Query to find member name and score - php

I have two tables one for members having fields as id , name
Second table as results with fields as rid , mid (member id foreign key), pid , score
I need to show name of member and their score where pid=$id
My query is :
$sel = mysql_query("SELECT m.name,r.score FROM member m, score r WHERE m.id=r.mid and r.pid='$id'");
<?php $i=0; while( $sql = mysql_fetch_assoc( $sel )) { ?>
<td align="center"><?php $i++; echo $i; ?> </td>
<td align="center"><?php echo ucfirst( $sql['name'] ); ?></td>
<td align="center"><?php echo $sql['score']; ?></td>
<?php } ?>
But no records are getting output.
There are matching records but it is not entering in while loop.

Use as:
$sel = mysql_query("SELECT m.name as name, r.score as score FROM member m, score r WHERE m.id=r.mid and r.pid='$id'");
Or so, if you do not want to use as:
<?php echo ucfirst( $sql['m.name'] ); ?>


Fetch data that don't exist in a table with a specific id from another table

I'm new to MySQL and PHP and I need your help.
I have made a web application for the check-ins that employees make at the company.
I have an SQL table named tblemployees that has the employees' emp_id, Name, Email ID etc.
The other table is named tblentries and has all the entries of each employee and variables such as id. emp_id, Name, Date, Hour etc.
The primary key of tblemployees is emp_id and emp_id is the foreign key of the tblentries table.
I want to make a table in my web app that shows the pending checks of the day.
To be more specific, my code so far is:
<div class = "pb-20" id = "tab">
<table class = "data-table table stripe hover nowrap">
<th class = "table-plus">Full Name</th>
<th>1st Comp.</th>
$sql = "SELECT tblemployees.Name, tblemployees.EmailId, tblemployees.Company1, tblemployees.Company2, tblemployees.Company3, tblemployees.Company4, tblemployees.Company5, tblemployees.Department, tblemployees.role FROM tblemployees LEFT JOIN tblentries ON tblentries.Date < '$todaysdate'";
$query = mysqli_query($conn, $sql) or die(mysqli_error());
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) {
<td class = "table-plus">
<div class = "name-avatar d-flex align-items-center">
<div class = "txt">
<div class = "weight-600"><?php echo $row['Name']; ?></div>
<td><?php echo $row['EmailId']; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['Company1']; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['Company2']; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['Company3']; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['Company4']; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['Company5']; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['Department']; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['role']; ?></td>
<?php } ?>
*'$todaysdate' is a variable that stores today's date. It has the same format as tblentries.Date.
Whatever I have tried so far I haven't managed to show the right results.
I have made some entries for testing the app and the table that I want to make shows the names of the employees whose entries I have made for testing. (The test entries have made in the past, so their dates are smaller than $todaysdate.
I don't know which is better to use and how Not In, Not Exists or a Left Join?
Thank you :)
Found the solution. I used WHERE NOT EXISTS(), so as to fetch the names etc of those who belong to tblemployees table and do not have an entry for CURATE() in tblentries table :
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT tblemployees.Name, tblemployees.EmailId, tblemployees.Company1, tblemployees.Company2, tblemployees.Company3, tblemployees.Company4, tblemployees.Company5, tblemployees.Department, tblemployees.role
FROM tblemployees
WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT DISTINCT tblentries.emp_id, tblentries.Date FROM tblentries WHERE tblentries.emp_id = tblemployees.emp_id AND tblentries.Date = '$todaysdate')";

