How to change frame to div and load content into div - php

Is there any way to convert an iframe with all attributes it contains into a div or php.
<iframe src='left_nav.php' name='left_nav' class="daemon" scrolling="auto" frameborder='0' height='100%' width="100%"></iframe>
If I use the php include function to call the left_nav.php file:
<?php include left_nav.php; ?>
How to load content which was loading in the frame into the div.
In main.title file (other file)
function toencounter(rawdata) {
if(rawdata=='') {
return false;
} else if (rawdata=='New Encounter') {
top.window.parent.left_nav.loadFrame2('nen1','RBot','forms/newpatient/new.php? autoloaded=1&calenc=')
return true;
} else if (rawdata=='Past Encounter List') {
return true;
var parts = rawdata.split("~");
var enc = parts[0];
var datestr = parts[1];
var f = top.window.parent.left_nav.document.forms[0];
frame = 'RBot';
if (!f.cb_bot.checked) {
frame = 'RTop';
parent.left_nav.setEncounter(datestr, enc, frame);
top.frames[frame].location.href = '../patient_file/encounter/encounter_top.php?set_encounter=' + enc;
In left_nav file
setEncounter(edate, eid, frname) {
if (eid == active_encounter) return;
if (!eid) edate = '<?php xl('None','e'); ?>';
var str = '<b>' + edate + '</b>';
setDivContent('current_encounter', str);
active_encounter = eid;
var encounter_block = $(parent.Title.document.getElementById('current_encounter_block'));
var encounter = $(parent.Title.document.getElementById('current_encounter'));
var estr = ' <b>' + edate + ' (' + eid + ')</b>';
encounter.html( estr );;
function loadCurrentEncounterFromTitle() {
top.frames[ parent.left_nav.getEncounterTargetFrame('enc') ].location='../patient_file/encounter/encounter_top.php';
This is a JS script to loadFrame2
function loadFrame2(fname, frame, url) {
var usage = fname.substring(3);
if (active_pid == 0 && usage > '0') {
alert('<?php xl('You must first select or add a visitor.','e') ?>');
return false;
if (active_encounter == 0 && usage > '1') {
alert('<?php xl('You must first select or create an encounter.','e') ?>');
return false;
if (encounter_locked && usage > '1') {
alert('<?php echo xls('This encounter is locked. No new forms can be added.') ?>');
return false;
var f = document.forms[0];
var i = url.indexOf('{PID}');
if (i >= 0) url = url.substring(0,i) + active_pid + url.substring(i+5);
var fi = f.sel_frame.selectedIndex;
if (fi == 1) frame = 'RTop'; else if (fi == 2) frame = 'RBot';
if (!f.cb_bot.checked) frame = 'RTop';
top.frames[frame].location = '<?php echo "$web_root/interface/" ?>' + url;
if (frame == 'RTop') topName = fname;
return false;

Since you want to load content of an other file (left_nav.php) into a div rather than into an iframe, you can use multiple ways to do that.
1) JS:
Create a div container which will hold your content:
<div id="left_nav"></div>
Now, you can use jQuery to load the content easily:
This would be your loadContent function:
function loadContent(path){
2) PHP:
You could also use PHP (pass a parameter to the URL you are currently on yourfile.php?m=left_nav). Then you can include the file, with a controller (MVC principle -> if you want to learn more about it):
if($_GET["m"] == "left_nav")
It seems like you need a little mix of both. Instead of your iframe you need to insert a div and load the content at the same time:
<div id="left_nav"><?php include("left_nav.php"); ?></div>
This should be equivalent to creating the iframe. Now, when you change the src of the iframe in your JS scripts, instead of using this line:
try changing the content of the div as I stated previously at 1), but you should only need the loadContent function.


