Receiving extra 1 in january month calender - php

function getDates($year){
$dates = array();
for($i = 1; $i <= 366; $i++){
$month = date('m', mktime(0,0,0,1,$i,$year)); // outputs month 01 for jan etc
$wk = date('W', mktime(0,0,0,1,$i,$year)); // this outputs 01 if 1st week etc
$wkDay = date('D', mktime(0,0,0,1,$i,$year)); //weekday eg mon ,sun etc
echo $day = date('d', mktime(0,0,0,1,$i,$year)); // outputs day eg 01,13,23 etc
$dates[$month][$wk][$wkDay] = $day; // storing date in array
return $dates;
$dates = getDates(2014);
echo '<br/>'.$dates['01']['01']['Wed']; // getting 01
echo '<br/>'.$dates['01']['01']['Thu']; // 01 (should get 02 as it is 2nd jan thu in 2014)
echo '<br/>'.$dates['01']['01']['Fri']; // 03
when i echo $day in for loop i m receiving 01 02 03 04 etc which is correct but when i echo same in $dates array above i am receiving 01 for both 1st month 1st week wednesday and 1st month 1st week thursday. Why? Where Am i wrong? All other dates i am receiving for 2014 calender is correct.

#ymas is right. Because you are using 366 days in 2014, number 366 is the first day in 2015. This results that the first day of 2015 overwrite the value in your current array. Fix this by check the number of days in the year and use that value instead of the static 366. That will be something like this:
function getDates($year){
$dates = array();
$daysInYear = date("z", mktime(0,0,0,12,31,$year)) + 1;
for($i = 1; $i <= $daysInYear; $i++){
$month = date('m', mktime(0,0,0,1,$i,$year)); // outputs month 01 for jan etc
$wk = date('W', mktime(0,0,0,1,$i,$year)); // this outputs 01 if 1st week etc
$wkDay = date('D', mktime(0,0,0,1,$i,$year)); //weekday eg mon ,sun etc
echo $day = date('d', mktime(0,0,0,1,$i,$year)); // outputs day eg 01,13,23 etc
$dates[$month][$wk][$wkDay] = $day; // storing date in array
return $dates;
Note that you should not use 365 as static value because then 31 dec will not be available on leap year.

I would recommend using the DateTime object for this:
function newGetDates($year) {
$start = new DateTime("$year-01-01");
$end = new DateTime("$year-12-31 23:59");
$period = new DatePeriod($start, new DateInterval('P1D'), $end);
$dates = array();
foreach($period as $day) {
= $day->format('d');
return $dates;

You are generating same timestamp 4x in the loop, which is overkill. Store timestamp in a variable, and then call date() function with that variable: see how.
Even better, faster and less memory consumption solution would be to use DateTime, like this:
function getDates($year) {
$dt = new DateTime("$year-01-01");
while ($year == $dt->format('Y')) {
$dates[$dt->format('m')][$dt->format('W')][$dt->format('D')] = $dt->format('d');
$dt->modify('+1 day');
return $dates;


PHP How to extract first days of the weeks from a Month from Unix timestamp

There is this Unix timestamp and it needs to generate the first days of the week as an array.
$time = '1456034400';
// This present Month February 2016
// in calendar the February has the start of the week
// Sunday 7
// Sunday 14
// Sunday 21
// Sunday 28
How do you get an array like this from the Unix Timestamp:
$weekdays = array(
0 => 7,
1 => 14,
2 => 21,
3 => 28
And this method needs to work and be accurate for any given month in years not just Feb 2016.
function getSundays($y, $m)
return new DatePeriod(
new DateTime("first Sunday of $y-$m"),
DateInterval::createFromDateString('next sunday'),
new DateTime("last day of $y-$m")
foreach (getSundays(2016, 04) as $Sunday) {
$days[] = $Sunday->format("d");
A bit faster way (since it uses a simple calculation to iterate weeks):
$time = 1456034400;
$firstDay = strtotime('first Sunday of '.date('M',$time).' '.date('Y',$time));
$lastDay = mktime(0,0,0,date('m',$time)+1,1,date('Y', $time));
$weekdays = array();
for ($i = $firstDay; $i < $lastDay; $i += 7*24*3600){
$weekdays[] = date('d',$i);

How can I get specific dates from a number of weeks?

