Custom Joomla 3 Button task not executing in my controller - php

I am trying to upload an external list of "groups" to add to my custom Joomla 3 component. I have created a CSV file and written a few functions that I hope will do it. I have created a custom button to start the task in my "groups" view.
When I push the button I get an SQL error that has absoloutle nothing to do with the functions so I have tried debugging and when the button is pressed its not even getting to my controller task before the sql error. I am so confused as to why.
This is the code I have
view.html.php TestViewGroups
JToolBarHelper::custom('group.uploadsave', '', '', 'Upload and Save', false);
protected function uploadsave() {
$detail_headers = array(
$rows = array_map('str_getcsv', file('groupdata.csv'));
$header = array_shift($rows);
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$entry = array_combine($header, $row);
foreach ($entry as $key => $value) {
if(in_array($key, $detail_headers)){
$details[$key]= $value;
$entry['details'] = $details;
// Redirect to the list screen.
'index.php?option=' . $this->option . '&view=' . $this->view_list
. $this->getRedirectToListAppend(), false
protected function saveUploaded($dataIn = array()) {
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
$model = $this->getModel();
$table = $model->getTable();
$data = $dataIn;
$checkin = property_exists($table, 'checked_out');
// Determine the name of the primary key for the data.
if (empty($key))
$key = $table->getKeyName();
// To avoid data collisions the urlVar may be different from the primary key.
if (empty($urlVar))
$urlVar = $key;
$recordId = $this->input->getInt($urlVar);
// Populate the row id from the session.
$data[$key] = $recordId;
if (!$model->save($validData))
// Redirect back to the edit screen.
$this->setError(JText::sprintf('JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_SAVE_FAILED', $model->getError()));
$this->setMessage($this->getError(), 'error');
if ($checkin && $model->checkin($validData[$key]) === false)
// Save the data in the session.
$app->setUserState($context . '.data', $validData);
// Check-in failed, so go back to the record and display a notice.
$this->setError(JText::sprintf('JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_CHECKIN_FAILED', $model->getError()));
$this->setMessage($this->getError(), 'error');
($lang->hasKey($this->text_prefix . ($recordId == 0 && $app->isSite() ? '_SUBMIT' : '') . '_SAVE_SUCCESS')
? $this->text_prefix
: 'JLIB_APPLICATION') . ($recordId == 0 && $app->isSite() ? '_SUBMIT' : '') . '_SAVE_SUCCESS'
I am not using this as a regular function, its just a once off to upload the data initially.
The SQL error I am getting is like it is trying to load a list of groups?? not anything to do with the save function at all.
The saveUploaded is a similar function to the initial save function.
Thanks :-)
**** Edit *****
I have just followed the task through with debug and its getting to the execute task methotd of JControllerLegacy and because the task is not defined in the task map its defaulting to display, hence the SQL error trying to load a group when it doesn't have an ID. Do I need to now register a task in the task map before it will pick it up?

I am officially an idiot! When I just logged back on to see if anyone had responded I saw that I had declared the function as a protected function!! dir! I just copied and pasted from another function and forgot to change its access. I also made a few other changes and now it works quite well!
public function uploadsave() {
// An array of headers that will need to be entered into a seperate array to allow entry as JSON
$detail_headers = array(
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
$model = $this->getModel();
$path = JPATH_COMPONENT . '/controllers/groupdata.csv';
//Load the file and pass each line into an array.
$rows = array_map('str_getcsv', file($path));
//Take out the first line as it is the headers.
$header = array_shift($rows);
//turn each of the arrays into an entry
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$entry = array_combine($header, $row);
foreach ($entry as $key => $value) {
//separate each of the entries that need to be entered into an array to be stored as JSON
if(in_array($key, $detail_headers)){
$details[$key]= $value;
$entry['details'] = $details;
$recordId = 'id';
// Populate the row id from the session.
$entry[$key] = $recordId;
//Save each one
if (!$model->save($entry))
// Redirect back to the edit screen.
$this->setError(JText::sprintf('JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_SAVE_FAILED', $model->getError()));
$this->setMessage($this->getError(), 'error');
return false;
($lang->hasKey($this->text_prefix . ($recordId == 0 && $app->isSite() ? '_SUBMIT' : '') . '_SAVE_SUCCESS')
? $this->text_prefix
: 'JLIB_APPLICATION') . ($recordId == 0 && $app->isSite() ? '_SUBMIT' : '') . '_SAVE_SUCCESS'
// Redirect to the list screen.
'index.php?option=' . $this->option . '&view=' . $this->view_list
. $this->getRedirectToListAppend(), false


