Detecting end of the line in file stored in string variable - php

Here's the file I happen to analyze through php:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "subdir/file.h"
#define STRUCT_PTR struct {int i;} *
// This function does nothing useful.
int func(int i, ...) {
return i + i;
+ + + + + + Main. + + + + + + + + +
int main(void) {
int i = 1;
char s[10] = "- - - -";
s[1] = 'b';
i += func(4);
STRUCT_PTR t = malloc(sizeof(*t));
if (!t) {
t->i = 1 == 2 ? 3 : -5;
// zZ
After the last line-commentary there's end of file. Respectively, when I open it with and editor, there's not new empty line after that commentary.
I store the content of this file to variable, like this $var = file_get_contents(path-to-file.c).
Then I cycle it through:
for($i = 0; isset($fileContent[$i]); $i++)
And I count characters in commentaries, including "//", "/*", "*/", and I do also count end of the line character.
Expected result is 89 and I am still getting only 88. I am pretty sure that this is because I am unable to detect end of the line, when there's no new line following.
I test it like this if($fileContent[$i]==PHP_EOL), but I have also tried using different combos using \n, \r\n, etc.
Thank you for your help in advance!
More of my code
for($i = 0; isset($fileContent[$i]); $i++)
// ... some not so important conditions
if($fileContent[$i] == '/' && !$inComment && !$inBComment)
if($fileContent[$i+1] == '/')
$inComment = true;
$charCount += 2;
$skip = true;
if($fileContent[$i] == PHP_EOL)
$inComment = false;

You don't need to loop over the contents of every line do this. This one liner should do it for you. Note that this is only valid for one line comments.
//load file into array
$fileContents = file('test.txt');
//init counter
$charCount = 0;
foreach ($fileContents as $fileContent)
$charCount += (strpos(trim($fileContent),'//') === 0 )?strlen($fileContent):0;
echo $charCount;


How translate a neural network from C to PHP

I'm trying to translate this algorithm from C language to PHP (for study)
This is an example of a perceptron. I copied the example written in c and I'm trying to translate it into PHP. Currently I wrote this code, what am I wrong? As output I only know 101 iterations with result always 1.
This is the C program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#define LEARNING_RATE 0.1
#define MAX_ITERATION 100
float randomFloat()
return (float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;
int calculateOutput(float weights[], float x, float y)
float sum = x * weights[0] + y * weights[1] + weights[2];
return (sum >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
float x[208], y[208], weights[3], localError, globalError;
int outputs[208], patternCount, i, p, iteration, output;
FILE *fp;
if ((fp = fopen("test1.txt", "r")) == NULL) {
printf("Cannot open file.\n");
i = 0;
while (fscanf(fp, "%f %f %d", &x[i], &y[i], &outputs[i]) != EOF) {
if (outputs[i] == 0) {
outputs[i] = -1;
patternCount = i;
weights[0] = randomFloat();
weights[1] = randomFloat();
weights[2] = randomFloat();
iteration = 0;
do {
globalError = 0;
for (p = 0; p < patternCount; p++) {
output = calculateOutput(weights, x[p], y[p]);
localError = outputs[p] - output;
weights[0] += LEARNING_RATE * localError * x[p];
weights[1] += LEARNING_RATE * localError * y[p];
weights[2] += LEARNING_RATE * localError;
globalError += (localError*localError);
/* Root Mean Squared Error */
printf("Iteration %d : RMSE = %.4f\n", iteration,
} while (globalError != 0 && iteration<=MAX_ITERATION);
printf("\nDecision boundary (line) equation: %.2f*x + %.2f*y + %.2f = 0\n",
weights[0], weights[1], weights[2]);
return 0;
and this is the code that I wrote
define("LEARNING_RATE", 0.1);
define("MAX_ITERATION", 100);
function randomFloat(){ return (float) mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax(); }
function calculateOutput($weights, $x, $y){
$sum = (float) $x * $weights[0] + $y * $weights[1] + $weights[2];
return ($sum >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
$i = 0;
$ars = explode("\n",file_get_contents(''));
foreach($ars as $ar){
$temp = explode("\t", $ar);
$x[$i] = (float) $temp[0];
$y[$i] = (float) $temp[1];
$output[$i] = (int) $temp[2];
if($output[$i] == 0)
$output[$i] = -1;
$patternCount = $i;
$weights[0] = randomFloat();
$weights[1] = randomFloat();
$weights[2] = randomFloat();
$iteration = 0;
$globalError = 0;
for ($p = 0; $p < $patternCount; $p++) {
$output = calculateOutput($weights, $x[$p], $y[$p]);
$localError = $outputs[$p] - $output;
$weights[0] += LEARNING_RATE * $localError * $x[$p];
$weights[1] += LEARNING_RATE * $localError * $y[$p];
$weights[2] += LEARNING_RATE * $localError;
$globalError += ($localError*$localError);
$r .= "Iteration $iteration : RMSE = " .
}while($globalError != 0 && $iteration<=MAX_ITERATION);
echo $r;
echo "<br><hr><br>";
echo "Decision boundary (line) equation: ".$weights[0]."*x + ".$weights[1]."*y + ".$weights[2]." = 0<br>";
it's practically identical, but why does it not work?
$ars = explode("\n",file_get_contents('…'));
Since the file ends with a \n, this yields an empty string as the last array value, which disrupts the foreach($ars as $ar) loop. To read the file into an array, simply use:
$ars = file('…');
In the foreach($ars as $ar) loop, you used the wrong name $output[$i] instead of $outputs[$i].
$r .= "Iteration $iteration : RMSE = " .
}while($globalError != 0 && $iteration<=MAX_ITERATION);
echo $r;
You didn't initialize $r. Instead of the above, you can use:
echo "Iteration $iteration : RMSE = " .
} while ($globalError != 0 && $iteration<=MAX_ITERATION);