Using PHP, I'd like to get the dates for specific weekdays within a given number of weeks. For example, I want to get the dates for Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 weeks.
The pseudo code for what I want is like this:
function (monday, wednesday, friday, 10) {
// 10 is week numbers
week1 5,7,9 oct 2015
week2 12,14,16 oct 2015
i write a solution for this. Thanks for all answers.
$dates = array();
$i = 0;
while(true) {
$time = strtotime("+$i days");
$dayOfWeek = date('w', $time);
($dayOfWeek == 0) or
($dayOfWeek == 2) or
($dayOfWeek == 4) or
($dayOfWeek == 6)
) {
$dates[] = date('Y-m-d', $time);
if( count($dates) > 30 ) {
echo json_encode($dates );
Sounds like you want to work with schedules. I suggest you to have a look at library called When, it's "Date / Calendar recursion library for PHP 5.3+".
What you want to do is MWF schedule for next 10 weeks:
$now = new DateTime('NOW');
$after10Weeks = clone $now;
$after10Weeks->modify('+10 week');
$r = new When();
->byday(array('MO', 'WE', 'FR'))
$occurrences = $r->occurrences;
Use PHP DateTime ISO date:
$date = new DateTime(); //The object
$year=2015; // Desired year
$days = array('Mon', 'Wed', 'Fri'); // Desired days of week
for ($yearDay=1; $yearDay<=366; $yearDay++) {
$date->setISODate($year,null, $yearDay); // call ISO Date
$week=$date->format('W'); // Get the week resulted
$day=$date->format('D'); // Get the day name resulted
if($week==10 && in_array($day, $days)) // return only dates of desired days of week 10
echo $date->format('M d Y')."<br>";
More information about ISO Date here
You can try this code with PHPTester

PHP: strtotime() gives wrong output

In my script, I have a given end date. To get the start date, I subtract 23 months to the end date. Basically, what my script should do is to output 24 months (w/ year) - the last month/year to be printed should always be the specified end date.
For some reason, my script isn't returning my desired results. Given the $end = '2013-07-05', the script returns the result correctly. It prints out Aug 11 to Jul 13 which is correct.
But for some dates (e.g. $end = '2013-07-31'), the output is wrong. The result should be Sep 11 to Aug 13. But in this case, it outputs Aug 11 to Aug 13 which is absolutely wrong.
Here's my code:
$end = strtotime('2013-07-31 +1 month');
$date = strtotime('2013-07-31 -23 month');
$start = $month = $date;
$months = "";
while($month < $end)
$months .= date('M y', intval($month))." ";
$month = strtotime("+1 month", intval($month));
echo $months;
I think there's something wrong with strtotime(). Thanks in advance.
You can't really use month calculations like that, especially when dealing with end-of-month values:
e.g. if it's July 31, what's -1 month to strtotime?
php > echo date('r', strtotime('2013-07-31 -1 month'));
Mon, 01 Jul 2013 00:00:00 -0600
A human would probably pick out June 30th, but strtotime isn't human. This DOES work for February 28th and generally any date where the day value is <= 28. Once you get into the 29,30,31 area, then you get these unexepected results
php > echo date('r', strtotime('2013-04-28 -1 month'));
Thu, 28 Mar 2013 00:00:00 -0600
How about
$endMonth = '8';
$year = '2013';
$i = 24;
while( $i > 0 ){
$month = ($endMonth - $i)%12;
if( $month == 0 ){
$year = $year - 1;
$month = 12;
$months .= date('M y', strtotime($year.'-'.$month.'-02'));
Based on Marc B's answer I modified the script to deal with the 29,30,31 of each month. What I did was, if the date is 29, 30, or 31, it will be subtracted with 3 days so that the date will be either 28 or below and would work just fine with the current code that I have. It worked for me so I guess I'll just stick with this for now. Here's the updated code:
$dt = "2013-07-31";
$dy = strtotime($dt);
$day = date("d", $dy);
if (($day == 29) || ($day == 30) || ($day == 31)){
$dt = strtotime("$dt -3 days");
$dt = date('Y-m-d', $dt);
$end = strtotime("$dt +1 month");
$date = strtotime("$dt -23 month");
$start = $month = $date;
$months = "";
while($month < $end)
$months .= date('M y', intval($month))." ";
$month = strtotime("+1 month", intval($month));
echo $months;
Thanks for your help and insights. :)

