Error connecting to AuthorizeNet: in Production server only - php

I'm using Joomla with PHP, there is one component(payplans) is available for Joomla. In that component they configured lot of payment methods, including We can select the payment method in the Joomla back-end, our client using so we selected did not change anything in the code, its working in our local m/c. I'm getting error only in live server even i have put the live account details not test account.
protected function _processNonRecurringRequest(PayplansPayment $payment, $data)
$transactionData = array(
'amount' => $payment->getAmount(),
'card_num' => $data['x_card_num'],
'exp_date' => $data['x_exp_date'],
'first_name' => $data['x_first_name'],
'last_name' => $data['x_last_name'],
'address' => $data['x_address'],
'city' => $data['x_city'],
'state' => $data['x_state'],
'country' => $data['x_country'],
'zip' => $data['x_zip'],
'email' => $data['x_email'],
'card_code' => $data['x_card_code'],
'ship_to_first_name' => $data['x_ship_to_first_name'],
'ship_to_last_name' => $data['x_ship_to_last_name'],
'ship_to_address' => $data['x_ship_to_address'],
'ship_to_city' => $data['x_ship_to_city'],
'ship_to_state' => $data['x_ship_to_state'],
'ship_to_zip' => $data['x_ship_to_zip'],
'ship_to_country' => $data['x_ship_to_country']
// echo "Data \n";
$transaction = new AuthorizeNetAIM();
// print_r($transaction); exit();
// echo "response";
$response = $transaction->authorizeAndCapture();
// print_r($response);exit();
$transactionArray = $response->toArray();
// to identify it sis testing mode or not
$transactionArray['testmode'] = $this->getAppParam('sandbox', 0);
// save transaction notification and transaction id
$payment->set('txn_id', $this->getId().'_'.$transactionArray['transaction_id']);
$errors = array();
$errors['response_reason_code'] = $response->response_reason_code;
$errors['response_code'] = $response->response_code;
$errors['response_reason_text'] = $response->response_reason_text;
return $errors;
I got error in this line
$response = $transaction->authorizeAndCapture();
please help

You have the following set to True:
Surely it should be set to false for the live server environment.


Can't get an unenrolled 3d-secure card authenticaited (secrure trading)

I am running a PHP 7.3, running on apache server. I used composer to get this library:
For the code provided, I am now using the test site reference. I already managed to use for regular transitions. I now started managing 3D secure transactions, with the test MAESTRO card provided by secure trading here: the one designed not to demand 3D auth - that is 5000000000000421
The code provided next, will sum up the way I think thought this should work: I start by creating AUTH request, get error 30004, using CACHETOKENISE request to get a token, run THREEDQUERY to figure out if I need a full auth sceme on this card, get N as an answer, and run another AUTH request, this time with the transactionreference.
I am providing a version of the code I am testing (obviously, username, password and site reference name was removed to protect my privacy, but the code otherwise is the same)
$configData = array(
'username' => '',
'password' => 'xq!Kq$j4',
$site_refrance = 'test_gigsberg74319';
$configData = array(
'username' => '*****',
'password' => '*****',
$site_refrance = '*****';
if (!($autoload = realpath(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'))) {
throw new \Exception('Composer autoloader file could not be found.');
$api = \Securetrading\api($configData);
$requestData = array(
'sitereference' => $site_refrance,
'requesttypedescription' => 'AUTH',
'accounttypedescription' => 'ECOM',
'currencyiso3a' => 'GBP',
'mainamount' => '1000',
'pan' => '5000000000000421',
'expirymonth' => '12',
'expiryyear' => '2030',
'securitycode' => '123',
echo '<pre>';
$response = $api->process($requestData)->toArray();
print_r( $response['responses'] ); // $response['responses'][0]['errorcode'] == 30004
echo "\n--------------------------------------\n";
$transactionreference = $response['responses'][0]['transactionreference'];
$requestData = array(
'sitereference' => $site_refrance,
'expirymonth' => '12',
'expiryyear' => '2030',
'requesttypedescriptions' => array('CACHETOKENISE'),
'securitycode' => '123',
'orderreference' => $transactionreference,
'pan' => '5000000000000421'
$response = $api->process($requestData)->toArray();
echo "\n--------------------------------------\n";
$cachetoken = $response['responses'][0]['cachetoken'];
$requestData = array(
'termurl' => '',
'accept' => 'text/html,*/*',
'currencyiso3a' => 'GBP',
'requesttypedescription' => 'THREEDQUERY',
'accounttypedescription' => 'ECOM',
'sitereference' => $site_refrance,
'baseamount' => '1000',
'pan' => '5000000000000421',
'expirymonth' => '12',
'expiryyear' => '2030',
'cachetoken' => $cachetoken,
$response = $api->process($requestData)->toArray(); // $response['responses'][0]['enrolled'] == 'N'
/* Copying from the docs here:
* If the enrolled value returned in the response is “Y”, the customer’s card is enrolled in 3-D secure. Please refer to the following table for enrolled values:
* .
* .
* N - The card is not enrolled in the card issuer’s 3-D Secure scheme. - Perform an AUTH Request, including the transactionreference returned in the THREEDQUERY response.
* .
* .
print_r( $response['responses'] );
echo "\n--------------------------------------\n";
$transactionreference = $response['responses'][0]['transactionreference'];
$requestData = array(
'sitereference' => $site_refrance,
'requesttypedescription' => 'AUTH',
'accounttypedescription' => 'ECOM',
'currencyiso3a' => 'GBP',
'mainamount' => '1000',
'pan' => '5000000000000421',
'expirymonth' => '12',
'expiryyear' => '2030',
'securitycode' => '123',
'transactionreference' => $transactionreference
$response = $api->process($requestData)->toArray();
print_r( $response['responses'] ); // Still get $response['responses'][0]['errorcode'] == 30004
I expected it to give me a note that all works well, but I still got error 30004, as if the transactionreference wasn't provided. Any idea what I can do, to fix this code, and prevent this error?
Thanks in advance
Well, I read the Api tests, and I found my error. On the last request data, instead of
$requestData = array(
'transactionreference' => $transactionreference
I should use
$requestData = array(
'parenttransactionreference' => $transactionreference
Anyway, home this helps somone

