How to install phpcodesniffer engine to work with CodeClimate CLI? - php

I'm just trying to use codeclimate cli to analyze my code locally. I'm using Mac OS X 10.10.3 and, as recommended here, I'm using boot2docker.
Everything good so far. I run codeclimate init to generate .codeclimate.yml file and tweaked it. It looks like this:
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
- "**.php"
- "**.coffee"
- "**.js"
- "**.jsx"
- "**.css"
- node_modules/**/*
- vendor/**/*
- etc/**/*
- .vagrant/**/*
After that I run codeclimate engines:install and this is my output:
Pulling docker images.
WARNING: unknown engine name: phpcodesniffer
Finally, codeclimate engines:list outputs:
Available engines:
- bundler-audit: Patch-level verification for Bundler
- coffeelint: A style checker for CoffeeScript
- csslint: Automated linting of Cascading Stylesheets
- eslint: A JavaScript/JSX linting utility
- gofmt: gofmt
- golint: golint
- govet: govet
- rubocop: A Ruby static code analyzer, based on the community Ruby style guide.
- rubymotion: Rubymotion-specific rubocop checks
- watson: A young Ember Doctor to help you fix your code.
What am I doing wrong? How should I install this engine?
Many thanks in advance

We (Code Climate) just recently released the phpcodesniffer engine, and your local Code Climate CLI version likely needs to be updated to know about it.
I just updated our docs to explain how to run an update:


What are the correct Codeception (Selenium server, chromedriver) troubleshooting procedures for mac/php?

Since there is no official troubleshooting information, it is an uphill struggle for anyone without a more complete knowledge of working with similar systems to install.
I want to address issues specifically for OSX Catalina and the Selenium server/Chromedriver configuration and put them all in one place. I'll also include my problem at the end.
It seems to me that most of the problems revolve around:
An incorrect installation of either Selenium, Codeception or Chromedriver
Conflicting versions of the above (or php?)
Problems with the port the Selenium server runs on
Coding mistakes: typos, old code etc
Lack of knowledge of terminal/java commands
Path problems
Anything I don't know about/my problem
I'll start with the things I have learnt along the way, please help to fill in the gaps or correct anything I state below if you are able.
Incorrect installation
Installing via homebrew seems the most foolproof way.
brew install selenium-server-standalone
brew tap homebrew/cask
brew cask install chromedriver
Then you can run brew doctor to check installation is okay and follow instructions or google issues. More brew commands.
Check conflicting versions
Installed Google Chrome and Chromedriver should be the same version.
Check Chrome by going to "Chrome" at the top left of the app and the "about Google Chrome".
Check Chromedriver by running brew info chromedriver
Port problems
You might have an old server running on a port you're trying to use. Shut it down going to this page in google chrome.
http://localhost:<port number>/selenium-server/driver?cmd=shutDownSeleniumServer
You can specify the port you run Selenium in terminal using the -port flag. Like this
java -jar <location of your server> -port 8090
Then match this in your acceptance.suite.yml config file
url: 'http://localhost:<port number>/wd/hub'
Coding mistakes in config file
The most common ones I've seen is having a slash at the end of the line of code above or not including '/wd/hub'
Formatting is like so:
actor: AcceptanceTester
- WebDriver:
url: '<port number>/wd/hub'
browser: chrome
- \Helper\Acceptance
And to format extensions (automatically run) is like this:
- Codeception\Extension\RunProcess:
- chromedriver
Lack of knowledge of terminal/java commands
Run a codeception test in terminal using
php vendor/bin/codecept run acceptance --steps
You must have first used
cd <location of your code>
I don't know how to go about checking paths are configured correctly. (are they inside config files that point to the other programs?) but I keep seeing hints of them scattered around.
My Issue
From below log, I think that chromedriver is loading and there is something happening in the browser, but it does not load my website. Instead it loads the page below. Help greatly appreciated!
Codeception PHP Testing Framework v4.1.8
Powered by PHPUnit 9.4.2 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Running with seed:
Acceptance Tests (1) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[RunProcess] Starting chromedriver
QuizCest: New user_complete quiz
Signature: QuizCest:newUser_completeQuiz
Test: tests/acceptance/QuizCest.php:newUser_completeQuiz
Scenario --
I am on page "/"
I see "Fragrant"
[RunProcess] Stopping chromedriver
Time: 00:02.653, Memory: 10.00 MB
There was 1 failure:
1) QuizCest: New user_complete quiz
Test tests/acceptance/QuizCest.php:newUser_completeQuiz
Step See "Fragrant"
Fail Failed asserting that on page /wd/hub/static/resource/hub.html
--> Sessions
Create Session | Refresh Sessions
e999201a1381fb966c9d02785c094ae6 | Capabilities | Take Screenshot | Delete Session | Load Script
Mac OS X 10.15.7 | v3.141.59 | re82be7d358
--> contains "Fragrant".
Scenario Steps:
2. $I->see("Fragrant") at tests/acceptance/QuizCest.php:14
1. $I->amOnPage("/") at tests/acceptance/QuizCest.php:13
Png: /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/
Html: /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/
Tests: 1, Assertions: 1, Failures: 1.
My Config file:
actor: AcceptanceTester
- WebDriver:
url: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub'
browser: chrome
- \Helper\Acceptance
- Codeception\Extension\RunProcess:
- chromedriver
step_decorators: ~
This excellent explanatory guide on how Selenium works led to a breakthrough.
I mistakenly thought the url for the WebDriver was the Selenium server url, but it was actually my MAMP url.
So I changed the port in my code to my MAMP url:
- WebDriver:
url: 'http://localhost:8888/wd/hub'
browser: chrome
- \Helper\Acceptance
And voila, a day of work finally complete. Hallelujah! Hope this helps someone else out.

