Created new project with appengine-starter-symfony-project ( and tried to run app/server as follows:
composer run-script server --timeout=0
Error recived:
// Clearing the cache for the dev environment with debug
// false
Memcached >= 2.2.0 is required
Running PHP Version 7.2.8 on Xampp (Win 10) and cant see a php_memcache in ext folder.
Indeed, this is the expected behavior. If you take a look inside of config.yml you will see the following:
class: Memcache
class: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Handler\MemcacheSessionHandler
- "#memcache"
- { prefix: ~, expiretime: ~ }
Basically, you cache is dependent on Memchace. You can either tweak around and switch to some other vendor or install the appropriate DLL.
Hope this helps a bit...
If you've worked with Laravel and Lando together, you probably know that Lando gives you its own artisan shortcut. So instead of having to run lando php artisan ..., you can run lando artisan ....
However, when I do that, I get this error:
Could not open input file: /app/./../artisan
This forces me to have to run lando php artisan to run any artisan commands, and that does work fine. So far, this is all that's going wrong with my project in Lando. Everything else is running smoothly.
Here's what my lando config looks like:
name: laravel-project
recipe: laravel
php: '7.4'
composer_version: '2.0.12'
database: mysql:8.0
webroot: public
xdebug: true
php: .vscode/php.ini
type: node:14
service: node
service: node
Also, this does look a bit different from Lando's sample config on their website. This is because I was trying to configure xdebug according to their "Using Lando with VSCode" instructions (see Lando rc.2+ version).
Appreciate any help figuring this weird issue out. It's not debilitating, but it does get in the way when I forget the workaround.
Other notes:
"webroot" is set to "public" because that's where the public-facing directory is for a Laravel app. The example Lando config for Laravel has this part wrong and it causes the project root to be visible to the browser.
I got it working. I moved the webroot key back under the top-level config. Not sure what the difference is, but as long as it works... I guess the only thing I really need to specify in the appserver service is the Xdebug settings.
name: laravel-project
recipe: laravel
php: '7.4'
composer_version: '2.0.12'
webroot: public
database: mysql:8.0
xdebug: true
php: .vscode/php.ini
type: node:14
service: node
service: node
I have an installation of Symfony 4.3 and I upgrade it to 4.4.19.
On my old installation Sentry was working well with excluded_exception.
I use it like this on sentry.yaml :
dsn: ""
- App\Exception\BadArgumentException
- App\Exception\BadFilterException
- App\Exception\BadRequestException
But when I upgrade to 4.4.19 symfony logs tells me that excluded_exceptions does not exist.
Sentry get each exception on my project. It works well so I don't understand why it doesn't recognize this option. (I've seen that it was add to sentry on v2.1).
I've tried to do a composer update sentry/sentry-symfony but nothing changes.
On my composer.json I have this on require part :
"sentry/sentry": "^3.1", "sentry/sentry-symfony": "^4.0",
So I don't know what to do now to fix this problem. I must forgot something maybe.
Please check upgrade file for Sentry Symfony 4.0.
According to this file sentry.options.excluded_exceptions configuration option was removed.
To exclude exceptions you must use IgnoreErrorsIntegration service:
- 'Sentry\Integration\IgnoreErrorsIntegration'
- App\Exception\BadArgumentException
- App\Exception\BadFilterException
- App\Exception\BadRequestException
Since there is no official troubleshooting information, it is an uphill struggle for anyone without a more complete knowledge of working with similar systems to install.
I want to address issues specifically for OSX Catalina and the Selenium server/Chromedriver configuration and put them all in one place. I'll also include my problem at the end.
It seems to me that most of the problems revolve around:
An incorrect installation of either Selenium, Codeception or Chromedriver
Conflicting versions of the above (or php?)
Problems with the port the Selenium server runs on
Coding mistakes: typos, old code etc
Lack of knowledge of terminal/java commands
Path problems
Anything I don't know about/my problem
I'll start with the things I have learnt along the way, please help to fill in the gaps or correct anything I state below if you are able.
Incorrect installation
Installing via homebrew seems the most foolproof way.
brew install selenium-server-standalone
brew tap homebrew/cask
brew cask install chromedriver
Then you can run brew doctor to check installation is okay and follow instructions or google issues. More brew commands.
Check conflicting versions
Installed Google Chrome and Chromedriver should be the same version.
Check Chrome by going to "Chrome" at the top left of the app and the "about Google Chrome".
Check Chromedriver by running brew info chromedriver
Port problems
You might have an old server running on a port you're trying to use. Shut it down going to this page in google chrome.
http://localhost:<port number>/selenium-server/driver?cmd=shutDownSeleniumServer
You can specify the port you run Selenium in terminal using the -port flag. Like this
java -jar <location of your server> -port 8090
Then match this in your acceptance.suite.yml config file
url: 'http://localhost:<port number>/wd/hub'
Coding mistakes in config file
The most common ones I've seen is having a slash at the end of the line of code above or not including '/wd/hub'
Formatting is like so:
actor: AcceptanceTester
- WebDriver:
url: '<port number>/wd/hub'
browser: chrome
- \Helper\Acceptance
And to format extensions (automatically run) is like this:
- Codeception\Extension\RunProcess:
- chromedriver
Lack of knowledge of terminal/java commands
Run a codeception test in terminal using
php vendor/bin/codecept run acceptance --steps
You must have first used
cd <location of your code>
I don't know how to go about checking paths are configured correctly. (are they inside config files that point to the other programs?) but I keep seeing hints of them scattered around.
