will fail.
if (mysql_num_rows($result) != 1)
return false;
} else
// Login was successfull
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
// Save the user ID for use later
$_SESSION['loginid'] = $row['loginid'];
// Save the username for use later
$_SESSION['username'] = $u;
// Now we show the userbox
return true;
return false;
Looks more likely that your server is discarding the sessions -- you'd need to store pertinent information in a local friendly database and load from there, based on the cookies as appropriate