auto-increment alphanumeric php , javascript

I want to make an auto-increment alphanumeric and this is just for output
if i press a button , there is an output AA001 and then i press a button again there is an output AA002
This doesn't use any 'clever' tricks but is shorter and easier to understand and tweak. It also uses numbers so it doesn't grow the length of the string as quickly. It increments from 0-9 then a-z, but it is intended that you should feed in 'a' to start with. Output always starts with an alphabet character, as long as your input also starts with an alphabet character, so it can be used as PHP variable names
var nextVarName = function(str) {
// Position of char to change.
var change = str.length - 1;
// The value of that char.
var change_char = str[change];
// Number of zeros to append when flipping.
var zeros = 0;
// Iterate backwards while there's a z (flipping).
while (change_char == 'z') {
// Increase the length of appended zeros
// Move the char to change back.
change_char = str[--change];
if (change_char == undefined) {
// Full flip - string increases in length.
str = 'a' + Array(str.length + 1).join("0");
} else {
// Normal increment with partial flip and 9->a handling.
str = str.substr(0, change)
+ (change_char == '9' ? 'a' : String.fromCharCode(str.charCodeAt(change) + 1))
+ Array(zeros + 1).join('0');
return str;
var vname = 'a';
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
vname = nextVarName(vname);
The results will be as follows:
z ---> a0
9z ---> a0 (unexpected input)
ab1zde ---> ab1zdf
abcdzz ---> abce00
zzzzz ---> a00000
abcyzz ---> abcz00
9000 ---> 9001 (unexpected input)
The schedule of how many variables (that start with an alphabet char) are created of each length is as follows:
1: 26, 2: 936, 3: 33696, 4: 1213056 ... n: 36 ^ n - 10 * 36 ^ (n - 1)
The following code will generate a token that you can advance by one. It uses some small classes to make it modular. The function you attach to the button will call the function next on the token as shown in the very bottom.
//Element in a big token
function Increment(startval, endval) {
this.start = startval.charCodeAt(0);
this.cur = this.start;
this.end = endval.charCodeAt(0);
//Returns the current value
this.get = function() {
if (this.cur <= this.end) {
return String.fromCharCode(this.cur);
} else {
return null;
//Advances the value we will show = function() {
this.cur += 1;
return this.get();
//Reset it to the beginning
this.reset = function() {
this.cur = this.start;
function Token() {
this.token = [
new Increment("A", "Z"),
new Increment("A", "Z"),
new Increment("0", "9"),
new Increment("0", "9"),
new Increment("0", "9")
this.get = function() {
return {
return cur.get();
} = function() {
//From the back to the front
for (var i = this.token.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (this.token[i].next() == null) {
//If we exhausted all possible values, continue
} else {
//Until we advance one that has still values left
return this.get();
//Now we are just showing off...
var a = new Token();
for (var i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
const getNextAlphaString = function (str) {
"use strict";
let chars;
chars = str.split("");
const strLen = str.length;
let continueIncermenting = true;
for (let i = strLen - 1; i >= 0; i = i - 1) {
let asciiVal;
asciiVal = chars[i].charCodeAt(0);
if (isNaN(asciiVal)) {
return str;
if (continueIncermenting === true) {
if (asciiVal >= 48 && asciiVal < 57) {
chars[i] = String.fromCharCode(asciiVal + 1);
continueIncermenting = false;
} else if (asciiVal == 57) {
chars[i] = '0';
continueIncermenting = true;
if (asciiVal >= 65 && asciiVal < 90) {
chars[i] = String.fromCharCode(asciiVal + 1);
continueIncermenting = false;
} else if (asciiVal == 90) {
chars[i] = String.fromCharCode(65);
continueIncermenting = true;
} else {
if (asciiVal == 90) {
continueIncermenting = true;
chars[i] = String.fromCharCode(65);
if (asciiVal == 57) {
continueIncermenting = true;
chars[i] = '0';
if (continueIncermenting === true) {
let firstAcii = chars[0].charCodeAt(0);
if (isNaN(firstAcii)) {
return str;
if ((firstAcii >= 65 && firstAcii <= 90) || (firstAcii >= 97 && firstAcii <= 122)) {
return 'A' + chars.join('').toUpperCase();
if (firstAcii >= 48 && firstAcii <= 57) {
return '0' + chars.join('').toUpperCase();
return chars.join('').toUpperCase();
The results will be as follows:
ab1zde ---> AB1ZDF
abcdzz ---> ABCEAA
zzzzz ---> AAAAAA
abcyzz ---> ABCZAA
9000 ---> 9001

Increment individual IPs from IPv6 string (php)