Matching id's from two database tables to get username from one

I am wanting to match my user_id column from my announcements table to the id column in my users table. I then want to get the username from the users table where the id's match.
I initially had the following query
if ($announcements_stmt = $con->prepare("SELECT * FROM announcements"))
I am getting the following error with my current code..
Warning: mysqli_stmt::bind_result(): Number of bind variables doesn't match number of fields in prepared statement in
Which I know what this means, but do I need to add in every column table from my users table for this to work or is there another way to do this? If I do need to add all of the columns as variables in my bind_result, does it matter which order I put them in? Announcements first or users or vise versa?
if ($announcements_stmt = $con->prepare("SELECT * FROM announcements
ON announcements.user_id = users.id")) {
$announcements_user_id, $announcements_messages, $announcements_date);
if (!$announcements_stmt) {
throw new Exception($con->error);
$announcements_result = array();
Current Announcements
while ($row = $announcements_stmt->fetch()) {
<td><?php echo $announcements_id; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $announcements_username; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $announcements_messages; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $announcements_date; ?></td>
if ($announcements_stmt = $con->prepare("SELECT announcements.id, announcements.user_id, announcements.messages, announcements.date, users.username FROM announcements
ON announcements.user_id = users.id")) {
$announcements_user_id, $announcements_messages, $announcements_date, $announcements_username);
if (!$announcements_stmt) {
throw new Exception($con->error);
$announcements_result = array();
Current Announcements
while ($row = $announcements_stmt->fetch()) {
<td><?php echo $announcements_id; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $announcements_username; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $announcements_messages; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $announcements_date; ?></td>
The warning indicates when you are binding the result fields into variables, the number of variables does not match the number of fields in the result set:
$announcements_stmt->bind_result($announcements_id, $announcements_user_id, $announcements_messages, $announcements_date, $announcements_username);
The easy way around this is to always specify the fields in the SELECT statement (just an example):
SELECT t1.id, t1.user_id, t1.messages, t1.date, t2.username
Instead of:

How to make order history to online shop in php?

1) Just 3 id_penjualan rows were displayed in order history, it should be 4 id_penjualan rows.
2) jumlah and total have same value, it should be different for each other depending on sum of product quantity of each transaction.
Table tb_penjualan:
Table: tb_detail_penjualan:
$query="SELECT tb_penjualan.*, tb_pelanggan.nama_dpn, tb_pelanggan.nama_blk
FROM tb_penjualan LEFT JOIN tb_pelanggan
ON tb_penjualan.id_pelanggan=tb_pelanggan.id_pelanggan
WHERE tb_penjualan.id_pelanggan=:id_pelanggan
AND tb_penjualan.checkout='yes' ORDER BY id_penjualan";
$query2="SELECT SUM(subtotal) AS total, SUM(jumlah) as total_jml
FROM tb_detail_penjualan
WHERE id_penjualan=:id_penjualan";
<td><?php echo $no++;?></td>
<td> <?php echo $row['id_penjualan'] ;?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['nama_dpn'] ;?> <?php echo $row['nama_blk'] ;?> </td>
<td><?php echo date('d F y', strtotime($row['tanggal_blj'])); ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row2['total_jml']; ?></td>
<td> <?php $harga = $row2['total'] ?> <?php echo "Rp. " .number_format($harga, 0, ',', '.');?></td>
<td>Rp. </td>
} else { ?>
<p>Order history empty</p>
<?php }?>
You have 2 queries in your code:
$query executed with $stmt
$query2 executed with $stmt2 and you fetch first row in $row2.
Then you have a loop, where you are fetching all rows from $stmt via variable $row. So $row contains each time values from next row of the first query.
But inside the loop you are also outputting information from $row2, which doesn't change (it is still the first row fetched before the loop), so each time it prints the same output.