My Issue
From below log, I think that chromedriver is loading and there is something happening in the browser, but it does not load my website. Instead it loads the page below. Help greatly appreciated!
Codeception PHP Testing Framework v4.1.8
Powered by PHPUnit 9.4.2 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Running with seed:
Acceptance Tests (1) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[RunProcess] Starting chromedriver
QuizCest: New user_complete quiz
Signature: QuizCest:newUser_completeQuiz
Test: tests/acceptance/QuizCest.php:newUser_completeQuiz
Scenario --
I am on page "/"
I see "Fragrant"
[RunProcess] Stopping chromedriver
Time: 00:02.653, Memory: 10.00 MB
There was 1 failure:
1) QuizCest: New user_complete quiz
Test tests/acceptance/QuizCest.php:newUser_completeQuiz
Step See "Fragrant"
Fail Failed asserting that on page /wd/hub/static/resource/hub.html
--> Sessions
Create Session | Refresh Sessions
e999201a1381fb966c9d02785c094ae6 | Capabilities | Take Screenshot | Delete Session | Load Script
Mac OS X 10.15.7 | v3.141.59 | re82be7d358
--> contains "Fragrant".
Scenario Steps:
2. $I->see("Fragrant") at tests/acceptance/QuizCest.php:14
1. $I->amOnPage("/") at tests/acceptance/QuizCest.php:13
Png: /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/
Html: /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/
Tests: 1, Assertions: 1, Failures: 1.
My Config file:
actor: AcceptanceTester
- WebDriver:
url: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub'
browser: chrome
- \Helper\Acceptance
- Codeception\Extension\RunProcess:
- chromedriver
step_decorators: ~
This excellent explanatory guide on how Selenium works led to a breakthrough.
I mistakenly thought the url for the WebDriver was the Selenium server url, but it was actually my MAMP url.
So I changed the port in my code to my MAMP url:
- WebDriver:
url: 'http://localhost:8888/wd/hub'
browser: chrome
- \Helper\Acceptance
And voila, a day of work finally complete. Hallelujah! Hope this helps someone else out.
I write you because I have a problem to run my project Symfony 4 DEV environment. Indeed, I have the impression that this one does not turn correctly because:
when I make a modification it is not visible immediately and I usually have to empty the caches to see them
the profiler and the associated "black bar" do not appear and return a 404 (I have the body tags in my base.htm.twig)
he does not see "immediately" the roads that I created
I installed the profiler via the following command composer require profiler --dev and I am in web server (directly on my NDD and my server).
I also have the variable APP_ENV in dev and it shows me well "dev" when I display it directly in a twig via {{app.environment}}
I hope that my explanations are clear enough and that you will be able to help me. thank you in advance
ps: sorry for my English, but I'm on Google Translate ;)
EDIT : I found the solution with the help of someone on Symfony slack ... I did not install the apache-pack bundle which created a .htaccess file in the public folder and manages the rewrites of url ... that's why my roads were not found.
For my defense, I did not see this bundle anywhere in the documentation
The first you have to install symfony/dotenv (dotenv)
In the .env follow this:
If you have not install symfony/dotenv
composer require symfony/dotenv
You can read about this here
Also you have to follow config/packages/dev/web_profiler.yaml:
toolbar: true
intercept_redirects: false
profiler: { only_exceptions: false }
It's not mandatory added APP_ENV=dev to your .env.
In Symfony 4 you can see in public/index.php this
if (!isset($_SERVER['APP_ENV'])) {
if (!class_exists(Dotenv::class)) {
throw new \RuntimeException('APP_ENV environment variable is not defined. You need to define environment variables for configuration or add "symfony/dotenv" as a Composer dependency to load variables from a .env file.');
(new Dotenv())->load(__DIR__.'/../.env');
$env = $_SERVER['APP_ENV'] ?? 'dev';
So if you APP_ENV is empty also you environment use is dev, but it's better use APP_ENV in .env
I'm using GrumPhp to sniff my commit in my symfony project:
Here is my config:
git_dir: .
bin_dir: vendor/bin
config_file: ~
config: sf23
fixers: [psr2, symfony, indentation]
level: psr2
verbose: true
My question is:
Is there a way for Grumphp to automatically run php-cs-fixer when I commiting?
Yes there is!
Since your post is a bit older here is the new updated doc, but you can still use version one!
You could try out this configuration but it's phpcsfixer version2!:
# grumphp.yml
bin_dir: "./vendor/bin"
git_dir: "."
hooks_dir: ~
hooks_preset: local
stop_on_failure: false
ignore_unstaged_changes: false
process_async_limit: 10
process_async_wait: 1000
process_timeout: 60
failed: grumphp-grumpy.txt
succeeded: grumphp-happy.txt
allow_risky: false
cache_file: ~
config: ~
rules: ['#Symfony']
using_cache: true
path_mode: ~
verbose: true
Your config looks fine, what's the output ?
Do you have the cs fixer installed and configured the grumPHP config to the path of your CS fixer?
GrumPHP always run php-cs-fixer with the --dry-run argument and this behavior is not configurable. You can read why here:
But there's a way to automatically run php-cs-fixer: you have to install GrumPHP Extra Tasks and replace phpcsfixer2 with php_cs_auto_fixerv2 in your "grumpphp.yml" file.
Be aware that as of today GrumPHP Extra Tasks is not compatible with the latest version of GrumPHP but up to 0.17.2.