I used the following function:
function update_value($table, $field, $value, $type, $where1, $value1, $where2=NULL, $value2=NULL, $where3=NULL, $value3=NULL) {
$rows = array();
global $conn;
$value1 = "'" . $value1 . "'";
$sql = "UPDATE $table SET $field =? WHERE $where1 = $value1";
$bind1 = "'" . "$type" . "'";
if ($where2 != NULL) {
$value2 = "'" . $value2 . "'";
$sql .= " AND $where2 = $value2";
if ($where3 != NULL) {
$value3 = "'" . $value3 . "'";
$sql .= " AND $where3 = $value3";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bind_param($type, $value);
...to update the username field of a table (making sure it's a string before updating via the above function). I tried updating with a string followed by an underscore but when it showed up in the table the underscore had disappeared.
I'm new to binding parameters, is there certain things it strips out? If so I'd like to know exactly what so I can use preg_match to catch them before it updates and alert the users.
The way you manipulate with data is very dangerous.
But just to fix some potential issues keeping your logic you should surround all potential table and column names with backticks and prepare values with mysqli_real_escape_string():
$val1 = "'" . mysqli_real_escape_string($value1) . "'";
$sql = "UPDATE `$table` SET `$field` = ? WHERE `$where1` = $val1";
if (!empty($where2)) {
$value2 = "'" . mysqli_real_escape_string($value2) . "'";
$sql .= " AND `$where2` = $value2";
if (!empty($where3)) {
$value3 = "'" . mysqli_real_escape_string($value3) . "'";
$sql .= " AND `$where3` = $value3";
I`m stuck for some time to fix this trouble. I followed this article https://www.sitepoint.com/creating-a-scrud-system-using-jquery-json-and-datatables/
to create SCRUD System. But I stuck when I need to add a new record to PostgreSQL.
The working MySQL part of the code is:
$db_server = 'localhost';
$db_username = 'root';
$db_password = '123456';
$db_name = 'test';
$db_connection = mysqli_connect($db_server, $db_username, $db_password, $db_name);
$query = "INSERT INTO it_companies SET ";
if (isset($_GET['rank'])) { $query .= "rank = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db_connection, $_GET['rank']) . "', "; }
if (isset($_GET['company_name'])) { $query .= "company_name = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db_connection, $_GET['company_name']) . "', "; }
if (isset($_GET['industries'])) { $query .= "industries = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db_connection, $_GET['industries']) . "', "; }
if (isset($_GET['revenue'])) { $query .= "revenue = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db_connection, $_GET['revenue']) . "', "; }
if (isset($_GET['fiscal_year'])) { $query .= "fiscal_year = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db_connection, $_GET['fiscal_year']) . "', "; }
if (isset($_GET['employees'])) { $query .= "employees = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db_connection, $_GET['employees']) . "', "; }
if (isset($_GET['market_cap'])) { $query .= "market_cap = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db_connection, $_GET['market_cap']) . "', "; }
if (isset($_GET['headquarters'])) { $query .= "headquarters = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db_connection, $_GET['headquarters']) . "'"; }
$query = mysqli_query($db_connection, $query);
I managed to write this and it fails to work for PostgreSQL:
$conn_string = "dbname=test user=postgres password=123456";
$query = "INSERT INTO it_companies VALUES ";
if (isset($_GET['rank'])) { $query .= "('" . pg_escape_string($db_connection, $_GET['rank']) . "', "; }
if (isset($_GET['company_name'])) { $query .= "'" . pg_escape_string($db_connection, $_GET['company_name']) . "', "; }
if (isset($_GET['industries'])) { $query .= "'" . pg_escape_string($db_connection, $_GET['industries']) . "', "; }
if (isset($_GET['revenue'])) { $query .= "'" . pg_escape_string($db_connection, $_GET['revenue']) . "', "; }
if (isset($_GET['fiscal_year'])) { $query .= "'" . pg_escape_string($db_connection, $_GET['fiscal_year']) . "', "; }
if (isset($_GET['employees'])) { $query .= "'" . pg_escape_string($db_connection, $_GET['employees']) . "', "; }
if (isset($_GET['market_cap'])) { $query .= "'" . pg_escape_string($db_connection, $_GET['market_cap']) . "', "; }
if (isset($_GET['headquarters'])) { $query .= "'" . pg_escape_string($db_connection, $_GET['headquarters']) . "');"; }
$query = pg_query($db_connection, $query);
The message I gets from the system is: "Add request failed: parsererror"
The Edit and remove functions are working well.
I follow to build this clause from the PGSQL site example:
('UA502', 'Bananas', 105, '1971-07-13', 'Comedy', '82 minutes');
Any what I`m doing wrong? Thanks!