Memcache is required error - symfony on appengine

Created new project with appengine-starter-symfony-project ( and tried to run app/server as follows:
composer run-script server --timeout=0
Error recived:
// Clearing the cache for the dev environment with debug
// false
Memcached >= 2.2.0 is required
Running PHP Version 7.2.8 on Xampp (Win 10) and cant see a php_memcache in ext folder.
Indeed, this is the expected behavior. If you take a look inside of config.yml you will see the following:
class: Memcache
class: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Handler\MemcacheSessionHandler
- "#memcache"
- { prefix: ~, expiretime: ~ }
Basically, you cache is dependent on Memchace. You can either tweak around and switch to some other vendor or install the appropriate DLL.
Hope this helps a bit...

php Codeception not-so-quick start: [PHPUnit\Framework\Exception] Undefined index: ELEMENT

So, I followed the Codeception Quick Start instructions faithfully. I run the first example test using the PhpBrowser...
# Codeception Test Suite Configuration
# [further comments omitted]
actor: AcceptanceTester
- PhpBrowser:
url: 'http://office.localhost/'
browser: 'firefox'
- \Helper\Acceptance
and the test:
class FirstCest
public function frontpageWorks(AcceptanceTester $I)
$I->see('We hope you enjoy it');
and all is well.
Then I change the configuration to this:
actor: AcceptanceTester
- WebDriver:
url: 'http://office.localhost/'
browser: 'firefox'
- \Helper\Acceptance
per the instructions, and I have Selenium installed and up and running, and away we go...
1) FirstCest: Frontpage works
Test tests/acceptance/FirstCest.php:frontpageWorks
[PHPUnit\Framework\Exception] Undefined index: ELEMENT
Scenario Steps:
2. $I->see("InterpretersOffice") at tests/acceptance/FirstCest.php:22
1. $I->amOnPage("/") at tests/acceptance/FirstCest.php:21
#1 /opt/www/court-interpreters-office/vendor/facebook/webdriver/lib/Remote/RemoteWebDriver.php:198
#2 Codeception\Module\WebDriver->see
#3 /opt/www/court-interpreters-office/tests/_support/_generated/AcceptanceTesterActions.php:363
#4 /opt/www/court-interpreters-office/tests/acceptance/FirstCest.php:22
#5 FirstCest->frontpageWorks
Selenium is driving Firefox, the page is loaded, the content that $I want to see() is there, so that ain't the problem. I have poked around in the source a bit, but haven't figured this out. I have tried changing $I->see() to $I->seeInSource() and found that does work, FWIW.
Any thoughts?
The problem is apparently that Facebook's php-webdriver isn't compatible with current Firefox.
These threads discuss the issue in more detail, and php-webdriver issue #469 tracks adding full W3C WebDriver support (which will fix the incompatibility).
A workaround is to add the -enablePassthrough false argument when launching Selenium. For example:
java -Dwebdriver.gecko.driver=./geckodriver -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.8.1.jar -enablePassThrough false
Unfortunately, Selenium removed support for pass through mode in 3.9, so you'll have to use an older version.
Another workaround is to switch to Chrome.
In my case the only solution was:
Install chromedriver in a path that is in $PATH (/usr/bin or /bin)
and using in your test class:
$capabilities = DesiredCapabilities::chrome()
It works with executing Selenium standard way:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.14.0.jar
There are different situations on my Ubuntu ver. 18.x:
The vendor files has been for years, I have to rm the vendor fold and rebuild it with php composer.phar require facebook/webdriver for my PHP library.
The version of selenium-server-standalone-x.jar and chromedriver doesn't match. So download more version and try, finally you will get one pair to work.