What is a simple, elegant way to list the first x number of IPv6 IPs from a IPv6 string.
For example,
listIPs("2600:f333:10:c000::0", 4)
Here's a sample of code that may have worked for IPv4, as it converted to int:
$input = "2600:f333:10:c000::/51";
$max = 4;
list($block, $cidr) = explode("/", $input);
$first = inet_pton( $block );
echo inet_ntop($first) . "\n";
for ($i = 1; $i < $max; $i++) {
//todo: die if it has exceeded block size based on $cidr
echo inet_ntop($first + $i) . "\n"; //doesn't work, packed binary?
Here's an example program written in C (since I don't know C++). It's fairly fast, but I'm not really happy with it. Maybe someone can help me improve it.
Edit: Obviously, I wrote this before it was turned into a PHP-only question. Turning this into PHP is left as an exercise to the reader (ew).
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
* Syntax: ./ipv6_list <ip>/<cidr-prefix>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
uint8_t start[16];
uint8_t address[16];
uint8_t mask[16] = { 0 };
uint8_t prefix = 128;
char *prefix_location;
int i;
/* This is the octet that, when changed, will result in <IP> & <mask> != <start IP> */
int mask_check_octet = 0;
if(argc != 2)
return 1;
/* Find prefix */
if((prefix_location = strstr(argv[1], "/")) != NULL) {
char *prefix_search = prefix_location + 1;
char *prefix_remaining;
long prefix_test;
return 2;
errno = 0;
prefix_test = strtol(prefix_search, &prefix_remaining, 10);
if(errno == ERANGE || prefix_test < 0 || prefix_test > 128 || strcmp(prefix_remaining, "") != 0)
return 2;
prefix = (uint8_t)prefix_test;
*prefix_location = '\0'; /* So we can just pass argv[1] into inet_pton(3) */
/* Convert prefix into mask */
for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if(prefix == 0)
mask_check_octet = i;
if(prefix < 8) {
mask[i] = ~((1 << (8 - prefix)) - 1);
mask[i] = UINT8_MAX;
prefix -= 8;
/* Find address */
if(inet_pton(AF_INET6, argv[1], start) != 1)
return 3;
/* Start at the beginning of the network */
for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
start[i] &= mask[i];
address[i] = start[i];
/* Iterate */
while((address[mask_check_octet] & mask[mask_check_octet]) == start[mask_check_octet]) {
char address_str[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
inet_ntop(AF_INET6, address, address_str, sizeof(address_str));
printf("%s\n", address_str);
/* Add one to the address */
for(i = 15; i >= 0; i--) {
if(address[i] != UINT8_MAX)
for(i++; i < 16; i++)
address[i] = 0;
return 0;
You can use standard shell commands to limit its output (or just modify the while loop):
nfontes#brioche:~$ ./ipv6_list '2607:fc50:0:d00::0/106' | head -n 200
Something similar (in PHP). It takes an IPv4/IPv6 address and increments it by given value:
// Takes an IPv4/IPv6 address in string format, and increments it by given value
function incrementIp($ip, $increment)
$addr = inet_pton ( $ip );
for ( $i = strlen ( $addr ) - 1; $increment > 0 && $i >= 0; --$i )
$val = ord($addr[$i]) + $increment;
$increment = $val / 256;
$addr[$i] = chr($val % 256);
return inet_ntop ( $addr );