Passing js variables to php using jquery

I'm trying to do a realllly simple post of a javascript variable to a php file.
Jquery bit in keyinput.php:
<script type="text/javascript">
var imgArray = [<?php echo implode(',', getImages($cat, $site)) ?>];
$(document).ready(function() {
var img = document.getElementById("showimg");
img.src = imgArray[<?php echo $imgid ?>];
var imgIndex = <?php echo $imgid ?>;
$(document).keydown(function (e) {
var key = e.which;
int rightarrow = 39;
int leftarrow = 37;
int random = 82;
if (key != rightarrow && key != leftarrow && key != random) {
else {
//next image: right arrow
if (key == rightarrow)
if (imgIndex > imgArray.length-1)
imgIndex = 0;
img.src = imgArray[imgIndex];
//last image: left arrow
if (key == leftarrow)
if (imgIndex == 0)
imgIndex = imgArray.length;
img.src = imgArray[--imgIndex];
//random: r
if (key == random)
imgIndex = Math.floor((Math.random()*(imgArray.length-1))+1);
img.src = imgArray[imgIndex];
$.post('./templates/viewcomic.php', {variable: imgIndex});
function getImages($catParam, $siteParam) {
include './scripts/dbconnect.php';
if ($siteParam == 'artwork') {
$table = "artwork";
else {
$table = "comics";
if ($catParam != null) {
$catResult = $mysqli->query("SELECT id, title, path, thumb, catidFK FROM $table WHERE catidFK = $catParam");
else {
$catResult = $mysqli->query("SELECT id, title, path, thumb, catidFK FROM $table");
$img = array();
while($row = $catResult->fetch_assoc())
$img[] = "'" . $row['path'] . "'";
return $img;
PHP bit in viewcomic.php:
include './scripts/keyinput.php';
$JSIndex = $_POST['variable'];
echo "Index = " . $JSIndex;
//$JSIndex should be equal to the javascript variable imgIndex... but it outputs nothing
Any thoughts would be extremely helpful! I'm trying to get my comics website to go live.
Your logic is wrong: at the moment you define your key variable, e is undefined. Then you attach your event handler inside an if statement that will always evaluate to false so that will never work.
The assignment to key should be inside your event handler and the conditional needs to go, you already have that inside your event handler.
Edit: you should also only do your ajax call if one of your action keys is pressed (put it inside the event handler) and do something with the result.
Edit 2: Checkout the manual on $.post, you should add a callback function to process the return value of your php script.
For example:
{ variable: imgIndex },
function(data) { /* data contains what you have echoed out in your php script */

Window Location with Set Time out

I Have to delay my redirection by few seconds. When I try to do this It is not working. I have attached my Javascript and php below. can anyone please help me to solve the problem.window location not working.
<script type="text/javascript">
// constants to define the title of the alert and button text.
var ALERT_TITLE = "Answer";
// over-ride the alert method only if this a newer browser.
// Older browser will see standard alerts
if(document.getElementById) {
window.alert = function(txt) {
function createCustomAlert(txt) {
// shortcut reference to the document object
d = document;
// if the modalContainer object already exists in the DOM, bail out.
if(d.getElementById("modalContainer")) return;
// create the modalContainer div as a child of the BODY element
mObj = d.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(d.createElement("div")); = "modalContainer";
// make sure its as tall as it needs to be to overlay all the content on the page = document.documentElement.scrollHeight + "px";
// create the DIV that will be the alert
alertObj = mObj.appendChild(d.createElement("div")); = "alertBox";
// MSIE doesnt treat position:fixed correctly, so this compensates for positioning the alert
if(d.all && !window.opera) = document.documentElement.scrollTop + "px";
// center the alert box = (d.documentElement.scrollWidth - alertObj.offsetWidth)/2 + "px";
// create an H1 element as the title bar
h1 = alertObj.appendChild(d.createElement("h1"));
// create a paragraph element to contain the txt argument
msg = alertObj.appendChild(d.createElement("p"));
msg.innerHTML = txt;
// create an anchor element to use as the confirmation button.
btn = alertObj.appendChild(d.createElement("a")); = "closeBtn";
btn.href = "#";
// set up the onclick event to remove the alert when the anchor is clicked
btn.onclick = function() { removeCustomAlert();return false; }
// removes the custom alert from the DOM
function removeCustomAlert() {
function handler(var1,quizId,isCorrect,score) {
//var id = parseInt(quizId);
var points=10;
var string_url="quiz.php?qusId="+quizId+"&score="+score;
setTimeout('window.location =string_url',5000) ;
var string_url="quiz.php?qusId="+quizId+"&score="+score;
setTimeout('window.location =string_url',5000) ;
?><input type="radio" name="answers" value="<?php echo $row1['answers'];?>" onclick="handler('<?php echo $row1["feedback"]; ?>',<?php echo $qusId;?>,'<?php echo $row1["isCorrect"]; ?>',<?php echo $score;?>)
"/ ><?php echo $row1['answers']; ?><br/>
} ?>
The first parameter of setTimeout should be a function. Try wrapping it with an anonymous function like so:
setTimeout(function() {
window.location = string_url
}, 5000);
try this:
`setTimeout("createCustomAlert(txt);", 3000);`

How to fix a not defined javascript error?