else condition is working even if is true

I'm using codigniter 3.1.2 and using simple if condition in php but really confused when I checked my condition is true getting result from else condition as well and if as well mean getting data in from both cases.
public function editexperience($UserID = 0, $ID = 0) {
if ($this->Access->HaveAccess('Edit')) {
$Row = $this->Experience->Row($ID);
if ($ID > 0 && $Row){
$User = $this->Model->Row(intval($UserID), '', 'CTRY.Currency');
$ID = intval($ID);
$Data['Row'] = $Row;
$Data['Title'] = 'Edit Experience';
$Data['Fields'] = $this->GetExperienceFields($User->Currency, true);
$this->Main->SetPage('Helper/Edit', $Data, true);
} else {
TempNote('There is problem while getting request data!', 'Error');
redirect(URI(_E('{Page.List}'), true), 'refresh');
In code I mentioned if I have Row then load template of edit.
I have Row and its loading edit template and also showing the error of else condition really confuse what is happening.
My PHP version is 5.6.31
TempNote Function
function TempNote($Message, $Type) {
//Prepare Data
$Current = array('Message'=>$Message,'Type'=>$Type);
//Get current instance
$Ins = & get_instance();
$Old = $Ins->Main->Messages;
// If another is already set and that should not be current
if (!empty($Old)) {
foreach ($Old as $Key=>$Now) {
if ($Now === $Current){
$Ins->Main->Messages[] = $Current;
$Ins->session->set_flashdata('Message', $Ins->Main->Messages);

Removing document root from file path Zend Framework 2

I'm trying to display an image but I am running into the error of Not allowed to load local resource: file:///C:/xampp/htdocs/public/images/profile/jimmy/status/boned.jpg in the browser console. What I am trying to do is use the base path provided by Zend Framework 2 but I'm retrieving the images in the model so (as far as I know), I can't use $this->basePath() like I would in the view.
This is my json string I am returning but would like to just be able to return /images/profile/jimmy/status/boned.jpg and whatever other images are in there.
I'm getting all the files outside of the directory 'status'. I am trying to get the files inside the status directory. When I did a var_dump this is what I get string(43) "C:\xampp\htdocs/public/images/profile/jimmy" I'm unclear why it is omitting the status directory after '/jimmy'
json string being returned:
{"feed":{"username":"Timmy","status":["this is jimmy, test"],"images":["videos","status","sithtoon.jpg","sith.jpg","edited_photos","diploma.jpg","current","albums","Screenshot_2016-08-09_21_28_13_361272.jpg","Screenshot_2016-08-05_17_55_48_500802.jpg","515gIIJ-Imgur.png",".htaccess"]}}
Here is the relevant PHP code (in the model):
public function listFriendsStatus()
$user_id = $this->getUserId()['id'];
// get the friend ids based on user id
// and then compare the friend id to the id in status table
$friend_query = new Select('friends');
->where(array('user_id' => $user_id));
$query = $this->sql->getAdapter()->query(
if ($query->count() > 0) {
$friend_id = array();
foreach ($query as $result) {
$friend_id[] = $result['friend_id'];
$status = new Select('status');
->where(array('id' => $friend_id));
$status_query = $this->sql->getAdapter()->query(
if ($status_query->count() > 0) {
// check if a image was used
$members = new Select('members');
->where(array('id' => $friend_id));
$image_query = $this->sql->getAdapter()->query(
if ($image_query->count() > 0) {
foreach ($image_query as $value) {
if (is_dir(getcwd() . '/images/profile/' . $value['username'] . '/status/')) {
$status_dir = pathinfo(getcwd() . '/images/profile/' . $value['username'] . '/status/');
$images = array();
// retrieve the image inside the status directory
foreach (array_diff(scandir($status_dir['dirname'], 1), array('.', '..')) as $values) {
$images[] = $values;
} else {
throw new FeedException("The user does not exist in the user table.");
$status = array();
// get all the statuses
foreach ($status_query as $rows) {
$status[] = $rows['status'];
return array('username' => ucfirst($value['username']), 'status' => $status, 'images' => $images); // how to just get the basePath path with zf2
} else {
throw new FeedException("No status was found for your friends.");
} else {
throw new FeedException(sprintf("Could not locate any friends for %s", $this->user));
controller code:
public function getfriendstatusAction()
$layout = $this->layout();
$view_model = new ViewModel();
try {
echo json_encode(array('feed' => $this->getStatusService()->listFriendsStatus()));
} catch (FeedException $e) {
echo json_encode(array('fail' => $e->getMessage()));
return $view_model;
jquery code:
$.getJSON('/members/feed/get-friend-status', function(data) {
$.each(data, function(i, item) {
$('.w3-container.w3-card-2.w3-white.w3-round.w3-margin').find('img').attr('src', data[i].images);
}).fail(function(response) {
I've been trying to use other directory functions provided with PHP but if I try anything, I run into the error directory could not be found. Basically what I am trying to do is use the similiar approach of $this->basePath() but in a model.
I hope that is clear enough..
Here is a screenshot of what I'm getting and how I want to get the status directory, not the directory outside of it.
I have an idea.
In your code is:
$status_dir = pathinfo(getcwd() . '/images/profile/' . $value['username'] . '/status/');
// ..............
I guess 'status' will be in 'basename' and / or in 'filename'
pathinfo gets last segment of argument string path as 'basename'.
Pathinfo only parses string as path and return array info, don't check it for isDir or isFile. Your correct chdir should looks like chdir($status_dir['dirname'] . '/' . $status_dir['basename'] ); if you need use of pathinfo.
In other words: dirname of 'images/profile/jimmy/status' is 'images/profile/jimmy' and its a reason why you don't see status in var_dump($status_dir['dirname']) and why chdir($status_dir['dirname']) not working correctly.