Point-in-Polygon PHP Errors

I am using a point-in-polygon check in php, but I am getting major errors - as in points that are not in the polygon are coming up as inside.
My basic functions are typed out below (found here, modified from a class to a simple function: The only thing I can think of is some kind of rounding errors someplace?
As one example, I am trying to determine whether a point is in Central Park, a simple square, but I get positives from points outside the park.
Thanks for any insight,
$central_park = array('40.768109,-73.981885', '40.800636,-73.958067', '40.796900,-73.949184', '40.764307,-73.972959');
$test_points = array('40.7546755,-73.9758343', '40.764405,-73.973951', '40.7594219,-73.9733896', '40.768137896318315,-73.9814176061', '40.7982394,-73.9523718', '40.685135,-73.973562', '40.7777062,-73.9632719', '40.764109,-73.975948', '40.758908,-73.9813128', '40.7982782,-73.9525028', '40.7463886,-73.9817654', '40.7514592,-73.9760405', '40.7514592,-73.9760155', '40.7514592,-73.9759905', '40.7995079,-73.955431', '40.7604354,-73.9758778', '40.7642878,-73.9730075', '40.7655335,-73.9800484', '40.7521678,-73.9777978', '40.7521678,-73.9777728')
function pointStringToCoordinates($pointString) {
$coordinates = explode(",", $pointString);
return array("x" => trim($coordinates[0]), "y" => trim($coordinates[1]));
function isWithinBoundary($point,$polygon){
$point = pointStringToCoordinates($point);
$vertices = array();
foreach ($polygon as $vertex) {
$vertices[] = pointStringToCoordinates($vertex);
// Check if the point is inside the polygon or on the boundary
$intersections = 0;
$vertices_count = count($vertices);
for ($i=1; $i < $vertices_count; $i++) {
$vertex1 = $vertices[$i-1];
$vertex2 = $vertices[$i];
if ($vertex1['y'] == $vertex2['y'] and $vertex1['y'] == $point['y'] and $point['x'] > min($vertex1['x'], $vertex2['x']) and $point['x'] < max($vertex1['x'], $vertex2['x'])) { // Check if point is on an horizontal polygon boundary
$result = TRUE;
if ($point['y'] > min($vertex1['y'], $vertex2['y']) and $point['y'] <= max($vertex1['y'], $vertex2['y']) and $point['x'] <= max($vertex1['x'], $vertex2['x']) and $vertex1['y'] != $vertex2['y']) {
$xinters = ($point['y'] - $vertex1['y']) * ($vertex2['x'] - $vertex1['x']) / ($vertex2['y'] - $vertex1['y']) + $vertex1['x'];
if ($xinters == $point['x']) { // Check if point is on the polygon boundary (other than horizontal)
$result = TRUE;
if ($vertex1['x'] == $vertex2['x'] || $point['x'] <= $xinters) {
// If the number of edges we passed through is even, then it's in the polygon.
if ($intersections % 2 != 0) {
$result = TRUE;
} else {
$result = FALSE;
return $result;
There were a couple of problems with the original code, closing the polygons fixed one of these but the code also gave incorrect results for points on the boundary lines of the polygon. The if..else statement at the end of the isWithinBoundary function only needs to be executed if a point IS NOT on a boundary. As a point on the boundary won't actually intersect the boundary then the count of intersections would always be odd for a boundary point meaning that this final IF statement would always return FALSE for a boundary point.
I have tweaked the code a little, this version is a self contained page that has some simple test data and it outputs the decisions being made.