dynamically generate HTML table from MySQL

I have three mysql tables subjects, examinations, examinfo
ON subject.subjectExamid = exam.examid
ON examination.subjectid = subject.subjectid
Now i would like to generate HTML table indicating scores students get per paper against subject
Student details against each subject score
$examinid = 3;
$subjects = mysqli_query(
SELECT * FROM subjects
WHERE examid = '$examinid'
ORDER BY shortname ASC
$content = mysqli_query(
SELECT DISTINCT exam.idcandidate, exam.sex, exam.fname, exam.lname
FROM examinations
AS exam
INNER JOIN examinfo
AS info
ON exam.id_subject = info.idsubject
WHERE info.idexam = '$examinid'
<div id="table_1">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td class="table1tr">#</td>
<td class="table1tr">Candidate</td>
<td class="table1tr">ID</td>
<td class="table1tr">Sex</td>
// output subjects
while($subRow = mysqli_fetch_array($subjects)){
$arbv = strtoupper($subRow['shortname']);
$subjectname = ucwords(strtolower($subRow['subjectname']." - ".$subRow['subjectid'].""));
<td class="table1tr" title="<?php echo $subjectname; ?>">
<?php echo $arbv; ?>
<td class="table1tr">Exam</td>
while($stdnt = mysqli_fetch_array($content)){
$fullname = ucwords(strtolower("$stdnt[lname] $stdnt[fname]"));
$studentid = str_replace(array('/', 'M', 'W', 'S', 'F', '-'), "",$stdnt['idcandidate']);
if($sex = $stdnt['sex'] == Male){
$sex = M;
}else{ $sex = F; }
$id_subject = $stdnt['id_subject'];
$zebra_1 = ($x%2)? 'TableZebra_1': 'TableZebra_2';
<td class="<?Php echo $zebra_1; ?>"><?php echo $count++; ?></td>
<td class="<?Php echo $zebra_1; ?>"><?Php echo $fullname; ?></td>
<td class="<?Php echo $zebra_1; ?>"><?php echo $studentid; ?></td>
<td class="<?Php echo $zebra_1; ?>"><?php echo $sex; ?></td>
<td class="<?Php echo $zebra_1; ?>">
<!-- Problem is here how to output the subject grades $grade -->
My first unsuccessful approach
SELECT score
FROM examinations AS test
INNER JOIN examinfo AS testinfo ON testinfo.idsubject = test.id_subject
WHERE testinfo.idexam
IN (
SELECT idexam
FROM examinfo
WHERE idexam = $examinid
AND test.id_subject = $id_subject AND test.idcandidate = '$studentid'
Then output results - But this falls it shows one student subjects in one cell
<td class="<?Php echo $zebra_1; ?>">Exam</td>
} // loop content
If your solution is not concat(); you may first
follow the simple steps
1 loop $contents // to get info such as studentid
2 inside the loop of $contents loop $subjects // to get all subjects including subjectids
3 inside $subject loop, loop examinations table where studentid = '$studentid' AND subjectid = '$subjectid'
if step three return null echo empty cell otherwise echo cell with score
I have no time to test this, but you may follow the steps and it will work otherwise try google search

grouping class names together in my CMS php

I am done with a CMS school system which i created from scratch for practice in php. My question is for example I have Accounting 101, Computer Science 101, however there must multiple times for Accounting 101. For example: Ticket 1035, 1036 are both Accounting 101 and they should appear in the same table, but in my code it shows them in different classes. Here is my code.
$category = $_GET['id'];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM classes WHERE category_id = " . $category;
$query2 = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_object($query2))
<center><h3><?php echo $row->class_name . '-' . $row->units; ?> </h3></center>
<table border ="0" wdith="100%">
<strong>Description: </strong>
<?php echo $row->class_description; ?>
<table border="1" width="44%">
<td width="60"><b>Ticket</b> </td>
<td width="123"><b>Days</b></td>
<td width="120"><b>Hours</b></td>
<td width="64"><b>Room</b></td>
<td width="60"> <?php echo $row->ticket; ?> </td>
<td width="123"><?php echo $row->days; ?></td>
<td width="120"><?php echo $row->start_hours . $row->time_format . '-' . $row->end_hours . $row->time_format2 ; ?> </td>
<td width="64"> <?php echo $row->room_number; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row->instructor_name; ?></td>
}//end while
}//end if
Its showing Accounting 101 with different tickets in different tables, but it should be all in 1 table. Thanks.
You need a double loop if you're trying to get records inside of records. For example:
while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_object($query1))
echo $row1->ParentName;
$query2 = 'select * from `mytable` where `myForeignKey` = ' . $row1->ParentId;
while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_object($query2))
echo $row2->ChildName;
You could also do a left join. Let me know if you need a sample of that.
The left join would be done like this:
$sql = "select * from `classes` as a where category_id = '{$category}' left join `tickets` as b on a.id = b.class_id"
Ref. http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_join_left.asp