I am fairly new to Javascript and what I am trying to do is have a cookie set as soon as I click on a link. When I return back to the previous page from the link, I want the page to auto refresh and notify the user by color to show what link they just clicked. I used this example to guide me But I am still not getting it.
The code below is what I have. The problem is that as soon as I click on the link firebug brings up the error "getLink not defined". Also through web developer on Firefox, it seems that my cookie is not actually being set even though I am calling it from the Html.I am also showing gave the most important part in my Html that calls the function.
The videoId i have in setCookie is a php variable that is defined somewhere else in my code. I would really appreciate it if someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks!
<script language="text/javascript">
var cookie_name = "watched";
function setCookie(cookie_name,cookie_value)
if (document.cookie!="") {
index = document.cookie.indexOf(cookie_name);
} else {
index = -1;
if (index == -1) {
var finish = 7200;
var cookie_value = videoId + "; expires=" + finish;
document.cookie=cookie_name + "=" + cookie_value;
function getLink(cookie_value) {
if (document.cookie) {
index = document.cookie.indexOf(cookie_value);
if (index != -1) {
//alert("No color");
return colorLinks;
function colorLinks()
$('#' + videoId).css('background-color: pink');
<body onLoad=window.refresh>
<div id="page">
echo '<a href="' . $link . '" onclick="setCookie(); return true;">' . $this->Links
This does not make sense:
function getLink(cookie_value) {
if (document.cookie) {
index = document.cookie.indexOf(cookie_value);
if (index != -1) {
colorLinks; // you mean colorLinks(); ???
else {
//alert("No color");
// why return a function that sets color instead of just calling it?
return colorLinks;
and there is luckily nothing called window.refresh (unless you have created it yourself) or you would loop forever
In the code i don't see where videoId is given a value
You don't call the function setCookie(cookie_name,cookie_value); to set the cookie.
Please read about cookies:
<script type = "text/javascript">
function createCookie(name,value,days) {
if (days) {
var date = new Date();
var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();
else var expires = "";
document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/";
function readCookie(name) {
var nameEQ = name + "=";
var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length);
if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length);
return null;
function eraseCookie(name) {

Put DIV ID into a PHP Variable

I am wanted to get the id's of all the divs on my page with the class archive and put them in a MySQL query to check and see if the ids are archived in the database.
So basically I am wondering how I can do this: $div = $(this).attr('id');
Then I would throw it into the loop to check:
$matches = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM content WHERE `div` = '$div'");
while ($post = mysql_fetch_assoc($matches))
if (mysql_num_rows($matches) > 0)
I have this code for the AJAX now:
$('div.heriyah').each(function() {
var curID = $(this).attr('id');
$.post("admin/btnCheck.php", { div : curID }, function(data) {
if (data == "yes") {
$('#' + curID).html('<div class=\"add\"><div id=\"add_button_container\"><div id=\"add_button\" class=\"edit_links\"> + Add Element</div></div></div><div class=\"clear\"></div></div>');
} else {
$('#' + curID).html('<div class=\"add\"><div id=\"add_button_container\"><div id=\"add_button\" class=\"edit_links\"> + Set As Editable Region</div></div></div><div class=\"clear\"></div></div>');
And my PHP:
$matches = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM content WHERE `div` = '".$_POST['div']."'");
if (mysql_num_rows($matches) > 0)
echo "yes";
} else {
echo "no";
What am I doing wrong?
You cannot throw a javascript variable to PHP script like that. You have to send an ajax request to the page
$div = $(this).attr('id');
$.post("yourquerypage.php", { divid : $div }, function(data) {
// Something to do when the php runs successfully
Next, configure your query to get the variable from $_POST()
$matches = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM content WHERE `div` = '".$_POST['divid']."'");
And of course, you have to take measures for injection.
It's simple syntax error. Remove the condition after the else and you should be fine.
else (data == "yes") { // remove (data == "yes")
// snip

