can we show the google analytic Dashboard object in own website by using PHP and API or oauth?
You cant embedded the true Google analytics website in your site there would be no way to login. However you could create your own version of it.
You can use the Google Analytics API and the php client library to create your own dashboard. I have seen it done well using charts and graphs
An alternative would be the Embeded API this is javascript based though and only works with the core reporting api V3. It also does not support service accounts.
I'm using Vimeo's advanced api and in the process I've created a number of apps in the My API Apps page.
It's not causing a problem but is it possible to delete the apps I'm not using
At the moment they can not be removed from the app page. Contact vimeo at
Hi I have a website that I am creating at the moment I have just created a dashboard for admin users I was wondering is there a way I can embed a Google analytic's dashboard or the elements of the dashboard into my own website.
My initial thought would be an i frame of the web page and then getting the user to sign in
I have looked at different questions surrounding this and people are being told to look at the Developer Guides and the implementing the API into their site, Can I do this ??
My website is PHP based with some HTML I am not sure if I am using a framework that the analytics can be implemented into because at the moment I'm currently using bootstrap for the admin dashboard the rest I have hand coded.
Any guides any examples of people doing this themselves that would be much appreciated.
I would recommend you look into using the Google Analtyics API with a service account. You will only be logging into your own data so there is no need to go though the full Oauth2.
The most current version of the Google PHP client lib can be found here on github under examples you want to look into the service-account.php it should show you how to get working with a service account.
Note: Unfortunately the hello analytics tutorial is out of date and uses the old client lib, don't go there. I have been told they are working on an update for it.
I'm developing a backoffice for a website in PHP.
In that backoffice I would like to output some google analytics info refering to that site. And only that site.
For that, I looked into the google analytics API, but I'm having some problems that I don't know if can overcome.
I don't want the API to ask for the user to login or authorization.
I want the API to access always the same account (mine) and not another google analytics account, so no authorization required.
Can that be done?
Can someone point me to a good tutorial about using the API in the context I'm looking for?
Thank You.
You can't do this with the regular API; as you mentioned, it requires the user to login. However, you can do this with the Google Analytics superProxy API.
Yes - it's possible.
You CAN connect directly to the API without it asking for authorization.
Service Applications and Google Analytics API V3: Server-to-server OAuth2 authentication?
Is there a way to active a Google Api service in php without going through the Google API Console website?
This depends on which API you want to use. A few APIs, e.g. the Google Static Maps API do not require you to register as an application. Most APIs, especially the ones that access some user's data, however require you to setup an API project with Google's APIs Console, so Google knows that it is your application that accesses its API.
Hi is there any way to put into our web-sites an iframe, or something that show us a miny report of our site in real time?
Google Analytics Reporting API
Google Analytics data is constantly collected but you will notice via usage that Google doesn't process all data in real-time so it may not help you achieve your objective. Instead, I would recommend something like Piwik that does report in real-time.
Piwik is also open source with an API that will allow you to develop either a plug-in or integrate it into your own app.
Note that Piwik is not hosted as Google Analytics is, you install Piwik on your own hosting environment and this is a big difference to some people.
I hope that this helps you!
Megalytic enables you to embed a mini analytics report in your site or blog. Here's a demo: More details here. Handles Google Analytics, Facebook, and Twitter.
For publishing Google Analytics report real time, Google has launched new API. Its Google Real Time API for Google Analytics.
With this you can perform real time website dashboard. To get start development check it
This is very similar to Google Analytics, with this you can extract data which are available in the form of dimensions and metrics at Google Analytics account.