Vimeo advanced api, delete apps - php

I'm using Vimeo's advanced api and in the process I've created a number of apps in the My API Apps page.
It's not causing a problem but is it possible to delete the apps I'm not using

At the moment they can not be removed from the app page. Contact vimeo at


How to show the google analytic Dashboard in own web site

can we show the google analytic Dashboard object in own website by using PHP and API or oauth?
You cant embedded the true Google analytics website in your site there would be no way to login. However you could create your own version of it.
You can use the Google Analytics API and the php client library to create your own dashboard. I have seen it done well using charts and graphs
An alternative would be the Embeded API this is javascript based though and only works with the core reporting api V3. It also does not support service accounts.

Automate posts in Google+ page through PHP/REST API

I am working on web application which will help to schedule the post in social sites like facebook, twitter and google plus. As far as I researched in the internet, it seems Google is not providing any api for writing streams neither at Personal profile nor at Google Pages. And it has provided the api access only to limited apps like hootsuite, buffer.
My question is, Is there any third party (even paid) APIs which will provide me this functionality ? Or, by any chance is it possible to request google for api access similar to the one, it provided for apps like hootsuite,buffer ?
The Buffer API does allow you to schedule tweets automatically. It doesn't seem to support programmatically scheduling updates for other social media platforms, which is what I'm currently trying to do.

Why I am not geting same Facebook Ids for same account of my app(Android) and website (PHP)?

I am having issue while fetching Fb Id from Graph Search 2.0 API .
For the same account I am getting two different fb Id. I want to have a single ID, from android App and website (PHP).
Android : 100003767313938
PHP web : 491515637650676
I need to make both same.
Please suggest , How can I get both same fb id ?
That is because you probably have your android app and your facebook app configured in a separate project in facebook dashboard. Facebook sends App-scoped User IDs to any external requests. See my answer in a similar question here. Also have a look at here. The solution is to make android and webserver application inside the same project and adding platform web and android.
Under Settings-> Add Platform add your required platforms

Android app - Facebook SDK login from PHP rest webservice

I am developing an android application. In that I am using the Facebook SDK to share the messages and photos.
Facebook login and sharing is working fine in all devices except the HTC device. I have search over the internet about this issue. But I didn't get any solution.
So I am planning to use PHP rest web service to facebook login and sharing. (i.e) Get the facebook credentials from my android app and pass it into the PHP rest web service to get login. And same way to share photo in facebook.
Is it possible to do that?
If yes, Can you give some samples to do that?
If No, What difficulties I will face?

How authenticate a php website with google spreadsheet

I want to use Google Spreadsheets as a database when somebody fills out a form. Currently I have been able to use google spreadsheets with google account that does not have the two step authentication enabled. I did that with the Zend Framework.
I want to take it one step further and use the two step authentication so that even authenticated google account will also be able to store information in Google Spreadsheets.
I have a php website, how can I ask the user to authenticate and enable his website to access his spreadsheets and write in them.
I am seriously stuck. Any help will be much appreciated.
Sounds like you will need to use OAuth2 with Google Speadsheets API v3. This will allow users of your app to give it access to their Google docs.