Find weekly periods (starting on a Monday) for a month

I'm trying to find the weekly periods for a given month and year. Dates should start on a Monday and end on a Sunday. If the 1st of the month is a Sunday (Ex May 2011), it should be the first element.
May 2011
May 1 (Sunday)
May 2 - May 8 (Monday - Sunday)
May 9 - May 15 (Monday - Sunday)
May 17 - Ma6y 22 (Monday - Sunday)
May 23 - May 29 (Monday - Sunday)
May 30 - May 31 (Monday - Tuesday)
September 2012
September 1 - September 2
September 3 - September 9
September 10 - September 16
September 17 - September 23
September 24 - September 30
I am using this function to calculate the week numbers for two dates - I.e. the 1st day of the month and last day of the month.
public function getWeekNumbers($startDate, $endDate)
$p = new DatePeriod(
new DateTime($startDate),
new DateInterval('P1W'),
new DateTime($endDate)
$weekNumberList = array();
foreach ($p as $w)
$weekNumber = $w->format('W');
$weekNumberList[] = ltrim($weekNumber, '0');
return $weekNumberList;
Strangely, for the month of January, it returns week numbers of [52, 1, 2, 3, 4] when I'm expecting [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].
Once I have the week numbers, I'm using them like so:
//The following loop will populate the dataset with the entire month's durations - regardless if hours were worked or not.
$firstDayOfMonth = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("first day of {$this->year}-{$monthName}"));
$lastDayOfMonth = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("last day of {$this->year}-{$monthName}"));
foreach ($this->getWeekNumbers($firstDayOfMonth, $lastDayOfMonth) as $key => $weekId)
// find first mоnday of the year
$firstMon = strtotime("mon jan {$this->year}");
// calculate how many weeks to add
$weeksOffset = $weekId - date('W', $firstMon);
$beginDays = $weeksOffset * 7;
$endDays = ($weeksOffset * 7) + 6;
$searchedMon = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $firstMon) . " +{$beginDays} days");
$searchedSun = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $firstMon) . " +{$endDays} days");
echo date("M d", $searchedMon) . " - " . date("M d", $searchedSun);
Since, the getWeekNumbers function isn't returning the week numbers I'm expecting, it's not surprising that the output of the above function is
Dec 24 - Dec 30 (2012)
Jan 02 - Jan 08 (2012)
Jan 09 - Jan 15 (2012)
Jan 16 - Jan 22 (2012)
Jan 23 - Jan 29 (2012)
Note that the 1st line (Dec 24 - Dec 30) is the end of the current year (2012) and not the end of last year (2011).
Ideally, I want it to look like
Any ideas? Thanks!!
If you need all weeks for selected month, and all dates for selected week, then this is all you need:
function getWeekDays($month, $year)
$p = new DatePeriod(
DateTime::createFromFormat('!Y-n-d', "$year-$month-01"),
new DateInterval('P1D'),
DateTime::createFromFormat('!Y-n-d', "$year-$month-01")->add(new DateInterval('P1M'))
$datesByWeek = array();
foreach ($p as $d) {
$dateByWeek[ $d->format('W') ][] = $d;
return $dateByWeek;
getWeekDays() function returns multi dimension array. first key is week number. 2 level is array, that has dates saved as DateTime object.
Fetch example:
print_r( getWeekDays(5, 2011) ); # May 2011
print_r( getWeekDays(9, 2012) ); # Sep 2012
I had a little time extra, so I written an example ;-)
$datesByWeek = getWeekDays(8, 2012);
$o = '<table border="1">';
$o.= '<tr><th>Week</th><th>Monday</th><th>Tuesday</th><th>Wednesday</th><th>Thursday</th><th>Friday</th><th>Saturday</th><th>Sunday</th></tr>';
foreach ($datesByWeek as $week => $dates) {
$firstD = $dates[0];
$lastD = $dates[count($dates)-1];
$o.= "<tr>";
$o.= "<td>" . $firstD->format('M d') . ' - ' . $lastD->format('M d') . "</td>";
$N = $firstD->format('N');
for ($i = 1; $i < $N; $i++) {
$o.= "<td>-</td>";
foreach ($dates as $d) {
$o.= "<td>" . $d->format('d.') . " / 0.00</td>";
# for selected date do you magic
$N = $lastD->format('N');
for ($i = $N; $i < 7; $i++) {
$o.= "<td>-</td>";
$o.= "</tr>";
$o.= '</table>';
echo $o;
Output looks like:
The following assumes that the user can pick the month and year for which they wan to run the report (the value posted being 1-12 for month and YYYY for year). There may be a more elegant way to do it, but this seems to work for me. Also, at the top of your post, you say that you want the weeks to be Monday - Sunday. However, your example/screenshot at the bottom shows weeks being Sunday to Saturday. The below is for the originally-stated goal of Monday - Sunday.
$month = $_POST["month"];
$year = $_POST["year"];
$endDate = date("t", strtotime($year."-".$month."-01"));
$dayOfWeekOfFirstOfMonth = date("w", strtotime($year."-".$month."-01"));
$lastDayOfFirstWeek = 8 - $dayOfWeekOfFirstOfMonth;
$weeksArray = array(array("firstDay"=>1, "lastDay"=>$lastDayOfFirstWeek));
$loopDate = $lastDayOfFirstWeek + 1;
while($loopDate < $endDate)
$weeksArray[] = array("firstDay"=>$loopDate, "lastDay"=>($loopDate+6 > $endDate ? $endDate : $loopDate+6));
foreach($weeksArray as $week)
echo date("M d", strtotime($year."-".$month."-".$week["firstDay"])) . " - " . date("M d", strtotime($year."-".$month."-".$week["lastDay"])) . "\n";
this works perfect!!! phpfiddle here
// start and end must be timestamps !!!!
$start = 1346976000; // Thu 2012-09-06
$end = 1348704000; // Tue 2012-09-26
// generate the weeks
$weeks = generateweeks($start, $end);
// diaplay the weeks
echo 'From: '.fDate($start).'<br>';
foreach ($weeks as $week){
echo fDate($week['start']).' '.fDate($week['end']).'<br>';
echo 'To: '.fDate($end).'<br>';
/* outputs this:
From: Thu 2012-09-06
Thu 2012-09-06 Sun 2012-09-09
Mon 2012-09-10 Sun 2012-09-16
Mon 2012-09-17 Sun 2012-09-23
Mon 2012-09-24 Wed 2012-09-26
To: Wed 2012-09-26
// $start and $end must be unix timestamps (any range)
// returns an array of arrays with 'start' and 'end' elements set
// for each week (or part of week) for the given interval
// return values are also in timestamps
function generateweeks($start,$end){
$ret = array();
$start = E2D($start);
$end = E2D($end);
$ns = nextSunday($start);
if($ns>=$end) {insert($ret,$start,$end);return $ret;}
$start = $ns +1;
// helper function to append the array and convert back to unix timestamp
function insert(&$arr, $start, $end){$arr[] = array('start'=>D2E($start), 'end'=>D2E($end));}
// recives any date on CD format returns next Sunday on CD format
function nextSunday($Cdate){return $Cdate + 6 - $Cdate % 7;}
// recives any date on CD format returns previous Monday on CD format // finaly not used here
function prevMonday($Cdate){return $Cdate - $Cdate % 7;}
// recives timestamp returns CD
function E2D($what){return floor($what/86400)+2;} // floor may be optional in some circunstances
// recives CD returns timestamp
function D2E($what){return ($what-2)*86400;} // 24*60*60
// just format the timestamp for output, you can adapt it to your needs
function fDate($what){return date('D Y-m-d',$what);}

