Fetchnig from an array which store multiple arrays in Codeinghter - php

I have an array, suppose given below,
$store_array[] = $details_order;
$store_array[] store all arrays ($details_order) like given below
and now on view side in MVC, i want to fetch each value from each array. what i will do,

As you want for loop you may try like this this
foreach($array as $arr):
echo $arr['name'];


PHP Loops and Arrays

How can I list all array items except that there is another Array ?
First array:
$idea_id[$row["id"]] = $row["id"];
Second array:
$m_voted[$votedke] = $row["ideaid"];
Keeping this datas in separate SQL tables.
And how to list all $idea_id but if
$idea_id[this_item] == $m_voted[any_item]
then this item not listing.
From your question what i understand is you want to check the data exists in the second array.
You can use in_array function which check if the idea_id is in m_voted array
foreach($idea_id as $id){
echo "{$id}<br/>";

I want a query result using codeigniter

i have an array result. i want to print 2 rows(product data) in first page.
next 2 rows in second page and so on. if anybody knows this,please help me to solve it
my array
foreach($data['product_list'] as $dat)
echo $dat->prd_id;
echo $dat->prd_name;
You are doing a foreach loop on an associative array and then trying to access the the contents as objects by using ->. I can only given assumption of what you might be doing. If your array is already populated with a name and id like you have described in your foreach loop this is how you would access the contents in the loop:
foreach($data['product_list'] as $dat)
echo $dat['prd_id'];
echo $dat['prd_name'];
That is how you would print out the contents providing you had the data stored in your array like so:
$data['product_list'][0] = array('prd_id'=>'id0','prd_name'=>'name0');
$data['product_list'][1] = array('prd_id'=>'id1','prd_name'=>'name1');
$data['product_list'][2] = array('prd_id'=>'id2','prd_name'=>'name2');
Better you try with array_slice();

echo parts of json returned in php

my returned json looks like this http://pastebin.com/Nbr161s3
I want to echo
body->airTicketListResponse->routings->trips->segments->departureTime //only the time here
for each routings.
How do I do this? Here is what I have but I am lost and I know it is way off.
$result = data returned here http://pastebin.com/Nbr161s3
$airTicketListResponse = $result->body->airTicketListResponse;
$routings = $result->body->airTicketListResponse->routings;
$trips = $result->body->airTicketListResponse->routings->trips;
$segments = $result->body->airTicketListResponse->routings->trips->segments;
foreach($airTicketListResponse as $item){
echo '<span style="font-weight:bold;">Airline - '.$item->routings[i]->mainAirlineName.' Price - '.$item->routings[i]->adultBasePrice.'</span><br />'.$item->routings[i]->trips[i]->segments[i]->departureAirportCode.' '.$item->routings[i]->trips[i]->segments[i]->departureTime.'<br /><br />';
Please help if you can.
Before working with JSON you should be familiar with working with arrays and objects since JSON is nothing more than that.
It seems you already know these two concepts
To access an object property in PHP you use obj->property
To access a value of an array you specify the index inside brackets array[0]
With JSON you just have to keep in mind that some of your object properties will be arrays.
Now, since your data comes in a multi-level three-like structure you should also be familiar with traversing arrays, PHP offers an implementation of a foreach loop that is ideal for traversing dynamically generated arrays
using foreach($array as $index => $var) the $index and $var variables are automatically set to the index and value of each element in the array as they are being traversed, so you don't manually need to keep track of the index (i.e. $i)
Now let's start going through your data:
First we find your routings array
$result = json_decode($data);
$airTicketListResponse = $result->body->airTicketListResponse;
$routings = $airTicketListResponse->routings;
Now we use foreach to loop through every routing and print the needed properties
foreach($routings as $routing){ //$routing will hold the object value in each loop
echo 'Airline '.$routing->mainAirlineName.'<br>';
echo 'Adult Base Price '.$routing->adultBasePrice.'<br>';
Getting single properties like the above is pretty straight forward, but for the information of the segments we would first need a nested foreach since we have multiple trips for each routing and then a second nested foreach since each trip has multiple segments
foreach($routings as $routing){ //$routing will hold the object value in each loop
echo 'Airline '.$routing->mainAirlineName.'<br>';
echo 'Adult Base Price '.$routing->adultBasePrice.'<br>';
foreach($routing->trips as $trip){
foreach($trip->segments as $index => $segment){
echo 'Segment '.$index.':<br>'
echo 'Depart From '.$segment->departureAirportCode.'<br>';
echo 'Departure Time '.$segment->departureTime.'<br>';
echo 'Duration '.$segment->duration.'<br>';
And that would be it. I hope my explanation was clear and you got the idea of how to traverse JSON objects
If you feel more comfortable working with an array than with an object to access your data [which might be where you're getting confused here] then you can use json_decode with an additional argument:
$data = json_decode($result, true);
This will leave you with an array ($data) containing all your flight information, you can then var_dump() it and see the hierarchy you're dealing with and loop through it.

convert numeric array to associative using another array for keys

I have a csv table, with the first row as the header. I would like to iterate through all the rows, using the name of the column to refer to the column instead of its numerical value. To do this, I think as I iterate I need to convert each numerically indexed row into an associative one, but I can't figure out the best way to do this.
$headerrow = str_getcsv($table[0]); //gives me an array like 0=>foo,1=>bar,2=>bat
foreach ($table as $rownumber=>$row){
$rowarray=str_getcsv($row);//gives me an array like 0=>blah,1=>blah,2=>blah
//how do I get $rowarray['foo'] or $rowarray['bar'] most efficiently?
Guess I should have looked more closely at the array functions. I found array_combine.
$rowarray = array_combine($headerrow,str_getcsv($row));

How to get specific instance in PHP array?

I am trying to get the specific value of file extension in this array. All I can do so far is .
I am wanting the fileextention ".jpg"
All I know how to do is echo the values like so using foreach;
file_nameBob7213.jpg file_typeimage/jpeg
full_pathC:/xampp/htdocs/midas/records/Bob7213.jpg raw_nameBob7213
orig_nameBob72.jpg client_nameafasfafs.jpg **file_ext.jpg** file_size44.96
is_image1 image_width716 image_height474 image_typejpeg
image_size_strwidth="716" height="474"
I am only interested in retrieving the file_ext from this array. How do I select that exact thing?
foreach ($file['upload_data'] as $item => $value)
echo $item; echo $value; echo "<br/>";
How do I do this? , thanks!
It's just an array within an array, so specify 2 array keys
Incidentally, if you want to see the contents of an array, a quick way of doing it is to use var_export:
var_export($file); # echoes the entire array
You don't need to write a foreach loop every time
$file['upload_data']['file_ext'] contains '.jpg'.