The echo of the query and the error was the id column. In Mysql code there was no problem with the ID colum. Why when i use pgsql it does?:
INSERT INTO it_companies (rank,company_name,industries,revenue,fiscal_year,employees,market_cap,headquarters)
VALUES ('1', 'asd', 'asd', '1', '2000', '2', '3', 'asdf');
Warning: pg_query(): Query failed: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "it_companies_pkey" DETAIL: Key (company_id)=(2) already exists. in C:\WEB\Apache24\htdocs\datatableeditor\data.php on line 121
{"result":"error","message":"query error"
The working code with one bug:
$query = "INSERT INTO it_companies (rank,company_name,industries,revenue,fiscal_year,employees,market_cap,headquarters) VALUES ";
if (isset($_GET['rank'])) { $query .= "('" . $_GET['rank'] . "', "; }
if (isset($_GET['company_name'])) { $query .= "'" . $_GET['company_name'] . "', "; }
if (isset($_GET['industries'])) { $query .= "'" . $_GET['industries'] . "', "; }
if (isset($_GET['revenue'])) { $query .= "'" . $_GET['revenue'] . "', "; }
if (isset($_GET['fiscal_year'])) { $query .= "'" . $_GET['fiscal_year'] . "', "; }
if (isset($_GET['employees'])) { $query .= "'" . $_GET['employees'] . "', "; }
if (isset($_GET['market_cap'])) { $query .= "'" . $_GET['market_cap'] . "', "; }
if (isset($_GET['headquarters'])) { $query .= "'" . $_GET['headquarters'] . "') RETURNING company_id;"; }
echo $query;
After this query, the message "Add request failed: parsererror" is still there. But after a manual refresh of the page, the new data is saved. Any idea why this message apears and not loading the data automatically?
UPDATE 3 - Success
I forgot to remove echo $query; from the code causing the error message.
All works now. Thanks for the help to all! :)
You need a little more work in your query string building.
You only add the open parenthesis ( if rank is present
You only add the closing parenthesis ) if headquarters is present.
Also you need specify what field column get which value, otherwise you end with headquarter name into the fiscal_year field. If columns are not specified the values are add it on the same order as define on the table.
INSERT INTO TABLE_NAME (column1, column2, column3,...columnN)
VALUES (value1, value2, value3,...valueN);
And as other have comment check the $query to see what you have.
Whenever I implement this code, I no longer get an error while using a single quote, but the hexstring get's written to the database instead of being converted back to the original characters.
function mssql_escape($data) {
return $data;
$unpacked = unpack('H*hex', $data);
return '0x' . $unpacked['hex'];
INSERT INTO sometable (somecolumn)
VALUES (' . mssql_escape($somevalue) . ')
This is what I'm trying to do. $suggestTest is the variable I'm using the escape function on.
$nomDept = $_POST['nomDept'];
$subSupervisor = $_POST['subSupervisor'];
$suggestion = $_POST['suggestion'];
$suggestTest = mssql_escape($suggestion);
if ($subSupervisor == "Yes") {
$query = "INSERT INTO dbo.emp_recog (nomDept, nomSuggestion, subSupervisor) VALUES (";
$query .= "'" . $nomDept . "', ";
$query .= "'" . $suggestTest . "', ";
$query .= "'" . $subSupervisor . "');";
$res = mssql_query($query);
I've also tried omitting the single quotes around the variable like so
if ($subSupervisor == "Yes") {
$query = "INSERT INTO dbo.emp_recog (nomDept, nomSuggestion, subSupervisor) VALUES (";
$query .= "'" . $nomDept . "', ";
$query .= $suggestTest ", ";
$query .= "'" . $subSupervisor . "');";
$res = mssql_query($query);
If you use prepare to build your SQL statement, you do not need to escape the variables.
I currently have this query that insert data into SQL server. But as the question can contain special characters that include ' which is single quote, it skips my query and did not insert into database.
Any idea what would work for me to be able to insert single quote data into SQL server database?
Example: Trainer's Performance.
Here's my code for inserting data into database:
$sql_array = array();
foreach ($_POST['question'] as $row => $name) {
$question = $name;
$qnsNo = $_POST['qnsNo'][$row];
$input = $_POST['input'][$row];
$options = $_POST['options'][$row];
$others = $_POST['others'][$row];
$compulsory = isset($_POST['compulsory'][$row]) ? $_POST['compulsory'][$row] : "";
$idQuery = "SELECT max(surveyID) FROM scSurveyForm WHERE createBy = '$createBy' AND writeUp = '$writeUp'";
$idResult = sqlsrv_query($conn, $idQuery);
$rows = sqlsrv_fetch_array($idResult);
$lastID = $rows[0];
$sql_array[] = "('" . $question . "'," . $lastID . ",'" . $qnsNo . "','" . $input . "','" . $options . "','" . $others . "','" . $compulsory . "')";
if (!empty($question)) {
$query_single = "INSERT INTO scFormLayout(question, surveyID, qnsNo, input, options, others, compulsory)
VALUES" . implode(', ', $sql_array);
//echo $query_single.'<br/>';
$status = sqlsrv_query($conn, $query_single);
$sql_array = array();
I originally had this working:
url: http://server/blah.php?FacilityCode=FT
$facilitycode = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["FacilityCode"]);
$sql = "SELECT ..." .