How to integrate eway payment gateway to a php website?

Does anyone know how to integrate eway payment gateway to a normal php website ?
I have conected but it is showing the error when I am writing the code in this link :
Its showing the error which is given below :
Error: eWAY library has encountered a problem connecting to Rapid
require_once 'lib/eway-rapid-php-master/include_eway.php';
// eWAY Credentials
$apiKey = 'F9802AS8MHb/rAm6UyRbT2d5eHjOZWhff++jtFOtMU';
$apiPassword = 'V6E';
$apiEndpoint = 'Sandbox';
// Create the eWAY Client
$client = \Eway\Rapid::createClient($apiKey, $apiPassword, $apiEndpoint);
// Transaction details - these would usually come from the application
$transaction = [
'Customer' => [
'FirstName' => 'John',
'LastName' => 'Smith',
'Street1' => 'Level 5',
'Street2' => '369 Queen Street',
'City' => 'Sydney',
'State' => 'NSW',
'PostalCode' => '2000',
'Country' => 'au',
'Email' => '',
// These should be set to your actual website (on HTTPS of course)
'RedirectUrl' => "http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]" . dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '/response.php',
'CancelUrl' => "http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]",
'TransactionType' => \Eway\Rapid\Enum\TransactionType::PURCHASE,
'Payment' => [
'TotalAmount' => 1000,
// Submit data to eWAY to get a Shared Page URL
$response = $client->createTransaction(\Eway\Rapid\Enum\ApiMethod::RESPONSIVE_SHARED, $transaction);
// Check for any errors
if (!$response->getErrors()) {
$sharedURL = $response->SharedPaymentUrl;
} else {
foreach ($response->getErrors() as $error) {
echo "Error: ".\Eway\Rapid::getMessage($error)."<br>";
echo 'Pay with our secure payment page';
I have written the code as shown above.
I realize you've sorted it by now or given up Lena but please find code is like below
$apiEndpoint = '\Eway\Rapid\Client::MODE_SANDBOX';

