Google's reCAPTCHA verification - php

I'm a newbie in web development (or development) and I'm using Laravel (if it matters somehow). I have a reCAPTCHA in my form. It works, but now I have to verify user's keyword in recaptcha.
Documentation: sounds simple, but somehow I can't write the code lines for verification. I was looking for some examples, but they're not for Laravel but for pure PHP, and I didn't see where is the '' URL used in the examples.
My controller is:
public function postMessage() {
$privatekey = "MY_PRIVATE_KEY";
// this should be executed only after validation
DB::table('messages')->insert(['name' => Input::get('name'),
'email' => Input::get('email'),
'message' => Input::get('message'),
'datetime' => \Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString()]);
So please, instruct me, how could i get JSON object with response, or what should I write instead of ?????

Well, at the end I was able to find solution by myself:
public function postMessage() {
$secret = '7LdL3_4SBAAAAKe5iE-RWUya-nD6ZT7_NnsjjOzc';
$response = Input::get('g-recaptcha-response');
$url = ''.$secret.'&response='.$response;
$jsonObj = file_get_contents($url);
$json = json_decode($jsonObj, true);
if ($json['success']==true) {
DB::table('messages')->insert(['name' => Input::get('name'),
'email' => Input::get('email'),
'message' => Input::get('message'),
'datetime' => \Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString()]);
return Redirect::route('contact')->with('okmessage', 'Ďakujeme. Vaša správa bola odoslaná');
} else {
return Redirect::route('contact')->with('errormessage', 'Chyba! Zaškrtnite "Nie som robot" a zadajte správny kód.');


Amazon Pay SDK InvalidSignatureError

I'm integrating Amazon Pay php SDK from documentation, but getting this error.
Here's my php implementation code:
$amazonpay_config = array(
'public_key_id' => 'XXXXXXXX',
'private_key' => 'my_private_key_path',
'region' => 'US',
'sandbox' => true
$payload = array(
'webCheckoutDetails' => array(
'checkoutReviewReturnUrl' => '',
'checkoutResultReturnUrl' => ''
'storeId' => 'amzn1.application-oa2-client.XXXXXXXXX'
$headers = array('x-amz-pay-Idempotency-Key' => uniqid());
$requestResult = [
'error' => 1,
'msg' => 'Error. Can not create checkout session.',
'checkoutSession' => null,
'payloadSign' => null
$client = new Client($amazonpay_config);
$resultCheckOut = $client->createCheckoutSession($payload, $headers);
$resultSignPayload = $client->generateButtonSignature($payload);
if($resultCheckOut['status'] !== 201) {
return json_encode($requestResult, true);
else {
$requestResult = [
'error' => 0,
'msg' => null,
'checkoutSession' => json_decode($resultCheckOut['response']),
'payloadSign' => $resultSignPayload
return $requestResult;
Here's JS implementation code for generating Amazon Pay button.
amazon.Pay.renderButton('#amazon-pay-btn', {
// set checkout environment
merchantId: 'XXXXXXXX',
ledgerCurrency: 'USD',
sandbox: true,
checkoutLanguage: 'en_US',
productType: 'PayOnly',
placement: 'Cart',
buttonColor: 'Gold',
createCheckoutSessionConfig: {
payloadJSON: jsonResult['checkoutSession'],
signature: jsonResult['payloadSign'],
publicKeyId: 'XXXXXXXXXXX'
Couple of problems with the code, mainly that you aren't passing the payload and signature to the front-end correctly. For the payload, you're using jsonResult['checkoutSession'], while it should be jsonResult['payloadSign']. This doesn't contain the payload though but from the PHP code it's apparently the signature that you have put in there. The full code sample should more like this (not tested).
$headers = array('x-amz-pay-Idempotency-Key' => uniqid());
$requestResult = [
'error' => 1,
'msg' => 'Error. Can not create checkout session.',
'signature' => null,
'payload' => null
$client = new Client($amazonpay_config);
$resultCheckOut = $client->createCheckoutSession($payload, $headers);
$resultSignature = $client->generateButtonSignature($payload);
if($resultCheckOut['status'] !== 201) {
return json_encode($requestResult, true);
else {
$requestResult = [
'error' => 0,
'msg' => null,
'signature' => $resultSignature,
'payload' => $payload
return json_encode($requestResult);
amazon.Pay.renderButton('#amazon-pay-btn', {
// set checkout environment
merchantId: 'XXXXXXXX',
ledgerCurrency: 'USD',
sandbox: true,
checkoutLanguage: 'en_US',
productType: 'PayOnly',
placement: 'Cart',
buttonColor: 'Gold',
createCheckoutSessionConfig: {
payloadJSON: JSON.stringify(jsonResult['payload']),
signature: jsonResult['signature'],
publicKeyId: 'XXXXXXXXXXX'
I'm not sure how you're passing $requestResult back to the front-end, potentially there's some additional JSON encoding/decoding required to get the right string. To prevent a signature mismatch error, please make sure that the payload string used for the signature generation in the backend, and the payload string assigned to the 'payloadJSON' parameter match exactly (especially pay attention to whitespaces, escape characters, line breaks, etc.).
Two comments about this issue:
I have defined the payload as an string (that's the way current AmazonPay doc states - Link).
$payload = '{
"webCheckoutDetails": {
"checkoutReviewReturnUrl": "",
"checkoutResultReturnUrl": ""
"storeId": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.XXXXXXXXX"
instead of array
$payload = array(
'webCheckoutDetails' => array(
'checkoutReviewReturnUrl' => '',
'checkoutResultReturnUrl' => ''
'storeId' => 'amzn1.application-oa2-client.XXXXXXXXX'
The signature was created, but when rendering the button and clicking on it I get the following error.
Error Message: Signature Dk4qznkoiTVqjcY8Yn1l0iLbsoIj2pEAHWVtgYrphLtFXR9BKhJJPD53It4qYOswS1T/STYMHRy5jtCHGqvLntDjuy0MrhkpoHTpYEtwdOqGHA2qk+QnSGV5LoYldQ/UkAxSG7m8s2iOr11q2sWxUjrk2M3fgzAIxDeZRjJYeAr97eGANYva3jtGDfM6cJdieInBM4dEWWxKqGIh6HxOrY5K/ga26494vAwZAGvXRhZG48FOVp/XCr0mbu6V5pkEOzRJSc+hN5WKAs/c49UsfKPx75Ce7QbaBCZZT1UiczfyYx/mBuZuysUlGmnXPhLOLTPw4+SIizH/pOQyClOQyw== does not match signedString AMZN-PAY-RSASSA-PSS dfff7a87b93cfa78685a233f2dd59e18ad0451b2e3a90af11e500fcc0ceee924 for merchant XXXXXXXX
I was some time till I realized that this was the reason of the error. Actually, while writing this, the new lines in the string were the reason. If string is only in one line, it works.
The button only needs the payload and the signed payload. The $client->createCheckoutSession is not needed. More over, the checkoutSessionId of the resultCheckOut is different from the one obtained when the checkoutReviewReturnUrl is called.