VirtueMart duplicate orders

I'm currently developing a payment plugin for VirtueMart. I have never used it before. The goal is:
When the user clicks to the confirm order button, he gets redirected to the bank interface (managed it, no work needed)
He then gets redirected back to the webshop with an answer from the bank (also done)
If the transaction is success, the order is stored as confirmed or if the transaction fails, the order is getting cancelled.
What I managed, is marked in the list above. For some reason, the order gets stored twice as pending, once when the user clicks the button, and once when the user gets redirected back to the shop. Also, if the transaction fails, the order is stored twice, also pending. I reused the standard payment plugin given with the VirtueMart aio package. All the above stuff is written in the plgVmConfirmedOrder function. I would post it here:
function plgVmConfirmedOrder ($cart, $order) {
if (!($method = $this->getVmPluginMethod ($order['details']['BT']->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id))) {
return NULL; // Another method was selected, do nothing
if (!$this->selectedThisElement ($method->payment_element)) {
return FALSE;
VmConfig::loadJLang('com_virtuemart_orders', TRUE);
if (!class_exists ('VirtueMartModelOrders')) {
require(VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'models' . DS . 'orders.php');
$currency_code_3 = shopFunctions::getCurrencyByID($method->payment_currency, 'currency_code_3');
$email_currency = $this->getEmailCurrency($method);
$totalInPaymentCurrency = vmPSPlugin::getAmountInCurrency($order['details']['BT']->order_total,$method->payment_currency);
$dbValues['payment_name'] = $this->renderPluginName ($method) . '<br />' . $method->payment_info;
$dbValues['order_number'] = $order['details']['BT']->order_number;
$dbValues['virtuemart_paymentmethod_id'] = $order['details']['BT']->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id;
$dbValues['cost_per_transaction'] = $method->cost_per_transaction;
$dbValues['cost_percent_total'] = $method->cost_percent_total;
$dbValues['payment_currency'] = $currency_code_3;
$dbValues['email_currency'] = $email_currency;
$dbValues['payment_order_total'] = $totalInPaymentCurrency['value'];
$dbValues['tax_id'] = $method->tax_id;
if (!empty($method->payment_info)) {
$lang = JFactory::getLanguage ();
if ($lang->hasKey ($method->payment_info)) {
$payment_info = vmText::_ ($method->payment_info);
} else {
$payment_info = $method->payment_info;
if (!class_exists ('VirtueMartModelCurrency')) {
require(VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'models' . DS . 'currency.php');
$currency = CurrencyDisplay::getInstance ('', $order['details']['BT']->virtuemart_vendor_id);
if(!array_key_exists("fizetesValasz", $_REQUEST)){
$transaction_id = $this->getTransactionID();
$_REQUEST['tranzakcioAzonosito'] = $transaction_id;
$price = $cart->cartPrices['billTotal'];
$_REQUEST['osszeg'] = round($price);
$_REQUEST['devizanem'] = 'HUF';
$_REQUEST['backURL'] = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '/component/virtuemart/cart/confirm.html?Itemid=' . $_REQUEST['Itemid'];
$_REQUEST['nyelvkod'] = 'hu';
$dbValues['transaction_id'] = $transaction_id;
//this is where I redirect to the bank interface
//this is where I get the data about transaction
$transaction_datas = processDirectedToBackUrl(false);
$status_code = $transaction_datas->getStatuszKod();
$dbValues['otp_response'] = $status_code;
$this->storePSPluginInternalData ($dbValues);
$modelOrder = VmModel::getModel ('orders');
switch ($status_code) {
$message = 'Sikeres Tranzakció!';
$new_status = $this->getNewStatus($method);
$order['customer_notified'] = 1;
$order['comments'] = '';
$modelOrder->updateStatusForOneOrder ($order['details']['BT']->virtuemart_order_id, $order, TRUE);
$message = getMessageText(($transaction_datas->getPosValaszkod()));