Turn Regular Javascript Into jQuery

I have some code that involves clicking on a button and either you are logged in and you go to the next page or you are logged out and you get an alert. I have never liked onClick inside HTML and so I would like to turn this around into clicking on the id and having the jQuery do its magic.
I understand the click function of jQuery, but I don't know how to put do_bid(".$val["id"]."); down with the rest of the Javascript. If I haven't given enough information or if there is an official resource for this then let me know.
<li class='btn bid' onclick='do_bid(".$val["id"].");'> Bid </li>
//Some other Javascript above this
function do_bid(aid)
var loged_in = "<?= $_SESSION["BPLowbidAuction_LOGGED_IN"] ?>";
alert('You must log in to bid!');
UPDATE: This is the entirety of the Javascript code. I think none of the answers have worked so far because the answers don't fit the rest of my Javascript. I hope this helps
<script language="JavaScript">
function calcage(secs, num1, num2) {
s = ((Math.floor(secs/num1))%num2).toString();
if (LeadingZero && s.length < 2)
s = "0" + s;
return "" + s + "";
function CountBack() {
for($i=0; $i<$total_elements; $i++){
echo "myTimeArray[".$i."] = myTimeArray[".$i."] + CountStepper;";
for($i=0; $i<$total_elements; $i++){
echo "secs = myTimeArray[".$i."];";
echo "DisplayStr = DisplayFormat.replace(/%%D%%/g, calcage(secs,86400,1000000));";
echo "DisplayStr = DisplayStr.replace(/%%H%%/g, calcage(secs,3600,24));";
echo "DisplayStr = DisplayStr.replace(/%%M%%/g, calcage(secs,60,60));";
echo "DisplayStr = DisplayStr.replace(/%%S%%/g, calcage(secs,1,60));";
echo "if(secs < 0){
if(document.getElementById('el_type_".$i."').value == '1'){
document.getElementById('el_".$i."').innerHTML = FinishMessage1;
document.getElementById('el_".$i."').innerHTML = FinishMessage2;";
echo " }";
echo "}else{";
echo " document.getElementById('el_".$i."').innerHTML = DisplayStr;";
echo "}";
if (CountActive) setTimeout("CountBack()", SetTimeOutPeriod);
function putspan(backcolor, forecolor, id) {
document.write("<span id='"+ id +"' style='background-color:" + backcolor + "; color:" + forecolor + "'></span>");
if (typeof(BackColor)=="undefined") BackColor = "white";
if (typeof(ForeColor)=="undefined") ForeColor= "black";
if (typeof(TargetDate)=="undefined") TargetDate = "12/31/2020 5:00 AM";
if (typeof(DisplayFormat)=="undefined") DisplayFormat = "%%D%%d, %%H%%h, %%M%%m, %%S%%s.";
if (typeof(CountActive)=="undefined") CountActive = true;
if (typeof(FinishMessage)=="undefined") FinishMessage = "";
if (typeof(CountStepper)!="number") CountStepper = -1;
if (typeof(LeadingZero)=="undefined") LeadingZero = true;
CountStepper = Math.ceil(CountStepper);
if (CountStepper == 0) CountActive = false;
var SetTimeOutPeriod = (Math.abs(CountStepper)-1)*1000 + 990;
var myTimeArray = new Array();
<? for($i=0; $i<$total_elements; $i++){?>
<? } ?>
function do_bid(aid)
var loged_in = "<?= $_SESSION["BPLowbidAuction_LOGGED_IN"] ?>";
alert('You must log in to bid!');
If you want to attach click event handler using jQuery. You need to first include jQuery library into your page and then try the below code.
You should not have 2 class attributes in an element. Move both btn and bid class into one class attribute.
Markup change. Here I am rendering the session variable into a data attribute to be used later inside the click event handler using jQuery data method.
echo "<li class='btn bid' data-bid='".$val["id"]."'>Bid</li>";
If you don't want to use data attribute and render the id into a JS variable then you can use the below code.
var loged_in = "<?= $_SESSION["BPLowbidAuction_LOGGED_IN"] ?>";
alert('You must log in to bid!');
First, you need to make the <li> have the data you need to send, which I would recommend using the data attributes. For example:
echo "<li class=\"btn bid\" data-bid=\"{$val['id']}\">Bid</li>";
Next, you need to bind the click and have it call the javascript method do_bid which can be done using:
function do_bid(bid){
//bid code
// when you click on the LI
// grab the ID we're bidding on
var bid = $(this).data('bid');
// then call the function with the parameter
Assuming that you have multiple of these buttons, you could use the data attribute to store the ID:
<li class='btn' class='bid' data-id='<?php echo $val["id"]; ?>'>
var clicked_id = $(this).data('id'); // assuming this is the element that is clicked on
I would add the id value your trying to append as a data attribute:
Something like:
<li class='btn' class='bid' data-id='.$val["id"].'>
Then bind the event like this:
var dataId = $(this).attr('data-id');
You can store the Id in a data- attribute, then use jQuery's .click method.
<li class='btn' class='bid' data-id='".$val["id"]."'>
if ("" === "<?= $_SESSION["BPLowbidAuction_LOGGED_IN"] ?>") {
alert('You must log in to bid!');
else {
document.location.href="item.php?id=" + $(this).data("id");
If you are still searching for an answer to this, I put a workaround.
If data is not working for you, try the html id.
A working example is here:
