I'd like to run PHP from within Rails, so I'd like to be able to compile both PHP and Ruby code in the .erb files. I can't figure out the best way to do this, and I'm having a hard time finding information about it without becoming completely lost.
I'm currently a Rails noob and a PHP lover so I'm using WEBrick on my Mac but Apache on my server (Windows), and I'd like to use both Rails and PHP on my Apache server if that's possible. I've heard about Passenger, but I've looked in httpd.conf on my Windows server and there's no mod_rails to be found.
I don't know if I'm ready to try installing Passenger on a Windows machine. Is that even possible? What even is Passenger?
While it's probably possible, it's a bad idea. The only time PHP should run with RoR is when it is an external source that is queried such as a PHP API that RoR consumes.
By combining PHP with Ruby on Rails, you are going against what Ruby on Rails is designed for and will make your code a lot less portable. The purpose or RoR is to make uniform code that follows the principles set by the creator. So, as Robert Harvey said, you should really truly embrace RoR. This will make your code easier to read for other developers and will also make asking questions on here and other forums easy since it would be a RoR question not a combined sudo question.
A good sign for not using PHP is that there are no obvious solutions out there for this that are pain free. From that, it's pretty apparent that there is no really need for it past making development easier for somebody switching frameworks.
So, I would suggest learning Ruby On Rails fully vs trying to combined them. It's going to take a while to learn all you need, but the same could be said about any framework/language.
NOTE: This might be a helpful resource if you need it http://www.amazon.com/Rails-PHP-Developers-Pragmatic-Programmers/dp/1934356042
I have such a conception, to build a simple web application using some php/mysql hosting service. I'd also like to create a local version of that app. The local version should work similarly as the online one (i.d. using browser as the ui) and have the ability to communicate with the server. I want it to be as lightweight as possible.
Professionally, I'm a c#/.net programmer. I also have some experience with c/c++,javascript, python and java. I know very little about php, and honestly, I don't like the feeling coding in that language, hence, don't have much willingness to dig into it. .Net, python or java they're all too unwieldy, I can't force the users to install any of them. So I thought about haxe's multi-targeting. If I were to code the project in haxe (it seems pretty straight forward to learn, for some one with my background), I might use the same logic on both side of the server and the client, by targeting both php and neko.
As a novice, I have some doubts. I'm not sure if haxe for php alreadly mature enough for this kinda job. I know haxe is a cousin of ActionScript, it primarily targets AS, and because the author is also the inventor of nekoVM, therefore, these two targets should be fine. But uh, how about php? Is it really good for that as well? Any hints or suggestions? Is haxe's builtin libraries ok for a simple web app or should I use a framework? Does neko have a httpRequest functionality at all?
Much gratitude in advance.
The straight answer is that Haxe/PHP seems to really fit well for you. That because of you background. I used Haxe/PHP in several projects (it happens that I am also its author) and speed has never been an issue for me. If there are bottlenecks usually there are also ways to optimize those portions for better performances, and if in the end you application scales to billions of users you can always opt to switch to neko or a C++/cgi combo.
About the frameworks there are a few options too: Web "frameworks" for Haxe to deploy in a PHP environment?
I'm in the process of building a rather big web application with PHP + Codeigniter. When I first began this project I was excited by the hosting provider PHPFog product of PHP-as-a-service. The idea of simply developing my application and not having to worry about server maintenance, setup, securing, etc appealed to me.
However, I've had far too many issues with PHPFog to be comfortable trusting it with hosting my application. I've run into situations where I've deleted a file from my git repository, pushed it to my remote repo at phpfog, and wound up with the file not actually being removed on one or all of my application servers. The service is also supposed to provide newrelic for application monitoring however this only worked briefly and hasn't worked at all since August 10th despite numerous complaints. And their customer service is far from satisfactory in helping solve all of these problems.
So now I'm considering alternatives, and Heroku has caught my attention. Heroku seems like a much more mature cloud application platform. However it does not provide PHP hosting. Instead it provides ROR, Java, Node.js, and Clojure.
How difficult would it be for someone with a lot of experience in PHP (and the Codeigniter framework) to learn Ruby + Rails and rebuild an application? Both organize code in the MVC pattern, so I hope that means my views would only require modification of their hooks to match ruby's syntax. I've already designed my database and all of the SQL queries to access the data I need from my models in CI. What do you guys think?
So I've watched this video as an introduction to ROR development:
And my initial reaction is 'So ROR is like a coloring book?' I'm skeptical when I see huge chunks of an application come together via something as simple 'scaffolding.' I don't know what to think other than I'm afraid that ROR sacrifices some of the granularity/control I'm used to with php
I've recently discovered https://cloudcontrol.com/ They appear to offer the same type of hosting with PHP-as-a-service that PHPFog offers but with more control, such as the ability to directly access your database and auto-scaling. Still the great idea of a git-push to deploy to multiple servers without having to deal with setting them up manually. The only thing I dislike is that their datacenters are based in Ireland (Amazon AWS). However they told me that they're planning on moving to the US in the next 3 months and offering pricing in USD.
While yes they both are MVC, yes both Ruby and PHP are scripting languages, and yes you shouldn't require much modification to your views other than changing the php hooks to ruby hooks, I think you are fooling yourself if you think it is just an easy conversion.
Ruby as a language is IMO far superior to PHP. It allows you to do so much more with so much less code. If you were to convert your PHP code to Ruby code by replacing each call with its equivalent, you wouldn't be doing it the Ruby way.
On top of that, Rails as a framework is far more mature and powerful than CodeIgniter. It will provide you far greater flexibility and convention-based help that you will code things a lot differently than if you were using CI.
Added to that, you will want to use ActiveRecord as your ORM and should write database migrations to create your database, so all those SQL scripts you have written will be pretty much useless.
If you decide that porting your app to RoR is the way to go, then I wholeheartedly encourage you to take some time and learn Ruby and Rails, and then rewrite your application as if you were doing a Rails app from scratch. You'll be amazed at how quickly you can get a project up and running.
Before this question turns into the typical Ruby vs PHP discussion, and before you embark on an (almost) impossible task, you should consider other hosting providers. There are many to choose from, some of whom offer this "PHP as a service" you're looking for.
Please realize that porting a PHP application to ROR or Ruby is not an easy task. You may as well start again (in a language you know little about, no doubt). You shouldn't base your programming language on bad hosting experience or whatever that guy said. Use what you're comfortable with.
This one is a must read for you
I wanted to try out python to create webpages instead of using php. However I came across that you need either mod_python or mod_wsgi installed to apache to make it play with python. If you now use pure, i'm not sure if it should be said pure, python code, not using any web frameworks like django. I found out that making a simple page looks differently in mod_python and in mod_wsgi.
How come?, the more I looked into python it just seemed to be a harder language to use to make webpages comparing it to php. Is there some good starting point to learn python webdevelopment?
Sorry if my question is blurry. I simply want some guidance to start out with python webdevelopment
Yes, making a webpage with python without using a web framework is harder than it is in php. This is by design, since it gives you a great deal more control over how your page interacts with the server, allowing you to build sites that scale well, among other benefits. WSGI is the modern way to interact with a server, but as you observed, it includes many of the nuts and bolts that PHP hides from the user.
If you're looking for a php-like experience for python, you might look at web.py or Flask. They are pretty minimalistic as far as frameworks go, and take care of interacting with the server but otherwise stay out of your way.
That said, you really should consider Django or another similar framework - they provide some really great benefits that help you get what would otherwise be painfully complex sites going quickly. They solve a slightly different problem and provide different solutions from the common PHP frameworks, so you should consider them even if you don't like frameworks in PHP.
If you want to do things in an even more php-like fashion, you could use CGI. It's definitely not a recommended solution, and won't teach you best practices moving forward, but it can get you started...
Really though, consider a framework. It's how most development in Python for the web is done, and you'll learn more useful skills if you develop using one.
mod_wsgi is better, because it's based on the WSGI specification, which defines the interface between web applications (or frameworks) and web servers. A WSGI app at its simplest is nothing more than a function that sends some HTTP headers via a callback and returns a string in response to information about an HTTP request. And since WSGI is implemented by many web servers, you aren't tied to Apache.
The closest you can get to pure frameworkless web development in Python is to write the WSGI app directly. This will really help you see the things that a framework like Django will obscure.
To make things easier, you might consider using Werkzeug, which is a utility library for WSGI. It has many components that are framework-like, but you can choose which ones you want and which ones you don't. For example, it has a really neat system for parsing and dispatching URLs. Werkzeug also has a simple command-line WSGI server which is probably better for development than Apache.
I'm replying to you with some advice, as someone who was in a very similar situation as you just a few months ago.
So you're using apache to host your website. That's cool. To make python play nice with apache, you're going to want to use mod_wsgi, for the reasons others have stated: seperation of concerns makes it better than cgi and mod_python is no longer being supported.
However, your impression that foregoing a framework will bring you closer to programming in "pure" python is a little bit off the mark. I shared the same opinion, and experimented with both Django and using only mod_wsgi. Let me share what I found.
Mod_wsgi is an implementation of the WSGI standard found in PEP 333. The distinction between the implementation and the standard is important. First, because it means that WSGI compliant applications will work across implementations. More importantly, it reveals something important about what WSGI is meant to do. That is, WSGI is intended a standard for writing frameworks. From the PEP:
simplicity of implementation for a framework author is not the same thing as ease of use for a web application author
The goal of WSGI is to facilitate easy interconnection of existing servers and applications or frameworks, not to create a new web framework.
I'm not saying that you shouldn't do something with wsgi, but you should expect to be writing a framework more than an application. If you're interested in writing a simple framework this tutorial is where I started.
However, if you're just looking to make a website, look into one of the frameworks that others have suggested. You'll still be writing python code, but the authors have worked hard to make the code you write closer connected producing websites than producing frameworks. I've personally used Django, and once it was up and running, it was rather painless to churn out interesting applications. Also, their documentation is very good, and they have a good tutorial here. That being said, Django is very fully featured, and if you're looking for something a little more minimalistic, I've heard good things about Flask, but there are lots of other options as well.
You can use ordinary CGI, which is really simple. Create a Python program that looks something like this:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
sys.stdout.write("Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n")
print("Hello <em>world</em>!")
Make this file executable (chmod +x) and put it in a directory you've configured for CGI files in your web server.
You will also find the standard Python cgi module very helpful.
If your goal is for making your python program web friendly then the answer is Cherrypy. It is a very flexible and simple framework that enables your python objects exposed in web. Check it out and it has a nice web server built-in that you don't need apache/mod_wsgi etc.,
I am an experienced PHP programmer, but I have been looking into Ruby lately, and it seems there are some neat features that I have been missing out on. I want to use PHP for all my important things, but then throw in a nice dash of Ruby on Rails when it makes things convenient (for, let's say, working with a Cassandra database, something not easily accomplished with PHP.)
Is there any harm in running PHP and Ruby simultaneously on one Apache setup? I would like to use some of the finer features of Rails, but I'm addicting to PHP and cannot give it up.
As long as your apps are well behaved there will be no problems.
Ruby, and/or Rails, just like PHP, could consume all available resources, but that's our own fault when it happens. Since you're experienced with PHP, I'm sure you're already aware of what sort of behaviors could bog down a server.
I say go for it.
Having written PHP code, along with using Ruby's Sinatra, Padrino and Rails for web front-ends, I'll also say "watchout". Ruby + Sinatra or Padrino + HAML can really seduce you to the Ruby-side.
These kinds of setups make the universe implode, so use with care. But on a serious note, you will have no trouble running them. As The Tin Man said, make sure you have enough resources. Even the best written applications with ROR will burn through resources. A poorly written PHP application will take down whole server. My rule of thumb: CPUs and RAM are cheap, but that doesn't mean your applications should be big and unruly.
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I'm planning on moving to Python and I have a couple of additional questions along with the title:
did you have more fun with python?
are you as productive as when you're using PHP?
what made you change to python?
Would you do a project again in PHP? If so, why?
Your answers would really be useful for us PHP devs wanting something more I guess :)
Thanks in advance!
I was a PHP dev for about 5 years before switching to Python almost exclusively a year ago. The experience has been a mostly positive one; I'll answer your questions but also list a few gotchas I ran into.
Definitely. I continually find surprisingly powerful features/expressions in Python that do a great deal in a small amount of code (yet still being more readable than Perl).
Far more productive. It might just be my style, but Python's functional programming tools, generator expressions, list comprehensions, etc. allow me to accomplish tasks correctly with less code and less time invested than PHP.
I had an analytics project that needed a powerful stats package, so I went with Python+numpy. Then I found Turbogears and loved the syntax. Eventually I discovered coroutines and cooperative multitasking, and there's no going back. I use bottle, gevent, and gunicorn to crank out lean, fast, scalable web apps in record time.
Not if I could help it. PHP's verbose "everything is a long-named function call" syntax is just hard on my eyes at this point. I find it tedious to optimize as well (every page load reinterprets the source code in a default configuration).
Here are a few of the gotchas to be aware of:
For cheap, low-traffic sites, it's much harder to find a web host with a good python environment.
Apache isn't really a typical setup for Python in my experience. Python webapps are usually daemons that are exposed to the public with a reverse proxy webserver in front (nginx is very common). A number of corporate environments balk at new-fangled technology like nginx. It also takes some adjustment to think about your webapps as daemons, and it can take some effort at first to get your daemonizing correct and consistent.