How to fail a build on Scrutinizer based on phpcs output?

I've tried configuring Scrutinizer to fail whenever the CodeSniffer analysis returns some errors with no luck.
Here's what I tried so far:
command: './vendor/bin/phpcs ./src --report=checkstyle --report-file=cs-data'
file: 'cs-data'
format: 'php-cs-checkstyle'
- 'phpcs-run'
My tools and build_failure_conditions:
standard: "PSR2"
code_rating: true
duplication: true
- 'issues.label("coding-style").new.exists'
What's missing?
TLDR; It looks like you're not specifying which folders to scan for errors.
Try using the following:
- 'phpcs-run --standard=custom/standard/ruleset.xml --ignore=app/*/*/Test/ app/dir1/ app/dir2/ app/other/folder'
Some things that required clarification for me:
scrutinizer currently does not support failing the phpcs command (similar to phpunit) as that would prevent the issues from being displayed in the UI.
the workaround for that is to set-up a failure condition (which you already did) like for example whether there are coding-style issues, then that would fail the build.
I'm currently using:
- 'issues.label("coding-style").new.exists'
Which makes the inspection look like this
More info about how to set-up failure conditions:

Codeception\Extension\RunProcess not starting processes

Yesterday Codeception introduced new extension which should help with starting/stopping Selenium Server, Chrome Driver, etc (more here). However, even it shows that processes are starting - they're actually not.
class_name: AcceptanceTester
- WebDriver:
browser: chrome
- Yii2:
part: orm
entryScript: index-test.php
cleanup: false
- Codeception\Extension\RunProcess:
- java -jar /home/tajgeer/.executables/bin/selenium-server.jar
- php /home/tajgeer/Repozytoria/Yii2/yii serve
Acceptance Tests (5)
[RunProcess] Starting java -jar /home/tajgeer/.executables/bin/selenium-server.jar
[RunProcess] Starting php /home/tajgeer/Repozytoria/Yii2/yii serve
E AboutCest: Ensure that about works
E ContactCest: Ensure that contact page works
E ContactCest: Contact form can be submitted
E HomeCest: Ensure that home page works
E LoginCest: Ensure that login works
[RunProcess] Stopping php /home/tajgeer/Repozytoria/Yii2/yii serve
[RunProcess] Stopping java -jar /home/tajgeer/.executables/bin/selenium-server.jar
example error:
[ConnectionException] Can't connect to Webdriver at Please make sure that Selenium Server or PhantomJS is running.
I've already tried to set o+x permissions on both execs - didn't change anything. When I'm trying to run both tools by using entered commands - everything works well.
Could anyone point out what am I doing wrong?
Actually... I've solved it on my own. I've forgot about sleep (processes didn't even had a chance to run as tests were very quick). I've changed acceptance.suite.xml to following:
class_name: AcceptanceTester
- WebDriver:
browser: chrome
- Yii2:
part: orm
entryScript: index-test.php
cleanup: false
- Codeception\Extension\RunProcess:
0: java -jar /home/tajgeer/.executables/bin/selenium-server.jar
1: php /home/tajgeer/Repozytoria/Yii2/yii serve
sleep: 5