PHP SOAP Client giving error at the time of calling a method "SoapFault exception: [s:Receiver] Object reference not set to an instance of an object"

I am completely new to PHP SOAP . After doing some R&D for my problem I got some links of stackoverflow but didn't get the perfect solution.
Here is my problem :
I am creating a SOAP client that will execute a method called GetPassword and It will return an encrypted password with response code '100' if the credentials is correct. In case of wrong credential a response code '101' and the response status will receive.
Here is my code (I am hiding the credentials for security purpose):
$url= "";
$method = "GetPassword";
$client = new SoapClient($url, array('soap_version' => SOAP_1_2 , 'SoapAction'=>''));
$actionHeader= array();
$actionHeader[] = new SoapHeader('',
$actionHeader[] = new SoapHeader('',
$param = array('MemberId' => 'XXXXX', 'Password' => 'XXXXXXX', 'UserId' => 'XXXXXXX');
$info = $client->__call($method, array($param));
catch (SoapFault $fault) {
$error = 1;
if($error==1) {
$xml = $info;
Some couples of days ago I got this error and the error was happening due to the mismatch of parameters. But this time I think the parameters are correct. So may be I am doing some small mistakes.. Please help me to find the mistakes.
If any input needed, please let me know in the comment, I will update.
Please Note : I tested the wsdl URL with the SoapUI software and it is returning perfectly.
The Problem was with Parameter . Just analyze the structure of the Method GetPassword and found that it take only one parameter named 'Param' which is an object and inside the Param object it is taking the values of MemberId', 'Password' , 'UserId'.
So just need to change one line of code.
$param =array ('Param' => array('MemberId' => 'XXXXX', 'Password' => 'XXXXXXX', 'UserId' => 'XXXXXXX') );
Instead of
$param = array('MemberId' => 'XXXXX', 'Password' => 'XXXXXXX', 'UserId' => 'XXXXXXX');
and the issue resolved.

How can I send cookie while using REST API?

Using Laravel 5 and trying to send some data from my site to another one, which provides me with the REST API. But they use cookies as a authorization. For this moment, I've passed auth successfully. And stuck on how should I send this cookie to API interface via POST method? Here is my listing.
Thanx in advance.
P.S. All things are going on inside the controller.
if (Cookie::get('amoauth') !== null) {
$client = new Client();
$newlead = $client->post('', [
'add' => [
'add/name' => 'TEST LEAD',
'add/date_create' => time(),
'add/last_modified' => time(),
'add/status_id' => '1',
'add/price' => 5000
} else {
$client = new Client();
$auth = $client->post('',[
'USER_LOGIN' => 'login',
'USER_HASH' => 'hash',
'type' => 'json'
$auth = $auth->getHeaders('Set-Cookie');
Cookie::queue('amoauth', $auth, 15);
return redirect('/test');
Now it returns me the following:
Client error: `POST` resulted in a `401 Unauthorized` response.
Found the solution: switched to ixudra/curl.