$myPolygon = array('4,3', '4,6', '7,6', '7,3','4,3');
$test_points = array('0,0','1,1','2,2','3,3','3.99999,3.99999','4,4','5,5','6,6','6.99999,5.99999','7,7');
echo "The test polygon has the co-ordinates ";
foreach ($myPolygon as $polypoint){
echo $polypoint.", ";
echo "<br/>";
foreach ($test_points as $apoint)
echo "Point ".$apoint." is ";
if (!isWithinBoundary($apoint,$myPolygon))
echo " NOT ";
echo "inside the test polygon<br />";
function pointStringToCoordinates($pointString)
$coordinates = explode(",", $pointString);
return array("x" => trim($coordinates[0]), "y" => trim($coordinates[1]));
function isWithinBoundary($point,$polygon)
$result =FALSE;
$point = pointStringToCoordinates($point);
$vertices = array();
foreach ($polygon as $vertex)
$vertices[] = pointStringToCoordinates($vertex);
// Check if the point is inside the polygon or on the boundary
$intersections = 0;
$vertices_count = count($vertices);
for ($i=1; $i < $vertices_count; $i++)
$vertex1 = $vertices[$i-1];
$vertex2 = $vertices[$i];
if ($vertex1['y'] == $vertex2['y'] and $vertex1['y'] == $point['y'] and $point['x'] > min($vertex1['x'], $vertex2['x']) and $point['x'] < max($vertex1['x'], $vertex2['x']))
// This point is on an horizontal polygon boundary
$result = TRUE;
// set $i = $vertices_count so that loop exits as we have a boundary point
$i = $vertices_count;
if ($point['y'] > min($vertex1['y'], $vertex2['y']) and $point['y'] <= max($vertex1['y'], $vertex2['y']) and $point['x'] <= max($vertex1['x'], $vertex2['x']) and $vertex1['y'] != $vertex2['y'])
$xinters = ($point['y'] - $vertex1['y']) * ($vertex2['x'] - $vertex1['x']) / ($vertex2['y'] - $vertex1['y']) + $vertex1['x'];
if ($xinters == $point['x'])
{ // This point is on the polygon boundary (other than horizontal)
$result = TRUE;
// set $i = $vertices_count so that loop exits as we have a boundary point
$i = $vertices_count;
if ($vertex1['x'] == $vertex2['x'] || $point['x'] <= $xinters)
// If the number of edges we passed through is even, then it's in the polygon.
// Have to check here also to make sure that we haven't already determined that a point is on a boundary line
if ($intersections % 2 != 0 && $result == FALSE)
$result = TRUE;
return $result;
You've probably spotted and fixed these problems yourself by now, but this might help other people who find and use this code.
Well, once again I find myself foolishly answering my own foolish question.
I was not closing the polygon by appending the first coordinate to the last spot in the array. This caused a very distinctive look of the mismatched points - they all appeared to be spilling out of the polygon from the unbounded end.
So this -
$central_park = array('40.768109,-73.981885', '40.800636,-73.958067', '40.796900,-73.949184', '40.764307,-73.972959');
Should be this -
$central_park = array('40.768109,-73.981885', '40.800636,-73.958067', '40.796900,-73.949184', '40.764307,-73.972959', '40.764307,-73.972959');
And that's how I was dumb today. Thank you.
The problem with your code is that the variable $result is overwritten by this code
if ($intersections % 2 != 0) {
$result = TRUE;
} else {
$result = FALSE;
even if $result == TRUE here:
if ($xinters == $point['x']) {
$result = TRUE;
In the original code there was an 'return' which was correct instead of your is wrong.

