So I installed Phalcon and the phalcon devtools. When I try anything, it throws an error (Generate model, generate controller and scaffolding). Looked around and I can see other people had this problem but I cannot find a solution.
Generate Model page:
Error on generate:
define('PTOOLS_IP', '');
define('PTOOLSPATH', 'C:/phalcon-tools/vendor/phalcon/devtools');
Error on generate controller:
Please specify a controller directory
Error on generate model:
Database configuration cannot be loaded from your config file
Error on scaffolding:
Adapter was not found in the config. Please specify a config variable [database][adapter]
Had this same issue the other day. I found a work around but it's far from ideal.
And open Components.php
Inside this file find the line:
foreach (array('/app/config/', 'config/') as $configPath) {
This line needs to be either:
(array('/../app/config/' <- For model Generator to work.
(array('../app/config/' <- For scaffolding Generator to work.
I can't for the life of me work why, and it's far from ideal trying to remember to do it every time you need to use the tools, but it works.
I tried to implement the simplesamlphp library into my web application. But when I call the requireAuth() function I get a PHP fatal error message. Uncaught Exception: Loader: Illegal character in filename.....
It seems like he can't resolve the Class SimpleSAML\Module\saml\Auth\Source\SP
But I don't know why.
Does anyone have a idea how to fix this?
I already deleted the whole simplesamlphp installation and reinstalled it.
I use the following code:
require 'var/www/simplesamlphp/lib/_autoload.php';
$lAuthSrc = new \SimpleSAML\Auth\Simple('default-sp');
if (!$lAuthSrc->isAuthenticated()) {
$lAttributes = $lAuthSrc -> getAttributes();
foreach($lAttributes as $lAttribute) {
Some additional informations:
The configured authentication source test works fine. If I login via the configured authentication source, everything works fine and I don't get any error messages (the requireAuth() function don't get called in this case).
I use the latest version of simplesamlphp v.1.18.3
If you need any more information, please let me know.
Honestly it looks like your path is messed up on the require... are you sure you should be using:
require 'var/www/simplesamlphp/lib/_autoload.php';
and not
require '/var/www/simplesamlphp/lib/_autoload.php';
Do you really have a 'var/www' subdirectory relative to the location of the script? That looks wrong to me. If you include that first / before var it makes that path absolute to the typical install location for SSP.
Thank you all for your help. I discovered this morning the issue. The issue was the autoloader which I use for my own application. I registered the application autoloader in another file which gets executed before the code you see above. And simplesamlphp uses some conditions like:
if (!class_exists($className))
And beacuse I registered my application autoloader before the function class_exists checked if the class exists in my application. In my application I don't use namespaces and this was the issue.
To fix this issue, I unregistered my application autoloader before using the simplesamlphp code and registered the autoloader again after the simplesamlphp code.
I hope this will save some of you headaches.
I'm trying to get a TYPO3 v8 system updated to TYPO3 v9, but when it comes to unit-testing, I got some errors. I was able to fix some of them on my own but this one here's a very difficult one for me, because unit-testing is somewhat new to me in general.
I already searched the web, the TYPO3 documentation (which seems like the important parts are missing?), asked some friends and tried some things on my own, but nothing helped.
$this->environmentMock = $this->createMock(Environment::class);
I'm expecting to manually override the static function ::isCli() that comes with the Environment class. If that's not possible, is there any other "workaround", like setting a protected variable or something like that?
Currently this is my error message:
Trying to configure method "::isCli" which cannot be configured because it does not exist, has not been specified, is final, or is static
Thanks in advance!
Update 1:
After using #susis tip, I get the following error when appending the code:
TypeError: Return value of TYPO3\CMS\Core\Core\Environment::getContext() must be an instance of TYPO3\CMS\Core\Core\ApplicationContext, null returned
Additional information: My project is just an extension folder with TYPO3 v9 sources required in its own composer.json. No web, no htdocs, just the extension folder.
Update 2:
Here's a full gist of my test file.
Update 3:
Even the debugger isn't helping me in this case, see attached screenshot:
xdebug phpstorm applicationcontext environment screenshot
Update 4:
I updated the gist, added the environment vars to the phpunit.xml file and added parent::setUp() to the top of the setUp() method but the error is still the same:
TypeError : Return value of TYPO3\CMS\Core\Core\Environment::getContext() must be an instance of TYPO3\CMS\Core\Core\ApplicationContext, null returned
Update 5:
I updated the gist and removed the environment settings from the phpunit.xml due to what I've seen that they didn't work either. At this moment, the test is working but I'm still not sure if it's done the right way. Thanks for your help!
You can initialize the Environment you want in your tests, for example with:
Environment::getBackendPath() . '/index.php',
Environment::isWindows() ? 'WINDOWS' : 'UNIX'
This is the same way as it is done in TYPO3 Core tests and allows you to customize the complete environment. If you are using the TYPO3 testing framework / UnitTestCase base classes, you can use the property protected $backupEnvironment = true; to make sure the environment is reset after your test.