Omnipay 3Dsecure redirect

I am using Omnipay to allow users to pay using Cardsave.
I have the following:
$transactionId = date('YmdHis').$booking->space->id.$booking->user->id;
$response = $gateway->purchase([
'amount' => $booking->price,
'currency' => 'GBP',
'card' => $card,
'transactionId' => $transactionId,
'cancelUrl' => \base_url('cardsave/cancel/'.$booking->id),
'returnUrl' => \base_url('cardsave/confirm/'.$booking->id)
if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
$transactionReference = $response->getTransactionReference();
//save the transaction reference in case of refund
return ['status' => 'success', 'message' => 'Reservation process complete'];
} elseif ($response->isRedirect()) {
\Log::info('3DSecure redirect');
$booking->addAdditional(['3dsecure_transaction_id' => $transactionId]);
return [
'status' => 'redirect',
'form_html' => $response->getRedirectResponse()->getContent()
throw new PaymentException ($response->getMessage());
and my confirm url goes to the following method:
$transactionId = $booking->getAdditional('3dsecure_transaction_id');
$response = $gateway->completePurchase([
'amount' => $amount,
'transactionId' => $transactionId,
'currency' => 'GBP',
if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
$transactionReference = $response->getTransactionReference();
return $this->finalise($booking, $transactionReference);
} else {
But looking through the code for league/omnipay-cardsave, I see the following:
$md = $this->httpRequest->request->get('MD');
$paRes = $this->httpRequest->request->get('PaRes');
if (empty($md) || empty($paRes)) {
throw new InvalidResponseException;
So my question is (and I realise it is probably dumb, but I can't seem to grok this, for some reason), where is that request coming from, if I just instantiated the gateway?
I think I am doing this wrong.
I have discovered that the return call from the 3DSecure thing comes with the MD and PaRes values as POST parameters. This allows me to set them on the gateway. How do I do that? Is it done automatically when I instantiate the gateway?
I was right, the question was dumb.
After reading the code, and trying it out, I found out that the AbstractGateway uses Symfony's request class to automatically pickup POST variables, amongst which are in this case, 'MD' and 'PaRes'.
In fact, it says so in the CompletePurchase class:
$md = $this->httpRequest->request->get('MD');
$paRes = $this->httpRequest->request->get('PaRes');
httpRequest is setup in AbstractGateway.
Basically, it just works.

Omnipay with Paypal Express

I have an ecommerce website that redirects to a Paypal express checkout using Omnipay. It will correctly redirect the user to Paypal and return with a successful message with payerID and everything. However, it does not actually take any payment and it does not show up on our paypal account as any payment taken. I am not sure if this is a paypal issue or a configuration problem with Omnipay. I would imagine that Paypal handles this part of it but since it's not working (on our old site it works fine but we do not use Omnipay.)
$gateway = Omnipay::gateway('paypal');
$cardInput = array(
'firstName' => $info['first_name_bill'],
'lastName' => $info['last_name_bill'],
'billingAddress1' => $info['street_address_1_bill'],
'billingAddress2' => $info['street_address_2_bill'],
'billingPhone' => $info['phone_bill'],
'billingCity' => $info['city_bill'],
'billingState' => $info['state_bill'],
'billingPostCode' => $info['zip_bill'],
'shippingAddress1' => $info['street_address_1_ship'],
'shippingAddress2' => $info['street_address_2_ship'],
'shippingPhone' => $info['phone_ship'],
'shippingCity' => $info['city_ship'],
'shippingState' => $info['state_ship'],
'shippingPostCode' => $info['zip_ship'],
$card = Omnipay::creditCard($cardInput);
$response = Omnipay::purchase(
'cancelUrl' => '',
'returnUrl' => '',
'amount' => Input::get('total'),
'currency' => 'USD',
'card' => $card,
'description' => 'Stuff'
if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
return Redirect('cart/successful-payment');
} elseif ($response->isRedirect()) {
$response->redirect(); // this will automatically forward the customer
} else {
return Redirect::back()->with('error', 'There was a problem. Please try again.');
} else {
return Redirect::to('cart/successful-payment');
So basically what this will do is redirect them to Paypal to make a payment then redirect back to our store. That all works fine. They can input their card number and then come back to our store after submitting it. The issue is after it gets return nothing happens through paypal. No orders or payment are exchanged.
In your return function, the function that gets called when this URL is executed: you need to call completePurchase. Something like this:
$gateway = Omnipay::gateway('paypal');
$purchaseId = $_GET['PayerID'];
$response = $gateway->completePurchase([
'transactionReference' => $purchaseId
// .. check $response here.

SOAP service for accessing web of knowledge using PHP

I have been trying to learn how to access the soap services of Web of knowledge using PHP. I am using the code below, which I downloaded from
$auth_url = "";
$auth_client = #new SoapClient($auth_url);
$auth_response = $auth_client->authenticate();
$search_url = "";
$search_client = #new SoapClient($search_url);
$search_array = array(
'queryParameters' => array(
'databaseID' => 'WOS',
'userQuery' => 'AU=Douglas T*',
'editions' => array(
array('collection' => 'WOS', 'edition' => 'SSCI'),
array('collection' => 'WOS', 'edition' => 'SCI')
'queryLanguage' => 'en'
'retrieveParameters' => array(
'count' => '5',
'fields' => array(
array('name' => 'Date', 'sort' => 'D')
'firstRecord' => '1'
$search_response = $search_client->search($search_array);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
The code seems to be working. However, the $search_response I receive is
"User has no entitlement for this service level - WOKSearchLight". I am trying to access this piece of data from a server that is inside an institution that has access to the web of knowledge, and I am actually connected to web of knowledge using
Can anyone tell me what is happening? Do I need an extra permission of the site?
I really appreciate any help!
Yes you need to register first at and enter your IP address, then it should work I think...