"FROM ..." .
"WHERE ..." .
"AND ('" . $facilitycode . "' = '' OR Facility.FacilityCode = '". $facilitycode . "')";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
But I want to change this so that people can submit multiple values in the query strying somehow, ie: http://server/blah.php?FacilityCode=FT,CC,DD,EE
I tried changing the query to an "IN" clause instead of an "equals" but I'm not sure how to get the ' marks around each element.
Use implode() function for IN (...).
$a = array('AB', 'CD', 'EF', 'ZE');
echo "field IN ('" . implode("', '", $a) . "')";
... will output:
field IN ('AB', 'CD', 'EF', 'ZE')
+escape every option you get.
$facilitycode = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["FacilityCode"]);
foreach ($array as $a){$output.="'$a',";}
If your trying to create a string which looks like this: 'AB', 'CD', 'EF', 'ZE'
Try this before its placed inside the query:
$facilitycode = preg_replace('/([^,]+)/', '\'$1\'', $facilitycode);
I wrote this based on your query, but still I dont get this part of query "AND ('" . $facilitycode . "' = ''", anyway you need to check if $_GET data have "," and if does explode that variable by "," so that you can add an OR clausule for everything that was separated by "," in $_GET data.
After that just form your query by doing a foreach for every element in exploded array like I done below:
$facilitycode = $_GET["FacilityCode"];
$facility_number_chk = strpos($facilitycode, ",");
if ($facility_number_chk > -1) {
$facilitycode = explode(",", $facilitycode);
$sql = "SELECT ..." .
"FROM ..." .
"WHERE ..." .
"AND ('" . $facilitycode . "' = ''";
foreach($facilitycode as $facode) {
$facode = mysql_real_escape_string($facode);
$sql .= " OR Facility.FacilityCode = '". $facode . "'";
$sql .= "')";
else {
$facilitycode = mysql_real_escape_string($facilitycode);
$sql = "SELECT ..." .
"FROM ..." .
"WHERE ..." .
"AND ('" . $facilitycode . "' = '' OR Facility.FacilityCode = '". $facilitycode . "')";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
And if there is only one element in $_GET data just do an else like I done with your regular query.
I ended up using a combination of a few of the answers. Basically I exploded on the ",", then did a foreach to add the ' marks and call escape_string, and then imploded it back.
$facilitycodes = $_GET["FacilityCode"];
if ($facilitycodes == '') {
$additionalfilter = '';
else {
$facilitycodearray = explode(",", $facilitycodes);
foreach($facilitycodearray as &$facilitycode) {
$facilitycode = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($facilitycode) . "'";
$facilitycodesformatted = implode(",", $facilitycodearray);
$additionalfilter = " AND Facility.FacilityCode IN (" . $facilitycodesformatted . ")";
$sql = "SELECT ..." .
"FROM ..." .
"WHERE ..." .
i apologize if the question is wrong. i am a still a newbie and a learner however i would appreciate if someone correct me if i am somewhere wrong.
here in the Class method i am using for Inserting the data into the database
public function insert($table,$col,$value)
if(is_array($col) && is_array($value))
$query = "INSERT INTO ".$table."(" . implode(",",$col) . ") VALUES(" . implode(",",$value) . ")";
$query = "INSERT INTO " . $table . "(" . $col . ") VALUES(". $value . ")";
now here i am determining if the $col and $value is an array if yes then process it.
however i have a problem here since the VALUES in the Insert statement needs to be represnted in the single or double quote format it will not process the query and hence print the error
for example the below code would print the error
$query = "INSERT INTO users(username,email) VALUES(test,test#test.com)";
and the correct format will be
$query = "INSERT INTO users(username,email) VALUES('test','test#test.com')";
now in the col value i would like to add the single quotes to every value in the array for example the $value array which is like this.
$value = array('test','test#test.com');
should give back the value
instead of
how do i achieve it?
$query = "INSERT INTO $table ('" . implode("','",$col) . "')
VALUES ('" . implode("','",$value) . "')";
Make sure that neither $col nor $value is empty.
Right code:
public function insert($table,$col,$value)
if(is_array($col) && is_array($value))
$query = "INSERT INTO ".$table."(" . implode(",",$col) . ") VALUES('" . implode("','",$value) . "')";
$query = "INSERT INTO " . $table . "(" . $col . ") VALUES('". $value . "')";
VALUES(" . implode(",",$value) . ")
VALUES('" . implode("','",$value) . "')
(Your output:)
(New Output:)
you could do this?
$value = array("'test'","'test#test.com'");
You can use array_map() method:
function addQuotes($str)
return "'".$str."'";
$value = array_map("addQuotes", $value);
or follow a Oswald's answer recommendations.