For an example, you can have a look at the ResourceCompressorIntegrationTest
I am Android Developer. I have started learning Laravel and I have a sample project that I am currently understanding. There are functions which are not being called from anywhere. This function has to be called on a event. On running the project the functions are called and working fine. How to know from where the functions are triggered.
I have searched the whole project for those functions and only can find one result where the function is declared, not from where its been called. I have looked in Event and Listeners folders, but can't find anything. Please help I have to complete a project which has a soon approaching deadline.
public static function generateInvoice($user,$case){
// Do Something
Throw exception inside that function and run it if you can do it by clicking on web app (or call request in other way) - if no then try to find in project source code by its name (multifile full text search).
throw new Exception('Test exception to get stacktrace');
or new \Exception(...). This will show you stacktrace as request result and/or you will find it in storage/logs/laravel.log file
Just go to terminal and run a grep query. That's how I mostly find things in an unknown project.
So go to terminal then, go to the app folder of the project:
cd root_of_the_pj_path/app
and then run a grep with the name of the function, like so:
grep -rlh 'generateInvoice('
It should list where the function has been defined as well as called/triggered.
I hope it helps
this seems to be an issue that pops up every now and then within Laravel. I was writing a CRUD controller with a view to go with it, however upon testing I got the InvalidArgumentException in FileViewFinder.php line 137: View [bookingcrud.index] not found error. Here is my code:
Route::resource('bookingcrud', 'BookingsCrudController');
use uasc\Http\Requests;
use uasc\Http\Requests\CrudCreateRequest;
use uasc\Http\Requests\CrudUpdateRequest;
use uasc\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Auth;
use DB;
use Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class BookingsCrudController extends Controller {
public function index()
if (!Auth::check() || Auth::user()->authority < 1) {
return redirect('/login');
$raw = "select * from bookings";
$bookings = DB::select($raw);
$paginatedBookings = new Paginator($bookings, 1);
return view('bookingcrud.index')->with('bookings', $paginatedBookings);
And a view located in ~/laravel/resources/views/bookingcrud/index.blade.php
No matter what is in this view file whether its markup from a working view or just the word "cheese" i will always get:
InvalidArgumentException in FileViewFinder.php line 140:
View [bookingcrud.index] not found.
I tested the same view in a known working controller and got the same error however I tested a known working view on the same CRUD controller and it worked. I have also tried changing the directory of the view and renaming it but i'll get the same error with the "View [bookingcrud.index]" changing appropriately. I made sure the permissions of the file and directories were full for testing.
Since first getting the error I have upgraded to 5.1.1 from 5.0.26 (which is the version the error originated on for me) and ran composer update. Also from looking at threads with the same error I have also ran artisan config:clear
I am developing on Windows 8.1 with Homestead 2.0.17 deployed with Virtual Box.
Any help would much appriciated at this point it is doing my head in.
Please use terminal
homestead ssh > Press Enter
vagrant#homestead cd /Path_of_Your_Project/
vagrant#homestead:~/Path_of_Your_project php artisan cache:clear
vagrant#homestead:~/Path_of_Your_project php artisan config:cache
Sorry about my English
Turns out I had spelt blade incorrectly, took a second pair of eyes to notice it though.
$ ls resources/views/crud/booking/
crud.balde.php index.balde.php
Was definitely a lesson to always double check the small things when debugging.
Thanks for the help.
For someone who don't have SSH Access, There are two ways to solve this problem.
If you don't have any plugin of default Laravel package,
First, Just remove the bootstrap/cache/config.php to solved the file,
If you have any plugin of default Laravel package,
Change all related path mentioned bootstrap/cache/config.php into the exact path which allocated the laravel project.
Remember that Linux is case sensitive!
I had something like this:
return view('MyView', $data);
And it was working on my environment (Mac OS), but not on the deployment server (Ubuntu)!
I'm new to php and i'm using log4php with laravel.
My project structure is
->composer.json (contains log4php and laravel)
I'm trying to initialize the logger from inside abc.php,
but it gives the error message
Class 'Apache\Log4php\Hierarchy' not found
I verified that the class Hierarchy.php exists in the vendor/apache/log4php/src under Root folder. Also, if I open Logger.php and go to the line where Hierarchy in initialized and ctrl+click(in eclipse) on Hierarchy, it takes me to Hierarchy.php.
I'm trying to figure out why php is not able to find that class.
Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
That error message shows that your PHP is looking for a namespaced class. Log4PHP has never been released until now with namespaces (up to version 2.3.0), so this is definitely weird.
If you accidentially use the development branch of the 3.0 version, I must currently suggest not to use it. It barely got any significant commits in the last year, and should be considered work in progress (very slow progress unfortunately).