change specific values of array in PHP [closed] - php

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Closed 7 years ago.
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$time = array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
for ($i=$x;$i<=count($y);$i++)
Depending on the value of x and y,the values in array should change.
In this example... array[5] until array[8] should be value 1.
The value of x and y will not same.

Not a very good question, but I'm a little bored. So for fun:
array_splice($time, $x-1, $y-$x-1, array_fill(0, $y-$x+1, 1));
Not exactly sure of the logic using 6 and 9 and array[5] until array[8] is, but adjust the numbers to fit the range.


how to return an INTEGER_ARRAY [closed]

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Closed 5 days ago.
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Given an integer, n, determine the following:
How many 1-bits are in its binary representation?
The number n’s binary representation has k significant bits indexed from 1 to k. What are the respective positions of each 1-bit, in ascending order?
The function is expected to return an INTEGER_ARRAY
The function accepts INTEGER n as parameter

PHP: What is the best way to get last even value in array? [closed]

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Closed last year.
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Suppose , I have a array with some integers value (odd and even both mixed) in php.and I want to get last even number.
A loop that works backwards through the array would work.
for($i=count($a)-1; $i >= 0; $i--){
if( $a[$i] % 2 == 0 ){
echo $number; //16

How i separate value from array in same line [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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From web scalping i get array like
1JANATAMF 7.20 -0.10 -1.37%
1STPRIMFMF 11.80 -0.10 -0.84%
AAMRATECH 32.80 0.40 1.23%
and many row.
I want to separate value like 1JANATAMF,7.20,-0.10,-1.37% or insert value to mysql data base by 1JANATAMF as a name and price as 7.20
How can i do this?
Regex: "#\s+#" Here we are matching string on one or more spaces.
Try this code snippet here
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
"1JANATAMF 7.20 -0.10 -1.37%",
"1STPRIMFMF 11.80 -0.10 -0.84%",
"AAMRATECH 32.80 0.40 1.23%"
foreach($data as $value)
print_r(preg_split("#\s+#", $value));

Generate all possible 4 digit numbers in PHP and concatenate them with a string [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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So, I want to generate all possible 4 digit numbers in columns, one by one, (0-9) from 0000 to 9999, and concatenate a string before them, like:
Thanks in advance.
Following will do the trick.
echo "text".str_pad ($i,4,'0', STR_PAD_LEFT)."<br />";
$yourString = 'text';
for ($i = 0; $i <= $generateNumberUpTo; $i++)
echo sprintf("$yourString%'.04d<br/>", $i);

check array for limitations [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am accepting form submissions.
To prevent spoofing of the form I am using php isnumeric to verify that the posted values contain only numeric values.
I would like to check also:
1) that the posted values array contains max 1000 values (because no user would buy more than 1000 items!)
2) that the size of a single array key is composed of max 20 numbers (bigint unsigned max length)
how do I achieve this?
Point 1:
if (count($posted_values) <= 1000)
echo "Error";
Point 2:
Did you mean PHP_INT_MAX ?
If yes, just do:
foreach($posted_values as $value)
and then check that $value is less or equal than PHP_INT_MAX.