If you use mysql, you will have some pain switching for a while. There just isn't a Python mysql library that is highly compatible with PHP-style mysql queries. For example, most of them don't use the simple "?" syntax for parameterized queries, so you can't just paste your queries over (you have to use printf-style "%s", etc.). Also, just the fact that you actually have to choose and install a mysql library is an extra step over PHP. This no longer bothers me, since I don't use mysql anymore anyway.
This is a broad topic with much, much more to say, but I hope this was helpful.
I'll try my best to answer your questions as best I can:
Did you have more fun with python?
I really enjoy how minimalist python is, having modules with non-redundant naming conventions is really nice. I found this to be especially convenient when reading/debugging other peoples code.
I also love all of the python tricks to do some very elegant things in a single line of code such as list comprehensions and the itertools library.
I tend to develop my applications using mod_wsgi and it took some time to wrap my head around writing thread-safe web applications, but it was really worth it.
I also find unicode to be much less frustrating with python especially with python 3k.
are you as productive as when you're using PHP?
For simple websites python can be less fun to setup and use. One nice feature of PHP that I miss with python is mixing PHP and HTML in the same file. Python has a lot of nice template languages that make this easy as well, but they have to be installed.
what made you change to python?
I became frustrated with a lot of the little nuances of PHP such as strange integer and string conversions and so forth. I also started to feel that PHP was getting very bloated with a lot of methods with inconsistent naming schemes. I was referring to the PHP documentation quite frequently despite having a large portion of the php library memorized.
Would you do a project again in PHP? If so, why?
I would develop a PHP project again, it has a lot of nice features and a great community. Plus I have a lot of experience with PHP. I'd prefer to use python, but if the client wants PHP I'm not going to force something they don't want.
Well, I started with PHP, and have delved into Python recently. I wouldn't say that I've "moved to", but I do use both (still PHP more, but a fair bit of Python as well).
I wouldn't say that I have more "fun" with Python. There are a lot of really cool and easy things that I really wish I could take to PHP. So I guess it could be considered "fun". But I still enjoy PHP, so...
I'm more productive with PHP. I know PHP inside and out. I know most of the little nuances involved in writing effective PHP code. I don't know Python that well (I've maybe written 5k lines of Python)... I know enough to do what I need to, but not nearly as in-depth as PHP.
I wanted to try something new. I never liked Python, but then one day I decided to learn the basics, and that changed my views on it. Now I really like some parts (and can see how it influences what PHP I write)...
I am still doing PHP projects. It's my best language. And IMHO it's better than Python at some web tasks (like high traffic sites). PHP has a built in multi-threaded FastCGI listener. Python you need to find one (there are a bunch out there). But in my benchmarks, Python was never able to get anywhere near as as fast as PHP with FastCGI (The best Py performed it was 25% slower than PHP. The worst was several hundered times, depending on the FCGI library). But that's based on my experience (which admittedly isn't much). I know PHP, so I feel more comfortable committing a large site to it than I would PY...
I run a self-developed private social site for 100+ users. Python was absolutely fantastic for making and running this.
did you have more fun with python?
Most definitely.
are you as productive as when you're using PHP?
Mostly yes. Python coding style, at least for me is so much quicker and easier. But python does sometimes lack in included libraries and documentation over PHP. (But PHP seems second to none in that reguard). Also requires a tad more to get running under apache.
what made you change to python?
Easier to manage code, and quicker development (A good IDE helps there, I use WingIDE for python), as well as improving my python skills for when I switch to non-web based projects.
Would you do a project again in PHP? If so, why?
Perhaps if I were working on a large scale professional project. PHP is so ubiquitous on the web A company would have a much easier time finding a replacement PHP programmer.
Last year I switched job to get away from PHP and work in Python. I'm very much satisfied with the decision I made :)
To answer the individual questions:
did you have more fun with python?
are you as productive as when you're using PHP?
More productive I'd say. But the overall increased experience in programming also had something to with that.
what made you change to python?
You are not expected to be a jack of all trades in non-PHP jobs. (Photoshop/Web Design/Flash is required for many PHP jobs, and I hate Flash). And I liked Python/Django a lot.
4. Would you do a project again in PHP? If so, why?
If it's small stuff that's better done without any framework, then yes.
I've never really worked with PHP (nothing major) and come from the .NET world. The project I am currently on requires a lot of Python work and I must say I love it. Very easy and "cool" language, ie. FUN!
.NET will always be my wife but Python is my mistress ;)
curiosity, search for better languages, etc. (actually, I learned them somewhat in parallel many years ago)
yes, if a project requires it explicitly
disclaimer: I never really moved from php.
did you have more fun with python?
Yes. Lot more.
are you as productive as when you're using PHP?
No. I think more.
what made you change to python?
Would you do a project again in PHP? If so, why?
Only if it is required.