$html = $this->renderByLayout('post_payment_success', array(
'message' =>$message,
'order_number' =>$order['details']['BT']->order_number,
'order_pass' =>$order['details']['BT']->order_pass,
'payment_name' => $dbValues['payment_name'],
'displayTotalInPaymentCurrency' => round($totalInPaymentCurrency['display'])
vRequest::setVar ('html', $html);
return TRUE;
$new_status = $method->status_cancelled;
$modelOrder->updateStatusForOneOrder($order['details']['BT']->virtuemart_order_id, $order, TRUE);
$message = 'Sajnos a bank visszautasította a tranzakciót.';
$html = $this->renderByLayout('post_payment_failure', array(
'message' => $message
vRequest::setVar('html', $html);
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
Every help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
So, the problem was the redirect url. There is an action called plgVmOnPaymentResponseReceived(). This is fired when a specific url is called. I only had to rewrite the $_REQUEST parameter for the redirection.

PDO Update 1 column multiple rows with array

I am struggling to workout a good method to update one column of my wcx_options table.
The new data is sent fine to the controller but my function isn't working at all.
I assumed i could loop through each column by option_id updating with the values from the array.
The database:
I update the option_value column with the new information via a jQuery AJAX Call to a controller which then calls a function from the backend class.
So far i have the following code:
if(isset($_POST['selector'])) {
if($_POST['selector'] == 'general') {
if($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest' && isset($_POST['token'])
&& $_POST['token'] === $_SESSION['token']){
$site_name = $_POST['sitename'];
$site_url = $_POST['siteurl'];
$site_logo = $_POST['sitelogo'];
$site_tagline = $_POST['sitetagline'];
$site_description = $_POST['sitedescription'];
$site_admin = $_POST['siteadmin'];
$admin_email = $_POST['adminemail'];
$contact_info = $_POST['contactinfo'];
$site_disclaimer = $_POST['sitedisclaimer'];
$TimeZone = $_POST['TimeZone'];
$options = array($site_name, $site_url, $site_logo, $site_tagline, $site_description, $site_admin, $admin_email,$contact_info, $site_disclaimer, $TimeZone);
// Send the new data as an array to the update function
else {
$_SESSION['status'] = '<div class="error">There was a Problem Updating the General Settings</div>';
This is what i have so far in terms of a function (It doesnt work):
public function updateGeneralSettings($options) {
$i = 1;
foreach($options as $option_value) {
$where = array('option_id' => $i);
$this->queryIt("UPDATE wcx_options SET option_value='$option_value' WHERE option_id='$where'");
if($this->execute()) {
$_SESSION['success'] = 'Updated General Settings Successfully';
With the given DB-layout i'd suggest to organize your data as assiciative array using the db fieldnames, like:
$option = array(
'site_name' => $_POST['sitename'],
'site_url' => $_POST['siteurl'],
// etc.
'timeZone' => $_POST['TimeZone']
And than use the keys in your query:
public function updateGeneralSettings($options) {
foreach($options as $key => $value) {
$this->queryIt("UPDATE wcx_options SET option_value='$value' WHERE option_name='$key'");
if($this->execute()) {
$_SESSION['success'] = 'Updated General Settings Successfully';
(However, are you sure, you do not want to have all options together in one row?)
Change your query, you try to use an array as where condition. In the syntax you used that won't work. Just use the counter as where condition instead of define a $where variable. Try this:
public function updateGeneralSettings($options) {
$i = 1;
foreach($options as $option_value) {
$this->queryIt("UPDATE wcx_options SET option_value='$option_value' WHERE option_id='$i'");
if($this->execute()) {
$_SESSION['success'] = 'Updated General Settings Successfully';