IMEI validation function

Does anybody know a PHP function for IMEI validation?
Short solution
You can use this (witchcraft!) solution, and simply check the string length:
function is_luhn($n) {
$str = '';
foreach (str_split(strrev((string) $n)) as $i => $d) {
$str .= $i %2 !== 0 ? $d * 2 : $d;
return array_sum(str_split($str)) % 10 === 0;
function is_imei($n){
return is_luhn($n) && strlen($n) == 15;
Detailed solution
Here's my original function that explains each step:
function is_imei($imei){
// Should be 15 digits
if(strlen($imei) != 15 || !ctype_digit($imei))
return false;
// Get digits
$digits = str_split($imei);
// Remove last digit, and store it
$imei_last = array_pop($digits);
// Create log
$log = array();
// Loop through digits
foreach($digits as $key => $n){
// If key is odd, then count is even
if($key & 1){
// Get double digits
$double = str_split($n * 2);
// Sum double digits
$n = array_sum($double);
// Append log
$log[] = $n;
// Sum log & multiply by 9
$sum = array_sum($log) * 9;
// Compare the last digit with $imei_last
return substr($sum, -1) == $imei_last;
Maybe can help you :
This IMEI number is something like this: ABCDEF-GH-IJKLMNO-X (without “-” characters)
For example: 350077523237513
In our example ABCDEF-GH-IJKLMNO-X:
AB is Reporting Body Identifier such as 35 = “British Approvals Board of Telecommunications (BABT)”
ABCDEF is Type Approval Code
GH is Final Assembly Code
IJKLMNO is Serial Number
X is Check Digit
Also this can help you :
If i don't misunderstood, IMEI numbers using Luhn algorithm . So you can google this :) Or you can search IMEI algorithm
Maybe your good with the imei validator in the comments here:
But I haven't tested it
Check this solution
function validate_imei($imei)
if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]{15}$/', $imei)) return false;
$sum = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < 14; $i++)
$num = $imei[$i];
if (($i % 2) != 0)
$num = $imei[$i] * 2;
if ($num > 9)
$num = (string) $num;
$num = $num[0] + $num[1];
$sum += $num;
if ((($sum + $imei[14]) % 10) != 0) return false;
return true;
$imei = '868932036356090';
IMEI validation uses Luhn check algorithm. I found a link to a page where you can validate your IMEI. Furthermore, at the bottom of this page is a piece of code written in JavaScript to show how to calculate the 15th digit of IMEI and to valid IMEI. I might give you some ideas. You can check it out here
Here is a jQuery solution which may be of use:
good fun from kasperhartwich
function validateImei($imei, $use_checksum = true) {
if (is_string($imei)) {
if (ereg('^[0-9]{15}$', $imei)) {
if (!$use_checksum) return true;
for ($i = 0, $sum = 0; $i < 14; $i++) {
$tmp = $imei[$i] * (($i%2) + 1 );
$sum += ($tmp%10) + intval($tmp/10);
return (((10 - ($sum%10)) %10) == $imei[14]);
return false;