Omnipay 3Dsecure redirect

I am using Omnipay to allow users to pay using Cardsave.
I have the following:
$transactionId = date('YmdHis').$booking->space->id.$booking->user->id;
$response = $gateway->purchase([
'amount' => $booking->price,
'currency' => 'GBP',
'card' => $card,
'transactionId' => $transactionId,
'cancelUrl' => \base_url('cardsave/cancel/'.$booking->id),
'returnUrl' => \base_url('cardsave/confirm/'.$booking->id)
if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
$transactionReference = $response->getTransactionReference();
//save the transaction reference in case of refund
return ['status' => 'success', 'message' => 'Reservation process complete'];
} elseif ($response->isRedirect()) {
\Log::info('3DSecure redirect');
$booking->addAdditional(['3dsecure_transaction_id' => $transactionId]);
return [
'status' => 'redirect',
'form_html' => $response->getRedirectResponse()->getContent()
throw new PaymentException ($response->getMessage());
and my confirm url goes to the following method:
$transactionId = $booking->getAdditional('3dsecure_transaction_id');
$response = $gateway->completePurchase([
'amount' => $amount,
'transactionId' => $transactionId,
'currency' => 'GBP',
if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
$transactionReference = $response->getTransactionReference();
return $this->finalise($booking, $transactionReference);
} else {
But looking through the code for league/omnipay-cardsave, I see the following:
$md = $this->httpRequest->request->get('MD');
$paRes = $this->httpRequest->request->get('PaRes');
if (empty($md) || empty($paRes)) {
throw new InvalidResponseException;
So my question is (and I realise it is probably dumb, but I can't seem to grok this, for some reason), where is that request coming from, if I just instantiated the gateway?
I think I am doing this wrong.
I have discovered that the return call from the 3DSecure thing comes with the MD and PaRes values as POST parameters. This allows me to set them on the gateway. How do I do that? Is it done automatically when I instantiate the gateway?
I was right, the question was dumb.
After reading the code, and trying it out, I found out that the AbstractGateway uses Symfony's request class to automatically pickup POST variables, amongst which are in this case, 'MD' and 'PaRes'.
In fact, it says so in the CompletePurchase class:
$md = $this->httpRequest->request->get('MD');
$paRes = $this->httpRequest->request->get('PaRes');
httpRequest is setup in AbstractGateway.
Basically, it just works.

Error connecting to AuthorizeNet: in Production server only

I'm using Joomla with PHP, there is one component(payplans) is available for Joomla. In that component they configured lot of payment methods, including We can select the payment method in the Joomla back-end, our client using so we selected did not change anything in the code, its working in our local m/c. I'm getting error only in live server even i have put the live account details not test account.
protected function _processNonRecurringRequest(PayplansPayment $payment, $data)
$transactionData = array(
'amount' => $payment->getAmount(),
'card_num' => $data['x_card_num'],
'exp_date' => $data['x_exp_date'],
'first_name' => $data['x_first_name'],
'last_name' => $data['x_last_name'],
'address' => $data['x_address'],
'city' => $data['x_city'],
'state' => $data['x_state'],
'country' => $data['x_country'],
'zip' => $data['x_zip'],
'email' => $data['x_email'],
'card_code' => $data['x_card_code'],
'ship_to_first_name' => $data['x_ship_to_first_name'],
'ship_to_last_name' => $data['x_ship_to_last_name'],
'ship_to_address' => $data['x_ship_to_address'],
'ship_to_city' => $data['x_ship_to_city'],
'ship_to_state' => $data['x_ship_to_state'],
'ship_to_zip' => $data['x_ship_to_zip'],
'ship_to_country' => $data['x_ship_to_country']
// echo "Data \n";
$transaction = new AuthorizeNetAIM();
// print_r($transaction); exit();
// echo "response";
$response = $transaction->authorizeAndCapture();
// print_r($response);exit();
$transactionArray = $response->toArray();
// to identify it sis testing mode or not
$transactionArray['testmode'] = $this->getAppParam('sandbox', 0);
// save transaction notification and transaction id
$payment->set('txn_id', $this->getId().'_'.$transactionArray['transaction_id']);
$errors = array();
$errors['response_reason_code'] = $response->response_reason_code;
$errors['response_code'] = $response->response_code;
$errors['response_reason_text'] = $response->response_reason_text;
return $errors;
I got error in this line
$response = $transaction->authorizeAndCapture();
please help
You have the following set to True:
Surely it should be set to false for the live server environment.