How to retrieve an array of each date within two epochs

I have two epochs. I want to figure out all the dates that are valid within the two epochs.
For example, if I have the epochs 946684800 (Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT) and 947203200 (Fri, 07 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT), I want to be able to get: 01/01/2000, 02/01/2000, 03/01/2000, 04/01/2000, etc.
If you have PHP 5.3 or newer, you could do this:
$date1 = new DateTime;
$date2 = new DateTime;
$interval = new DateInterval('P1D');
while ( $date1 <= $date2 )
$dates_in_between[] = $date1->getTimestamp();
Alternatively, you could use this:
// 1 day = 60 seconds * 60 minutes * 24 hours = 86400
for ($date = 946684800; $date <= 947203200; $date += 86400)
$dates_in_beteween[] = $date;
$dates_in_between will contain a list of "dates" in between.
PHP time values are just Unix timestamps - seconds since Jan 1/1970. Going off PHP 5's datetime object:
$start = strtotime('01 Jan 2000');
$end = strtotime('07 Jan 2000');
for ($d = $start; $d <= $end; $d += 86400) { // increment by 86,400 seconds, aka 1 day
echo date('d/m/Y', $d);
There's better ways of going about it, using the DateTime / DateInterval objects, but this is just to show the basics.
Given that your epoch is in seconds you could always add the number of seconds found in a day to the first epoch:
946684800 + 86400 = 946771200 -> Sun, 02 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT
And go on like this, I explain better:
947203200 - 946684800 = 518400 / 86400 = 6 (exactly 6 days)
for(int i = 946684800; i<946684800 ;i+=86400){
day = getDate(i);
$epoch1 = '946684800';
$epoch2 = '947203200';
$i = 0;
while($time < $epoch2) {
$time = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $epoch1) , date("d", $epoch1)+$i, date("Y",$epoch1));
echo date('d/m/Y', $time)."<br>";
If understanding the question right, you want every DAY within the 2 epochs (2000-01-01 and 2000-01-07)..
Can be done like so:
$epoch1 = 946684800;
$epoch2 = 947203200;
$difference = $epoch1 - $epoch2;
//count days
$amountOfDays = round(($epoch2-$epoch1)/86400);
//looping all days
for($i=1; $i<=$amountOfDays; $i++) {
echo date('d/m/Y', $epoch1+($i*86400);
$start = strtotime('2011-06-01');
$end = strtotime('2011-06-15');
$date = $start;
$anArray = array();
while ($date <= $end) {
$date = strtotime("+1 DAY", $date);
$anArray[] = $date;
