how to return an INTEGER_ARRAY [closed] - php

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Closed 5 days ago.
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Given an integer, n, determine the following:
How many 1-bits are in its binary representation?
The number n’s binary representation has k significant bits indexed from 1 to k. What are the respective positions of each 1-bit, in ascending order?
The function is expected to return an INTEGER_ARRAY
The function accepts INTEGER n as parameter


How to sum two rows input file numbers to one row output file (PHP) [closed]

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Closed 9 months ago.
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Input data:
In the input file INPUT.TXT there are two non-negative integers are given by two rows and the numbers are less than 10 powered by 100.
Output data:
in the OUTPUT.TXT file is needed to return sum of the numbers to one row, without initial zeros
Check it , It will help you
$data = explode("\n", file_get_contents('INPUT.TXT'));
$sum = intval($data[0])+intval($data[1]);
echo $sum;
file_put_contents('OUTPUT.TXT', $sum);

Finding most common range of numbers [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a table that holds prices, the idea behind it is to have users suggest prices they think are reasonable for a good,example; range
You can divide the price by the range size, and then use FLOOR() to get the beginning of the range:
SELECT 1500*FLOOR(price/1500) AS price_base, COUNT(*) AS count
FROM yourTable
GROUP BY price_base
For example, price_base = 3000 contains all prices from 3000 to 4499, while price_base = 4500 contains all prices from 4500 to 5999.

Get the closest value of a column in MYSQL [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a table that have a CP value (numeric), for example, 28030, 28060, 27100 etc. And the user can introduce a number via PHP. I want to, having this number for example, 28050, order in MYSQL my table putting 28060 as the first position.
This is the basic of my table:
ABS() will work. Here's a query that does the job:
FROM tiendas

change specific values of array in PHP [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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$time = array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
for ($i=$x;$i<=count($y);$i++)
Depending on the value of x and y,the values in array should change.
In this example... array[5] until array[8] should be value 1.
The value of x and y will not same.
Not a very good question, but I'm a little bored. So for fun:
array_splice($time, $x-1, $y-$x-1, array_fill(0, $y-$x+1, 1));
Not exactly sure of the logic using 6 and 9 and array[5] until array[8] is, but adjust the numbers to fit the range.

check array for limitations [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am accepting form submissions.
To prevent spoofing of the form I am using php isnumeric to verify that the posted values contain only numeric values.
I would like to check also:
1) that the posted values array contains max 1000 values (because no user would buy more than 1000 items!)
2) that the size of a single array key is composed of max 20 numbers (bigint unsigned max length)
how do I achieve this?
Point 1:
if (count($posted_values) <= 1000)
echo "Error";
Point 2:
Did you mean PHP_INT_MAX ?
If yes, just do:
foreach($posted_values as $value)
and then check that $value is less or equal than PHP_INT_MAX.