Wordpress do_shortcode strange behavior

I am developing a WP plugin which processes shortcodes and displays amazon item data in place of them. The plugin is working as desired, except for a little strange behavior. You can see my test run at .
If you scroll down on that page, you can see that 4 "1" s are appended to the content. The shortcode is processed 4 times in this page, and each time WP is adding an undesired 1 to the output. I don't understand why this is happening. There is no "1" anywhere in my html files, and its nowhere in the post content. All my functions just return the content that is to be replaced in place of the shortcode. Can someone please give an explanation for it and let me know how to remove these? Thanks in advance..
My code is as follows:
add_shortcode('zon_product', 'zon_process_shortcode');
// Zon Shortcode processor
function zon_process_shortcode($attributes, $content = null) {
global $zon_html_path;
// default options for shortcode
$options = array('asin' => '', 'style' => 'compact', 'loc' => 'com');
extract(shortcode_atts($options, $attributes));
$asin = $attributes['asin'];
// first find asin in local zon_data table
$zdb = ZonDbHandler::instance();
$product = $zdb->findASIN($asin);
if ($product) {
// if product exists in db, render template
return zon_display_product($product, $attributes);
} else {
// product does not exist in database, get data through amazon api worflow
$product = ZonLibrary::getAmazonProduct($asin, $attributes['loc']);
if ($product) {
// product data has been successfully retrieved and saved, render template
return zon_display_product($product, $attributes);
} else {
// error in fetching product data, check amazon access key id and api secret
$content = include($zon_html_path . 'html' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'api_error.php');
return $content;
// Renders selected template with product data
function zon_display_product(ZonProduct $product, $attributes) {
global $zon_html_path;
global $zon_path;
// process other shortcode options
$view_vars = array();
$view_vars['style'] = (isset($attributes['style'])) ? $attributes['style'] : "default";
$view_vars['show_price'] = (isset($attributes['show_price']) && $attributes['show_price'] == 0) ? false : true;
$view_vars['price_updates'] = (isset($attributes['price_updates']) && $attributes['price_updates'] == 0) ? false : true;
$view_vars['hide_unavailable'] = (isset($attributes['hide_unavailable']) && $attributes['hide_unavailable'] == 1) ? true : false;
$view_vars['show_desc'] = (isset($attributes['show_desc']) && $attributes['show_desc'] == 0) ? false : true;
// check if template file exists
if (!is_file($zon_html_path . 'html' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $view_vars['style'] . '.php')) {
$content = 'ERROR! Zon Template not found. Please check you are using a correct value for the "style" parameter.';
return $content;
} else {
// get product array
$product = $product->getArray();
// if product is unavailable and hide_unavailable is true, return unavailable template
if ($view_vars['hide_unavailable']) {
if ((strpos($product['availability'], "Usually") === false) && strpos($product['availability'], "ships") === false) {
$content = include($zon_html_path . 'html' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'unavailable.php');
return $content;
// render chosen template file
$content = include($zon_html_path . 'html' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $view_vars['style'] . '.php');
return $content;
